Unit 5 On the beach-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:900f8).zip

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UnitUnit 5 5 OnOn thethe BeachBeachPart 1教学目标教学目标1.能听懂、理解fly a kite, ride a horse, listen to music, collect shells, ride a jet-ski;2.能认读以上短语并描述图片,能够按照课本要求正确连线。Task 1 : : 把下列动词变为把下列动词变为-ing ride - buy- make- listen- run - fish- swim- read- fly- eat-ridingbuyingmakinglisteningrunning fishingswimmingreadingflyingeatinga phone call.make She is makingTask 2 : Look and say.ice creamHe is eatingeat a bikeHeHe is is ridingridingrideA girl and a boy are riding bikes.a book.readHe is readingfish.They are fishing.TV.watchwatchHe is watchingswimswimTheyThey areare swimswimm minging. .to music.HeHe is is listeninglisteninglistena a kitekite.flyflyA boy is flyinga drink.buyHe is buyingRevisionRevision踢足球打篮球听音乐看电视 去钓鱼去游泳play footballplay basketballlisten to musicwatch TVgo fishinggo swimmingTask 3 : Look and describeListenListen andand learnlearnflyly a a kitekite 放风筝放风筝rideride horseshorses 骑马骑马listenlisten toto musicmusic 听音乐听音乐playplay footballfootball 踢足球踢足球collectcollect shellsshells 拾贝壳拾贝壳swimswim inin thethe seasea 在海里游泳在海里游泳rideride a a jet-skijet-ski 骑水上摩托车骑水上摩托车 Listen and check1. Lucy, Kate and Betty are flying a kite.2. Lily is riding horses.3. Bill is listening to music.4. Three boys and girls are playing football.5. Three pupils are collecting shells.6. Jack is swimming in the sea.7. Mary and Rose are fishing.8. Carl is riding a jet-ski.Task 4 : Look and act outFor Example:A:A: WhatWhat areare Lucy,Lucy, KateKate andand BettyBetty doingdoing? ?B:B: TheyThey areare listeninglistening toto music.music.A: What is Lily doing?B: She isSummaryflyfly a a kitekite rideride a a horsehorselistenlisten toto musicmusic playplay footballfootballcollectcollect shellsshells swimswim inin thethe seaseafishfish rideride a a jet-skijet-ski现在进行时:现在进行时: Be+Be+动词动词-ing-ing flyingflying a a kite.kite. ridingriding onon horses.horses. SomeoneSomeone isis listeninglistening toto music.music. ridingriding a a jet-ski.jet-ski. colletingcolleting shells.shells.Homework: Make dialoguesUnit 5 On the beach 同步练习1.Look and match.看一看,连一连。看一看,连一连。A. fishingB. listen to musicC. fly a kiteD. play footballE. ride horses F. swim in the sea2.Look and write.根据提示,补全下列单词。根据提示,补全下列单词。b by(幼兽) bl d(血)sun (天气晴朗的) w ndy(有风的)cl se (接近的) isl d(岛屿)3.Look and match.看一看,连一连。看一看,连一连。4.Look and choose.看一看,为下列问句选出正确的答语。看一看,为下列问句选出正确的答语。too hot on the beach have a good time collect shells beautiful starfish many touristsA.捡贝壳 B.美丽的海星 C.许多游客 D.太热 E.玩得开心 F.在海滩上 ( ).Where are you now? ( ).Whats the weather like there? ( ).Is it hot? ( ).How is our seal now?5.Read and choose.读一读,选出正确的答案。读一读,选出正确的答案。( ).There are always many tourists the beach. A.on B.at C.with( ).I live Sanya. A.in B.about C. on( ).You can swim most the year. A.at B.of C.in( ).Whats the weather there? A.like B.on C.at( ).Mary is listening music. A. at B. to C.on6.Make sentences.连词成句。连词成句。.go, the, beach, well, to, morrow (.) .like, whats, there, like, the, weather (?) ?.Rosy, riding, a, is, horse (.) .seal, the, fine, is, again, now (.)A. Its windy.B. Yes, it is.C. Its fine again.D. Im on Hainan Island with my parents. .7.Write.写一写自己的家乡。写一写自己的家乡。 Unit 5 On the beach 同步练习参考答案1.A-,B-,C-,D-,E-,F-2.baby, blood, sunny, windy, close, island3.-D,-F,-E,-A,-B,-C4.-D,-A,-B,-C5.A,A,B,A,B6.Well go to the beach tomorrow. Whats the weather like there? Rosy is riding a horse. The seal is fine again now.7.My home town is a beautiful small town. It is Tianjin, so there is less air pollution in my home town. There are many restaurants and sight spots here. Every year many visitors come here. I think if you come here you can enjoy different delicious food here. And Im sure you will have a good time here.Unit 5 On the Beach 教学设计(第 1 课时)【教学内容】Part 1【教学目标】(一)(一)知识与技能知识与技能1.能听懂、理解 fly a kite, ride a horse, listen to music, collect shells, ride a jet-ski;2.能认读以上短语并描述图片,能够按照课本要求正确连线。(二)(二)过程与方法过程与方法1以小组合作与情景教学为主,运用游戏帮助学生理解与运用所学知识;2指导学生通过听音获取正确的信息,掌握一定的听音技巧。(三)情感、态度与价值观(三)情感、态度与价值观帮助学生了解如何用英文表达各种户外活动。【教学重点】使学生学会认读表示各种户外活动的单词以及短语 fish, fly a kite, ride a horse, listen to music, collect shells, ride a jet-ski. 掌握重点语法:现在进行时态。Someone is flying a kite/ riding on horses/ listening to music/ collecting shells/ riding a jet-ski.【教学难点】学生能通过听音获取正确的信息;能理解 fly a kite, ride a horse, listen to music, collect shells, ride a jet-ski, play football, swim in the sea 等表示的相对应的活动,能运用以上短语表达来描述图片内容。【教学准备】写有表示英文单词的卡片、教材相配套的录音带【教学过程】Step 1 Warming up播放 beach fun 视频且询问学生喜欢的沙滩活动,引出这个部分的话题。Step 2 Revision回顾之前学过的简单的关于活动的表达方式,如:fishing,playing football 等。Step 3 Look, listen and check the answer1老师呈现课本第 38 页的图片,并介绍:Today is Childrens day. There is no school today. Lucy and her classmates are on the beach. Look, they are having a good time! 然后引导学生运用所学知识进行描述。2老师播放录音数遍,学生完成连线练习,师生共同核对答案,并结合图片适时学习 fly a kite, ride horse, listen to music, collect shells 等相关内容。Step 4 Act out the conversation in class1. 老师引导学生采取不同方式朗读句子,如全班读、分组读等。2. 老师示范按顺序描述图片,引导学生两人一组进行练习(一人指,一人说) ,再次巩固所学内容,然后老师选取 2-3 组进行展示并适时给予评价。Step 5 Summary老师让学生看黑板上的板书或课件,与学生一起回顾本课所学的重要句型及短语单词。Step 6 Homework温习书本图片,熟记关于各种户外活动的表达,小组搭档对话。【板书设计】Unit 5 On the BeachPart 1 fly a kite ride a horse,listen to music play footballcollect shells swim in the seafish ride a jet-ski现在进行时:Be+动词 ingSomeone is flying a kite/ riding on horses/ listening to music/ collecting shells/ riding a jet-ski.
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