Unit 4 In town-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计--外研剑桥版五年级下册(配套课件编号:9251e).doc

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1、Unit4 In town学科:英语年级:五年级U nit4备课人课题: 充分设置情境,用启发式组织本单元教学,帮助学生理解与运用所学知识。掌握城镇上建筑物和场所的相关词组,谈论如何向别人问路及如何给别人指路。进一步培养学生用英语交流和思维的能力。使学生认识到礼貌用语在向他人寻求帮助时能获得良好的印象,给自己和他人都带来愉悦的感受。课时数:1教学内容语言知识与技能目标:学会词组:museum, church, tourist/post office, police/train station,bus stop, turn left/right,go straight ahead.会用句型:Ex

2、cuse me ,where is the ?/Can you tell me the way to?/Which is the way to ? /How can I get to the ?/Is there a near here? 向他人问路。B类 综合类会礼貌地向他人问路和正确地给他人指路。C类 拓展类根据所给信息创编问路和指路对话。教学目标1. 知识目标学会词组:museum, church, tourist/post office, police/train station,bus stop, turn left/right,go straight ahead.会用句型:Excu

3、se me ,where is the ?/Can you tell me the way to?/Which is the way to ? /How can I get to the ?/Is there a near here? 向他人问路。2. 能力目标会礼貌地向他人问路和正确地给他人指路。3. 情感目标礼貌用语在日常生活中的重要性。教学重难点重点:会用句型:Excuse me ,where is the ?/Can you tell me the way to?/Which is the way to ? /How can I get to the ?/Is there a near

4、 here? 向他人问路。难点:会正确给他人指路,。教学辅助工具 Mp3 PPTPhoto-提供真实情境,百度地图APP教学流程学生活动教师活动体现“主动”的关键点设计意图教学调整主动感知Step 1:Warming upRead the words as fast as you can:church, museum, busstop,police stationtourist offcie,parktrain station,postoffice,hospital.1.Greeting:Look,Ive got a box of “No Homework”cards. Do you want

5、 it? Lets try our best and you ll get one or more.2. Lets read fast.快速读第一课时9个单词,复习旧知的同时,活跃课堂气氛,营造良好的学习氛围。Step2:Look and say,then try to make some sentences.eg:We canpray in the church.They are buildings or places in town.So today our topic is in town.由镇上建筑物自然引出本单元课题: In town。主动发现Learn the sentences:

6、Can you tell me the way to?How can I get to the?Excuse me,please.Where is the?Go straight ahad.Turn right.Turn left.1、 May Day is coming.I will go out for my holiday.So I want to go to a tourist office to get some information.But I dont know the way.Can you help me?2、 Can you tell me the way to the

7、tourist office?板书并教读句型:Can you tell me the ?3、 Look at the picture,Im at the crossing now.Is there a tourist office near here?Yeah, there is one on my left, so I just go left. Look at the sign and follow me:4、 Turn left.教读并板书。5、 Thank you for your help,and Ive got what I want.Then I will take a bus

8、to the train station.But how can I get to the bus stop?板书并教读句型:How can I get to ?Turn right.Thank you so much.When I get off the bus ,I cant find the train station.So I need your help again.Excuse me.6、 板书并教读“Excuse me.”Im still at a crossing .Look at the picture,where is the7、 train station?板书并教读“W

9、here is the?8、 Go straight ahead.”创设具体情景:五一小长假来临了,老师准备外出度假,所以想去旅游咨询处咨询,但是不知道去附近旅行社的路,需要大家的帮忙,借此机会让学生先整体感知问路句型及指路基本指令:Turn left,Turn right,go straight ahead留下初步的印象。主动参与1.Read as fast as you can.2.Do exercise :use: Go straight ahead.Turn left.or Turn right.3. Listen and tick the answers.Get the pupils

10、 to practise the sentences.Let the pupils do some listening exercise and finish Part2 on page 33.借助图片和练习题让学生更具体直观地理解句子: Go straight ahead.Turn left.or Turn right. 主动建构Work in pairs: Listen,read and act the dialogues out with your partner.I have two friends.One wants to go to the police station.The o

11、ther wants to go to a post office,but they dont know the way .Lets listen and help them. 播放P35.5录音并跟读。OK,lets work in pairs.让学生体会稍复杂的问路对话,并尝试分角色表演。主动拓展Make your own dialougues about asking the way and showing the way in your group,and then report in class.Suppose there is a town in our classroom.The

12、 groups are some building or places,Lets make some dialogues in groups and then try to report in class.Make an example with two pupils to ask and show the way,then let them act in group.提供具体的句型和词汇让学生以教室为小镇,以小组为建筑伆来模拟问路和指路的情景。板书设计 UNIT 4 In town Ask the way : Excuse me ,where is the ?How can I get to

13、 the ?Which is the way to ?Is there a near here?Can you tell me the way to?Show the way : Its behind/in front of/ next to/near/beside/oppositethe.First then Its not far.Go past youll find it on your. 教学反思本节课为Join in 五年级下册Unit 4 Intown 第2课时,在第一节课学习了9个建筑物单词的情况下,开课首先用Read fast 和Look and guess的形式来复习旧知,活

14、跃气氛,营造学习氛围。同时引出今天的话题In town.接下来创设了一个五一小长假外出度假需要去旅游咨询处和乘公交车去火车站的情景,在这一情景中教授新句型:Excuse me,where is the ? 及指路指令:Turn left./Turn right./Go straight ahead.然后借助指示路标和填空小练习来巩固。然后让学生观看一个Asking the way 和Showing the way的视频,让学生感知具体的问路和指路对话。最后假设上课的教室就是一个小镇,6个小组分别代表6个建筑物,引导学生以这个教室地图来创编问路及指路的对话,最后分组在班上展示。其中视频部分如果放

15、再课前作为导入,然后逐步引出问路对话,效果会更好,课堂上最后在白板上写的部分如果能留作家庭作业,改成在课堂上组内自由交流,分角色扮演更有利于教学的开展。总之,课堂节奏还可以更紧凑,过渡自然方面还需加强。另外,课堂用语方面也需要更加规范,例如:被点到的学生不会回答,请另外举手的学生来帮忙时,最好用委婉的表达:Could you help him?来代替生硬的祈使句:You help him.预习生成单Class: Year :5 Name: 【预习内容】:Unit 4 In town part 2&5 我会预习:1. Guess and write.猜猜这是什么地方。We can send a

16、letter in the _. We can see the films at the _.If we are sick(生病的),we should go to the _.We can buy some books in the _.Tourists can get information(信息) in a _.People can get help from the police, its a _.2. Look and match. 看图连线。 turn left go straight ahead turn right3. Think and choose:Whats the me

17、aning of “Excuse me.”_A. 您好! B. 不好意思,打扰了。 C. 很高兴见到你。 D. 我需要你的帮助。课末检测单A单:Listen and tick the answers. Finish Part 2 of P33.B单: Make your own dialogue about asking the way and showing the way. Try to write it down at the right lines.Tips:可参考以下句型创编对话。 Excuse me, where is the ?/Can you tell me the way to?/How can I get to ? Turn left (here)./ Go left (here). / Just go straight ahead. is next to/beside the . is opposite the . You cant miss it. Its not far . Thats easy. Thank you./Thank you all the same.(仍然谢谢你。)_


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