Unit 6 Holidays-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-外研剑桥版四年级下册(编号:c01d2).zip

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Unit 6 (1) Holidaysa class meeting主题班会Task: to have an English class meeting about our holidays winter holidaysummer holidayStep 1: the beginning of the class meetingStep 2: Teachers holiday sharingStep 3: Friends holiday sharingStep 4: Fun timeStep 5: Your holiday sharingStep 6: Listen to a song: At homeStep 1: the beginning of the class meeting Lets welcome two hosts(主持人)!Boy: Every day, I swim in the sea, with my friend Dee.Girl: Every day, I ride my bike, with my brother Mike.Boy: Every day, I eat dim sum, with my dear Mum.Girl: Every day, I stay at home, talking on the phone.Together: We have happy holidays! What about you? Lets start our class meetingHappy Holidays!Step 2: Teachers holiday sharingStep 2: Teachers holiday sharingI am on holiday in Malaysia(马来西亚).Look,I am walking on the street.I am with my friend.Look, she is flying in the sky.We have a happy holiday!Step 3: Friends holiday sharingLook at this photo. This is my mother.What is she doing?She is riding a bike.Look at this photo. These are my brothers.What are they doing?They are playing football.What is Sallys mother doing?She is riding a bike.What are Sallys brothers doing?They are playing football.Shepaint ising.Look at this photo. What is she doing?Lets look at more photos of our friends.Heplayfootball.isingLook at this photo. What is he doing?They watch TV.areingLook at this photo. What are they doing?She iseat ingpizza.Look at this photo. What is she doing?Look at this photo. What is he doing?He isplaythe guitar.ingThey play table tennis.areingLook at this photo. What are they doing?Step 4: Fun timeLook and guess. What are the children doing?Use phrases from the box . Write sentences.Please open your books to P48, 5a.Step 5: Your holiday sharingStep 5: Your holiday sharingGroup work: Please take out your holiday photos. Share your happy holidays with your classmates.I am on holiday in Malaysia(马来西亚).I am with my family/friends/sisters/brothersLook, I am ing.Word bank(词语仓库):beautiful, good, lovely, nice, wonderful, interesting, great, prettyWeather(天气):warm, hot, cool, cold, sunny, cloudy, windy, snowy, rainy, People(人们): friendly, kind, nice, warm, good, lovelyFeeling(感觉):happy, excited(兴奋), pleasedStep 6: Listen to a song: At homeStep 6: Listen to a song: At homeWe know some of you dont go to travel on holiday.You are staying at home. But you are in company with(陪伴) all of your family ,which is a wonderful moment.So we all have happy holidays!So we all have happy holidays! Our class meeting is over now! Our class meeting is over now!See you next time!See you next time!Thank you!Thank you!Homework:Homework:1.Sing the song : At home1.Sing the song : At home2.Finish 5b ,P48.2.Finish 5b ,P48. UnitUnit 6 6 第第 1 1 课时课时学 法指 导个性化备 课教学内容:Part5a,5b知识与技能:1.能听懂问句 What is he/she doing? What are they doing? 会回答 He is/ She is /They are painting a picture, riding a bike/horse, playing table tennis/football, swimming, eating pizza, watching TV.2.初步了解动词+ing 形式的意思。3.能通过人物的剪影推理出人物正在做什么。4能够正确的填写词组将句子补充完整。过程与方法:以开展英语主题班会为任务,在合作和任务性教学中达到语言练习的目的。教学目 标:情感态度价值观:1.在英语主题班会的情境中,激发学生学习的积极性和开口说英语的欲望,分享自己和他人的假期活动。2. 告诉学生假期就算没有出去旅游,在家陪伴全家人也是一件幸福的事情教学重点:1.能听懂问句 What is he/she doing? What are they doing? 会回答 He is/ She is /They are painting a picture, riding a bike/horse, playing table tennis/football, swimming, eating pizza, watching TV.2. 能够正确的填写词组将句子补充完整。教学难点:运用现在进行时说出词组。教学准备:开展班会的图片,班会小视屏,学生假期照片(每个学生带一至两张) ,主持人串词,At home 歌词打印教学过 程:Step1.Step1. WarmingWarming up.up.1.Greeting. T: Good morning,class. What day is today? Ss:Its Wednesday. T: OK,so two days later, its Friday. And last Friday, I know you had a class meeting,right? (展示中文班会的图片,让学生理解) Ss:Yes. T: I know you talked about your holidays. Lets watch a period of it and recall your wonderful holidays. (播放上次班会的一段视屏,学生正在谈论他们的假期)2.展示中文主题班会的照片,演变到英语主题班会的照片,引出任务 T: Do you want to have a class meeting in English? (Yes) Today, we have a task. We need to have an English class meeting about our holidays.Step2.Step2. Presentation.Presentation.1.讲解 holiday,出示词卡 圈出日历中,寒假暑假的月份,帮助学生理解,齐读,点读2.开展假期英语主题班会(1)主题班会开场,主持人串词(现场邀请一男一女上台当主持人,读开场词)(2)邀请老师分享自己的假期(展示自己的照片,并出示句子)(3)听一听朋友们正在做什么a. 给出一个场景,朋友们正在谈论照片Look at this photo. This is my mother.What is she doing?She is riding a bike.Look at this photo. These are my brothers.What are they doing?They are playing football.b.学生能够听懂问句并回答What is Sallys mother doing? What are Sallys brothers doing?She is riding a bike. They are playing football. c.给出三幅不同的照片,提问并让学生回答,感受现在进行时d.再给出三幅不同的照片,让学生用现在进行时说照片里正在做的事情(4)Fun time 根据图片猜出正在做的动作,用现在进行时词组完成 5a 的句子Step3.PracticeStep3.Practice(5)假期照片分享环节四人小组讨论,分享你的假期照片故事I am on holiday in .I am with my family/friends/sisters/brothersLook, I am ing.Step4.SumStep4.Sum upup(6) listen to a song:At homeT: We know some of you dont go to travel on holiday ,you stay at home. But you are in company with all of your family ,which is a wonderful moment.作业设计:1. sing the song :At home2. 完成 P48,5b板书设 计:holidayI amShe is paintingHe is playing footballThey are watching TV
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