Unit 2 Life in the Arctic-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(配套课件编号:e1500).doc

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1、Unit 2 Life in the Arctic本单元介绍的是冰天雪地的北极生活,同学们将走进北极熊的故乡,在这里,住着加拿大最北端的因纽特人。生活在这里的人们有着和我们完全不同的生活!这一课简单介绍了这里的气候特点和人们的行、住以及北极的一部分很典型的动物。单元重难点:1.本单元里学生学会理解:(二会) Most of the year its very cold here.In winter its always dark. Build an igloo.Their fur is white.Other animals cannot see them when they hunt.The

2、ir favorite food is seals.They live in groups. Snowy owls hunt in the daytime.There are no shopping mallsWere going to the shopping mall.2.本单元里学生学会运用(四会):重点单词:polar bear北极熊,arctic hare 北极兔,arctic fox北极狐,snowy owl雪猫头鹰,seal海豹,lemming旅鼠,snowmobile雪地摩托,igloo冰屋,always总是,hunt捕猎重点句型:Whats over there?Polar

3、bear.To catch a hare. To jump in the water. To swim across a lake.To walk through the snow.To run up the hill.To come to the top.To come to a stop.3.难点语法:Their favorite foodis(seals).There are no shopping malls, no playgrounds and theres no TV.4.活动和技能:1.(1)学说歌谣 阅读课文 阅读课文回答提问 发现其他的不同文化 理解故事Nicolas ho

4、lidays 单元课时划分:本单元可分为5个课时: 第一个课时:Part 1 Listen and say the chant第二个课时:Part 2 Read the text.教学重难点:1.学会理解: Northern Canada. Most of the year its very cold here.In winter its always dark.This is my father on his snowmobile.Build an igloo.Inside an igloo.2.活动和技能:阅读课文,了解不同与我们生活的极地文化。难点:频度副词:always、often、s


6、生互相解答的尽量让学生解答。在可能的情况下,准备相关的影像资料让学生观看。 第三个课时:Part 3 Read the text. Then do the quiz根据学生的实情,这一课也可能用两个课时完成。教学重难点:1.学习理解:Their fur is white.Other animals cannot see them when they hunt.Their favorite food is seals.They live in groups.They can hide in the tunnels.Snowy owls hunt in the daytime.They also

7、hunt bird.2.活动和技能:阅读理解课文,然后回答提问。了解不同地区动物的特征。教法建议:在北极这个冰天雪地的环境中,生活着一些特别能够抗严寒的动物。它们的生活有着它们的特点。请学生说说他们知道的在北极生活的动物,老师带领学生复习或学习新的动物单词polar bear, seal, arctic fox, lemming, arctic hear, snowy owl, bird,可以用图片或PPT呈现出来。用一些游戏让学生熟悉这些单词,如:猜图片用提问或图片呈现让学生理解单词fur, tunnel, hunt。学生阅读,老师限定时间,时间到要求学生关书回答问题,老师可以在黑板上写出问

8、题设计表格,先开展小组内的问答活动,再反馈,根据学生的问答填写,或请学生上台填写。这里学生可能会对snowy owl提出疑问,和普通的猫头鹰不同的是雪猫头鹰在白天捕食,daytime是白天的意思,它们最喜欢的食物也是lemming旅鼠,它们也猎捕鸟类,also也,同样。与too 不同,also 不放在句子末尾,他一般放在动词前面。如果有音像资料介绍这些北极动物更好。 第四、五个课时:Part 4 A story Nicolas holidays教学重难点:1.学习理解:Do you like it here?There are no shopping malls.Were going to t

9、he shopping mall.Can we go fishing again tomorrow? Tomorrow Ill show you my TV.Wasnt it boring?2.活动和技能:理解故事,了解北极地区人们的生活。学会去欣赏与我们完全不同的生活方式,并从中找到快乐。语言点:放寒假了,Nicola离开mother and father到Grise Fjord度假、看望她的祖母grandmother - mothers mother 还有祖父grandfather - fathers father。一家人见面说话自然随意些,所以Nicola称呼祖父为爷爷granddad

10、,称呼祖母为奶奶grandma。在故事里,Granddad兴致勃勃地向Nicola 介绍了他们自己的房子This is our house. This is.这个句型虽然简单但是很实用,常用来介绍人或物。老师可以让学生用This is 造句。回到家里Grandma问Nicola喜不喜欢这儿。Do you like it here? 记住这句话里的here千万不能掉了,否则就成了Do you like it? 意思是你喜欢它吗?显然Nicola并不喜欢这里。她喜欢在户外运动场play grounds活动,她还喜欢在超大规模购物中心shopping mall里逛。可是这里没有shopping ma

11、ll没有playgrounds也没有TV。正因为这里没有Nicola 喜欢的东西,Nicola 认为这里很无聊。她是这样说的Its boring.接下来的几天granddad给Nicola安排了丰富多彩的活动。他们去钓鱼go fishing 建造拱形圆顶小屋build an igloo 观察北极熊watch the polar bears。Nicola 玩得兴高采烈,一边玩一边说:This is great fun. 这真是太好玩了!这真是太有趣了!愉快的寒假生活让Nicola 流连忘返。临别时她问:Can Icome again next year? 明年我能再来吗?next 是下一个的意思

12、,next year 指明年。又如:next month 下个月next week 下个星期next day 第二天next morning 第二天早上。老师也可以让学生用next来组词。 教法建议:这一课出现的be going to 句型在第一单元就出现了,因此在这一课不是难点。老师可以从介绍Nicola到爷爷奶奶家渡假开始:Nicola将去哪里渡假?这时呈现北极的风光,What can you see in the Arctic? 老师提问:Are there shopping malls.? 让学生说出There are no . 老师再问:Do you like it here? Wh

13、y? Does Nicola like it here? Why? How can Nicolas grandparents do? Nicola在三天里做了哪几件事,可以用画表格的方式来让学生理解故事内容。What does Nicola do? The first day Thesecond day The third day Does Nicola like it here now?How do you know?这时老师就可以请学生听磁带理解课文了,先关书听,再开书听,反复领会每一句话。 然后学生分组朗读故事,找出不懂或不会读的地方,互相帮助。 老师通过提问进行反馈。 请学生跟磁带朗读

14、,读出情感。 给学生时间,自由组合,表演故事。 Unit 7 Television单元重难点:1.本单元里学生学会理解(二会):Ive got a friend called Kevin Dee.Switch on the telly. Hes eating sweet.Big bags of sweets that Kevin eats.I know cause Kevin goes to school with me.2.本单元里学生学会运用(四会):重点单词:nature programmes,cartoons,detective films,sports programmes,scie

15、nce fiction films,romantic films, interesting重点句型:(Juliet) like/doesnt like +电视节目的复数形式电视节目的复数形式+ are interesting/boring/great.I + 频度副词+watch+电视节目的复数形式.第三人称单数+ 频度副词+watches+电视节目的复数形式3.活动和技能:(1)听采访内容的细节,为孩子喜欢和不喜欢的电视节目在不同的地方打勾(2)根据听到的内容,填写调查报告。(3)谈谈自己在看电视节目上的习惯。(4)在班上开展访谈活动,调查同学的看电视的习惯,填写调查表。(5)阅读三段课文难

16、题。 (6)写写自己的文章。(7)听诗歌,大声朗读。 (8)听某一个电视节目开始的时间,画指针,填写时间。(9)为单词排序,组成正确的句子。(10)选择dont或doesnt.单元课时划分:本单元可分为6个课时:第一个课时:Part 1 Listen and tick.Part2 Write what the children like/dont like教学重难点:1.学会运用: (Juliet) like/doesnt like nature programmes/cartoons/detective films/sports programmes/science fiction film

17、s/romantic films.2.活动和技能:(1)听采访内容的细节,为孩子喜欢和不喜欢的电视节目在不同的地方打勾(2)根据听到的内容,填写调查报告。难点:电视节目nature programmes/cartoons/detective films/sports programmes/science fiction films/romantic films.的听说读写的掌握是难点。 Revision 2单元重难点:本单元里学生复习巩固前7个单元所学的知识,尤其是57单元。可以用在家庭作业和测验练习中,在复习单元里,老师要注意归纳知识点,做到知识点横向与纵向的交织,查漏补缺,举一反三,真正达

18、到复习的效果。 Unit 8 In town单元重难点:1.本单元里学生学会理解(二会):Mr Black lives opposite Mr Green.Mr Blue does not live on Mr Blacks side of the street.2. 本单元里学生学会运用(四会):重点单词:hospital(医院),police office(警察局),post office(邮局),park(公园),train station(火车站),museum(博物馆),church(教堂),tourist office(旅游信息服务办公室),bus stop(汽车站),go str

19、aight ahead(笔直向前走),turn left(向左转),turn right(向右转),opposite(对面),next to(附近)重点句型:Excuse me,wheres the?Go straight ahead/turn left/turn right.3.重点语法点:巩固动词第三人称单数的用法。4.活动和技能:(1)听歌曲,学唱歌曲 ( 2)听音标号,在图片的下面填写单词.(3)听场所的细节,在正确的答案上打勾 (4)在班上开展问路的对话表演.(5)听懂建筑物的地点,标号. (6)做单词练习(7)阅读练习,为每个先生涂上相应的颜色 (8)为句子排序单元课时划分:本单元

20、可分为6个课时:第一个课时:Part 1 Listen and sing the song.教学重难点:1.学会运用: At Tonys , you get the best ice cream in town.Opposite/next to the school/ park Go straight ahead/turn left/turn right.See you there tonight. Please dont be late.2.活动和技能:1.(1)听歌曲 (2)学唱歌曲 难点:Opposite/next to the school/ park. Go straight ahe

21、ad/turn left/turn right的掌握是难点。教学建议1. 本部分内容虽是一首不长的歌曲,但是里面却包含了较多的新内容。如新单词town、park;表方位的opposite、next to;表方向的go left、go straight ahead、turn right;指路的句子First ,then,then.2. 教学时,首先出示一幅简易地图,引出单词town,同时引出park,school.在park的对面(opposite),school的旁边(next to)的一个地方画上一个“?”让学生guess:Where is it?引出Its a shop. At there

22、, you can get the best ice cream in town. Its Tonys shop. 教授句子:At Tonys, you get the best ice cream in town. 出示另一老虎女孩,放在地图的旁边,“她不知道怎么到Tony的冰淇淋店去,请你们帮帮她,给她指路吧!”引出并教学句子First you go left, then go straight ahead, then you turn right. 第二个课时:Part 2 Listenand fill in the numbers. Then write the words below

23、 the pictures.教学重难点:1.掌握单词和词组: school, train station, park, church, hospital, tourist office, museum, bus stop, police station.的听说读写.2.活动和技能:听音标号,在图片的下面填写单词.难点:tourist office, museum发音的掌握是难点.教学建议(语言点):书中的图片都是英国伦敦的建筑物,离学生的实际生活很遥远。在教授地点的新单词时,建议对书上的内容进行合理改造,用学生很熟悉的周边建筑物来引出并教授新单词。如用学校周边的公园、医院、邮局、车站、火车站引

24、出生词这样有利于调动学生的兴趣,提高学习新单词的积极性。新单词解决后再回到书本上,你能找出英国伦敦的post office、train station吗?勾起学生想了解外国风土人情的欲望,并自然会将外国的建筑与身边的建筑作一番比较,再次调动起了学生的兴趣。 Unit 9 Adventures单元重难点:1.本单元里学生学会理解(二会):Put on your boots and your cowboy hat. Get on your horseOuch! Youve sat on a cactus. Stop the bank robbers. Where are you going,Joe

25、? Im looking for the bank robbers. Hands up.Lets make some pancakes. Can I help you? Well done,Joe,youre a hero. Here are a hundred dollars.2.本单元里学生学会运用(四会):重点单词:afraid, dark, alone, talk, listen, horror film, thunder重点句型:Im (not) afraid of + 名词或动名词Thunderstorms/sleeping/ alone/earthquakes/the dark/

26、getting into fights.It must be fantastic/interesting/boring/stupid to do something.3.活动和技能:(1)在班上开展谈论,谈谈某人害怕和不怕的事物. (2)将图片和文字对应起来.(3)完成句子. (4)做动作故事(5)听音标号 (6) 听音标号,然后完成短文(7)写自己的小诗 (8)理解故事.单元课时划分:本单元可分为5个课时:第二个课时难度最大,做重点的讲解。第二个课时:Part 2 Fill in the lettersPart 3 Complete the sentences.教学重难点:1.学习运用(能够

27、看懂会说,运用表达自己的观点):It must be fantastic/interesting/boring/stupid to go on a safari/live in the jungle/look for gold in Alaska/live in the desert for month/sail across the Atlantic/fly to the moon.2.活动和技能:将图片和文字对应起来.难点:go on a safari/live in the jungle/look for gold in Alaska/live in the desert for mon

28、th/sail across the Atlantic/fly to the moon.的掌握,准确用It must be fantastic/interesting/boring/stupid to表达是难点.故事也是比较困难教学的内容:第五个课时:Part 8 A story The hero教学重难点:1. 活动和技能:理解故事2. 课文分析: Unit 10 On the beach单元重难点:1.本单元里学生学会理解:Lets go snorkeling. Ill get my mask and flippers.I think its blood. The seal is hunt

29、.How is our seal? Lots of beautiful starfish.Most of the time the water is too cold.I like swimming in the warm water.2.本单元里学生学会运用:重点单词:beach, sand, fun, snorkel, clear重点句型:Come along to the beach where the weather is great.Lets play in the sand. Well play lots of games.重点语法:现在进行时态Someone is riding

30、a jet-ski/buying a drink/making a phone call/fishing/snorkeling/putting on a mask/putting on flippers/flying a kite/eating ice cream.3.活动和技能:(1)听歌曲,学唱歌曲. (2)猜猜一些人在干什么(3)剪下P99图片,粘贴在P75的图片上,检查自己的猜测. (4)理解故事(5)阅读理解来自美国、加拿大、北爱尔兰和澳大利亚的孩子们最喜欢的海滩的描述。(6)阅读文字和图画,判断正误。 (7)将图片和相应的句子一一对应起来。单元课时划分:本单元可分为5个课时:第一个

31、课时:Part 1 Listen and sing the song.教学重难点:1.学会运用:Come along to the beach where the weather is great.Lets play in the sand. On the beach well have fun.Well play lots of games. Well have fun in the sun.2.活动和技能:听歌曲,学唱歌曲.难点:snorkel的发音 第二个课时:Part 2 Who is doing what? How many can you guess?Part 3 Check yo

32、ur guesses. Cut out the pictures on page 99. Stick them on the picture in 2教学重难点:1.学习运用:Someone is riding a buying a drink/making a phone call/fishing/snorkeling/putting on a mask/flying a kite/eating ice cream.1.2.认知新的人名:Penny, Hans, Alan, Hannah, Eve. 3.复习运用现在进行时态第三人称单数的表达。4.活动和技能:猜猜一些人在干什么。难点:人名的

33、准确认知和发音,现在进行时态第三人称单数的准确表达是难点. 第三个课时:Part 4 A story The seal教学重难点:1.学会理解:Lets go snorkeling.Ill get my mask and flippers. Lets swim closer.Seal. I think its blood.The seal is hunt.Lets go back.Where can we take it? He knows a lot about seals. Its badly hurt. Ill take it with me. How is our seal?On th

34、e rock.2.活动和技能:理解故事 第四个课时:Part 5 Children from USA, Canada, Northern Ireland and Australia are talking about their favorite beaches.教学重难点:1. 学会理解:Lots of beautiful starfish. Most of the time the water is too cold.I like swimming in the warm water.My favorite beach is only an hours drive from our house.2.活动和技能:阅读理解来自美国、加拿大、北爱尔兰和澳大利亚的孩子们有关他们最喜欢的海滩的描述。难点:地名:Queen Charlotte,Daytona,Florida,Magnetic,人名Margaret,Cindy的掌握是难点. Revision 3单元重难点:本单元里学生复习巩固前10个单元所学的知识,尤其是810单元。可以作为家庭作业或测验的题目。


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