Unit 3 完成句子训练 -(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.docx

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1、B3 U3-P29-35翻译句子1. 世界各地数十亿人已经加入其中,而且显而易见,更多人会接踵而至。_ _ people in different parts of the world have joint it already, and _ many more will follow.2. 在网上我们几乎什么都能做到,接入互联网带来了一些实实在在改变我们生活的好处。We can achieve almost anything online- _ _ _ the Internet _ some truly life-changing advantages.3. 从某种程度而言,动动手指,全世界

2、知识尽在掌握。_ _ _ _, the worlds knowledge is all _ _ _.4. 点一下鼠标,或者按一下按钮,就有可能照东几乎我们想了解的一切,从烹饪食谱到旅游套餐,从军事事务到学习资源。With a _ of a mouse or the _ of a _, it is possible to find out almost anything we care to know, from _ to travel packages, from _ _ to learning resources.5._ _the Internet has now become the fi

3、rst place that the_ of people _ _ _ information.难怪互联网现在已经为大多数人获取下信息的首要途径。6.The internet has also made our lives_ convenient, with all sorts of _ and _ provided by _ _.互联网进过电子商务提供应有尽有的商品和服务,给我们的生活带来了难以置信的便利,7.Gone_ the days t of searching shop after shop tor the perfect _ _ _ you can compare styles a

4、nd prices quickly and easily _ _ _ _ your living room.一家店一家站寻找平双最合适的能子的日子一去不复返了,你们可以舒舒服服地待在客厅里轻松快捷地比较我式和价格,8._ _ _ , the Internet helps us _ and _ _ _ .最重要的是,互联网帮助我们建立并维持社交联系。9.With all sorts of communication software, physical _no longer _ _ _ _.有了各种通信软件,现实距离已不再是阻碍了。10.An instant message,a group ch

5、at,a video call,a comment on an update-there are endless ways to share our views or let someone know we care about them.即时消息,群聊,视频通话,对更新的评论有无数方法来分享我们的观点,或让别人知晓我们对他们的关心。11. _with any great invention,we must _ _ _these problems and be careful to use the Internet _and _.跟对待任何伟大的发明一样,我们必须意识到这些问题,并合理负责地谨

6、慎使用互联网。12. Only in this way _the Internet be a place of _, _and _for everyone.只有这样,互联网才能成为每个人的发现之地,奇妙之所,灵感之源。13. One wrong click may damage your computer and _ all your computer _.一次错误地点击可能会损害你的电脑并删除你所有的电脑文件。14. For example, she has _ a _ team to develop an app _ _ _ satisfy different users needs.比如

7、,她已经要求一个技术团队去开发一款应用以满足不同用户的需求。答案:1. Billions of; Obviously2. with access to; come3. To a certain extent; at our fingertips4. click; touch; button; recipes; military affairs5. No wondermajorityturn to for6. Unbelievablygoodsserviceselectronic commerce7. Arepair of bootsin the comfort of8. Above all e

8、lseestablishgets in the way9. distance ; gets in the way.10.An instant message,a group chat,a video call,a comment on an update-there are endless ways to share our views or let someone know we care about them.11.As ; be aware of ; properly/and responsibly.12.can ; discovery;wonder and inspiration13.

9、remove ; files14.requested; technical; so as toB3 U3-P36-41翻译句子1. 有时候,我有种不安的感觉,这台小机器占用了我太多的时间,我本可以做一些更有意义的事,而不是整天盯着一个小屏幕看。Sometimes I had the _ feeling that this little machine had _ _ too much of my time, and that I _ _ _ something more meaningful than just looking at a tiny screen all day.2. 我低着头,

10、眼睛盯着智能手机,走到马路上,突然一辆车飞驰过来,差点把我撞倒。_ _, eye on my smartphone, I _ into the road and a car _ past, nearly _ me _ my feet.3风景的细微之处展现在我的面前:阳光柔和,一只小鸟在高高的树枝上歌唱,雨后土壤散发出浓郁的泥土气息。The _ of the scene were_ in front of me: the soft sunlight, a bird _ from a high tree branch, the rich and _ smell of the soil after

11、the rain. 4我们从来没有觉得彼此这么亲近。We had never_ _ _each other.5. 我无法逃离现代世界,但我可以减少每天花在智能手机上的时间,而且我也就是这么做I can not _ _the modern world, but I can _ _ _the amount of time I spent on my smartphone every day, and I _. 6.无论是走在大街上,还是同朋友吃饭,或者晚上躺在床上,我都目不转睛地盯着这块小小地屏幕。My eyes were _ the little screen _I walked down th

12、e street, had dinner with friends or_ in bed at night. 7.终于我意识到自己必须做出改变的那天到来了。Then the day _ _ I finally realized I had to make a change. 8.还有一个论坛,上面用户可以讨论各种各样关于跳舞的话题。There is also a forum_-users can discuss all_of topics on dancing. 9.在取得如此成功之后,Flona希望通过新媒体的其他形式来吸引更多的用户。_ _such success ,Fiona hopes

13、 to attract more users through other forms of new media.10我感到迷惘、紧张,仿佛我丢失了什么宝贵的东西。I felt_and_, as if I had missed something _ _.11 我不停地把手伸进口袋,去掏那只并不在里面的手机。12 I _ _ _ my pocket, for my smartphone that was not there.13 12空虚的时光在我面前拉长,我感觉和所有人、所有事都断了联系。The empty hours _ _in front of me, and I felt _ _ever

14、yone and everything. 答案:1. uncomfortable; taken up; could have done2. head done; stepped; shot; knocking; off3. details ; revealed; singing ; earthy 4, felt closer to 5. escape from ;cut back on ;do. 6. glued; whenever; lay7. Came when 8. Where; sorts9. Having achieved 10. lost ,anxious, of value11. kept reaching for 12. stretched out ,disconnected from学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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