Unit 5 On the beach-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(配套课件编号:2032b).docx

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1、外研社剑桥小学英语五年级下册 Unit 5 On the beachPart 5 Look,listen and learn 学校:说课类型: 五年级 阅读教学姓名: Unit 5 On the beachPart 5 Look,listen and learn教学设计一、教学背景分析教学内容外语教学与研究出版社剑桥小学英语(三年级起点)五年级下册Unit5 On the beach Part 5 Look,listen and learn课 型阅读课教学对象五年级学生教学方法情境教学法,任务型教学法等教学目标语言能力A. 四会单词:island 、 tourist 、 starfishB.

2、能够听、说、读、用短语 most of the year, most of the time ,notvery oftenC. 能够正确意会、朗读文本学习能力看:能看图预测文本。听: 能学会正确聆听文本。说: 能简单介绍自己喜欢的沙滩。读: 能认真模仿、正确朗读文本材料。写: 模仿范文,开展初步写作。思维品质发展学生预测、判断、阅读、交际、语用能力。文化意识了解不同海滩的相关背景知识,注重培养海滩环保意识。教学重点学生能听懂、会读两篇描述海滩的短文。教学难点学生能模仿短文简单介绍自己喜欢的海滩,了解不同海滩的相关背景知识。教学辅助海报,PPT,多媒体二、教学过程设计(方法、手段、意图)Step

3、1:Warming- up1.Free talk.1) Where do you often go for your holiday?2) Do you like the beach?2.Look and sayWhat s on the beach? What can you do on the beach?设计意图:谈话导入,直切话题。以孩子们感兴趣的海滩话题导入,通过师生问答的热身活动,将学生带入课堂,激发学生学习热情,引出语篇。Step2:Pre-reading1.Look and guess. What are they talking about?2.Listen and answ

4、erWhere are they from?设计意图:观察图片,预测篇章。通过观察图片给予的信息进行预测,激活学生的已有经验。同时引导学生仔细观察图片,为接下来的阅读铺垫。Step3: While-reading 1.Learn the second paragraph (1)Listen and answer Where does Qionghua live?(2)Watch a video about Sanya Enjoy Sanya(3) Read and answer1)How about the beach?2)Can you often swim there?Learn and

5、understand the phrase“Most of the year”2.Learn the first paragraph in groupsRead text1,talk about it and tick (T) or (F),and then correct it. 设计意图:策略指导,培养阅读素养。在篇章学习的过程中,关注学生语言能力的发展和阅读素养的培养,教师引导学习第二段,学生小组合作自学第一段,完成判断练习,检测学生自学程度,提升学生的阅读素养。Step4:Post-reading1.Lets talk(1)Look and talk about the teacher

6、s favourite beach(2)Look at the mind map,talk about it in pairs.2.Lets doMake a poster in groups and share.3.Lets thinkLook and think about it.设计意图:情感渗透,自然提升文本价值。设计书面练笔,通过“draw,write,colour,stick”等多维活动的小组合作为喜欢的沙滩制作海报,并通过折叠的信封、垃圾盒以及图片,增强学生海洋环保意识。 Step 5: Summary Retell the passage Step6: Homework 1.R

7、ead the passages loudly. 2.Write an e-mail about favourite beach. 3.Talk about the beach or other places you like. Blackboard writing:Unit 5 On the beach Mary Qionghua Canada China On an island Where in Sanya on Hainan Island starfish/ cold water How many tourists not .very often Can most of the year


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