Unit 3 Animals-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版四年级下册(编号:009d2).zip

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UnitUnit 3 3 AnimalAnimals s1I can read2I can touch3I can listen4I can guess5I can act第一关:I can read.lionlion狮狮子子pigpig猪猪cowcow牛牛hippohippo河河马马foxfox 狐狸狐狸wolfwolf狼狼sheepsheep 羊羊snakesnake 蛇蛇duckduck鸭鸭子子1I can read2I can touch3I can listen4I can guess5I can act第二关:I can touch.规则:选两个同学上台,听老师说出单词,看谁能又快又准摸到正确的图片。下面的同学也用手指一指。1I can read2I can touch3I can listen4I can guess5I can act第三关:I can listen.听书本20页的第一题,根据动物的叫声标好序号。1I can read2I can touch3I can listen4I can guess5I can act第四关:I can guess.规则:根据图片线索猜一猜是什么动物。Its yellow.It can swim.Its a .duckIts small.Its a .lionIt has got four legs.It has a tail(尾巴).Its big.It has got a big nose.It cant swim.It cant fly.Its a .pigIts white.It has got four legs.It eats grass(草).Its a .sheep1I can read2I can touch3I can listen4I can guess5I can act第五关:I can act.小组讨论:选一个同学扮演一个动物,可以是今天新学的动物,也可以是已经学过的动物,再选两个同学对这个动物进行描述,可从身材大小,鼻子眼睛嘴巴大小,颜色,几条腿,会不会游泳,飞等等。班上其他的同学猜一猜是什么动物。1I can read2I can touch3I can listen4I can guess5I can actAnimalsAnimals areare ourour friends.friends. 动动物是我物是我们们的朋友。的朋友。WeWe shouldshould protectprotect themthem!我我们应该们应该保保护它们护它们!Homework:1.熟读新学的新单词。2.搜集有关保护动物的资料,与同学们分享。UnitUnit 3 3 AnimalsAnimals 林菲林菲Teaching Aims:Knowledge & skills:1. 学生能学会掌握动物类单词 lion , pig , cow , hippo , fox , wolf , sheep , snake ,duck 。2. 学生能适当运用 It has got. Its . It can.等句子描述不同的动物。Process & method:1. 利用趣味看看、听听、摸摸,猜猜说说,等系列活动,让学生在观察、联想、判断中掌握词汇、理解句子学会交流。2. 借助趣味的音乐节奏学习韵文,让学生在轻松的听说活动中学说句子。Emotional attitudes and values:1. 利用任务型活动,激发学生寻问与表达动物特征与习性的热情。2.知道保护动物的重要性。Important points:重点是让学生掌握动物类单词,能应用所学句子正确描述动物的特征和习性。Difficult points:难点是让学生能灵活应用所学问句去寻问并回答动物的相关特征与习性的信息。【教学准备】PPT,pictures, listening materials,Teaching contents: Part 1a, 1b &Part 2,【教学流程】Warming-up【教学过程】1. Greetings.2. The teacher shows a toy pig, then ask the students: what is it? Do you like animals?3. Teacher: Today, well do a game about animals. Are you ready?Students: Yes!Procedures1. I can read.Learn new words: : lion,pig,cow,fox,wolf,sheep,hippo,snake,duck Boys read, girls read, groups read,2. I can touch.Touch game: two students compete to touch the pictures as fast as possible.3. I can listen.Listen 1a on page 20, then fill in the numbers.Listen again and check the answers.4. I can guess.Students guess what animals they are based on the tips given by the teacher. There are five animals.5. I can act.Group work: students in the same group have to discuss what kind of animal they will act, choose two students to describe the animals. They can describe about the size of the body, eyes, mouth and so on.summaryWe have won the game!Animals are our friends, we should protect them.Homework1. Write the names of the animals.2. Collect some information about animals protection.board writing UnitUnit 3 3 AnimalsAnimalslion , pig , cow hippo , fox , wolf sheep , snake , duck
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