Revision 1-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:0099c).zip

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Sing the song: See you at Tonys Lets sing.1.能理解、学唱歌曲See you at Tonys;2.学会opposite,next to等表达方式;3.结合歌曲再次巩固go left,turn right,go straight ahead 等用法。教学目标教学目标Where can Toby get the best ice cream in town ?Where is Tonys ice-cream shop ?How to get there ?793254618museumpolice stationpost officehospitaltrain stationparktourist officechurchbus stopplaymuseumbus stopparkYou are hereturn leftturn rightgo straight aheadmuseumtourist officeyou are hereturn leftturn rightYou are herebus stopgo straight ahead Listen and tick the answer. left left left left right right right rightstraight aheadstraight aheadstraight aheadstraight aheadplayListen and fill in the numbers.9. Talk in class.schoolchurchmuseum博物馆博物馆parkhospitaltrain station火车站火车站bookshoppost officeWheres the church?Go straight ahead, then turn right,then turn left.Practise Our town is becoming more and more beautiful, we love our town! We love our town! Join In 小学英语五年级下小学英语五年级下 Unit4 In town A song.教学设计教学设计一、教学目标一、教学目标1 1、知识能力、知识能力(1 1)学生能够理解并说出句型)学生能够理解并说出句型 Wheres?Wheres?和词组和词组 gogo straightstraight ahaheadead , , turnturn leftleft , , turnturn right,right, opposite,nextopposite,next。(2 2)能运用句型)能运用句型 Wheres?Wheres?来问路并能用来问路并能用 GoGo straightstraight ahead.Tuahead.Turnrn left.left. TurnTurn rightright ,opposite,next,opposite,next进行回答。进行回答。2.2.能力目标能力目标:能够运用学过的知识进行问路、指路。能够运用学过的知识进行问路、指路。3.3.情感目标情感目标养成良好习惯,礼貌问路,学会表示感谢。养成良好习惯,礼貌问路,学会表示感谢。 二、教学重点与难点二、教学重点与难点1 1、教学重点、教学重点运用句型运用句型 Wheres?Wheres?来问路并能用来问路并能用 GoGo straightstraight ahead.Turnahead.Turn leleft.ft. TurnTurn rightright ,opposite,next,opposite,next进行指路。进行指路。2 2、教学难点、教学难点区分区分 left,right,straight,opposite,nextleft,right,straight,opposite,next三、教学准备三、教学准备: :卡片,录音机,贴画,自编韵律诗,学生桌摆成街道卡片,录音机,贴画,自编韵律诗,学生桌摆成街道形式。形式。四、教学过程:四、教学过程:一一 Warming up1、Greetings.2、A game. 看单词卡片快速抢答。(将看单词卡片快速抢答。(将 Go straight ahead. Turn left. Turn right. Opposite,NextOpposite,Next Supermarket 贴到黑板上贴到黑板上 顺势认读教学)顺势认读教学)3.Chant.turn left turn left left left left ;turn right turn right right right right;go straight ahead ahead ahead ahead;opposite opposite opposite 在在对面;对面;next to next to next to 在在旁边旁边二二Pretensation;1、创设情境,初步感知。教师边说边走下讲台,装做扭脚的样子、创设情境,初步感知。教师边说边走下讲台,装做扭脚的样子,走到一学生面前,寻求帮助。,走到一学生面前,寻求帮助。T:Ouch,excuse me.Wheres the hospital?Can you help me?(要提前把医院标志贴到教室的墙上要提前把医院标志贴到教室的墙上),学学生就会用生就会用 Turn right,Turn left,Go straight ahead.来为教师指路。来为教师指路。2、创设情境,引出新知。、创设情境,引出新知。T:Thank you so much.My foot is well. Now I can walk.So Im going to visit my grandma. I need buy some fruits. But I dont know wheres the supermarket. Can you help me?Excuse me, Wheres the supermarket?(提前将超市图(提前将超市图片贴在教室的墙上)学生根据超市图片的位置来为教师指路。片贴在教室的墙上)学生根据超市图片的位置来为教师指路。T:Excuse me.Wheres the supermarket?Ss: Go straight ahead. Turn left(学生指路,教师听口令在学生指路,教师听口令在教室的教室的“街道街道”中找路中找路)教师板书教师板书 Excuse me,wheres the supermarket?齐读,跟老师读,男生读,女生读,分组读,找生读。师问生齐读,跟老师读,男生读,女生读,分组读,找生读。师问生答。答。T: Who wants to ask me? Ill show you.S1: Excuse me,Wheres the supermarket?T: Ill show you.Go straight ahead. Turn right(教师指路,一教师指路,一学生在街道里穿行,寻找超市图片。学生在街道里穿行,寻找超市图片。)生生问答练习。一生问路,另一生指路。学生几个人一小组有张方生生问答练习。一生问路,另一生指路。学生几个人一小组有张方向图。向图。3、创设情境,巩固新知。、创设情境,巩固新知。(1)T: Look, I bought many fruits.For example,apples,bananas,oranges,and so on.Now I should go to the train station.Because my grandma lives in Yantai.So Ill go there by bus. But I dont know wheres the train station.Oh ,can you help me? Excuse me ,Wheres the train station?( 车站图片贴在教室的角落里车站图片贴在教室的角落里),学生来回答。学生来回答。(在超市买好水果,要乘车到烟台看望奶奶,却不知道在超市买好水果,要乘车到烟台看望奶奶,却不知道到车站的路。到车站的路。)T:Excuse me,Wheres the train station? (教师问路教师问路,学生指路,学生指路)生问生答。生问生答。S1:Excuse me,Wheres the station?S2:Go straight ahead. Turn left (两学生练习两学生练习)Practice;1、导入课文:、导入课文:Tody, its very hot.I want to eat an ice-cream.AtTonys I can get the best ice-cream in town.How can I get there?2、T:Please open your books and turn to page 62.Listen and point. 3、T:Now listen again,underline the place that you dont understand.(听音,在不理解的地方下划线)(听音,在不理解的地方下划线)4、T:Please put up your hands if you have any questions.5、Listen and repeat.三三Test做书上做书上 62 页页 1 题题,50 页页 1 题。题。Homework画一张从家到学校的街道简图,并注明道路旁边的建筑物,与朋画一张从家到学校的街道简图,并注明道路旁边的建筑物,与朋友做问路、指路练习。友做问路、指路练习。Join In 小学英语五年级下小学英语五年级下 Unit4 In town A song.教学设计教学设计一、教学目标一、教学目标1 1、知识能力、知识能力(1 1)学生能够理解并说出句型)学生能够理解并说出句型 Wheres?Wheres?和词组和词组 gogo straightstraight ahaheadead , , turnturn leftleft , , turnturn right,right, opposite,nextopposite,next。(2 2)能运用句型)能运用句型 Wheres?Wheres?来问路并能用来问路并能用 GoGo straightstraight ahead.Tuahead.Turnrn left.left. TurnTurn rightright ,opposite,next,opposite,next进行回答。进行回答。2.2.能力目标能力目标:能够运用学过的知识进行问路、指路。能够运用学过的知识进行问路、指路。3.3.情感目标情感目标养成良好习惯,礼貌问路,学会表示感谢。养成良好习惯,礼貌问路,学会表示感谢。 二、教学重点与难点二、教学重点与难点1 1、教学重点、教学重点运用句型运用句型 Wheres?Wheres?来问路并能用来问路并能用 GoGo straightstraight ahead.Turnahead.Turn leleft.ft. TurnTurn rightright ,opposite,next,opposite,next进行指路。进行指路。2 2、教学难点、教学难点区分区分 left,right,straight,opposite,nextleft,right,straight,opposite,next三、教学准备三、教学准备: :卡片,录音机,贴画,自编韵律诗,学生桌摆成街道卡片,录音机,贴画,自编韵律诗,学生桌摆成街道形式。形式。四、教学过程:四、教学过程:一一 Warming up1、Greetings.2、A game. 看单词卡片快速抢答。(将看单词卡片快速抢答。(将 Go straight ahead. Turn left. Turn right. Opposite,NextOpposite,Next Supermarket 贴到黑板上贴到黑板上 顺势认读教学)顺势认读教学)3.Chant.turn left turn left left left left ;turn right turn right right right right;go straight ahead ahead ahead ahead;opposite opposite opposite 在在对面;对面;next to next to next to 在在旁边旁边二二Pretensation;1、创设情境,初步感知。教师边说边走下讲台,装做扭脚的样子、创设情境,初步感知。教师边说边走下讲台,装做扭脚的样子,走到一学生面前,寻求帮助。,走到一学生面前,寻求帮助。T:Ouch,excuse me.Wheres the hospital?Can you help me?(要提前把医院标志贴到教室的墙上要提前把医院标志贴到教室的墙上),学学生就会用生就会用 Turn right,Turn left,Go straight ahead.来为教师指路。来为教师指路。2、创设情境,引出新知。、创设情境,引出新知。T:Thank you so much.My foot is well. Now I can walk.So Im going to visit my grandma. I need buy some fruits. But I dont know wheres the supermarket. Can you help me?Excuse me, Wheres the supermarket?(提前将超市图(提前将超市图片贴在教室的墙上)学生根据超市图片的位置来为教师指路。片贴在教室的墙上)学生根据超市图片的位置来为教师指路。T:Excuse me.Wheres the supermarket?Ss: Go straight ahead. Turn left(学生指路,教师听口令在学生指路,教师听口令在教室的教室的“街道街道”中找路中找路)教师板书教师板书 Excuse me,wheres the supermarket?齐读,跟老师读,男生读,女生读,分组读,找生读。师问生齐读,跟老师读,男生读,女生读,分组读,找生读。师问生答。答。T: Who wants to ask me? Ill show you.S1: Excuse me,Wheres the supermarket?T: Ill show you.Go straight ahead. Turn right(教师指路,一教师指路,一学生在街道里穿行,寻找超市图片。学生在街道里穿行,寻找超市图片。)生生问答练习。一生问路,另一生指路。学生几个人一小组有张方生生问答练习。一生问路,另一生指路。学生几个人一小组有张方向图。向图。3、创设情境,巩固新知。、创设情境,巩固新知。(1)T: Look, I bought many fruits.For example,apples,bananas,oranges,and so on.Now I should go to the train station.Because my grandma lives in Yantai.So Ill go there by bus. But I dont know wheres the train station.Oh ,can you help me? Excuse me ,Wheres the train station?( 车站图片贴在教室的角落里车站图片贴在教室的角落里),学生来回答。学生来回答。(在超市买好水果,要乘车到烟台看望奶奶,却不知道在超市买好水果,要乘车到烟台看望奶奶,却不知道到车站的路。到车站的路。)T:Excuse me,Wheres the train station? (教师问路教师问路,学生指路,学生指路)生问生答。生问生答。S1:Excuse me,Wheres the station?S2:Go straight ahead. Turn left (两学生练习两学生练习)Practice;1、导入课文:、导入课文:Tody, its very hot.I want to eat an ice-cream.AtTonys I can get the best ice-cream in town.How can I get there?2、T:Please open your books and turn to page 62.Listen and point. 3、T:Now listen again,underline the place that you dont understand.(听音,在不理解的地方下划线)(听音,在不理解的地方下划线)4、T:Please put up your hands if you have any questions.5、Listen and repeat.三三Test做书上做书上 62 页页 1 题题,50 页页 1 题。题。Homework画一张从家到学校的街道简图,并注明道路旁边的建筑物,与朋画一张从家到学校的街道简图,并注明道路旁边的建筑物,与朋友做问路、指路练习。友做问路、指路练习。
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