- We are going on a bear hunt.mp4
- We are going on a bear hunt.pptx--点击预览
- We are going on a bear hunt.wav
- 教案51617.docx--点击预览
1.Say correctly.2.Show emotionally.3.Think creatively.Brainstorm!ashtanimalsfeelingsWhat are they doing?fathersisterbrotherbaby(P2-P18)Were going to catch a big one.What a beautiful day!Were going on a bear hunt.Were not scared.We cant go over it.Oh-oh! Grass!Long wavy grass. We cant go under it.Oh , no!Weve got to go through it!Were going to catch a big one.What a beautiful day!Were going on a bear hunt.Were not scared.Listen and read.(P11-P14)Listen and read.(P11-P14)Lets learn!1. 1. Listen and readListen and read. .2. 2. Finish the exercise on padFinish the exercise on pad. .3. Act it.3. Act it.(P15-P18)(P15-P18)1. Lets show!One shiny wet nose!Two big furry ears!Two big goggly eyes!Lets guess!Lets listen!Quick! Back through the cave!Tiptoe! Tiptoe! Tiptoe!Back through the forest!Stumble trip! Stumble trip! Stumble trip!Back through the snowstorm!Hoooo woooo! Hoooo woooo!Back through the grass!Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy!Lets guess!?Swishy swashy!Swishy swashy!Swishy swashy!Tiptoe! Hoooo woooo!Stumble trip!Lets show!德芭与彩虹书店配音网站Homework:1.Act you favourite part and record it.2.Upload it on APP(家校帮).3.You can share this book with your friends.Were Going on a Bear Hunt一、一、 教材内容与分析教材内容与分析本课是一节绘本课,是一首由民谣改编的新绘本。绘本文本内容较为简单,富有韵律的文本,文本中将形容词作为拟声词运用,增加了文本的趣味性。绘本内容有大量的隐藏信息以及对比信息,情感上的变化贯穿了全家人的旅途,是一本图片轻松活跃却又包含信息的绘本故事。二、学情分析二、学情分析五年级的学生已经积累了一定的口语能力,能够理解在课堂中出现过的问句,并回答。该绘本的部分内容是已学知识,所以能够帮助学生理解绘本的内容。三、教学目标三、教学目标1. 能理解绘本内容。2. 能有感情的朗读绘本内容。3. 能利用网络,学会自主阅读4. 能表达绘本中的情感信息。4. 语言目标 Were going on a bear hunt. Were going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day! Were not scared.四、教学重点四、教学重点1. 能理解绘本内容。2. 富有感情的阅读内容。3. 能感受出绘本内容的情感变化五、教学难点五、教学难点1. 富有感情的阅读内容。2. 感受情感的变化。3. 抓住文本的主线和情感的主线。六、教学准备六、教学准备1. 学习任务单2. 教学词卡等教具3. PPT、PAD七、教学过程七、教学过程.Pre-reading: 1.Greeting and introduce the assessment2.Brainstorm3.Lead in: Compare pictures4. Introduce the picture book设计意图:课前介绍本节课的三个维度的评价目标,引导、激励学生 Say correctly. Show Emotionally. Think creatively. 由 Brainstorm 复习有关animal,feeling 单词, 通过绘本封面和最后一页图片的比较,展示绘本,介绍作者和绘图者。.While-reading1. what can you see on the cover?2. Were going on a bear hunt. The first part, sing together and act in groups. 3. Stop 1: think and answer, read emotionally. 设计目地:引导学生观察绘本封面,读图。学生带着问题扫读绘本。引导学生精读,理解绘本,有感情地读出来。4. Stop 2: listen and answer, watch and mime. 5. Stop 3: learn by yourselves and read emotionally. 6. Stop 4: learn in groups, listen and read. Then finish the test on pad. 设计目的:学生通过读图、听绘本,找出地点的特征。学生运用平板自学,进行小组合作学习,7. Listen and guess what happened. 8. Read quickly and emotionally. 设计目的:带着疑问听录音,带着感情齐读,体会感情。9. Choose feelings according to pictures. 10. Lets mime. Choose one art and act it. Then show in class. 11. Compare pictures and talk about feelings. 设计目的:观察故事图片选择表情符号,感受每个阶段故事的感情变化。引导学生感受整个绘本中情感走向。12. Recommend good picture books and books stores。设计目的:向学生推荐趣味绘本和书店,让学生在课后也能欣赏自己喜欢的绘本。八、作业设计八、作业设计: 1. Act your favourite part and record it.2. Upload it on APP.3. You can share this book with your friends.