Unit 5 On the beach-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:202a3).zip

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Look, where is it? OnOn the beachislandbeach on Taiwan Islandbeach on Hainan Islandbeach in Beihai ,Guangxibeach in Dalian,China Myfavouritebeachis_.Task1:Listenandanswer.Whoarethey?Wherearetheyfrom?Canada 加拿大加拿大Sanya三亚三亚Task2:ReadMarystextandanswerthequestions.(读短文1并回答问题)Youcanunderlinethekeywordsandsentences.(用线画出关键词和句子)1.Whereisthebeach?2.Whatsonthebeach?(沙滩上有什么?)3.Canweswimthereveryoften?Why?IliveinCanada.on an island Therearelotsofbeautifulstarfishonthebeach.海星主要分布于世界各地的浅海海星主要分布于世界各地的浅海 底沙地或礁石上底沙地或礁石上。很难想象出,海星竟是一种贪婪的食肉动物。很难想象出,海星竟是一种贪婪的食肉动物。它的主要捕食对象是一些行动较迟缓的海洋动物它的主要捕食对象是一些行动较迟缓的海洋动物,如贝类、海胆、螃蟹和海葵等。,如贝类、海胆、螃蟹和海葵等。ThetemperatureofayearinCanada.Most of the time, its too cold.LearnQionghuastextingroupsandfillinthetable.NameFromWhereWhatCandoQionghuaChinaInSanyaCityonHainanIslandmanytouristsyoucanswim(mostoftheyear)Task3:Retellthetexts.Thisis_.Shelivesin_.Itsabeautiful_on_in_.Therearealwaysmany_onthebeach.You_heremostoftheyear.QionghuaSanyacityHainanIslandChinatouristscanswim小组自选一段朗读小组自选一段朗读Its show time.Talk about your favourite beach.Hi , Im _. I live in _. My favourite beach is on/in _. There are lots of _ there. I like _ on the beach.( playing games / collecting shells ) I think _ on the beach is _.( cool / interesting /great )夏洛特皇后岛是加拿大西海岸的一座群岛,约有150个岛屿,居民以印第安人为主,主要从事渔业。Queen Charlotte Islands佛罗里达Daytona(代托代托纳)纳) 海滩,被誉为世界上最美的海滩!海滩开阔,沙质细腻,洁白,海鸥数以万计!名不虚传!Magnetic Island玛格内特岛(磁岛磁岛),在太平洋中,是大堡礁群岛中最美丽的一个岛屿。和无尾熊一起吃早餐、和袋鼠在海滩跑跳都不是梦。磁岛之名是著名的英国航海家詹姆斯库克(Cook)上尉命名的,因为当他在1770年航行通过此地时,他的指南针变疯了。When you go to visit your favourite beach, please keep it clean and nice.There are many beautiful things for us to discover (发现发现) and enjoy(欣赏欣赏)! HomeworkCollectthepicturesandinformationaboutsomebeaches.Chooseyourfavouriteoneandtelluswhy? 写一写你喜欢的海滩。写一写你喜欢的海滩。 Tips for your writingHello!Iamfrom.Iamyearsold.IliveinMyfavouritebeach/parkisThereare.IlikeIthinkonthebeach/intheparkis(cool/interesting/great)Look!isflyingakite/ Unit 5 on the beach part 5 教学设计(定稿) 授课班级五授课时间2019.4课 型阅读课 题Unit 5 on the beach教学目标能理解文本表达的意思(两个来自不同国家的孩子介绍的两个由于地理环境差异而形成的不同风格的海滩);能朗读文本材料;能从文本中提炼尝试写作重 点能理解文本表达的意思(两个来自不同国家的孩子介绍的两个由于地理环境差异而形成的不同风格的海滩) 难 点能朗读文本材料;能从文本中提炼出写作特点,为自己的创作铺路;能模仿文本写出自己的短文,进行运用教 具录音机,课件教学方法阅读教学法板书设计:Unit 5 on the beach My favourite beach is 教学环节 教 学 内 容 教师活动 学生活动设计说明2激情导课激情导课民主导学民主导学检测导结检测导结1. Sing the chant and greeting. Before our class, lets sing the chant.kite, kite,fly a kite.bike,bike, ride a bike.horse,horse, ride a horse.shells, shells, collcet shells.football, football,play football.music,music,listen to music.OK.Boys and girls. Are you ready for our class? Yes, class begin. Good morning, boys and girls.How are you today? Im fine,too. Today I will take you to a beautiful beautiful place. Please look, listen and guess. Where is it?Lets come back our class.Its a very very beautiful place. Beach. Youre great.Its a beautiful beach.It means between the land and the sea. Its full of sand everywhere.So I think the beach is very beautiful. Do you think so? 2. Elicit “beach”. Read it.Explain what the beach is.(Its between the land and the sea,full of sand on the ground.) Ask”Where re the beaches in China?” (Point to Taiwan Island)”Whats this?” Learn a new word”island”(CAI).This letter “s” is absent.For example, island-England3. Explain“Its a small land where the water is around it. So there are beaches on the island”There are many beautiful beaches in China. Lets say. Where are they? This is the beach is on Hainan Island. And this one beach is on Taiwan Island.Read”Taiwan Island. Hainan Island.” Present “The biggest island in China is Taiwan Island. The second biggest island in China is HainanIsland.”And among these four beaches, I think this beach is very very beautiful, (CAI 出示)(CAI 出示中国地图沿海城市)(板书课题)(CAI 呈现世界地图。)(引导关注短篇基本信息)(每组叫一生回答完成一个孩子的内容填写。教师借助地图辅助讲解海滩因地理位置、气候特点而形成的不同之处,大量信息输(初读国名。)(创设气氛、激活知识)(背景信息帮助学生理解,并为下一步学习文本作了铺垫。)(故意设置小错误,通过改正,突破难点,为后面的理解和运用作了铺垫。)(整体感受注意发音;跟读纠正发音,朗读。感知理解、熟悉材料为下一步完成学习任务作准备。)(给学生“搭梯子”4because the sea is very very blue, so my favourite beach is on Hainan Island. Please tell me whats your favourite beach? T: There are lots of beaches on Taiwan Island and Hainan Island.4. T:Beach is so great. Today lets talk about the favourite beach My favourite beach is Hainan Island. My favourite beach is on Shanghai.” 5. The beach is so beautiful. I like beaches. I can do many things on the beach. For example, I can collect starfish. Do you want to go to the beach? What can you do on the beach?Lets talk about. I think collecting starfish is very very cool.Good idea.Fishing is so interesting.Pre-reading.1. T: Lets read about two children from two different countries. Whatre their favourite beaches?Children turn to Page 42. and look at Part 5.2. Teacher plays the tape for three times. While-reading.Task 1:Listen and answer,who are they? where are they from? Find out the same points of the two passages.Canada is the second largest country in the world. Its located in North America. Heres Sanya. It lies in the south of China. It is famous for beautiful beach.Task 2:Learn the texts.a.Read Marys text and answer the questions.(读短文 1 并回答问题)You can underline the key words and sentences.(用线画出关键词和句子)1.Where is the beach?2.Whats on the beach?(沙滩上有什么?)3.Can we swim there very often?Why? 入,帮助最后运用语言。),帮助学生下一步的创作。)4 b.Learn Xionghuas text in groups and fill in the table.Task 3:Retell the passages.(复述,熟悉语篇,小组自选一段朗读。)Post-reading.1. T: What are your favourite beaches?(老师提供了一个范文给学生。)Children work in four groups. (CAI)Present several pictures of beaches,islands and some key words and phrases for helping their writings.Choose one of beaches they like to make up their own passages. Each group writes one passage. 2. Have a report in front of the class.(汇报展示)Feedback and assessment.Complete the following exercises.Correct the mistakes.Translate the sentences.Put the words in correct order.T: Do you love the beach? Yes, the beach is so beautiful. When you go to visit your favourite beach, please keep it clean and nice .(以情感渗透的方式结尾,赋予了生活气息与环保意识。)There are many beautiful things for us to discover (发现) and enjoy(欣赏)!HomeworkCollect the pictures and information about some beaches.Choose your favourite one and tell us why?
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