Unit 4 In town-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--外研剑桥版五年级下册(配套课件编号:801cf).doc

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1、Unit 4 In town【教学内容】Part 1,Part 2,Part 3【教学目标】(一) 知识与技能1. 能听懂、认读单词museum,park,church,train station,tourist office,police station,hospital,bus stop,post office,并给图片标上正确序号;2. 能听懂、理解并运用Excuse me,where is the?问路;3. 能听懂、理解并运用短语turn left,turn right,go straight ahead指路。(二) 过程与方法1 有效创设贴近学生生活的情境,学习地名单词。2 指导学

2、生通过听音获取正确的信息,掌握一定的听音技巧。(三)情感、态度与价值观帮助学生了解如何用英文在生活中进行问路。【教学重点】使学生学会认读表示建筑物和方位的单词以及短语museum,park,church,train station,tourist office,police station,hospital,bus stop,post office,turn left,turn right,go straight ahead。【教学难点】学生能通过听音获取正确的信息;能指认表示问路的单词museum,park,church,train station,tourist office,police

3、 station,hospital,bus stop,post office,turn left,turn right,go straight ahead能与伙伴们用英语指路。【教学准备】写有表示英文单词的卡片、简笔画板书、教学课件【教学过程】Step 1 Warming upFree talkT:Good morning ,everyone.How are you?How are you feeling?I am happy,too!Because summer holiday is coming,I will go to a town for holiday.Do you know,Wha

4、t is a town like.出示town,教师用英语解释Look,This is a picture of the yellow crane town.We all know the yellow crane Tower is in Wu Han.Wu Han is a city.LiuFang is a town in WuHan.It is smaller than a city.In todays class.We are going to travel in town.教师出示课题in town卡片 带读.(设计意图:通过比较city和town,让学生认识town的意思,让学生认

5、识到town是属于city,比city要小。)Step 2 learn new words1.Before I go to the town,I find a map of the town.Look,so many places.Do you want to know something about them.Here we go!(黑板出示简笔画地图,激发学生学习各个地名的兴趣。)3 学习单词museum。图片出示museum,T:Where is it?S:. T:You can say it in Chinese. Yes,Its the museum. You can see man

6、y precious old things in it. Mu-mu-mu museum. 教师手持单词卡片,学生读。读得好的同学当小老师带读。4.学习单词parkGuess Where is it?There are many lakes.There are many trees. You can fly a kite in it.You can read on the grass.Yes,Its the park.(通过几句学生已学的句子,结合park的特点,让学生猜测地名。)5.学习单词churchGuess where is it?Church I want to know (了解)

7、the famous tourist attractions(旅游景点),where can I go? Yes,Its the tourist office.6.学习单词post office/police station/bus stop/hospital/train stationLook,Whats this?post card.I want to send a postcard to my friends, where can I go? Yes,I can go to the post office. Post office.I put my postcard in my bag.

8、On my way to the post office.A thief(小偷) take my bag away.Who can I ask for help? I can asking a policeman for help. Where can I find a policeman?Yes,I can find a policeman in a police station. Police station.The police station is far.I have to go there by bus.Where can I take a bus? I can take a bu

9、s at the bus stop. bus stop. I get sick, where can I go? I have to go the hospital to see a doctor. Hospital.(学习这几个单词时。设计了一个连贯的情境,让学生在情境中自然习得新单词。朗读单词时设计了老师带读,学生开火车读,小老师带读等活动。最后让学生把单词卡贴在对应的简笔画上,考查学生是否理解单词意思。)Now,so many places.Do you want go there and have a look.But the town is in another city.we ha

10、ve to go there by a train.Where can we take a train? Train station(在学习这几个单词时,设计了一个连贯的情境,让学生在情境中自然习得单词。单词教读可以多样化,老师教读,开火车读,小组读,男女生读,小老师带读。)Step 3 Lets listen and repeat.T:Lets go travelling (旅行) in town! T:Its Miss Sheng. Please travel with me.(课件出示带有教师头像的地图,让学生和老师一起在城镇里旅行,学生齐读单词。)Step 4 listen and n

11、umber1.Open your book,turn to page 32.Lets listen and number.2.Lets check the answers together.Step5 学习单词left/right/straight ahead1.T:When you are walking in the street.What can you see?I can see many people.I can see many buildings.I can see many cars.I can see many shops.(鼓励学生大胆说自己的观点。如果学生不会说,教师可以

12、举一两个例子。)2.For me,I can see this.出示路标图。Turn left,Go straight ahead。Turn right。3.listen and sing(通过唱并动起来,加深学生对left right的印象,为后面的问路作铺垫。)Step6 Listen and number1. 学生打开课本到第33页,仔细观察题目,弄清题意。2. 播放录音数遍,学生根据录音内容选择答案,完成听力练习。师生共同核对答案。Step 7 Act out the conversation in class1. 老师给学生展示练习2的四幅图片、带领学生回顾这些地点。2. 学生分组进行问答练习3. 听音,朗读听力材料。4. 教师示范表演对话。5. 请3-4组学生进行展示,并予以评价。Step 8 Summary老师让学生看黑板上的板书,与学生一起回顾本课所学的重要句型及单词。Step 8 Homework写出图片所表示的英文单词,学生分组进行情景问路对话练习。 【板书设计】Unit 4 In TownPart 1 & Part 2 & Part 3


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