Unit 2 Life in the Arctic-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:f081b).zip

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chocolatesice creamchewing gumapplesbananaspearsplumsWe have a party.are going toI buy chocolates.am going towillwillWhat you do at the party?willWhats your favourite day?Sun.Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu.Fri.Sat.11What will they do?They will ride a bike.What will Hui Tailang do?He will ski.What will Lan Yangyang do?He will clean the floor.What will Xi Yangyang do?He will wash the clothes.What will Lan Yangyang do?He will swim.What will Fei Yangyang do?He will catch a butterfly.Practise in pairs.What will you do?(tomorrow/next Sunday/ this Saturday)I willA:B:go swimminggo to the Great Wallgo to the zoo go to the parkTomorrow is Saturday. What will the children do ?PeterJaneSueJohnElenago to the Great Wallgo swimminggo to the parkread booksgo to the zoostay homeWhat will children do?JohnPeterSueJaneTomorrow is Saturday. Peter,Jane,Sue,John, andElena will not go to school.Tomorrow is Saturday. Yes, its my favourite day.What will you do tomorrow, Peter?Ill go swimming. I love swimming.OK. Jane, what will you do?Ill go to the zoo with my parents.What about you, Sue?Er, Ill go to the park. Ill read books there.What will you do, John?Ill go to the Great Wall with my uncle. Ill take photo there.Oh no, Ill have to stay at home. My parents are in England now.Jane:Peter:Elena:Peter:Elena:Jane:Elena:Sue:Elena:John:Elena:1、定义:、定义:2、句型结构:句型结构:一般将来时一般将来时表示将来或计划发生的事情。表示将来或计划发生的事情。be going to + 动词原形动词原形will+动词原形动词原形I am going to listen to music tomorrow.I will listen to music tomorrow.Homework 1.Role play. Part 92.Talk about what you will do this weekend . 主备人参与教师课题Unit 2 life in the arctic Part 9课型新授教学目标1. 能根据图片听懂表示未来计划、打算的对话,并运用一般将来时的句型 What will you do? Ill.2. 能运用句型自由表达自己未来的计划和打算。教学重点1理解同义句,完成边线的练习。2能正确理解并运用一般将来时的句型表达自己未来的计划和打算。教学难点1.理解同义句,完成边线的练习。2.能正确理解并运用一般将来时的句型表达自己未来的计划和打算。教学准备Tape, pictures 课前预习内容预习新单词和句子。班级学情分析北极是个神秘的地方,对于五年级的学生来说虽然陌生,但也更使学生充满无穷的好奇心,对这方面的内容饶有兴趣。五年级学生,在英语学习方面,他们有模仿的经验,和一定的单词积累;在信息技术方面,他们有一定的信息素养,能处理、收集一些信息,相当学生也善于操作技巧。对于基于网络环境下的英语学习,他们更多的是好奇,兴奋。课时安排一课时师生教学活动设计过程教师活动学生活动个性教学设计课堂导入1. Warming up Say the chant: School party.1. Sing the song.合作探究1.引导学生观察并归纳此处 will 和 be going to 的意思相同。2.引出:What will you do at the party?3.利用课件及日历,介绍话题背景:Whats your favorite day?What will they do?Then practice and report. 4.播利用课件及日历,出示第 9 部分的人物图片,介绍话题背景放录音,学生初步感知对话。Tomorrow is Saturday. What will the children do?5.出示图片,再次播放录音,请学生思考:Whos in picture1/2/3/4?学生说出同义句学生看图回答 学生看图猜一猜回答学生认读人名。根据录音,回答问题并连线What will Elena do?6.播放录音。学生跟读。交流展示小组间分角色表演对话。开展小组竞赛,分角色表演对话。说说自己周末的打算。全班交流。归纳小结归纳此处 will 和 be going to 的意思相同。一般将来时后面接动词原形。当堂训练Read the sentences.Read the sentences and talk about yourself.必做题:作业设计选做题:板书设计 Unit 2 Life in the Arctic What are you going to do tomorrow? I am going to. What will you do tomorrow? Ill.be going to +动词原形will +动词原形教学反思课前先唱歌曲,复习 be going to 句型,与 will 同义句转换,很自然引导句型迁移。练习运用 will 说句子,运用看一看,猜一猜游戏,学生非常感兴趣,句子说得很好。教学效果自评好
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