Unit 3 Careers and skills Reading Language focus ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第四册.pptx

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1、 Book 7 unit 3 Careers and skillsReading Language focus I. expressions1.尤其2.谋生3.决不4.鼓励某人做5.追逐梦想6.朝着方向7.致力于8.喜爱9.不低落,跟上10.使适应1. not least2. earn a living3. by no means / in no circumstances4. motive sb to do sth5. pursue dreams6. in the direction of 7. be engaged in 8. be fond of / have affection for

2、 9. keep up10. adapt oneself to 11.有助于12. 比优越13. 对有偏见14. 走出15. 全心全意投入16. 展开; 安排,布置17.以为傲18. 总的来说11. contribute to 12. be superior to 13. have prejudice against 14. step out of 15. commit oneself to /be devoted to 16. lay out 17. take pride in 18. as a whole1. Some might say that we work because we h

3、ave to , not least because we need the salary that enables us to be financially independent .salary n.薪金,工资 把一半的工资储存起来以备不时之需 _Put aside half of ones salary for a rainy day.fee,income,salary,reward,wage,bonus(1) In the smaller factories they pay very low _ to the workers in the workshop(2) Further ad

4、ditions to your pay may take the form of _ payments(3) About a fifth of the countrys _ is in the form of foreign investment(4) The gallery charges a small entrance _ (5) He gave me 100 dollars as a(n) _ for all my work(6) My father tells me his monthly _ is nearly five thousand yuanwagesbonusincomef

5、eerewardsalarywage(s) : 常指周薪,income :收入指总的收入,salary :尤指月薪reward : 报酬pay : 工资 ,不可数bonus :奖金,指意外获得的【归纳拓展归纳拓展】2. Indeed , it could be argued that our education is geared towards preparing us for a life of work.argue v.争论 _ n. 理由;论据;争论;争辩 V. 论证, 说理 argument他突然想到,还没弄清问题就和老师争辩是不礼貌的。(occur;figure out) _ .

6、It occurred to him that it was bad manners to argue with the teacher before he figured out the problem.许多人争辩说考试弊大于利(许多人争辩说考试弊大于利(argue)_Many people argue that examination does more harm than good.3. However , earning a living is by no means the only reason why we workthere are other important reason

7、s that motivate us to enter the world of work.earning a living 我是靠兼职来养家糊口的,这就是我为何外表沧桑的原因了。(account)_I earn/make a living by doing part-time work/jobs, which accounts for my rough appearance .【语境应用语境应用】把下列句子翻译成英语。把下列句子翻译成英语。惩罚绝对不是帮助学生身心成长的明智选择。(惩罚绝对不是帮助学生身心成长的明智选择。(by no means)_我们能够凭借努力工作而成功我们能够凭借努力工

8、作而成功_Punishment is by no means a wise choice to help students grow up mentally and physically.We can succeed by means of working hard联想概括by no means :决不= _ / _ time / _ case /_ circumstances /_ condition /_ way on no accountat no in no in/under no on noin no 4. Through the work we do , our goals can

9、 be attained and our dreams achieved .attain knowledge and techniquesgain knowledge and techniquesobtain knowledge and techniquesacquire knowledge and techniques获得知识和技能获得知识和技能opportunity 获得机会获得机会_ 证据证据_ 许可许可_ 知识知识Obtain/ attain/gainevidencepermissionknowledge5. all jobs are equally important and no

10、one is superior to another , so we should not have prejudice against any of them .优越于be superior to have / gain an edge overhave / gain an advantage overhave / gain a superiority toopp : be inferior to 我认为我认为,英式教育很可能优于中国式教育,原因在于前者注重培养学生的交,英式教育很可能优于中国式教育,原因在于前者注重培养学生的交际能力和解决问题的能力。际能力和解决问题的能力。_From my

11、 perspective, the British education is likely to be superior to the Chinese education in that the former focuses on cultivating students communication and problem-solving skills(1) _ adj.更好的;占优势的;(在级别上或重要性上)更高的 (2) _ 比更好;更胜一筹 (3) _ 劣于,次于 (4) _ 比年长 (5) _ 比年幼 (6) _ 在之前 superiorbe superior to be inferi

12、or to be senior to be junior to be prior to 当时是那位专家对他的计划的成见让他非常尴尬。当时是那位专家对他的计划的成见让他非常尴尬。(prejudice; embarrassed)_be prejudiced againsthave (a) prejudice againstprejudice againstlook down upondiscriminate againstIt was the experts prejudice against his plan that made him feel quite embarrassed .歧视6.

13、Wherever life takes us and whatever choices are laid out before us , something worth remembering is that完成句子完成句子(1)是古代建筑师设计花园景物的方式使它们独一无二。是古代建筑师设计花园景物的方式使它们独一无二。 It is the way ancient architects_ things in the gardens that makes them unique(2)我听到传言说公司将裁员一百人。我听到传言说公司将裁员一百人。I heard a rumor that the co

14、mpany is going to _a hundred people(3)现在,抛开这些所有的想法向前看。现在,抛开这些所有的想法向前看。 Now _ all these thoughts and look to the futurelay outlay offlay aside/ put asideShe _ down her book and _ in bed.A. lay, laid B. laid, lay C. lay, lay D. laid, laidThe boy_in the bed _to his friend that a cock _an egg yesterday.

15、 A. lay; lay; laid B. lying; lay; lied C. lying; lied; laid D. lied; lying; lainBCLie / lay lie(说谎)_lay(放置,产卵)_lie (躺,位于)_liedliedlyinglaidlaidlayinglaylainlyingI. Choose proper expressions to complete the following sentences.1. Many people in Britain _ gardening.2. They _ a legal battle with the co

16、uncil for several months.3. It cannot be questioned that the new method _ the old one. 4. I am _ an unsociable person.5. Nowadays it is very easy to _. 6. The course _ the specific needs of its members. earn a living by no means be fond of be geared towards be engaged in be superior to are fond ofha

17、ve been engaged inby no meansis superior to earn a livinghad been geared towards1. 可以说,制造业对发达国家产生的废弃物应承担一些责任。可以说,制造业对发达国家产生的废弃物应承担一些责任。 _ _ _ _ _ manufacturers bear some responsibility for the amount of waste rich countries produce.2. 那时我们不可能预料到我们这项运动的结果。那时我们不可能预料到我们这项运动的结果。 At the time we _ _ _ the

18、 result of our campaigning.3. 我离我的梦想越来越近了我离我的梦想越来越近了。 I was getting closer and closer to _ _ _. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.It can be argued thatcouldnt have anticipated achieving my dream4. 我们总是竭尽全力让顾客满意。我们总是竭尽全力让顾客满意。 We always _ _ _ our customers.5. 我知道你想当科学家,但是唯有加倍努力你才能实现这个目标。我知

19、道你想当科学家,但是唯有加倍努力你才能实现这个目标。 I know (that) you want to be a scientist, but to _ _ _, you should study even harder.6. 他对流行音乐怀有偏见。他对流行音乐怀有偏见。 He _ _ _ _ pop music. 7. 格雷丝把刀叉摆放在午餐桌上。格雷丝把刀叉摆放在午餐桌上。 Grace _ _ the knives and forks at the lunch-table.endeavor to pleaseachieve/attain the goalhas a prejudice against laid out


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