Unit 3 Animals-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版四年级下册(编号:90f35).zip

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武汉信息技术与学科整合优质课比赛教案武汉信息技术与学科整合优质课比赛教案Magic animal friends课程名称Magic animal friends (基于四年级下册第 4 单元 Animals 第 4 部分学完之后的拓展课。 )授课人学校名称教学对象科目英语课时安排1 课时教学目标:教学目标:1.知识与技能:能使用 It is,It lives,It has got,It can 等句子描述自己的神奇动物朋友;会使用信息手段辅助学习。2.过程与方法:通过互动课堂、希沃白板和 AR 英语等方式,促动学生自主学习英语知识,并学会善用信息技术解决生活中的问题。3.情感态度价值观:培养和发展创新思维;通过互动课堂的小组评分,培养学生团结协作等良好的学习习惯。教学重难点:教学重难点:1.重点:借助网络资源,学习怎样描述动物的外貌,表达居住地和神奇魔力,并根据这三个方面描述自己的神奇动物朋友。2.难点:利用网络媒体资源,创造和设计小组神奇动物朋友,采取小组合作的方式交流展示。信息技术整合点:信息技术整合点:1.猫小智 AR 英语课前拓展动物类单词。2.教育云互动课堂完成练习并实时反馈,掌握学生学习情况第一手数据;云空间推送课前检测,巩固复习本单元所学句型。3.消消乐游戏 PK 检测自学成果,增强课堂趣味。4.教育云互动课内推送拓展资源包,实现课内翻转,拓展学生语言储备。学习过程:学习过程:教师导学教师导学学生活动学生活动媒体资源媒体资源1.歌谣热身,情境导入1.1 Greetings教师自我介绍,熟悉学生,并介绍本节课的评价。1.2 反馈前置性学习的结果.针对性教学。1.3.师生共同打节奏,说唱歌谣,回顾动物词语,同时引出本单元关于动物的话题。通过简单的师生问答熟悉教师。一边说唱歌谣,一边猜最喜欢的动物,营造活泼的课堂氛围。 1.4 创设情境,邀请学生设计出一个神奇动物作为学校的吉祥物。 观看宠物精灵图片,初步感受神奇动物。2.整体感知多样呈现2.1 整体感知好朋友 Sakura对她的神奇朋友的描述,猜一猜 Coco 是什么动物呢?2.2 你想知道 Coco 的什么呢?提示学生可以用 What,Where 等特殊疑问词或者关键信息的词语来提问,并用弹幕显示出来。完整听短文,并回答问题。输入关键信息词语并使用弹幕3.任务引领,分段学习3.1 live(居住地)3.1.1 切入第一段课文的学习,引导学生学习第一方面,居住地,并引导学生选择Coco 的居住地点。3.1.2 拓展思维,展示各样居住地点,为学生后续表达做铺垫。3.1.3 引导学生谈论自己的神奇动物朋友的居住地点。3.1.4 梳理和练读第一段内容。 3.2 Look(外貌)3.2.1 切入文本第二方面的仔细默读第一段课文,找出 Coco的居住地点。积极思考并回答令人脑洞大开的居住场所。 思考并设定自己的动物朋友的居住场所。朗读课文第一方面的内容。学生朗读课文并记忆关键信息。 学习,请学生自读文本,记忆外貌相关信息。3.2.2 请学生推选大组代表进行希沃白板消消乐的游戏。3.2.3 巩固练习关于外貌的描写内容。3.2.4 回扣悬念,解答 coco到底是什么动物。3.2.5 引导学生描述自己的神奇动物的外貌,并加上生动的表演。3.3 can(超能力)3.3.1 学习第三方面的文本,了解如何表述动物的能力。3.3.2 教授“do the magic of” ,学习如何表达超能力的句型,举例魔法生电、火、水。3.3.3 推送超能力资源包,拓展学生词库和表达,促进学生自主学习的能力。3.3.4 推送关于超能力的习题,检测学生自主学习的结果。3.3.5 总结梳理第三方面的两名同学 PK,根据自己记住的关于原文的信息,点击白板上的句子。完成短文填词,形成整体外貌描述。学生朗读文本,熟悉动物外貌描写的框架。小组活动,描述动物外貌,并进行展示。朗读第三方面的文本,找出 coco能做的事情。练习 do the magic of 的超能力表达自主学习超能力的相关表达,并进行练读。在平板上完成连线题,进一步掌握超能力的表达。 内容,并请学生表述最想自己的动物朋友拥有的超能力。掌握关于动物能力的表达框架,并构想和表达自己的神奇动物超能力。4.总结复述拓展创新4.1 整体回顾,根据板书复述短文,鼓励学生说更多 4.2 整体输出,组内讨论magic animal。 可以从居住地,外貌,能力等开始讨论。通过最后得分评选出最佳神奇动物作为我们学校的吉祥物!根据板书复述课文。小组内合作讨论,设计并描述自己的神奇动物,将作品拍照上传互动课堂,并全班展示。小组讨论神奇动物互动课堂计时器互动课堂抢答小组展示互动课堂投票互动课堂计分板Magic animal friendsGuess my animalMy favouriate animalAre you ready?Here we go?Guess my animalMy favouriate animal isLets chant!Our school wants(想要) a magic animal to be the mascot of the school(学校吉祥物). Our school wants(想要) a magic animal to be the mascot of the school(学校吉祥物). Lets try to design(设计) magic animal friends.Then well have a PK!The best(最好的) magic animal friend can be the mascot of our school(学校吉祥物)! SakuraCocoWhat do you want to know about Coco?You can send some questions(You can send some questions(问问句句) and ) and some wordssome words(单词单词 ) on your pad. on your pad.Can you ask?Can you ask?What animal is Coco?What animal is Coco? A.A cat B.A tiger C A lionA.A cat B.A tiger C A lionTask 1 Listen and choose.Task 2 Read and choose.快速默读文章第快速默读文章第1 1段,段,找出相应答案找出相应答案( ) Where does Coco live?( ) Where does Coco live?A A. . In the sky B.In the forest C.In the cardIn the sky B.In the forest C.In the cardIt lives in the card.It lives in the card.It lives .It lives .It lives .It lives .It lives .It lives .It lives .It lives .They live .They live .Where does your magic animal friend live?Where does your magic animal friend live?Lets talk! Hello,everybody!Im Sakura. I have an animal friend.Its name is Coco.It lives in the card.Lets read.Task 3Task 3 1.Read the text loudly1.Read the text loudly(大声地)(大声地). .2.Try to remember2.Try to remember (记忆记忆记忆记忆 ) the look of Coco the look of Coco(CocoCoco的外貌)的外貌). .Read and Read and remember.remember.大声朗读文章第大声朗读文章第2 2段,记忆相关信息。段,记忆相关信息。It is not big.It is very small.Its yellow.It has got two big ears. and two small eyes.It has got two wings and a long tail.What animal is it?Can you guessWhat animal is it?Can you guess?Lets read.Lets read.It looks like a cat,but its not a cat.Its the king of animals.And its not a tiger. What animal is Coco?What animal is Coco? A.A cat B.A tiger C A lionA.A cat B.A tiger C A lionTask 1 Listen and tick.1. 1. Talk about the look of your magic animal friend in your Talk about the look of your magic animal friend in your group.group. Tips: You can use the sentences:Tips: You can use the sentences: It is It is It has got It has got 2. 2. Prepare the show.Prepare the show.3. Two groups PK!3. Two groups PK! Introduce Introduce the of the of your magic animal friend.your magic animal friend. Task Task 4 4: : Lets PK! (Lets PK! (Group work )Group work )介介绍绍你你们组宠们组宠 物精灵的物精灵的 。looklook外型外型Task5Task5 What can Coco do?What can Coco do?Read and answerRead and answer快速默读文章第快速默读文章第3 3段,段,找出相应答案找出相应答案It can do the magic of the sun.It can fly.It can speak.It can play with me. It can do the magic of electricityfirewaterTask5Task5 What can Coco do?What can Coco do?Read and answerRead and answer快速默读文章第快速默读文章第3 3段,段,找出相应答案找出相应答案It can do the magic of the sun.It can fly.It can speak.It can play with me. Lets learn more magic Lets learn more magic abilities!abilities! 1.You have 4 videos1.You have 4 videos( (视频视频视频视频 ) ) on your pad.on your pad.2.Choose2.Choose( (选择选择选择选择 ) ) 1 or 2 videos to watch 1 or 2 videos to watch(观观观观看)看) and learn more magic abilities. and learn more magic abilities.3.Then well do an exercise.3.Then well do an exercise.Lets Lets talktalk What can your magic animal friend What can your magic animal friend do?do?Tips: You can use the sentences:Tips: You can use the sentences: It can It can It can do the magic of It can do the magic of Hello,everybody!Im Sakura. I have an animal friend. Its name is Coco.It lives in the card. It looks like a cat,but its not a cat.It is not big.It is very small.Its yellow.It has got two big ears and two small eyes.It has got two wings and a long tail.Its the king of animals.And its not a tiger. What animal is it? Can you guess? It can do the magic of the sun.It can fly.It can speak.It can play with me. Its cool!I love my magic animal friend.Lets read.1. 1. Talk about your magic animal friend Talk about your magic animal friend in your group.in your group. Tips: You can talk from these part:live,look,can, Tips: You can talk from these part:live,look,can, namename You can say more. You can say more.2. Prepare for the show.2. Prepare for the show.3.Two group PK!3.Two group PK! Introduce your magic animal friend.Introduce your magic animal friend.Task Task 7 7: : Lets PK! (Group work ) Lets PK! (Group work ) 介介绍绍你你们组们组 的的宠宠物精灵。物精灵。Thank you!
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