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1、译林版必修第三册unit2短语过关1请说出与head有关的短语(1)_(在困境中)保持冷静(2)_动脑筋(3)_昂首;趾高气扬(4)_摇头(5)_朝着方向走1.keep ones head 2 use your head 3 hold ones head high 4 shake ones head5 head for2请说出与relief有关的短语(1)_令某人欣慰的是(2)_欣慰地;如释重负地1.to ones relief 2.with relief3请说出与case有关的短语(1)_万一;以防,以备(2)_如果;万一(3)_无论如何,总之(4)_决不(5)_如果这样/那样的话1.in

2、case 2 in case of 3 in any case 4 in no case 5 in this/that case4请说出与scare有关的短语(1)_把吓跑(2)_恐吓某人做某事1.scare.away/off 2 scare sb.into doing sth.5请说出与power有关的短语(1)_当权(2)_上台(3)_某人力所不能及1.in power 2 come to power 3 beyond ones power6请说出与supply有关的短语(1)_缺少(2)_救援物资(3)_提供给某人某物1.in short supply 2 relief supplies

3、 3 supply sth.to sb.(supply sb.with sth.)7请说出与flood有关的短语(1)_大量的(2)_大量涌入1.a flood of 2 be flooded with.8请说出与curious有关的短语(1)_.对某事好奇(2)_好奇地做某事1.be curious about sth 2 be curious to do sth.9请说出与form有关的短语(1)_呈现的形状;采取的形式(2)_以的形式(3)_填写表格(4)_形成看法1.take the form of. 2 in the form of. 3 fill in/out a form 4 f

4、orm an opinion10请说出与beyond有关的短语(1)_使人无法理解(2)_超出某人的能力范围(3)_某人够不到(4)_无法形容1.be beyond sb. 2 beyond ones power 3 beyond ones reach 4 beyond description/expression11请说出与distance有关的短语(1)_在远处(2)_从远处(3)_在远的地方;距离稍远(4)_对冷淡;同保持距离1.in the distance 2 from a distance 3 at a distance(of) 4 keep sb.at a distance12请

5、说出与rescue有关的短语(1_把某人/某物从营救出来(2)_来/去营救某人1.)rescue sb./sth.from. 2 come/go to ones rescue13_ 整个,全部at large14_安然无恙的safe and sound15_ 被想到,浮现在脑中occur to16_用完;耗尽run out of 17_ 突然开始,爆发break out18_到处,各处far and wide.选词填空1What shall we do if we _ all the supplies?2Seeing his teacher,the boy ran away_.3The tra

6、ining program _ a series of activities.4The man,_ his wife and children,often goes to the charity.5Space travel can be so delightful but _ dangerous.6The policeman asked the man to describe the whole incident _.7The food in this region was in short supply after the war _.1.run out of 2 right away 3

7、takes the form of 4 along with 5 at the same time6 in detail 7 broke out .单句写作8他们或许已经通知了那个人这个令人震惊的消息。(might have done)_9下一步他要做的是帮助那些在洪水中受伤的人。(不定式作表语)_10在那种情况下他吓得要死,而他的妻子保持了冷静。(while)_11明天他们要去参观位于南部的那个农场。(locate)_12他在那里大声说着,好像是到过世界的每一个角落。(as if)_8 They might have informed the man of the shocking news.9 What he will do next is help those injured in the flood.10 He was scared to death while his wife kept her head in that situation.11 They will pay a visit to the farm located in the south tomorrow.12 He was talking aloud there as if he had been to each corner of the world.


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