Unit 6 Holidays-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版四年级下册(编号:02f8d).zip

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教学内容:四下 unit 6, part 1教学目标:1、朗读文本,理解句意; 2、初次接触“现在进行时” ,体会并理解“doing, visiting, riding, playing and swimming”的意义,寻找规律,了解这些词的构成; 3、积极热情地了解并朗读文本呈现的内容,了解假期如何度过才有意义,从而学习计划安排自己的假日。教学重点:朗读文本,理解句意。教学难点:体会并理解现在进行时态。教法学法:阅读三步法;任务驱动法。问题法,发现法,自主体验法,探究实践法,合作法。教学资源:多媒体课件,录音机,评价工具。教学过程:Step、Pre-readingT:What day is it today? Do you like ? How many days are there in a week? What are they? In Unit5,weve talked about “School life”, from Monday to Friday, they are “school life”(学校生活). On Saturday and Sunday, we dont go to school(不上学). And when we finish a term, we can be free for 1 or 2 months in winter or summer. We also dont go to school, because they are “Holidays”(学生词)PPT(引出课题)T: Today lets talk about “Holidays”, OK?Step 、While-readingT: There are so many holidays in a year. Great! But children, can you make a plan for your holiday?(你计划如何度过你的假期呢)T: First, lets read about 4 childrens holidays. All right? 听录音一次。Can you tell me who the children are? Where are they on holidays? and what are they doing? 精读第一段,收集填写第一个孩子的信息,领读,齐读。以第一段为例,以完成填表格任务的形式精读其他三个孩子信息(其中包含了本课重点语言项目,要让学生们多次朗读接触语言。 )完成任务:listen and match.Step 、Post-readingT: Summer holiday 暑假 will come,I hope you will have a nice holiday! You can visit interesting places 名胜古迹,you can visit your relatives 看亲戚, and you can do sports. You can do anything you like.小结:1、 看板书复述课文;2、 观察红笔,发现什么规律(当我们给一个动词末尾加“ing”就可以表达某人正在做某事,同时别忘了前面还有一个“be 动词:am, is 或 are” )3、 测试:你会填吗?作业:答一答;预习 part2:朗读,问答,思考,学习。英 语四年级下册School life: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fridaywe dont go to school: Saturday Sunday We dont go to school: FebruaryJulyAugust寒假暑假2 0 1 72 0 1 7新年清明节五一节国庆节端午节中秋节holiday节假日,假期Read and complete a form 完成表格加拿大世 界 地 图中国the Great Wall (长城)美国my uncles farm (我叔叔的农场)riding a horsehis brother(他的哥哥)中国美国our aunt (我们的阿姨)playing footballhis sister(他的姐姐)Hawaii夏威夷俄罗斯the sea (大海)Read in roles.分角色读Work in pairs.两人小组分角色朗读,然后交换角色。Match the pictures 标序号Listen and match 听音连线Have a nice holiday! (过一个好假期)加拿大美国俄罗斯夏威夷Retell the text. 看板书复述课文be 动词歌:我是am, (I)你是are, (you)is连着他她它,(he,she,it)复数全用are。 (we,they)你会填吗?1、Lisa在参观天安门:Lisa Tiananmen.2、Liu Lei 和他的哥哥在踢球: Liu Lei and his brother football.3、Mike 和他的姐姐在游泳:Mike and his sister .4、我在骑车:I a bike.isvisitingareplayingareswimmingamriding学一学 playplaying rideriding swimswimmingHomework作业:答一答1.What is Lisa doing?2.What is Matt doing?3.What are LiuLei and his brother doing?4.What are Mike and his sister doing?Goodbye!
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