新人教版八年级英语下册Unit 3 Could you please clean your room.Section B 3a-3b教案-教学设计-金牌系列.doc

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1、=【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Section B (3a-3b) Teaching aims(教学目标) 1学会表达自己对孩子是否应该在家做家务的观点。 2. 归纳总结本单元知识并完成 Self Check。 Language points(语言点) 要求掌握以下句式: I think / believe . I agree / disagree . I think it is fair / unfair for children to 2要求掌握以下词组: do the dishes,clean your

2、room,make your bed,fold your clothes,take out the rubbish,sweep the floor Difficulties(难点): 1学会表达自己对孩子是否应该在家做家务的观点。 2. 归纳总结本单元知识 Teaching steps( 教学 步骤) I. Revision and conclusion( 复习和总结) 1. Revision T: Can you remember what we learnt in this unit? Let s look at the PPT and try to review what we have

3、 learnt before. Can you fill in the blanks? ( 1)通过练习复习情态动词。 用情态动词 can, can t , may, must, mustn t , needn t , could 填空。 1. - _ you come and play with us now? - Im afraid I _. I _ do the cooking. I _ come later. 2. - _ we clean the windows today? - No, you _. You _ clean them tomorrow. 3. - _ I watch

4、 TV this evening, Mum? - No, you _. Work _ come first. 4. - _ I come in, please? =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = Yes, please. 5. Excuse me. _ you tell me the way to the cinema? ( 2)归纳总结情态动词的用法。 (老师可以鼓励学生自己对情态动词的用法进行归纳和总结。 ) 教学设计说明: 复习环节是本单元课时中的情态动词的用法进行总结性的复习。首先通过练习进行复习,然后指导学生归纳总结 情态动词的用法,目的是温故而知新。 2. Self Check T

5、: Now you know what chores you can help your parents with at home, please make a list of chores using these verbs. 1. do _ 2. clean _ 3. make _ 4. fold _ 5. sweep _ 6. take out _ T: Look at the six questions here. Are they polite requests or permissions? Write the numbers in the correct places in th

6、e chart. Then have Ss check their answers. T: Very good. Can you use these phrases to make conversations? 教学设计说明 : 本环节是对本单元的总结,对如何描述一些常见的家务活动进行归纳和总结。 Have Ss work in pairs and write a conversation using some of the phrases in Self Check 1 or the polite requests and permissions in Self Check 2. II. B

7、efore writing (Discussion: Work on 3a) T: Do you think children should do some chores at home? Why or why not? Discuss this with a partner and take notes. 3a 教学设计说明:通过讨论复习上节课在 Reading 文章中所了解到的观点, 并发表自己的观点,这是=【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 写前的热身活动,同时也是创设语言使用的情境,激发学生的思维。同时对下一步的写作起到承上启下的作用, . III. While writing 1. Wo

8、rk on 3b T: We know how to show our own opinions about whether kids should help out with chores at home. Now, can you try to write a letter to the Sunday Mail and express your opinion.? If Ss need more support, have them look at Sample 1 before they start writing their own letter. Walk around the cl

9、assroom and offer help to Ss where necessary. 教学设计说明: 此环节对本单元主题的写作进行指导。要求学生使用所学的情态动词和家务活动等相关词汇,运用本单元句型进行写作。表达时尽量使用一些英语中惯用的 、地道的表达方式,正确使用词汇和句型,写出合符逻辑的书面表达 。 IV After writing 1 Assessment(评价 ) T: Have you finished writing the letter? OK, let me invite some of you to share your letters with us. Have so

10、me Ss come up to the front of the class and read out their letters. 教学设计说明: 这个环 节是写作后的展示与评价环节,目的在于让学生勇于展现自我,学会欣赏他人的 劳动成果。 V. Homework T: You have done very well in class today. Now I would like you to do this as your homework. Imagine you will be away on vacation. You are going to write amessage to

11、your friend asking him/her to take care of your house and telling your friend what he/she should do. 教学设计说明: 这个环节是课后写作的一个延伸和拓张。为学生创设真实语境,鼓励他们把课堂所学的知识生活化,提高知识运用能力,学会学以致用。 =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = -别错过哦,对你有用 - 【精品教育资源文库: 】 ? 每一课有大量精品公开课 ppt 课件 ? 优质导学案 ? 精品教案 ? 单元测试题 ? 全国各省市月考、期中期末考试真题 ? 各种复习试卷 ? 中考 高考真题和专项复习资料 ? 各种论文,总结等 ? 音频视频等教学素材 你可以 ? 下载系统提供的有免费资料 ? 上传你的资料赚钱 ? 低价购买精品资料(最低 5 毛 1 份,远远低于国内文库) -别扯了, 我是有底线的哦! -


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