Unit 4 My room-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-外研剑桥版四年级下册(编号:21907).zip

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Hello! Boys and girls. Lets be friends.inonunderbehindin front ofWheres my mouse? Unit 4顺城街小学顺城街小学张学转张学转This is Meiyangyangs roommirrorlampwardrobewarmdresspicturesofa Listen and number : 美羊羊给她的新家添了哪些新美羊羊给她的新家添了哪些新物件,你能按她的叙述,给这物件,你能按她的叙述,给这些物件排排序吧?以小组完成些物件排排序吧?以小组完成。(答题纸一)。(答题纸一) 12345 Listen and number : (part 1a)大家还知道哪些房间事物呢?考大家还知道哪些房间事物呢?考考你。以小组完成。(答题纸二考你。以小组完成。(答题纸二)Meiyangyangs room is clean and tidy(干净整干净整洁)洁).But Lanyangyangs room is at sixes and sevens.(乱乱七八糟)七八糟)This is Lanyangyangs room. Read, judge and correct:大声读一读懒羊羊对自己房间大声读一读懒羊羊对自己房间的介绍吧,的介绍吧, “T T” oror “F F” ? ? 并并帮他改一改吧!。帮他改一改吧!。小组内尽情的交流你们的预习成果吧小组内尽情的交流你们的预习成果吧!There are five chairs in the room.T FThere are three chairs in the room.T FThere is a green T-shirt under the yellow chair. There is a purple and yellow T-shirt on the orange chair. T FThe trainers are under the bed.T FThere is an old clock on the TV. There is an old clock behind the TV. T FThere is a mirror on the table.T FThere is a lamp on the table. There is a lamp under the table. Wheres my book ?Wheres my pencil?Wheres my ruler? Wheres my eraser?小组内尽情的交流你们的预习成果吧!小组内尽情的交流你们的预习成果吧!帮忙找一找,用句型:帮忙找一找,用句型:The is in/on/under/behind the大声告诉懒羊羊吧!(材料三)大声告诉懒羊羊吧!(材料三)We should keep good habits of arranging the things from our childhood.要从小要从小养成认真整理自己养成认真整理自己用品的好习惯哦!用品的好习惯哦!温馨小提示温馨小提示:Homework:Listen and repeat (part 1)第一部分听音,跟读,熟第一部分听音,跟读,熟读。读。Write about “My room”.What s in your room?33页页2a,听音,跟读,理,听音,跟读,理解,加动作模仿。解,加动作模仿。必做预习必做 备课时间备课时间4.204.20 主主 备备 人人主主 备备 人人所在单位所在单位复备时间复备时间 授课教师授课教师 授课教师授课教师所在单位所在单位课课 题题Unit4Unit4 MyMy roomroom课课 型型NewNew 课时分配课时分配 第第 一一 课时课时上课时间上课时间 项项 目目内内 容容修改栏修改栏知知 识识能能 力力1能听、说、读、写房间物品单词 curtain, window, chair, table, sofa,wardrobe, picture,mirror, lamp,clock2.复习方位词:in,on,under,behind,in front of.3.学生能够在日常生活中灵活运用句型:There is /are in my room.Where is /are ? is/are in/on/under/behind/in frontof 过过 程程方方 法法1.情境教学法使学生在实际的情境中使用所学句子及单词。2.采用任务型教学方式以及互动的语言教学,培养学生的自主学习和小组合作的学习能力。教教 学学 目目 标标情情 感感态态 度度价值观价值观1.通过各种英语兴趣活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和信心。2.通过合作学习,培养学生讨论、交流、探究、沟通及参与意识。教学重点教学重点1.学生能听懂、会说有关 room 的单词;2.会用”There be”句型描述自己的房间; 教学难点教学难点会正确运用方位词.教学、教具(课件)教学、教具(课件)准准 备备课件 图片 单词卡 录音 材料板板 书书 设设 计计Unit 4 My roomMirror Where is/are ? 图片 In lamp onwardrobe There is/are under behind in front of sofapicture is/are 教教 学学 流流 程程 教教 学学 环环 节节教教 师师 活活 动动预设学生活动预设学生活动评论或修改评论或修改Step 1. Warming up.StepPresentation1、猜谜,新授课题T: Ive got some beautiful pictures about this class. Look! So today our topic is Unit 4 My room (板书课题)二)情境一二)情境一T:Whos she?At first, lets visit Meiyangyangs room together. Look, Its clean and tidy, very beautiful. But she also wants to 1、A. Greetings.B. Free talk.2、Review1 1)Wheres)Wheres Xiyangyang?Xiyangyang?2)Where2)Where isis mymy mouse?mouse? 一起欣赏图片 动画动画 PPTPPT,营造,营造一种轻松的学习一种轻松的学习氛围氛围, , 学生很自学生很自然地对方位词进然地对方位词进行了复习巩固,行了复习巩固,为新知的学习做为新知的学习做好了铺垫。好了铺垫。 培养孩子们的审美能力 ,自然引出课题 把所学知识融入孩子们感兴趣的情境中,更能调动孩子们的学习积极性教教 学学 流流 程程 教教 学学 环环 节节教教 师师 活活 动动预设学生活动预设学生活动评论或修改评论或修改Buy some new furniture. What does she want to buy?(PPT 逐一出示教学新词)GroupGroup workwork 1:(1:(材料一材料一) )T: What things does Meiyangyang want to buy?GroupGroup workwork 2(2(材料二材料二) )T: What the other things do you know about room?三)情境二三)情境二T:Meiyangyangs room is clean and tidy, but Lanyangyangs room is at sixes and sevens. Look!(随机板书:There is/are (in) .)Lern the new wirds:mirror 开火车读lamp 个别领读wardrobe 个别读,领读,大组比赛读,picture 高低音读sofa 升降调读1) Listen and number the pictures in your group.2) Listen again and check.Call some pupils listen and stick pictures according the tape.3) Call some pupils stick words below the pictures, and read the words together.1) Listen and number the pictures about part 1a.2) Listen and point.(check)Call some pupils listen and point.GroupGroup workwork 3(3(材料三材料三) ):1) Read, judge and correct:2)2) Check. 教师指导发音warm dress不同形式的读,是孩子们不觉得乏味孩子们在贴图帖单词的有趣活动中,不仅帮老师完整了板书,而且考察了孩子们对知识的掌握情况。了解一些学困生对基础单词的掌握情况组内讨论,逐一汇报,纠错情境三:情境三:T:Lanyangyangs room is at sixes and sevens. When he goes to school, he cant find his schoolthings. Lets help him, OK?(随机板书: is/are (in).)四)四)A A chantchant aboutabout lanyangyang.lanyangyang.五)五)Summary.温馨小提示:温馨小提示:六)六)DevelopmentDevelopment andand applicationapplication 七)七)HomeworkHomeworkGroupGroup workwork 4 4 ( (材料四材料四) )Wheres my pencil?Wheres my ruler?Wheres my eraser?Wheres my book?1) work in groups.2) 逐一汇报 The pencil is in a shoe. The ruler is behind the bed. The eraser is on the clock.The book is under the bed.Say the chant in part 3 together.引导句型:1)Look(under the wardrobe)2)Its not there.We should keep good habits of arranging the things from our childhood.1)Lets share a story.(Kitty 猫调皮记)2)Retell the story together.1)Listen, repeat and write the words about part 1,three times.2)Write about “My room”Whats in your room?3) 预习 33 页故事,听音跟读,了解大意。帮助喜洋洋的过程,集知识教学与德育渗透于一体培养孩子们自学与独立探究解决问题的能力,培养孩子们的自信心。集本节课所学重难点单词与句型在一个孩子们感兴趣的故事当中,孩子们积极的对本节课的知识进行了练习运用,老师也了解了孩子们的掌握情况。作业注重孩子们听说读写,预习能力的培养。
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