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1、2016年福建省福州市鼓楼区小升初英语考试真题及答案(完卷时间:50分钟)等级听 力 部 分一、听音,写单词并在括号里写出中文意思。(每小题念三遍)1. 2. 3.( ) ( ) ( )4. 5. 6.( ) ( ) ( )二、听音,将你所听到的单词的序号填入括号里。(每小题念两遍)( )1.A.sisterB.tigerC.parkD.garden( )2.A.sportB.shortC.thirstyD.first( )3.A.lunchB.chairC.watchD.kitchen( )4.A.mathB.earthC.weatherD.they三、听音,在横线上写出你听到的图片的序号。

2、(每小题念两遍)Part A:Part B:4、 听音,如果录音内容与图意相符请画“”,不符的请画“”。(每小题念两遍)五、听音,在你听到的句子前面画“”,并写出该句话的中文意思。(每小题念两遍)1.( )They can make people feel happy.( )They can make people strong and healthy.2.( )You can find our addresses from it.( )You can find our information from it.3.( )I went back to my hometown last month

3、.( )We had a Sports Day last month.4.( )What a surprise!( )What kind of surprise?六、听音,选择正确的答句。(每小题念两遍)( )1.A.Yes,we will.B.No,we dont.( )2.A.She has a computer class every Friday.B.She has a toothache.( )3.A.He is a farmer.B.He wants to be a worker.( )4.A.They are nurses.B.Im singing.七、听音,连线。(每小题念两遍

4、)1. 3.2. 4.八、听音,填空完成下列短文。(短文念三遍)Lin Hai isyears old.His father is a police officer.is very busy, but hehis.Sometimes he works day and night.Sometimes he worksholidays.He doesntmuch time towith his son.Lin Hai is very proud of his.笔 试 部 分一、正确抄写下列词组和句子,并在括号里写出中文意思。(注意大小写和标点)1.basketball player( )2.mot

5、hers day( )3.the spring festival is Chinese new year( )二、填入所缺的字母组成单词,并在括号里写出中文意思。H vy l b f mous b ttle( )( )( )( )c kl ss n h pe wr ng( )( )( )( )三、选择适当的动词填空,并写出词组的中文意思。have climb take listen send make1.a photo 2.a toothache3.an email( )( ) ( )4.a mountain5.a snowman6.to music ( )( ) ( )四、下列句子描述正确的

6、画“”,不正确的画“”。( )1.Teachers Day is in December.( )2.We are in the library.We cant talk loudly(大声)( )3.A dancer can grow many vegetables.( )4.Teachers can help students learn.( )5.Im not good at English.Peter can help me with my English.五、根据问句找答句,将序号填入题前括号内。( )l.Will you be a PE teacher?A.Hes my cousin

7、.( )2.Who is this man?B.I will give her a card.( )3.Which dress?C.The long one.( )4.Are you thirsty?D.Yes,he is.( )5.Is he in his bedroom?E.Yes,I will.( )6.What will you do for your mother?F.No,Im not.六、选出与图意相符的句子并将句子前的序号填入方框里。A.You will learn chemistry soon.B.We can put our photos,names,addresses a

8、nd phone numbers in it.C.What does he do?He is a doctor.D.The light is red.You mustnt cross the street.七、模仿范例写对话。例: A:Whats her job? B:She is a nurse.A:B:八、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Hello,Im Sally.I love my class.We had a wonderful time together.Last year we went for a spring outing.At the top of the mountain

9、,Miss Gao took a photo of us.My parents will go back to the USA.I will go to a middle school there.I feel sorry to leave China.Ill miss my classmates.Today I got a year book of my class.I can find the information of my friends from it.I will send emails to my teachers and classmates and talk with th

10、em on the phone.( )l.Sally loves her class.( )2.She will leave China.She feels tired.( )3.She will go to America.( )4.She can find her friends phone numbers from the year book.( )5.She will call her classmates and teachers.听力材料一、听音,写单词并在括号里写出中文意思。(每小题念三遍) 1.show 2.break 3.street 4.grow 5.learn 6.mis

11、s二、听音,将你所听到的单词的序号填入括号里。(每小题念两遍) 1.sister park 2.short first 3.lunch chair 4.weather they三、听音,在横线上写出你听到的图片的序号。(每小题念两遍)Part A:1.have a headache 2.some bottles 3.police officer 4.PE teacherPart B:1.You must take the medicine.2.I went to see the Ice and Snow Festival. 3.Show me the dress,please.4.What a

12、n interesting hook!四、听音,如果录音内容与图意相符请画“”,不符的请画“”。(每小题念两遍)1.I traveled along the Yangtze River in winter.2.Peter can help grandma with her housework.3.You mustnt talk in the library.4.Sallys grandfather is a scientist.5.Ill give Mom a big kiss,and say,“I love you!”6.This is a lab for chemistry.五、听音,在你

13、听到的句子前面画“”,并写出该句话的中文意思。(每小题念两遍)1.They can make people strong and healthy.2.You can find our addresses from it.3.I went back to my hometown last month.4.What kind of surprise?六、听音,选择正确的答句。(每小题念两遍)1.Will you study physics at middle school?2.Whats wrong with Li Hong?3.What does your uncle do?4.What are

14、 their jobs?七、听音,连线。(每小题念两遍)1.Classrooms for Grade 9 are on the 5th floor.2.Our dining room is on the 2nd floor.3.Our teachers offices are on the 4th floor.4.Our music room is on the 3rd floor.八、听音,填空完成下列短文。(短文念三遍)Lin Hai is seven years old. His father is a police officer. He is very busy, but he li

15、kes his job. Sometimes he works day and night. Sometimes he works on holidays. He doesnt have much time to play with his son. Lin Hai is very proud of his father.参考答案:听力部分一、1.show2.break3.street4.grow5.learn6.miss二、1.AC2.DB3.AC4.CD三、Part A:1.B2.E 3.C 4.D Part B:1.D2.C 3.A 4.B四、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.五、1.(

16、 )2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )六、1.A2.B 3.A 4.A七、1. 2. 3. 4.八、1.seven 2.He 3.likes 4.job 5.on 6.have 7.play 8.father笔试部分一、1.篮球运动员 2.母亲节 3.春节是中国的新年 抄写略二、ea(沉重的) a(实验室) a(著名的) o(水瓶) oo(厨师) e;o(课程) o(希望) o(错误的) 三、1.take 2.have 3.send 4.climb 5.make 6.listen 四、15 五、16 EACFDB六、14 CABD七、A: Whats his job? B:He is a farmer.八、15 TFTTT


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