Unit 3 Grammar and usage ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.rar

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  • Unit 3 Grammar and usage ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.pptx--点击预览


Non-finite verbs used as Non-finite verbs used as attributivesattributives, , adverbials adverbials and and object complements object complements in writingin writingTeaching goal:Difficult point:Master the usage of three forms of non-finite verbs in writingHow to use non-finite verbs to make sentences in writingPreview different forms of non-finite verbs :Activity one:不定式 主动动形式被动动形式一般式进进行式完成式否定形式:现在分词/动名词主动动形式被动动形式一般式完成式否定形式:过去分词to do to be done to be doingto have done not to doto have been donedoingbeing donehaving done not doinghaving been donedoneActivity two:Find out the non-finite verbs and tell the functions of them in the sentences1.To fully realize your potential, it is important for you to make the most of our school resources.2.Last but not least, always look on the bright side and never lose hope, even in difficult situations. In time you will find yourself growing into a well-rounded individual.3.You may feel anxious that you are developing at a different rate to your friends, shooting up in height or getting left far behind.4.Of the 390,000 plants species known to us, more than 40,000 can be found in the Amazon.5.These water lilies are big enough to lie down on.adverbialadverbialobject object complementcomplementadverbialadverbialattributiveattributiveadverbialadverbialActivity two:Find out the non-finite verbs and tell the functions of them in the sentences6.Whatever happened, we always knew we still had the Bank to depend upon.7.Its walls were fresh as if painted yesterday.8.JustDance is a website belonging to all dance lovers.9.Even with large amounts of qinghao extract produced, however, they still faced another problem.10.Head down, eyes on my smartphone, I stepped into the road and a car shot past, nearly knocking me off my feet.attributiveattributiveattributiveattributiveadverbialadverbialobject object complementcomplementadverbialadverbialActivity three:find out the mistakes of the sentences and correct.1. Seeing from the top of mountain, the city is beautiful .2. The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if carrying out regularly, can improve our health3. When the clerk saw a kind face with a smile,she rooted to the ground, wondered whether to stay or leave.4.Refused to give up at this point, Jatin jumped to his feet and ran as fast as he could.5.Claire had her luggage checking an hour before her plane left.SeencarriedcarriedwonderingwonderingRefusingRefusingcheckedcheckedActivity four:Fill in the blanks with non-finite.1. If _(carry) out continuously, it will benefit all of us greatly and we are sure to make obvious progress. 2. A new bridge has been built in recent years, _(make) it much easier for cars to reach the hotel on the mountain top.3.Jatin felt overjoyed and relieved during the award ceremony,_(hold) the shoes close to his chest.4.If he continues like this, he will end up lifting a stone only_(have) it drop on his own foot, just as the old saying goes.5.The national park has a large collection of wildlife,_(range) from butterflies to elephants.carriedcarriedmakingmakingholdingholdingto haveto haverangingranging非谓语动词题谓语动词题 的四大解题题步骤骤2.找逻辑逻辑 主语语1.分析句子结结构,辨别别“谓语谓语 与非谓语谓语 ”3.分析语态语态4.分析时态时态TIPS原则则上要用动词动词 不定式(to do)1.用作目的状语语原则则上用现现在分词词 (doing)2.用作伴随状语语表示动动作尚未发发生,用动词动词 不定式(to do); 表示动动作正在进进行或发发生,用现现在分词词 (doing); 表示动动作已经发经发 生,同时时表示被动动意义义,用过过去分词词(done)4.用于名词词后作定语语原则则上要用过过去分词词(done),但是所涉及的动动作尚未发发生,则则用不定式的被动动式(to be done),如果所涉及的动动作正在进进行,则则用现现在分词词 (being done).5.凡是含有被动动意义时义时表示意料之中的结结果或伴随的必然结结果,用现现在分词词 (doing);表示意料之外的结结果,用动词动词 不定式(to do);3.用作结结果状语语Activity five:rewrite the sentence with non-finite pattern1.He was so young that he could not go to school. -He was too young _ to school.2. I went back home proudly that afternoon. I jumped with joy. -I went back home proudly that afternoon,_ with joy.3. When he was asked why he went there, he said he was sent there to be trained for a space flight. -When _ why he went there, he said he was sent there to be trained for a space flight.4. .He came in and was followed by his students. -He came in,_ by his students.5. .He donated over 10 billion dollars in order that he could sponsor(赞赞助) education, culture, sports and public welfare in the earth-stricken area. -He donated over 10 billion dollars _ education, culture, sports and public welfare in the earth-stricken area.to goto gojumpingjumpingaskedaskedfollowedfollowedt to sponsoro sponsorActivity six:write sentences using non-finite verbs1.我最近一直在努力学习习,这让这让 我取得了很大进进步 Recently, I have worked hard these days, helping me make great progress.2.我相信你们们有能力对对你们们的班级级,家庭甚至我们们的国家产产生影响。 I have confidence in your ability to make a difference to your class, to your family and even to our country.3.一到家,他们们就发现发现 父母正在翘翘首以待。On their arrival, they find their parents eagerly waiting for them.On his arrival, Jatin found Neha eagerly waiting for him.4. 眼睛不再盯盯着手机,我们们得以真正享受彼此的陪伴。(with复合结结构)With eyes no longer fixed on our phones, we had a chance to enjoy each other s company.5.他太粗心以至于没有注意到他的钱钱包被偷偷了。He was so careless that he didnt notice his wallet stolen.谢谢谢谢聆听THANK YOU
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