Unit 5 School life-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-外研剑桥版四年级下册(编号:1035f).zip

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课时导学案课时导学案课题课题Unit 5School life课型课型 单词句型课时课时1备课备课教师教师教学目标教学目标1Learn to use: cardigan trousers blouse tie.2Enable the students to grasp the sentences.3To help students establish good habits of study.教学重点教学重点与难点与难点1. Learn to use: cardigan trousers blouse tie.2. Enable the students to grasp the sentences.3. Students can listen the time and say it.教学准备教学准备Word cards pictures ppt教学策略教学策略通过将教学内容从易到难组合,层层递进,符合小学生的认知规律,树立学生学习的自信心。教学设计教学设计教学过程教学过程教学教学环节环节导案导案学案学案教学手段教学手段(云+端+网等教学手段的运用)个人二次个人二次 复备复备(课堂生成及教师应变的预设、学生创新能力的体现)一、一、Step 1 Warming up 1 T: Hello, boys and girls .Lets sing a song .,OK?S: OK.Ss sing and dance .2 Free talkT: Hello, Lisa. How are you?S: Fine. Thank you . And you? T: Im OK. Youre beautiful today. Look at your clothes. I like the colour. Whats this?Sing a songFree talk移动讲台调入 PPT出示课题S: Its a sweater.T: Can you spell the word sweater?S: Yes. S-w-e-a-t-e-r, sweater.T: Thank you. 二、二、Step2 Presentation1 T: She is wearing a yellow sweater. I am wearing a cardigan. Ss: Cardigan. C-a-r-d-i-g-a-n, cardigan.2 T: Im wearing another cloth. Guess, What is it? Im clothes. I have waist. I have two legs. But I have no foot. What am I?Ss: Jeans.T: Yes. And they are trousers. These are jeans. Those are trousers.Ss: Trousers. T-r-o-u-s-e-r-s, trousers.T: Look, in this word ou pronounced au . And in the word blouse ou also pronounced au. Who can read it?S: Blouse.Ss: Blouse. B-l-o-u-s-e, blouse.3 T: Im wearing a red cardigan, a white blouse and black trousers. What about you?S1: Im wearing a yellow sweater, blue jeans and black shoes.T: You look nice in yellow. S1: Thank you.S2:Im wearing a white coat, brown trousers and black shoes.T: You are handsome.S2: Thank you.4 Group workStudents look at the pictures.Listen then read the words.Let the students read the words in groups. 移动讲台调入 PPT展示图片学习单词分小组比赛复习巩固单词互动课堂进行加分三、三、Step3 Practice and consolidation1 T: This is Rose. She going to Lindas birthday party. What can she wear?S1: Shes wearing a red sweater, a grey skirt and black shoes.S2:Shes wearing a yellow dress and black shoes.Group work.T: Look. This is a photo. They are all wearing beautiful clothes. group practice2 T: Its summer . Peter is going to the seaside . What can he wear?S1: He is wearing a white T-shirt, grey shorts and white trainers.S2: He is wearing a yellow T-shirt and green shorts.Group work.T: Look at this photo. They are wearing T- shirt, shorts, and swimsuit.Step 4 Exercise1 Listen .Find Tracey and Chris.2 Find out the words. Write them.四、四、Summary&Homework.移动讲台调入 PPT出示单词、句型适应性作业或研究性作业设计适应性作业或研究性作业设计Read and copy.Review the words.板书设计板书设计Unit 5 School life sweater shoes shirt skirt cardiganblouse tie trousers socks教学教学反思反思1 Read and copy.2 Listen and find where they are. Fill in the letters.英语课时导学案英语课时导学案课题课题Unit 5 School life课型课型单词句型课时课时2备课备课教师教师教学目标教学目标Learn to use: Im wearing Hes wearing Shes wearing.Enable the students to grasp the sentences.To help students establish good habits of study.Students can understand the time and say it.Learn to use: Im wearing Hes wearing Shes wearing.Students can understand the time and say it.教学重点教学重点与难点与难点Enable the students to grasp the sentences.Learn to use: Im wearing Hes wearing Shes wearing.教学准备教学准备PPT、音频、图片教学策略教学策略通过视听、听力、句型接龙游戏等一系列的活动方式,以小组合作和完成任务的方式进行学习。教学设计教学设计教学过程教学过程教学教学环节环节导案导案学案学案教学手段教学手段(云+端+网等教学手段的运用)个人二次个人二次 复备复备(课堂生成及教师应变的预设、学生创新能力的体现)一、一、Step 1 Warming up 1.Daily report.2.Review.The pupils look at the pictures and say the words: sweater, shoes, skirt, shirt, socks.Step2 Presentation1.Introduce the new Students answer the questions.移动讲台调入 PPT出示课题words.The easiest way to do this is almost certainly to use the clothes that the pupils them selves are wearing. After natively, you can use the flashcards.二、二、2.Practise these words1). Say the words one by one.2). Read out the teacher mouth.3)T: Look at me. Im wearing)Find out the words. Write them.1.Find out the words based on the colour code. Write out the words letters by letters.2.Check in pairs.3.Check together. Students listen and mine the actions. then read together.移动讲台调入 PPT展示图片学习单词、句型三、三、Listen. Find Tracey and Chris.1. Practise to say the sentence: (Tracey) is wearing a (blue skirt).2. The pupils listen to the descriptions of Tracey and Chris on the cassette.Repeat several times.3.Choose the corresponding picturePractice the sentences in groups.移动课堂导入 PPT播放录音,并通过互动讲解、练习随机选人四、四、Summary&Homework.移动讲台调入 PPT出示单词、句型适应性作业或研究性作业设计适应性作业或研究性作业设计1 Read and copy.2 Listen and find where they are. Fill in the letters.板书设计板书设计Unit 5 School life sweater shoes shirt skirt cardiganblouse tie trousers socks教学教学反思反思1、课堂现状:、课堂现状:师生活动占比师生活动占比关注学生占比关注学生占比学生主动参与学生主动参与占比占比学生学习兴趣学生学习兴趣课堂氛围课堂氛围师 25%,生 75%( )100%( )100% ( )浓厚( )活跃( )师 50%,生 50%( )50%以上( )50%以上 ( )较浓厚( )较活跃( )师 75%,生 25%( )50%以下( )50%以下 ( )不强( )沉闷( )我的课堂现状2、教学反思、教学反思英语课时导学案英语课时导学案课题课题Unit 5 School life课型课型 对话课时课时3备课备课教师教师教学目标教学目标Learn to use: Have you got your school uniform? Yes. A.Enable the students to grasp the sentences.To help students establish good habits of study.Learn to use: Have you got your school uniform? Yes. A.教学重点教学重点与难点与难点Enable the students to grasp and use the sentences.教学准备教学准备PPT、音频、图片教学策略教学策略通过视听、听力、游戏等活动方式,以小组合作和完成任务的方式进行学习。教学设计教学设计教学过程教学过程教学教学环节环节导案导案学案学案教学手段教学手段(云+端+网等教学手段的运用)个人二次个人二次 复备复备(课堂生成及教师应变的预设、学生创新能力的体现)一、一、Step 1 Warming up 1.Daily report.2.Review.The pupils look at the pictures and say the words: sweater, shoes, skirt, shirt, socks.Small talks.移动讲台调入 PPT出示课题二、二、Step2 Presentation1.Introduce the new words.The easiest way to do this Students listen and mine the actions. then read together.移动讲台调入 PPT展示图片学习单词、句型is almost certainly to use the clothes that the pupils themselves are wearing. After natively, you can use the flashcards.2.Practise these words1)T: Look at me. Im wearing What are you wearing?2)Show some pictures of the school uniform .Then talk about them.3) Talk about the students school uniform. Learn to use: Have you got your school uniform? Listen , mime , practice, check.3.Listen and complete the dialogue.4.Check in pairs.5.Check together.6.Read the dialogue together.三、7.Practice in groups.8. Complete the dialogue.9.Read it together.Practicing通过 PPT播放录音,并通过互动课堂讲解四、Summary&Homework.移动讲台调入 PPT出示单词、句型适应性作业或研究性作业设计1 Read and copy.2 Complete the dialogue.板书设计板书设计Unit 5 School life sweater shoes shirt skirt cardiganblouse tie trousers Have you got your school uniform?Yes. A 教学教学反思反思1、课堂现状:、课堂现状:师生活动占比师生活动占比关注学生占比关注学生占比学生主动参与学生主动参与占比占比学生学习兴趣学生学习兴趣课堂氛围课堂氛围师 25%,生 75%( )100%( )100% ( )浓厚( )活跃( )师 50%,生 50%( )50%以上( )50%以上 ( )较浓厚( )较活跃( )师 75%,生 25%( )50%以下( )50%以下 ( )不强( )沉闷( )我的课堂现状2、教学反思、教学反思英语课时导学案英语课时导学案课题课题Unit 5 School life课型课型故事课时课时4备课备课教师教师教学目标教学目标1. The pupils can read the text .教学重点教学重点与难点与难点2. Consolidate the sentences : There is / are in / on / under / behind / in front of .3. Describe the classroom and their real classroom 教学准备教学准备课件、音频、图片教学策略教学策略通过音频、视频等整体感知故事,通过表演故事、创编故事结尾来,培养学生的通过音频、视频等整体感知故事,通过表演故事、创编故事结尾来,培养学生的英语表达能力。英语表达能力。教学设计教学设计教学过程教学过程教学教学环节环节导案导案学案学案教学手段教学手段(云+端+网等教学手段的运用)个人二次个人二次 复备复备(课堂生成及教师应变的预设、学生创新能力的体现)一、一、Step 1 Warming up 1.Daily report.2.Review.The pupils look at the pictures and say the words: sweater, shoes, skirt, shirt, socks.3. Ask the pupils to describe a child in your classroom and the rest of the class has to guess who it is.Review the words and sentences.Motivate the interests.移动讲台调入 PPT出示课题二、二、Step 2 Presentation and practice .Talk about Chinese letters.1.Ask the pupils to say something about how they write Chinese letters.Review letters and words.移动讲台调入 PPT播放音频,学生跟读2.The pupils look at the letters on page 29 -30 carefully. Then talk about the difference between the Chinese letters and the English letters.Step 3 Presentation and practise .Read the English letters.1.Ask the pupils to read the letters carefully2. “Whats the childrens names?” who wrote the letters?3.What they write about?4.Read the sentences about their uniforms.三、三、Step 4 Production:Match the letters with the photos.1.Read the letters carefully again. Then match each letter with the photograph of the child who wrote it .2.Ask the pupils to read out their answers.3.Read the letters.Students practise in groups.Step 5 Ending(Task)三 Summary.四、四、Summary&Homework.适应性作业或研究性作业设计适应性作业或研究性作业设计1 Read and copy.2 Write a letter.板书设计板书设计Unit 5 School life sweater shoes shirt skirt cardiganblouse tie trousers The girl in photo 3 is _. 教学教学反思反思1、课堂现状:、课堂现状:师生活动占比师生活动占比关注学生占比关注学生占比学生主动参与学生主动参与占比占比学生学习兴趣学生学习兴趣课堂氛围课堂氛围师 25%,生 75%( )100%( )100% ( )浓厚( )活跃( )师 50%,生 50%( )50%以上( )50%以上 ( )较浓厚( )较活跃( )师 75%,生 25%( )50%以下( )50%以下 ( )不强( )沉闷( )我的课堂现状2、教学反思、教学反思Unit 5 School lifeWhere are you from?Which class are you in?How many boys are there in your class?Who is your English teacher?What do you like best in your English classes?the chantsthe storiesbest. I likethe songsthe gamesToby the tiger . CarlosBeijingRomeWashington意大利意大利NameCitySchoolClassTeacherLike bestCarlos Rome boys girls AntonySchool51115Mrs BushLisheheNameCitySchoolClassTeacherLike bestCarlos Rome boys girls AntonySchool51115Mrs BushclasseslessonsNameCitySchoolClassTeacherLike bestCarlos Rome boys girls AntonySchool51115Mrs Bushthe songsToby the tiger He is Carlos. He _ from Rome. He _at Antony School. He _in Class _. There _26children in the class, _boys and_girls. Mrs Bush is _English teacher. _is very nice. In his English lessons, he _ _and _ best.isstudiesis5are1115hisShelikes the songsToby the tigerstudy studiesIm Jenny .I come from Wuhan . My English teacher is Mr. You.We have 2 English lessons in a week . I like English . In my English lessons, I like Toby the tiger best.Im _.I come from _. My _ teacher is _.We have _ _ lessons in a week.I like _ .In my _ lessons, I like _ best.Design a poster.设计一张自己的设计一张自己的posterUnit3 School 学科:黄年级:五年级备课人:课题:Unit3 School(Part2)课时:2教材解读:英语阅读是理解是吸收书面信息的重要手段。阅读能力的培养与提高,则意味着学生有可能获得更强的可持续发展能力和更多的终身受教育机会。 小学新课程标准学习策略中的二级目标指出:1.对所学知识能主动复习和归纳。2.在词语与相应事物之间建立联想。3.在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考。4.积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。在学生阅读前,运用学生已有的知识结构,为学生创造足够多的机会谈论与语篇的相关内容,使学生通过思考与交谈积累一定的语言素材,对即将要阅读的内容有一定的了解,为获得更好的阅读效果做铺垫。教学内容:Join in Book2 Unit3 School(Part2)教学目标:A. 知识与技能:(1) learn to use: Im in class 5. / My English teacher is Mr /Mrs /Miss (2) Learn to understand: Carlos, Mrs Lopez, She is very nice.(3) Activities and skills: Reading a short text about a girls class./ Write about ones own class.B. 情感与态度:Educate the Ss love their class and their teacher.C. 方法与技能:Can imitate to write a short text.教学重难点:教学重点:Im in class (5) this year. / My English teacher is Mr/Mrs/Miss 教学难点:Mrs. Lopez/ There are 26 children in my class, 11 boys and 15 girls预习作业设计:收集关于学校教室的信息,关于人物和地点的形容词。教学版块学生学习活动教师指导活动设计意图及预设调整 第一板块(情境导学)T: Lets play a guessing game.Please look and guess, where is it.Ss: Its our school.T: Can you tell me something about our school?Lets look at some pictures.T: Where is it?S1:Its. .T: What can you do in this room?S2: I can . .T: Do you like. ?T:How are you today?T: What du you like to do?T: Do you like playing games? 通过简单自然的对话交流进行新课导入,以学生熟悉的日常生活为切入点,进行自由的交谈,放松学生紧张的情绪,迅速提高学生的学习兴趣。通过谈论学校这个话题,与学生交流学校的各个教室,并拓展一定的信息,为后面的教学做好铺垫。从学校的话题逐渐过度到班级的讨论,以交谈的形式激发学生思维,引导学生自然的用英语进行交流。第二板块(合作同构) T:Now, lets listen to a text about this boy, and then, please tell me:1.Whos his English teacher?2.In his English lessons, what does he like best?3.Who is this boy?4.Which class is he in?5.How many children are there in his class?1. Talk.T: How many children are there in your class?T; Who is your English teacher?2. Listen.T: What does he like best in his English lessons?T: What about you? 听力入手,知其大意。用听短文的形式训练学生带着任务倾听的习惯。问题1、2 在听文本的第一遍时解决,并渗透Miss,Mrs.,Mr.这三个称呼的区别与用法,学生在回答问题时就可以轻松的运用开课时通过谈论教授的句型,达到“能够运用所学英语进行表达和交流”的目的。问题 3、4、5 在听文本的第二遍时解决。一来,学生可以用所学句型进行自由交流。二来,学生可通过问题,迅速找出文本的重点信息,降低了学习难度。 第三版块(拓展共生)T:Just now, we talked about your class, and then, lets introduce your school.T: I have some informations for you, you can use these informations write about your school.1. Whats your name? 2. Which school are you in?3. Which class are you in?4. How many people are there in your school?5. Whos your favourite teacher?6. Whats your favourite subject?7. Why?T: Talk about your favourite teacher and your favourite subject.T: In your _ lessons, You like _ _ best. 本课在拓展练习环节,我通过对“ my class”的讨论,过度到“my school”的讨论。针对这个拓展训练,我为学生们设计了一些问题,根据这些问题,我同时也给出了相应的提示图片或文字信息,帮助学生更好的完成文本的编写。对于 6、7 这两个稍难的问题,除了给出提示信息外,我还和学生进行交流对话,引导学生运用正确的句型进行交流,大大降低了他们编写文本的难度,收到较好的教学效果。板书设计: Unit 3 SchoolIm_.Im in _.There are _ children in my class, _ boys and _ girls.My English teacher is _. SheIs very _.In my English lessons, I like _ best.作业设计: Finish your text after class.教学反思:1、提问式交流,激发学生思维。 本节课我通过安静不躁动的提问方式培养学生的思维能力,在进入文本前,用guess 的方式提问:What is it? How do you think of our school? Which class are you in ? 等问题的设计来激发学生的兴趣,从而进入 Talk about our school 环节,进一步将问题层层推进,分别问了:Can you tell me something about our school? What can you do in the reading room? 将文本的内容巧妙地设计在问题中,很自然地进入了文本的学习,让学生在问题中思考和理解文本内容,这样很好地训练了学生的思维能力。2、任务式倾听,训练学生思维。 精彩的提问是诱发学生思维的发动机,能开启学生智慧的大门。在文本的学习过程中,我紧紧抓住文本内容,设计了 Listen and answer 的教学过程,并通过设问:Who is his English teacher? In his English lessons, what does he like best? 引导学生带着问题去听文本内容,阅读文本内容和理解文本内容,从而获得了文本信息。3、创造性思考,拓展学生思维。本课内容是关于班级的,我根据教材和学生实际需要,增添了讨论学校的内容,如功能室名:reading room,science exploration room, dancing room 等,以及如:singing, dancing,reading 等活动名称,此外还加入了大小写规则,称谓用法等内容,丰富了教学内容,提升了教学效果。
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