Unit 6 Adventures-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(配套课件编号:01368).doc

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Unit 6 Adventures-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(配套课件编号:01368).doc_第1页
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1、Unit 6 Adventures 一、教学目标(1) 语言知识目标:本节课要求学生能听说认读单词dark和短语hot food ,horror films and sleeping alone;能听懂句型Im afraid of Im not afraid of,并能在实际生活中自如地运用这些句型。(2) 能力目标:通过一系列任务活动,培养学生主动思维、大胆实践、自主探究的学习能力。(3) 情感目标:结合实际生活,创设真实情境,引导学生关注生活,激发学习兴趣和热情,提高学习的积极性和主动性;培养学生团结合作的意识和精神。 (4) 策略目标:鼓励学生积极运用多种学习方法和策略,自主获取信息,主

2、动交际,分享交流;充分运用所学知识与技能,以建构新的语言知识。二、教学重难点分析本课时的教学内容为句型Im afraid of Im not afraid of的教学。由于学生在平时学习、作业中已不断接触并熟练掌握了句型Im Im from,因此在进行教学设计时,充分考虑到学生这一实际认知水平,对教学做了简单调整,通过自我介绍,快速回顾了句型Im Im from,并自然过渡到句型Im afraid of Im not afraid of的教学。(1) 教学重点:单词dark和短语hot food ,horror films and sleeping alone 的认读;句型Im afraid

3、of Im not afraid of的运用。(2) 教学难点:如何结合实际生活,创设大量真实、生动的语言环境,拓展学生对句型Im afraid of Im not afraid of的运用。能否让学生学以致用是本课教学成败的关键。三、教学方法: 情境探究法;任务探究法;讨论法。四、教具准备:自制多媒体课件、录音机五、教学过程: Step 1: Warming-up 1. Free talk between teacher and pupils.Step 2: Revision T: Im Linda. Im from China. I like English. I can swim. Wh

4、at about you?(通过自我介绍,复习句型Im Im from。)Step 3: Presentation 1.播放课件,复习单词spiders,rats,并引出新知the dark,sleeping alone and horror films。2.T: This is my friend-Tom. Now Im Tom. Im from America. I like adventures. Do you want to know about me? 引出生词afraid , 句型Im afraid of spiders/rats/the dark/big dogs/the col

5、d/horror films/sleeping alone. Im not afraid of swimming/hot food/the cold.3.Look,listen and draw lines.4.Listen again and check.5.Work in pairs.Im afraid of Im not afraid of6.Show in groups.7.T: Are you afraid of English?P1: Yes, I am.P2: No, Im not. I like English. Im not afraid of English.Im not

6、afraid of listening to English.Im not afraid of talking in English.What about you? Please tell me.Step 4: Consolidation1. Listen and complete Sams poem.2. Check in pairs.3.Read and write.Im Miss Wu. Im not afraid of English, Im not afraid of tigers, Im not afraid of snakes, and Im not afraid of sing

7、ing. But Im afraid of swimming.4.Write your own poem. Then read it out loud.5.Look and say.1)Work in pairs.2)Show in groups.Step 5: Extension1.T: Are you afraid of going to these places?the Arctic, the moon, the desert, the mouniains, the jungle, the Atlantice.g. P1: Are you afraid of going to the j

8、ungle? T: Yes.Im afraid of the wolves/the spider/the rat/sleeping alone.1) Work in groups.2) Show in groups.Homework1.调查你的家人或朋友生活中有哪些害怕与不怕的事,试着用下面句型表达并记录下来:My mum/dad/friend is afraid of _ , she/he is afraid of_ , but she/he is not afraid of_ .2.Talk about your adventures with your friends online. Unit 6 Adventures the dark. the coldIm afraid of big dogs.Im not afraid of hot food. horror films. sleeping alone.


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