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Unit 3 TelevisionPart 5 listen and read教学反思教学反思一、教材内容教材内容:五年级下册 Unit 3 Televison Part 5二、二、教学目标教学目标:1. 知识目标:知识目标:学生能够掌握单词 think , interesting , called , boring , 并能用类似的句子,如:Mingming likes cartoons. His sister doesnt like cartoons .等进行表述。能了解 Mingming will watch it.和句子 Mingming is going to watch it . 是相同的意思。2. 能力目标:能力目标:(1) 学生能够结合具体的语言情境,描述自己喜欢或不喜欢的电视节目。(2) 学生能够借助图片或表格,结合具体的练习,将自己习得的语言用口头表述出来。(3) 学生能学会从阅读短文中获取主要信息的方法。3. 情感目标:情感目标:(1) 通过阅读渗透的知识,引导学生合理安排看电视的时间。(2)通过文中“人与自然”的话题,激发学生对大自然的热爱之情。三、三、教学重难点:教学重难点:1. 学生能够掌握句子:Mingming likes cartoons . Mingming doesnt like cartoons . mingming will watch it .2. 学生能明白 Mingming will watch it . 等同于 Mingming is going to watch it .3.学生能够结合具体的语言情境和练习,运用所学的句型表达自己的喜好,介绍自己喜好的电视节目。四、四、教材分析:教材分析:本课的教学内容是一篇阅读,在整个 television 的第三单元属于难点。要掌握这篇文章,既要求学生有良好的基础知识,对之前所学词句的牢固掌握,又要求学生有较强的听、说、读的技能和一定的写的技能。本课内容既包含了对前面所学的电视节目的单词巩固,也为学生后面写作谈论自己喜欢的电视节目奠定了一定的基础,因此,这一课的内容在整个单元中起着承上启下的作用,可谓是至关重要。五、五、学情分析:学情分析:五年级的学生学习了将近三年的英语,有一定的英语基础,大部分学生在听、读方面问题不大,可能在说和写方面有所欠缺,但只要上课能认真思考、积极参与,我认为他们还是能很好地掌握本课的。但是本班学生存在着另外一个严重的问题两极分化,基础好的学生英语特别好,有几个后进生又基本是害怕英语,因此,我在设计本次课教学的时候尽量考虑到照顾到全体学生,将设计层次化,多面化,希望能够做到全员参与,让全班学生都能被英语课堂的氛围所感染。六、六、教学过程:教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings .2. Review: What programmes do you often watch ? Do you like sports programmes ?3. Lead-in : Do you like cartoons ? I like cartoons very much . I made a new friend through a cartoon . His name is Kung Fu Panda . Do you want to know him ?【教学设计说明】师生互致问候,热身之后,教师运用前面学过的句子 What programmes do you often watch ?与学生进行交流,既起到了复习的作用,又把学生引入了谈论电视节目的话题之中,可以说是承上启下,一石二鸟。Step 2 Presentation1. 教师出示 Kung Fu Panda 的照片。2. Watch a video . (看关于 Kung Fu Panda 的视频剪辑。)3. T: Do you like Kung Fu Panda ? Kung Fu Panda meets a problem , his English teacher give him some tasks to finish , but he is not good at English . Will help him to finish the tasks ?【教学设计说明】以学生熟知的动漫人物 Kung Fu Panda 为本次课教学的切入点,在吸引了学生的兴趣,使枯燥乏味的阅读课变得生动有趣的同时,也自然地将任务设计于 Kung Fu Panda 身上,更好地把任务型教学融合到了阅读教学中,并且贯穿于始终,这样,学生阅读的目的性就会比较强。4. 介绍任务/游戏规则(教师课前在黑板上画好几级台阶,并准备好 Kung Fu Panda 的照片。学生帮助 Kung Fu Panda 完成一个任务,他才能上一级台阶,直到他上到台阶的最高一步,学生的任务就完成,就胜利了。 )5. Listen to the whole text . Answer the following question :Do Mingming and his sister like watching TV ?6. Listen to the first paragraph , try to answer :When do Mingming and his sister watch TV ?【教学设计说明】先出示问题,然学生带着问题听,这样目标会更明确,效果也会更好。另外,特别询问文中的人看电视的时间,是在向学生传达要合理安排作息时间,向学生渗透最好在周末看电视的信息。7. Answer the question of paragraph 1 .(答对了就将 Kung Fu Panda 上升一级台阶,并告诉学生奖励自己的话:hey , hey , lovely ! 边说边竖起大拇指。【教学设计说明】学生答对了问题的时候,极度需要被给予某种肯定。口头上的肯定让学生变得自信,实际行动上让 Panda 上升一级台阶则让学生有了成就感,这在某种程度上进一步激发了学生参与到英语学习中来的兴趣。8. Read the first paragraph together .9. Learn the second paragraph .(以同样的方法学习第二自然段,答题完成任务。讲解 interesting , boring , called 等单词。以练习的形式出示重点:Mingming will watch it . 等同于句子 Mingming is going to watch it .【教学设计说明】用联系上下文的方法和图片示意法讲解单词 interesting , boring , called 等,体现了随文识单词的思想,教学也不至于脱离文本。10. Read the second paragraph .11. Learn the third paragraph .(这里重点以练习的形式讲解 likes 和 doesnt like 的用法。用图片示意法讲解 Man and Nature 的意思。这一段中,不再出示问题,让学生仿照第二段的问题自己提问。)Step 3 Practice1. Listen to the whole text . 【教学设计说明】总-分-总式的教学模式,体现了教学的完整性,对学生而言,也是一个很好地整合知识的过程。2. Read the text after the tape recorder .3. Fill in the blanks .(缩短短文,扣除重点单词让学生填空。)4. Tick true or false .(考查学生对整个文章的掌握程度。)Step 4 Production1. Fill in the table .【教学设计说明】检测学生是否弄懂文意,能否从文本中准确地提取信息。2. Look at the table , try to say some sentences .【教学设计说明】这一步难度升级,对学生的要求从动笔写提升到了开口说。之前大量的语言输入就是为了这一步的语言产出。学生能把习得的语言知识熟练地运用于口头表达,这是最终的目的,同时也实现了听说读写的紧密结合。3. Watch Man and Nature . T: Is it interesting ? What do you think of it ? You can say it in Chinese .【教学设计说明】通过观看人与自然的视频,让学生感受到动植物的可爱之处,从而使学生意识到人与自然应该和谐相处,引出最后的主题,呼吁学生热爱大自然,使整节课的感情得到升华。Step 5 Homework1. Listen and read the text .2. Mime the text , try to write your favourite TV programme .七、七、教学反思:教学反思:(一)(一) 自我评价自我评价1. 本节课的亮点:本节课的亮点:a. 本节课最大的亮点个人认为就是将任务型教学和阅读很巧妙地结合在一本节课最大的亮点个人认为就是将任务型教学和阅读很巧妙地结合在一起,使得学生在一个个轻松的任务中很愉快地掌握了短文的内容,也使得起,使得学生在一个个轻松的任务中很愉快地掌握了短文的内容,也使得整个教学过程比较流畅、简洁明了、轻松愉快,一改以往阅读教学枯燥乏整个教学过程比较流畅、简洁明了、轻松愉快,一改以往阅读教学枯燥乏味的课堂氛围。味的课堂氛围。b. 以学生熟知的功夫熊猫为切入点,合理地利用了学生的兴趣点,将以学生熟知的功夫熊猫为切入点,合理地利用了学生的兴趣点,将“玩玩中乐,乐中学中乐,乐中学”贯穿于本课教学过程中,符合小学生的年龄特征。贯穿于本课教学过程中,符合小学生的年龄特征。c. 本次课将听、说、读、写四项基本技能巧妙结合,练习形式多样,注重本次课将听、说、读、写四项基本技能巧妙结合,练习形式多样,注重学生之间的互动与合作,安排比较合理。学生之间的互动与合作,安排比较合理。2. 本节课的不足之处:本节课的不足之处:a. 课堂内容安排可能稍多,导致拖堂一分钟,应当合理删减一些内容。课堂内容安排可能稍多,导致拖堂一分钟,应当合理删减一些内容。b. 教师课堂教学的时间把握不合理,存在着前松后紧的现象,以至于结尾教师课堂教学的时间把握不合理,存在着前松后紧的现象,以至于结尾很仓促,大有虎头蛇尾之嫌。很仓促,大有虎头蛇尾之嫌。c. 学生举手不太积极,可能这样的公开课上得太少,学生比较紧张。学生举手不太积极,可能这样的公开课上得太少,学生比较紧张。(二)(二) 今后努力方向今后努力方向1. 备课时要多方面考虑,结合各种可能的因素,不仅要备教材,还要充分地备课时要多方面考虑,结合各种可能的因素,不仅要备教材,还要充分地备学生,合理安排内容,只有多思考,多准备,才能更加恰当地把握课堂。备学生,合理安排内容,只有多思考,多准备,才能更加恰当地把握课堂。2. 课堂上的教学进度要合理安排,不能前松后紧,今后多在这方面下功夫,课堂上的教学进度要合理安排,不能前松后紧,今后多在这方面下功夫,尽量克服这个毛病。尽量克服这个毛病。3. 今后要多上公开课,多用多媒体,在锻炼自己能力的同时,也能提升学生今后要多上公开课,多用多媒体,在锻炼自己能力的同时,也能提升学生的胆量,从而更加从容地参与到英语学习中来。的胆量,从而更加从容地参与到英语学习中来。NamesCatoonsWhyWhat to watchWhen to watchNamesCatoonsWhyWhat to watchWhen to watchNamesCatoonsWhyWhat to watchWhen to watchNamesCatoonsWhyWhat to watchWhen to watchUnit 3 TelevisionPart 5 Listen and readKung Fu PandaPre-reading:Do Mingming and hissister like watching TV?What does Mingming like ?Yes , they do .He likes cartoons .While-reading :When do Mingming and his sister always watch TV ?Task 1:listen and answerMingming and his sister like watching TV. They always watch on Saturday and Sunday.When do Mingming andhis sister always watch TV ?Task 1:listen and answerThey always watch TV on Saturday and Sunday .Mingming and his sister like watching TV. They always watch on Saturday and Sunday.Task 2:listen and find the answers .(听第二段并且回答问题听第二段并且回答问题。)。) Why does Mingming like cartoons?What will Mingming watch this evening ?Task 2:listen and find the answer.Mingming likes cartoons. He thinksthey are . This evening,there is a cartoon on (TV) called Kung Fu Panda. It begins at twentyto eight. Mingming will watch it.interestinginterestingboringTask 2:listen and find the answers. Mingming likes cartoons. He thinks they are interesting. This evening, there is a cartoon on (TV) called Kung Fu Panda. It begins at twenty to eight. Mingming will watch it.Mingming will watch it this evening.Mingming is going to watch it this evening.He will watch Kung Fu Pandathis evening.He is going to watch Kung Fu Pandathis evening.Task 2:listen and find the answers. Why does Mingming like cartoons?What will Mingming watch this evening ?-He thinks they are interesting. -He will watch Kung Fu Panda .Mingming likes cartoons. He thinks they are interesting. This evening, there is a cartoon on (TV) called Kung Fu Panda. It begins at twenty to eight. Mingming will watch it.His sister doesnt like cartoons. Shethinks they are boring. She neverwatches them. She will watch Manand Nature this afternoon . It beginsat twenty past four in the afternoon . “This programme is really(真的真的)great!” she says.Task 3:Read and try to ask.(读一读并提问读一读并提问)Learn and practice the sentences.Mingming _cartoons.(like,likes)His sister _cartoons.(dont like , doesnt like)likesdoesnt likeMingming likes cartoons.His sister doesnt like cartoons.Can you say ?Lily: cartoons , romantic films XToby: nature programmes , sports programmes XHis sister doesnt like cartoons. She thinks they are boring. She never watches them. She will watch Man and Nature this afternoon. It begins at twenty past four in the afternoon . “This programme is really(真的真的)great!” she says.Task 3:Read and try to askMan and NatureTask 3:Read and try to ask.(仿照例子对第三自然段提问。)(仿照例子对第三自然段提问。)Does Mingmings sister like cartoons ?What will she watch this afternoon ?-No ,she doesnt.-She will watch Man and Nature .eg(例子)(例子): Does Mingming like cartoons ? What will he watch this evening ?His sister doesnt like cartoons. Shethinks they are boring. She never watches them. She will watch Manand Nature this afternoon. It beginsat twenty past four in the afternoon . “This programme is really great!” she says. Mingming and his sister like _ TV. Mingming _cartoons . He thinks theyare_. This evening, there is acartoon on _ Kung Fu Panda. It _at twenty to eight. Mingming _watch it. His sister _ like cartoons. She thinks they are _. She never watches them.watchinglikesinterestingcalledbeginswilldoesntboringPost-reading :Task 4a : Fill in the blanks.(填空填空)Task 4b:True or False:1.Mingming doesnt like cartoons ,because he thinks they are boring. 2.Mingming will watch Kung Fu Panda this evening .3.Mingmings sister likes cartoons .4.Mingmings sister will watch Man and Nature this afternoon .5.Mingming and his sister like watching TV .FTFTTTask 5:Finish the table(完成表格完成表格) NamesCartoonsWhyWhat to watchWhen to watchMingmingMingmings sisterlikesinterestingKung Fu Panda this eveningdoesnt likeboringMan and Naturethis afternoon让我们一起爱护大自然的植物和动物吧!让我们一起爱护大自然的植物和动物吧!Homework :1.Listen and read the text(短文短文) .2.Mime(模仿模仿) the text , try to writeyour favourite TV programme .(something can help you: I like cartoons. I think they are interesting.1.It begins at I will watch it this evening. )Unit 3 TelevisionPart 5 listen and read一、内容:内容:五年级下册 Unit 3 Televison Part 5二、二、教学目标:教学目标:1.知识目标:学生能够掌握单词 think , interesting , called , boring , 并能用类似的句子,如:Mingming likes cartoons. His sister doesnt like cartoons .等进行表述。能了解Mingming will watch it.和句子 Mingming is going to watch it . 是相同的意思。2.能力目标:(1)学生能够结合具体的语言情境,描述自己喜欢或不喜欢的电视节目。(2)学生能够借助图片或表格,结合具体的练习,将自己习得的语言用口头表述出来。(3)学生能学会从阅读短文中获取主要信息的方法。3.情感目标:(1)通过阅读渗透的知识,引导学生合理安排看电视的时间。(2)通过文中“人与自然”的话题,激发学生对大自然的热爱之情。三、三、教学重难点:教学重难点:1.学生能够掌握句子:Mingming likes cartoons . Mingming doesnt like cartoons . mingming will watch it .2.学生能明白 Mingming will watch it . 等同于 Mingming is going to watch it .3.学生能够结合具体的语言情境和练习,运用所学的句型表达自己的喜好,介绍自己喜好的电视节目。四、四、教学准备:教学准备:熊猫图片,吸铁石,表格,单词卡片,句子卡片,课件等。五、五、教学过程:教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings .2.Review: What programmes do you often watch ? Do you like sports programmes ?3.Lead-in : Do you like cartoons ? I like cartoons very much . I made a new friend through a cartoon . His name is Kung Fu Panda . Do you want to know him ?【教学设计说明】师生互致问候,热身之后,教师运用前面学过的句子 What programmes do you often watch ?与学生进行交流,既起到了复习的作用,又把学生引入了谈论电视节目的话题之中,可以说是承上启下,一石二鸟。Step 2 Presentation1.教师出示 Kung Fu Panda 的照片。2.Watch a video . (看关于 Kung Fu Panda 的视频剪辑。)3.T: Do you like Kung Fu Panda ? Kung Fu Panda meets a problem , his English teacher give him some tasks to finish , but he is not good at English . Will help him to finish the tasks ?【教学设计说明】以学生熟知的动漫人物 Kung Fu Panda 为本次课教学的切入点,在吸引了学生的兴趣,使枯燥乏味的阅读课变得生动有趣的同时,也自然地将任务设计于 Kung Fu Panda 身上,更好地把任务型教学融合到了阅读教学中,并且贯穿于始终,这样,学生阅读的目的性就会比较强。4.介绍任务/游戏规则(教师课前在黑板上画好几级台阶,并准备好 Kung Fu Panda 的照片。学生帮助 Kung Fu Panda 完成一个任务,他才能上一级台阶,直到他上到台阶的最高一步,学生的任务就完成,就胜利了。 )5.Listen to the whole text . Answer the following question :Do Mingming and his sister like watching TV ?6.Listen to the first paragraph , try to answer :When do Mingming and his sister watch TV ?【教学设计说明】先出示问题,然学生带着问题听,这样目标会更明确,效果也会更好。另外,特别询问文中的人看电视的时间,是在向学生传达要合理安排作息时间,向学生渗透最好在周末看电视的信息。7.Answer the question of paragraph 1 .(答对了就将 Kung Fu Panda 上升一级台阶,并告诉学生奖励自己的话:hey , hey , lovely ! 边说边竖起大拇指。【教学设计说明】学生答对了问题的时候,极度需要被给予某种肯定。口头上的肯定让学生变得自信,实际行动上让 Panda 上升一级台阶则让学生有了成就感,这在某种程度上进一步激发了学生参与到英语学习中来的兴趣。8.Read the first paragraph together .9.Learn the second paragraph .(以同样的方法学习第二自然段,答题完成任务。讲解interesting , boring , called 等单词。以练习的形式出示重点:Mingming will watch it . 等同于句子 Mingming is going to watch it .【教学设计说明】用联系上下文的方法和图片示意法讲解单词 interesting , boring , called 等,体现了随文识单词的思想,教学也不至于脱离文本。10. Read the second paragraph .11. Learn the third paragraph .(这里重点以练习的形式讲解 likes 和 doesnt like 的用法。用图片示意法讲解 Man and Nature 的意思。这一段中,不再出示问题,让学生仿照第二段的问题自己提问。)Step 3 Practice1.Listen to the whole text . 【教学设计说明】总-分-总式的教学模式,体现了教学的完整性,对学生而言,也是一个很好地整合知识的过程。2.Read the text after the tape recorder .3.Fill in the blanks .(缩短短文,扣除重点单词让学生填空。)4.Tick true or false .(考查学生对整个文章的掌握程度。)Step 4 Production1.Fill in the table .【教学设计说明】检测学生是否弄懂文意,能否从文本中准确地提取信息。2.Look at the table , try to say some sentences .【教学设计说明】这一步难度升级,对学生的要求从动笔写提升到了开口说。之前大量的语言输入就是为了这一步的语言产出。学生能把习得的语言知识熟练地运用于口头表达,这是最终的目的,同时也实现了听说读写的紧密结合。3.Watch Man and Nature . T: Is it interesting ? What do you think of it ? You can say it in Chinese .【教学设计说明】通过观看人与自然的视频,让学生感受到动植物的可爱之处,从而使学生意识到人与自然应该和谐相处,引出最后的主题,呼吁学生热爱大自然,使整节课的感情得到升华。Step 5 Homework1.Listen and read the text .2.Mime the text , try to write your favourite TV programme .六、六、板书设计板书设计Unit 3 TelevisionPart 5 Listen and readthink , interesting , boring, calledMingming likes cartoons .His sister doesnt like cartoons .Mingming will watch it .Mingming is going to watch it . Unit 3 TelevisionPart 5 Listen and read The teacher : Pan XiaoliTeaching Aims:1. Students can read and understand the key words and phrases: interesting , called , boring , Kung Fu Panda , Man and Nature. 2. Students can read and understand the following sentences , and can use these sentences to express:Mingming likes cartoons.His sister doesnt like cartoons.Mingming will watch it . 3. Students can learn the way to get some information from the text .4. Students can listen and understand the text , and can read the text by themselves .5. By learning to stimulate students to love nature .Teaching key point and difficult point :1. Students can read and understand the sentences and can use the sentences to express.2. Students can learn the way to get information from the text .3. Students can listen and understand the text , and can read the text by themselves .Teaching Aids : pictures , tape recorder , multimedia, PPTTeaching Time : one lessonTeaching Procedure : 一、Warming up.1. Greetings.2. Review : What programmes do you often watch ? Do you like cartoons ?3. Lead-in : T : I like cartoons , too . And I made a new friend .Do you want to have a look? PPT shows the picture of Kung Fu Panda . Do you like him ? 二、Presentation1. Listen to the tape recorder , try to know what the text is talking about .2. Listen to the first paragraph , try to answer :Does Mingming and his sister like watching TV ?When do they always watch TV ?3. Listen to the second paragraph , try to answer questions .4. Help the students understand the key words . 5. Learn paragraph 3 , try to ask questions . 6. Learn the key sentences .7. A little grammar knowledge .三、Practice and Production .1. Listen to the whole text .2. Fill in the blanks .3. Tick true or false .4. Finish the table .5. Try to repeat the text according to the table .6. Read the text in pairs .7. Read the text together .四、Homework.1. Listen and read the text .2. Mime the text , try to write the favourite TV programmes of you or your family .五、Design for Bb.Unit 3 TelevisionPart 5interesting, boring, calledMingming likes cartoons .His sister doesnt like cartoons .Mingming will watch it .