Unit 1 Time-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-外研剑桥版四年级下册(编号:52d35).zip

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Unit 4 Time一、 圈出你所听到的单词。 1、thirty thirteen 2、forty fourteen 3、fifty fifteen 4、twelve twenty 5、eleven ten二、左右搭配,连线。 1. What time is it? 让我们一起踢足球吧。2. Its twelve twenty . 几点了? 3. Lets play football. 十二点二十了。 4. Its playtime . 你在哪里? 5. Where are you? 游戏时间到了。一、 听录音,选择你听到的字母。 ( )1. A) m B) n C) o D) p ( )2. A) m B) n C) o D) p( )3. A) m B) n C) o D) p( )4. A) m B) n C) o D) p( )5. A) e B) m C) p D) m二、写出每个单词的首字母。 _onkey _irl _ose_range _ark _um_o _oy _each_other _ood _ame 三、根据所给英文句子,选出正确的译文。 ( )1、What time is it?A、几点了? B、十点了?( )2、Lets play football.A 、让我们一起踢足球吧。 B、让我们一起打蓝球吧。( )3、Its playtime .A、游戏时间到了。 B、休息时间到了。 ( )4、Whats her name?.A、她叫什么名字。 B、她是谁?( )5、Its twelve twenty . A、十二点二十了。 B、十点二十了。Unit 4 单元检测一、听音在你听到的字母上打 1. Nn Ff 2. Rr Pp 3. Uu Mm 4. Kk Oo 5. Qq Pp 6. Hh Ii 7. Dd Bb 8. Mm Jj 9. Oo Tt 10.Nn Vv 二、听音选择。 ( )1.A.thirty B.thirteen ( )2.A.too B.zoo ( )3.A.forty B.fourteen ( )4.A.fifty B.fifteen ( )5.A.twelve B.twenty ( )6.A.eleven B.ten三、听音,画时间。 四、请按顺序排列 26 个英文字母,并将其写在下面的四线格里。Bb Ff Zz Gg Hh Aa Xx Dd Jj Oo Yy Cc Ii Kk Nn Pp Qq Ee Ll Mm Tt Rr Uu Ss Vv Ww 五、请你为前面的英文找到正确的回答。( )1. What time is it? A. Yes, I can.( )2. What season is it? B. Its 6:40.( )3. Can you slide? C. Its fall.( )4. Do you like summer? D. Its hot.( )5. Whats the weather like? E. No.六情景交流( )1 你想知道天气怎么样,要问:A.Whats the weather like? B.What season is it?( )2 不知道几点了,你要问: A.What time is it? B.Its time for bed. ( )3.当你想知道别人最喜欢什么季节时,你要问:A.Do you like spring? B.Whats your favourite season?( )4.当你想说自己游泳游得非常好,应用: A.I can climb. B.I can swim very well.( )5 游戏时间到了,我说:A. Its playtime . B. Its play football.Unit 1 TimeBrainstorming (头脑风暴 )点钟点钟一半一半1112几点了?几点了?oclockhalfeleventwelveWhat time is it?Whats the time?A. Find a paper plate. Write the numbers on it.B. Draw two hands. Cut them out.C. Fix them on the plate. Say the time.( get up)Lets check快迟到了快迟到了Hurry up!(go to school)赶快做作业了赶快做作业了(go home)Good night!(go to bed)Which picture is missing?do my homeworkclasses begindo sport我还会用我还会用“gogo toto ”说话说话: :go to the playground Its time to go to the playground.该是.的时候了Its time to(该是该是 的时候了的时候了)What time do you ?get up(你什么时候你什么时候?)起起 床床NextIts time to( (该是该是 的时候了的时候了) )What time do you ?(你几点钟你几点钟?)go to school上上 学学NextIts time to( (该是该是 的时候了的时候了) )What time do you (你几点钟你几点钟?do homeworkyour做做你的你的家庭作业家庭作业 ?) Note(补充知识)(补充知识): Its time to+ +动动词词 eg. Its time to have lunch. Its time for+ +名名词词 eg. Its time for lunch.知识总结知识总结 Sentences: 1. What time is it? / Whats the time? Its 数字数字 o clock. Its half past 数字数字.2. Its time to+动词动词 Its time for+名词名词Where is your time gone?How time flies! 时光飞逝时光飞逝Oh, the things that I should see if I had the power of sight for three days! 噢,假如我拥有三天光明,我将会看见多少事物啊!噢,假如我拥有三天光明,我将会看见多少事物啊!Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. 有时我想,把每天都当作生有时我想,把每天都当作生命的最后一天来度过也不失命的最后一天来度过也不失为一个很好的生命法则。为一个很好的生命法则。Homework Search the Internct to find out who the Helen Keller is, and understand the main idea in the novel.See you!Thank you1Unit 1 Time 教学设计教学设计 I. Teaching contents :Join In, Unit 1 Time, the six part.II. Teaching aims : 1.Understanding:Whats the time?/What time is it?Its eight oclock./Its half past nine./Its midnight.2. Using:Whats the time?/What time is it?Its eight oclock./Its half past nine./Its midnight.3. Knowing that we must cherish each second.III. Teaching importants and difficulties :1. Whats the time?/What time is it?Its eight oclock./Its half past nine./Its midnight.2. Knowing that we must cherish each second.IV. Teaching process :Step 1.Warming up:1. Greeting.2. Research the life around us, try to find the number we touch usually , think what are they?3.Listen the song, follow the tape and read. 4. Now take your wisdom . Lets go into the lesson : Time2Step 2. Presentation:1.Now Ill divide you into two groups . Here are two stairs . One is for G1 ,one is for G2.Guessing time according to the actions :T: Show a picture of “get up”.Guess : Whats the time?Introduce : Its seven oclock .2. Then introduce : Its eight oclock . Its half past four . Its half past ten . Its midnight .3. Review the words we have learned.几点了?What time is it? Show other way: Whats the time?4.Remember eight verb phrase: get up/ have lunch/ do sport/ begin/ do ones homework/ go to school/ go to bed/ go home Lead:(1)the questions: What time do you?(2)Note:Its time to 该的时候了 Step 3. Practice:The alarm clock game :T: Now Im the alarm clock . When I get your seat , you should say the time one by one .For example : Tick tock tick tock . Whats the time ? Its one oclock . Tick tock tick tock . Whats the time ? Its half past one .Step 4. Consolidation:31.Using the clock , make the time. A. Find a paper plate. Write the numbers on it. B. Draw two hands. Cut them out. C. Fix them on the plate. Say the time.2.Using the time which are made by students themselves to play a game: T: One group should ask one pupil . Then the first one can get up a step .Look at the screen , but you only have one second . Then you should say your groups name and stand up , say : What time is it ?T: Now lets see which group is the winner .The winner can get a wisdom star .Sing the song :Whats the time? Whats the time? Its eight oclock. Lets go to school.What time is it? Its half past ten. Lets go to bed.Step 5. Extending:1.Look at the screen , what do you want to say?( We must cherish the time . )2.Its time to+动词 eg. Its time to have lunch. Its time for+名词 eg. Its time for lunch.3.Where is your time gone?-From Three Days to SeeOh, the things that I should see if I had the power of sight for three days! Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we 4should die tomorrow. Step 6. Summarize:Sentences: 1. What time is it? / Whats the time? Its 数字 o clock. Its half past 数字.2. Its time to+动词 Its time for+名词Step 7. Homework: Search the Internet to find out who the Helen Keller is, and understand the main idea in the novel.V. Board design: Unit 1 TimeWhat time is it? / Whats the time? Its 数字 o clock. Its half past 数字. Its time to+动词 Its time for+名词
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