Unit 5 On the beach-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:11d53).zip

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WeatherPresentationsunnycloudywindysnowyrainyWhats the weather like in Wuhan? 武汉Its_. 天天 气气 预预 报报 rainyIts_. 北京Whats the weather like in Beijing? 天天 气气 预预 报报 sunnyHows the weather on Hainan Island ? 海南海南Its_ . 天天 气气 预预 报报 windyPractice Guess the weather Its .in1.云南2.广东3.福建4.吉林5.青海NancyPeterTheyre good friends.Listen and answer. What are they doing?They are talking on the phone.Complete the form.WhoWhereWeatherTemperatures 温度温度 NancyPeterRead and complete the form.WhoWhereWeatherTemperatures Nancyin LondonsunnywindywarmcoldPeteron HainanIslandRead and mime. Its sunny on Hainan Island . Its warm there.So , Peter and his cousin will go to the beach.How to know about weather Whats the weather like today?Its sunny.Its hot.I want to swim. Hows the weather there?Its rainy.Its cool.You have to take an umbrella. Hows the weather in Suzhou?Its windy.Its cool.We can fly kites. Whats the weather like here ?Its snowy.Its cold.You have to wear a warm coat. Whats the weather like today? Its _. Its_. (热热)I can _. . Hows the weather there? Its _. Its _. (冷冷)I have to _. . Whats the weather like in Wuhan? Its _. Its _. (凉爽凉爽) You have to_.Hows the weather on Hainan Island? Its _. Its _.(温暖)(温暖)We can _.Check the answers.sunnywarmwindycoldcoolsnowyrainingplay footballhotfly kitestake an umbrellawear a warm coatCreate dialogues in groups.Dialogue .Mary : Hello, this is Mary.Jack: Hi, Mary. This is Jack .Where are you now?Mary: Im in Beijing. Jack: Great. Whats the weather like there?Mary: Its _. Hows the weather in Wuhan? Jack: Its _ here. What will you do ?Mary: I will visit the Great Wall. Jack: Wonderful. Is it _ in Beijing?Mary: Yes . Its _ here. Jack: Oh . You _.Have a good time.Mary: Thank you, bye. Jack: Bye. have to put on your jacketcoolcloudy and windyrainycoolThe weather is getting hot , we have to drink more water.天气越来越热,我们要多喝水。Thank you!Bye- bye !On the beach 第二课时教案 教学目标:1. 能在老师指导下理解对话,并完成相关任务。2. 能用 Whats the weather like?/Hows the weather? Its ItsI/You can/have to/want to等句型来谈论天气。3. 能用对话或打电话的情景来创编关于天气的对话,并能和同伴交流并展示。教学过程:一 检测自学成果。1. Check the result of reading the words.2. Listen and sing the song。多种方式检查课前所学问答句。二 进阶学习。1. Listen and read.a.介绍 Nancy and Peter.听录音,初步感知。b.看问题,带着问题再听对话。完成进阶练习一。c. 小组内分角色朗读对话并展示。2. T:What will Peter and his cousin do tomorrow? S: They will go to the beach. T: Yes, its sunny on Hainan Island .Its warm there. 学习关于天气拓展问答Its Its I/You can /have to .完成进阶练习第二题,小组内相互问答。三 协作探究。每组选取一张卡片,根据卡片上的信息,创编完成任务单上的对话内容。小组合作完成后,搭档之间分角色练习对话。四 展示交流。1. 小组选代表展示自己创编的对话。2. 评价质疑。板书设计:The weatherWhats the weather like today?Hows the weather? Its Its I/You can/have to
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