Unit 6 Holidays-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-外研剑桥版四年级下册(编号:d0126).zip

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Unit 6 Holidays A story The keyhammonsterQuestion: How many animals are there in the story? What are they? Part 1Part 2Part 3How many animals arethere in the story? There are seven.What are they? Part 1Whose house is this?Its for the rabbit, themouse and the hamster.Part1: Read and choose( )1.What will the hamster and the mouse do? A: They will have a holiday .B: They will go to school.( )2.What will the lion, the hippo, the snake and the fox do? A: They will have breakfast . B: They will go into the house.Part1: Listen and choose( )1.What will the hamster and the mouse do? A: They . B: They will go to school.Ahave a holidaywill( )2.What will the lion, the hippo, the snake and the fox do? A: They will have breakfast . B: They will go into the house.BOK.Lets go!Stop!This is our house.Part 1:Read and actA day laterPart 2Two days laterA day later Three days laterTwo days later Four days laterThree days later Five days laterFour days later Six days laterFive days later Six days later A laterweekHome, sweet home.A week later the mouse and the hamster come home.having a bathwatching TVplaying table tenniswashing the dishesin the living roomin the bedroomin the kitchenin the bathroomRead and matchPart 2 Repeat(复述复述) A week later the mouse and the hamster come home.But they cant go into the house.What do they see?But they cant go into the house.What do they see?But they cant go into the house.A week later the mouse and the hamster come home.But they cant go into the house.What do they see?What can we do?Help! Help!Whos knocking?Ive got an idea.The big crocodile.Part 3 a chantWhat can we do?Ive got an idea.Knock! Knock!Knock, knock, knock!Whos knocking?The big crocodile?Help! help! Help, help, help!OK. Lets go!Stop! This is our house.What do they see?A week later the mouse and theWhat can we do?Ive got an idea.Whos knocking?The big crocodile.Help! Help!1231hamster come home.Have a niceHoliday!Bye. Dont worry and face it happily. 不要慌张,快乐地面对困难。不要慌张,快乐地面对困难。四年级英语口语教案四年级英语口语教案第第1515课时课时授课教师授课教师LecturerLecturer授课班级授课班级LearnersLearners授课日期授课日期DateDate ofof TeachingTeaching教具准备教具准备 TeachingTeaching AidsAids 四(四(1 1) 第第1515周周 PPTPPT、动物头、动物头饰、饰、房子图片一张房子图片一张教学目标教学目标 Teaching Targets教学内容教学内容TeachingTeaching ContentsContents功能目标功能目标FunctionalFunctional TargetsTargets语言目标语言目标LanguageLanguage TargetsTargets情感目标情感目标EmotionalEmotional TargetsTargetsA story - The monster 1.能听、说、认读单词:monster、 bedroom、bathroom、living room、have a bath、 kitchen、 wash dishes。2.能理解、认读故事。3.能表演故事或转述故事。能让学生结合自己的语言水平,利用不同的表达方式来输出故事中的语言。能让学生从故事中体会到,勇敢、乐观地面对一切困难,以智取胜。教学过程教学过程 Teaching ProcedurePre-taskPre-task ActivitiesActivitiesStepStep 1 1Free talk:和学生谈论一下动物。T:Do you like animals? What do you like? Why do you like it? 以这三个问题牵引,激活学生关于动物类的单词、句型的储备。StepStep 2 2PPT:出示一个怪兽的剪影,让学生猜 What is it? 同时追问2个单词 Is it a monkey? Is it a hamster? 通过着个单词的引入,让学生拼出 mon-ster-monster 这个单词,揭示今天故事的主题。StepStep 3 3在听故事之前,布置听前的任务:How many animals are there in the story? What are they? 让学生带着目的去听,学会在听中抓取关键信息。While-taskWhile-task ActivitiesActivitiesStepStep 1 1学生在整体感知故事之后,找出故事中出现的动物。认读相关动物单词,同时教师可追问:Are they friends? Who are friends? 由此引出第一部分故事的学习。StepStep 2 2 再听一遍第一部分故事(Picture1-3),在这一部分中所有的动物都出现在故事里。引导学生关注语音语调,并用问题:Whose house is it? 让学生去发现故事中的动物们谁是朋友?并利用黑板上的房子图片,学习“Home, sweet home.”体会它的含义。再用2道选择题,帮助学生去理解这部分故事里的语言点:Have a nice holiday! Stop! This is our house.StepStep 3 3学生跟读第一部分故事。让学生注意角色的语音语调,分组进行 Role Play。学生在小组排演中,再次认读故事,并学习运用不同的语调去表现故事中不同动物的个性特征。请1-2个小组到讲台前来进行表演,头戴教师准备的动物头饰。 StepStep 4 4 T:The other animals go into the rabbits house. What happened next? 教师用 PPT 的显示来带领学生数日子:A day later. Two days later. Three days , 当学生数到第七天时,引出 A week later。教师开始引导学生在第二部分故事(Picture4-6)的学习中,尝试复述故事。T:A week later the mouse and the hamster come home. They cant go into the house. What do they see from the window? 课件中出示四扇门的图片:Whats behind the door? Lets knock! 在讲故事中,自然引出单词 knock 的学习,为后面的故事理解打下基础。操练单词 knock,并配以动作在黑板上“房子”图片的门上敲。Lets open the door. 翻过图片,出现房子的剖面图,进而学习房间单词:bedroom、living room、bathroom、kitchen StepStep 5 5T: Who is in it? What is he / are they doing? 此部分,可让学生再听故事,抓取关键信息 In the bathroom, a hippo is having a bath. In the bedroom, a lion is watching TV. In the , 请学生随图片跟读这一部分,熟练重难点句型。对于核心的词组,教师予以正音,并开展口腔操练。随后用连线的方式,进行在没有图片的提示下进一步巩固重点句型的熟练。StepStep 6 6PPT 出示整个的第二部分故事图片,开展小组活动,鼓励学生在组内边讲故事边进行表演。请1-2个小组到讲台前来表演。Post-taskPost-task ActivitiesActivitiesStepStep 1 1PPT 出示第三部分的故事。在此之前,可让学生自由讨论:If you are the mouse and the hamster, you are too small. What can you do? 鼓励学生多开口说,甚至可以借助母语。再来看看,故事中的小动物们是怎么做的?再听第三部分故事,并跟读。StepStep 2 2教师出示这一部分改编的 chant,让学生认读:What can we do?Ive got an idea.Knock! Knock!Knock, knock, knock!Whos knocking?The big crocodile?Help! help! Help, help, help!学生通过认读、理解歌谣,进一步了解这一部分的故事。开展小组比赛活动,请2个组比一比谁读的流利,有节奏。StepStep 3 3认读整个故事。StepStep 4 4 让学生挑选自己喜欢的某一部分故事,在小组内进行角色朗读。最后,引导学生说一说:What do you think about this story? 引导学生体悟故事中的道理。反思:反思: 本节课教学目标明确,设计合理,内容童趣,紧紧围绕故事本身展开教学,真正体现了故事课的故事味。基于对故事教学的理解和对本节课的反思,我觉得故事课教学应注意以下几点: 第一,故事主体倒入要有趣,以趣味激发学生的学习兴趣。良好的开端是成功的一半。课堂导入是教学过程中的重要环节,既可以承上启下,又可以温故知新。为了能让学生从一开始就积极地投入到英语学习中,在故事课导入于热身阶段,教师应围绕故事主体营造一种能吸引儿童注意的外语学习氛围,或吟诵歌谣,或播放歌曲,或做个游戏,甚至可以给故事编一个有趣的前因,优先读前活动,激发学生探求故事发展的好奇心,调动学生的参与热情。 第二,故事内容学习要渐进,以任务来保持学生的学习热情。教师在故事教学中可以通过多个任务将学习内容串联起来,环环相扣,循序渐进,关注故事情节,关注文本理解,让学生在完成任务的过程中获得知识与技能,并获得情感体验。比如本课中教师先让学生猜测故事中的动物,谁是朋友?预测故事内容,再让学生观看视频整体感知故事并获取信息,再根据三个故事场景设置不同的任务,之后让学生在不同的部分学习中,采用不同的学习任务,让学生在阅读故事,表演故事的过程中自然而然的习得故事中的重点词汇和句型,学习新的语言点,并体验故事学习的乐趣。 总之,要凸显故事教学的有效性,教师就要以学生为本,从学生已有的水平出发,聚焦故事本身,关注故事的主体,语境和情节,设计有层次的任务,充分关注学生的学习过程和学习体验,发展于提高综合语言运用能力,让学生的思维之花在英语课堂中尽情绽放。
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