Unit 6 Holidays-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版四年级下册(编号:90067).zip

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1、Lets read and choose T or F. ( )1.Lisa is on holiday in Shanghai. ( )2.Matt is visiting his uncle on the farm. ( )3. Liu Lei is visiting his aunt in England. ( )4.Mike and his sister are in London.2.Talk about their Holidays.(两人小组谈论他们的假日。)1)This is Lisa from ( ). She is on holiday in( ).She is visiting ( ). 2)This is Matt from ( ). He is visiting his uncle on the( ). He is ( ) a horse.3)This is Liu Lei from ( ) together with his ( ).Theyre visiting their aunt in ( ).Theyre ( ) in the park.4)This is Mike from ( ) together with his ( ).They are on holiday in ( ).Theyre( ) in the sea .3.Talk about your holidays in groups.(选一个地方,四人小组谈谈自己的假期生活。)Useful sentences:Hi! Were on holiday in . / Were visiting .Look! What is he/she doing? He/she is . What are they doing? They are .Our holiday is . /Were .Word bank:(单词银行)play the guitar, fly a kite, dance, sing, paint, ride a bike,happy,amazing, exciting, wonderful, happy, great, interesting, nice. Unit 6 Holidays 教学反思教学反思 新课程标准中指出,小学英语教学的主要目的是培养学生学习英语的兴趣和初步的英语语感,使其形成正确的语音、语调,初步具备运用所学英语进行交际的能力。而阅读作为一种学习语言的途径,它对学生能否早日达成这个最终目标起着至关重要作用。通过本节课的学习,同学们在理解短文大意的基础上,学习如何谈论他人和自己的假期,教学效果良好。阅读教学分为三个阶段:阅读前(Pre-reading)、阅读中(While-reading)、阅读后(Post-reading)。阅读前,教师可以利用多种活动形式激发学生的兴趣,引导学生积极参与学习活动。首先通过一首自编的 Chant 让学生很快将注意力集中到课堂上,在说 chant 的过程中,学生复习了以前所学的draw,fly a kite 动作单词和短语等。接着师生通过交流 What can we do on summer holiday?这一话题,自然过渡到本课所要谈论的话题 Holidays。在这一过程中学生还灵活的运用到了以前所学的知识,也为本节课后面谈论的话题进行铺垫。在阅读中,教师以课文为载体,创设丰富的语境,引导学生接触和熟悉所学语言。在阅读中,小学的阅读材料生词比较少,而且通常情况下不会影响学生对内容的理解。在学生初读时,教师可以通过简单的问题引导学生整体感知文章内容。初读,学生带着问题 Who are they?Where are they from?找出人物的重要信息 name 和 from。二读根据短文内容判断句子的正误,也就是带着问题,听细节。在听懂细节做出正确判断的过程中,通过短文理解单词 uncle, aunt, visit 和 Hawaii.三读完成课本的练习,找出短文中核心问题的答案。并通过 memory game 针对关键句型进行操练,让学生能够熟练掌握,为后面的灵活运用打下坚实的基础。在阅读后,教师要注重对文本内容的拓展、延伸和运用。在阅读后,教师通过完成表格,理清短文脉络,让学生对短文内容一目了然。然后设计了Lets talk about their holidays.的活动,让学生学习谈论他人假期,并对他人假期谈谈自己的看法,对文本内容进行拓展、延伸。最后让学生四人一个小组,选出自己想要度假的地点,想象并谈论自己度假时正在做些什么,进行情境表演。让学生通过这一活动学会如何谈论自己的假日,灵活运用所学的语言。在教学评价上教师也采取多元评价的方式,一是根据学生的参与开口说的次数进行评价(包括读词,读句,回答问题,这类评价由教师直接给予评价;二是根据学生积极思考的次数评价(包括举手,积极参与讨论,这类评价由小组长评价记录,生生互评,也是考察平时学习表现的一个方面。三是把全班划分为 4 组,每个组有对应颜色的小飞机和目的地,通过各组的表现,看哪一组的小飞机最先到达自己的目的地。多种方式对学生进行评价,对于激发了学生的学习兴趣和学习热情,让一节课有条不紊,生动活泼的开展起到至关重要的作用。由于本节课的设计合理,科学采用阅读课的阅读前(Pre-reading) 、阅读中(While-reading) 、阅读后(Post-reading)的教学模式,在教学中灵活运用多种教学方法,时刻不忘突出学生的主题地位,设计各种形式的活动,给学生搭建平台,让学生充分的运用所学语言。让学习程度不同的学生都在自己的基础上有所提高,学有所获。 Unit 6 HolidaysLets Chant!Summer HolidaySummer HolidayListen and answer:(在课本上圈出关键词。)1.Who are they?2.Where are they from?CanadaListen and answer:(在课本上圈出关键词。)1.Who is she?2.Where is she from?This is from . LisaListen and answer:(在课本上圈出关键词。)1.Who is he?2.Where is he from?the USThis is from . MattListen and answer:(在课本上圈出关键词。)1.Who are they?2.Where are they from?ChinaThis is from together with his . Liu Lei and his brother Listen and answer:(在课本上圈出关键词。)1.Who are they?2.Where are they from?RussiaMike and his sister This is from together with his . Read and choose T or F.( )1.Lisa is on holiday in Shanghai. ( )2.Matt is visiting his uncle on the farm.( )3. Liu Lei is visiting his aunt in England. ( )4.Mike and his sister are in Hawaii. F T F T Beijing the USHawaiiListen again and match.Ask and answer.What is she doing?She is visiting the Great Wall.What is he doing? He is riding a horse.Ask and answer.What are they doing? They are playing football in a park.Ask and answer.What are they doing?They are swimming in the sea. Ask and answer.现在进行时:(the present continuous tense) 1.表示现在正在进行或发生的动作。2.构成:be(am/is/are) +V.ing形式I amHe /She/It isWe/You/They areV.ingWhat is he doing?He is swimming.Lets guess.What is she doing?She is playing the guitar.Lets guess.What are they doing?They are play football.Lets guess.1.This is Lisa from . She is on holiday in . She is visiting . Lets talk about their holidays in pairs.(同桌各选两个互相练习。)Canadathe Great WallBeijing2.This is Matt from . He is visiting his uncle on the . He is a horse.the USfarmriding3.This is Liu Lei from together with his . They are visiting their aunt in . They are in a park. China brotherthe USplaying football4.This is Mike from together with his . Theyre on holiday in . Theyre in the sea. RussiasisterHawaiiswimmingTalk about your holidays in groups.Hawaii in the USChanglong Zoo in GuangzhouDisneyland in Shanghaithe Great Wall in BeijingUseful sentences:(可用句型)Hi!Were on holiday in .Look! What is he/she doing?He/she is . What are they doing?They are .Our holiday is .Word bank:amazing, exciting, wonderful, happy, great, interesting, nice.Have a nice holiday!1 Unit 6 Holiday Part 1 教学内容教学内容 Part 1 教学目标教学目标 1、知识目标知识目标1.The pupils will learn to use: What is he doing? He is riding a horse. What is she doing? She is visiting the Great Wall. What are they doing? They are swimming in the sea.2.The pupils will listen and read the text, then match the pictures.3.The pupils can talk about their holidays.2、能力目标能力目标The pupils will learn to talk about their holidays.3、情感态度、学习策略、文化意识目标、情感态度、学习策略、文化意识目标了解世界各地的一些小朋友的假日如何度过,认识一些国家的风景名胜,激发学生热爱祖国,热爱家乡的情感。教学重难点教学重难点教学重点教学重点1、1.The pupils will learn to use: What is he doing? He is riding a horse. What is she doing? She is visiting the Great Wall. What are they doing? They are swimming in the sea.2.The pupils can understand the text and match the pictures.2、教学难点教学难点 The pupils can talk about their holidays.教具准备教具准备 PPT, Word Cards, Sentences Cards教学过程教学过程(一)复习、热身复习、热身1、Greeting:Hello, boys and girls!22、Lets say a chant.(设计意图:Chant 让学生很快将注意力集中到课堂上,在说 chant 的过程中,学生复习了以前所学的动作单词和短语。 )3、T:Summer holiday is coming. Are you happy? What can we do on summer holiday? S:We can .(设计意图:师生通过交流 What can we do on summer holiday?这一话题,既复习了以往所学知识,又自然引入本课所要谈论的主题 Holidays。 )4、Today well learn Unit 6 Holidays. The pupils will learn to say Holidays.(二)新知呈现与教授1、T: There are four children from all over the world. They talk about their holidays. Task1 Listen and answer: 1)Who are they? 2)Where are they from?Show pictures. (1)T: Who is she? S: She is Lisa.T:Where is she from? S:She is from Canada.Ss: This is Lisa from Canada.(2)T: Who is he? S: He is Matt.T:Where is he from? S:He is from the US.Ss: This is Matt from the US.(3)T: Who is he? S: He is Liu Lei.T:Where is he from? S:He is from China.Ss: This is Liu Lei from China together with his brother .(4)T: Who is he? S: He is Mike.T:Where is he from? S:He is from Russia.The pupils will learn to say Russia.3Ss: This is Mike from Russia together with his sister .(设计意图:初次听读整体感知短文内容,让学生带着问题 Who are they?Whereare they from?边听边在课本上划出重点记号。既培养学生良好的阅读习惯,也为理解文本,回答上述问题扫请障碍。 )2、Task 2 Lets read and choose T or F. ( )1.Lisa is on holiday in Shanghai. ( )2.Matt is visiting his uncle on the farm. ( )3. Liu Lei is visiting his aunt in England. ( )4.Mike and his sister are in Hawaii.(设计意图:二次听读根据短文判断下列句子的正误,也就是带着问题,听细节。在听懂细节做出正确判断的过程中,通过短文理解单词 uncle, aunt, visit和 Hawaii.)3、Task 3 Listen again and match the pictures.(设计意图:三次听读完成课本练习,找出短文中核心问题的答案。)4、Look at the pictures and answer the questions: (1)What is she doing? She is visiting the Great Wall. (2)What is he doing? He is riding a horse. (3)What are they doing? They are playing football in the park. (4)What are they doing? They are swimming in the sea. The pupils will learn to ask and answer the questions. Lets practice.(设计意图:通过师生间和生生之间的互动,让学生学会运用 What is she/he doing? What are they doing?并做出正确的回答。同时通过表格,理清短文脉络,让学生对短文内容一目了然。)45、Lets play a memory game.(设计意图:通过记忆图中人物在做什么这个游戏活动,让学生进一步巩固和熟练运用关键句型 What is she/he doing? What are they doing?及做出相应回答。)(三)新知操练与运用新知操练与运用1、Task 4 Lets talk about their holidays.(1)This is Lisa from . She is on holiday in . She is visiting . (2)This is Matt from . He is visiting his uncle on the . He is a horse.(3)This is Liu Lei from together with his . They are visiting their aunt in . They are in a park.(4)This is Mike from together with his . Theyre on holiday in . Theyre in the sea. The pupils will practice in pairs. Then ask the pupils to talk about their holidays. T: What do you think of their holiday? S: I think their holiday is . (设计意图:让学生通过这一练习,学会谈论他人假期,并对他人假期谈谈自己的看法。)2、Task 5 Talk about your holidays. Show some beautiful places. T: You can choose your favourite places and imagine what you are doing there. Practice in groups.(设计意图:四人一个小组,选出自己想要度假的地点,想象并谈论自己度假时正在做些什么,进行情境表演。让学生通过这一活动学会如何谈论自己的假日。)3. T:I wish you all have a nice summer holiday!(四)(四)教学评价建议教学评价建议5 评价内容:评价内容: 根据学生的参与开口说的次数进行评价(包括读词,读句,回答问题,这类评价由教师直接给予评价) 根据学生积极思考的次数评价(包括举手,积极参与讨论,这类评价由小组长评价记录) 把全班划分为 4 组,每个组有对应颜色的小飞机和目的地,通过各组的表现,看哪一组的小飞机最先到达自己的目的地。评价方法:评价方法:将学生回答问题和读分为 correctlyloudlysay more 三个方面,按小组计分,看看最后哪一组得分最多。(五)(五)板书设计板书设计 Unit6 Holidays G1 G2 G3 G4 What is she doing? What is he doing? What are they doing?NameFromDoingLisaCanadaShe is visiting the Great Wall.Mattthe USHe is riding a horse.Liu LeiChinaThey are playing football in the park.MikeRussiaThey are swimming in the sea.
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