Unit3 Language points 2 ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.ppt

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1、The world onlineP5Language points She is a shopping addict.1. I was a smartphone addict.我是个我是个“智能手机智能手机控控”。addict n. She is a TV addict and watches as much as she can.她是个电视她是个电视迷迷,看起电视来没完没了。,看起电视来没完没了。她是个购物她是个购物狂狂。 a person who is very interested in sth. and spends a lot of their free time on it 对对入

2、迷的人入迷的人 Why must you always be glued to the TV? 2. My eyes were glued to the little screen whenever I walked down the street, had dinner with friends or lay in bed at night.无论是走在大街上,还是同朋友吃饭,或者晚上无论是走在大街上,还是同朋友吃饭,或者晚上躺在床上,我都躺在床上,我都目不转睛地盯着目不转睛地盯着这块小小的屏幕。这块小小的屏幕。be glued to sth. Her eyes were glued to t

3、he screen.她她目不转睛地盯着目不转睛地盯着屏幕。屏幕。你为何一定要这么你为何一定要这么全神贯注地看全神贯注地看电视?电视? to give all your attention to sth.; to stay very close to sth. 全神贯注看着某物;离某物很近全神贯注看着某物;离某物很近 They had almost reached the boat when a figure shot past them.3. Head down, eyes on my smartphone, I stepped into the road and a car shot pas

4、t, nearly knocking me off my feet!我低着头,眼睛盯着智能手机,走到马路上,我低着头,眼睛盯着智能手机,走到马路上,突然一辆车飞驰突然一辆车飞驰过来过来,差点把我撞倒!,差点把我撞倒!shoot v. A cat shot across the street.一只猫飞快地穿一只猫飞快地穿过过街道。街道。他们差不多快到船边时,一个人影他们差不多快到船边时,一个人影从从他们旁边他们旁边飞奔而飞奔而过过。 to move suddenly or quickly in one direction; to make sb./sth. move in this way (使

5、)(使)朝某方向快速移动朝某方向快速移动 shoot past飞驰而过飞驰而过 Theyre both beautifulI cant make up my mind.4. At that very moment, I made up my mind to spend a whole weekwithout my smartphone.就在那一瞬间,我就在那一瞬间,我下定决心下定决心,过一周不碰手机,过一周不碰手机的日子。的日子。make up ones mind Have you made up your minds where to go for your honeymoon?你们你们决定

6、决定好到哪里去度蜜月了吗?好到哪里去度蜜月了吗?两个都很漂亮两个都很漂亮我难以我难以决定决定。 reach, make, or come to a decision about sth. 下定决心下定决心 The door opened to reveal a cosy little room.5. The details of the scene were revealed in front of me 风景的细微之处风景的细微之处展现展现在我的面前在我的面前reveal vt. He laughed, revealing a line of white teeth.他笑了起来,他笑了起来,

7、露出露出一排洁白的牙齿。一排洁白的牙齿。房门打开,一间温暖舒适的小屋房门打开,一间温暖舒适的小屋展现展现在眼前。在眼前。 to show sth. that previously could not be seen 显出;露出;展示显出;露出;展示Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. A plane shot across the sky.2. They are all glued to the Olympic Games.3. It is early days yet to make up your mind.4. My neph

8、ew is a complete video game addict.5. She doesnt like to reveal much of her inner self.飞机掠飞机掠过过天空。天空。他们都他们都被被奥运会奥运会吸引住吸引住了。了。要要下决心下决心现在还为时过早。现在还为时过早。我侄子绝对是个电子游戏我侄子绝对是个电子游戏迷迷。她不喜欢她不喜欢流露流露太多内心自我。太多内心自我。Can you use the following words and expressions correctly?1. addict 2. be glued to sth.3. shoot4. make up ones mind5. reveal


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