新人教版八年级英语下册Unit 1 What’s the matter.Section B 3a-3b教案-教学设计-金牌系列.doc

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1、=【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = Unit 1: What s the matter? Section B (3a-3b) Teaching aims(教学目标) 1. 总结本单元的疾病与意外伤害的表达,并学会如何给予合适的建议。 2. 综合运用本单元所学知识进行对话表演和写作。 Language points(语言点) 要求掌握以下句式: I hurt myself playing soccer. Are you OK? That doesn t sound good. I don t feel well. Should I ? 要求掌握以下词汇及词组: hurt oneself doing

2、 sth, have a sore leg. Difficult points(难点): 学会运用所学知识进行对话和写作。 Teaching steps( 教学 步骤) I. Review and conclusion( 复习和总结) 1. Review T: Class, can you remember what we learned in this unit? Good, let s look at the slides and try to review what we have learned before. Can you translate the following phras

3、es or sentences into English? 教学设计说明: 复习环 节是本单元课时中的重点词汇和句型 ,对健康问题和意外伤害的处理进行总结性的复习。首先通过复习身体各部分的表达对词汇进行复习,然后指导学生写出身体各部分可能产=【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 生的疾病和意外受害的英文表达。在词汇复习的基础上,重温如何描述健康问题和意外伤害,同时对 health problems 和 accidents 作一个区分。然后要求学生针对不同的情况给出合适的建议。目的是温故而知新。 2. Self check T: Now you know how to deal with health

4、 problems or accidents, please give advice for these people on the screen. T: Very good. Can yo u put these questions and answers in order to make a conversation? 教学设计说明: 本环节是对本单元的总结,对如何讨论健康问题和意外事故、如何给出合适的建议进行归纳和总结。 II. Before writing 1. Pairwork: Being a nurse (Section B, 3a) T: Now you are able to

5、 give advice for some health problems and accidents. Let s play a game called Being a Nurse. Please work in pairs: one student be the patient and describe your health problems or accidents that happened to you; the other students try to diagnose the problems and give advice. You should take notes to

6、 help you. 教学设计说明: 这是写前的热身活动,同时也是创设语言使用的情境,激发学生的思维。同时为后面写作做铺垫。 III. While writing: 1. Work on 3b T: Class, we know how to talk about health problems and accidents as well as how to give advice. Now, can you try to write a conversation between the nurse and the student using your notes from 3a and th

7、e expressions in 3b, and then share your conversation? =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 教学设计说明: 此环节对本单元主题的写作进行指导。要求学生使用所学的 health problems 和accidents 等相关词汇,运用本单元句型 进行对话写作。表达时尽量使用一些英语中惯用的、地道的表达方式,正确使 用词汇和句型,写出合符逻辑的书面表达 。 IV After writing 1 Assessment (评价 ) T: Have you finished writing the conversation? OK, let s inv

8、ite some of you to share your writing with us. 教学设计说明: 这个环节是写作后的展示与评价环节,目的在于让学生勇于展现自我,学会欣赏他人的劳动成果。 V. Homework T: Class, you have done very well. After class, I would like you to write a note. Suppose that your cousin has a sore throat. Please write a note to tell him/her what he/she should do. 教学设计

9、说明: 这个环节是课后写作的一个延伸和拓张。为学生创设真实语境,鼓励他们把课堂所学的知识生活化,提高知识运用能 力,学会学以致用。 -别错过哦,对你有用 - 【精品教育资源文库: 】 ? 每一课有大量精品公开课 ppt 课件 ? 优质导学案 =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = ? 精品教案 ? 单元测试题 ? 全国各省市月考、期中期末考试真题 ? 各种复习试卷 ? 中考 高考真题和专项复习资料 ? 各种论文,总结等 ? 音频视频等教学素材 你可以 ? 下载系统提供的有免费资料 ? 上传你的资料赚钱 ? 低价购买精品 资料(最低 5 毛 1 份,远远低于国内文库) -别扯了, 我是有底线的哦! -


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