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1、北京市朝阳区2021-2022学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷英 语2022.01第一部分 知识运用(共三节,30分)第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games (残奥会) provided plenty of drama. One of the most 1 performances was that of Ibrahim Hamadtou, the armless Egyptiantable tennisstar. Wh

2、ile playing, he puts a paddle (球拍) in his mouth and uses his right foot to serve the ball. This inspiring player 2 at the world stage with his unique skills.Hamadtou 3 his arms in a train accident at the age of ten. He was drawn to table tennis after being challenged by a friend. Once Hamadtou was c

3、ounting points of his friends match, the one who disagreed on a point told Hamadtou, “ 4 your own business as you will never be able to play.” It was that statement that 5 him up to decide to play table tennis. Hamadtou says the biggest 6 was figuring out the best way to control his body. “I was try

4、ing first to use the paddle under the arm, and I also tried using other things, which werent working so well. 7 , I tried using my mouth. It took me three years to master the sport.”In 2016, this 8 player won the silver medal at African Championships, which allowed him to fight for his Paralympics i

5、n 2016 and 2020.The extraordinary athlete says, “The 9 is not in arms or legs but to give up in whatever you would like to do.” If you have got the strong willpower as Hamadtou, you can overcome any struggles and 10 anything in life.1. A. peacefulB. voluntaryC. remarkableD. mysterious 2. A. shinesB.

6、 speaksC. conductsD. cheers 3. A. hurtB. lostC. liftedD. crossed4. A. BuildB. ControlC. RunD. Mind 5. A. firedB. blewC. pickedD. held6. A. expectationB. changeC. challengeD. operation 7. A. FinallyB. SuddenlyC. NormallyD. Actually8. A. faithfulB. responsibleC. emotionalD. incredible 9. A. disappoint

7、mentB. disabilityC. argumentD. possibility10. A. appreciateB. produceC. proveD. achieve 第二节 选词填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面句子,根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的词或词组并用其正确形式填空。approve ofbe consistent with complain encounter end up be related todevote oneself to convince rely on pretend to11. As is known to all, physics _ math

8、.12. As we missed the last bus, we _ taking a taxi home.13. If you want to take the position, youll need to _ the boss of your enthusiasm for it.14. You can believe what Tom said. Hisaction_hiswords.15. MyparentsneedtoknowexactlywhereIplantogobeforetheycan_mytrip.16. Linda decided to _ supporting he

9、r son in pursuing his dream.17. All passersby _ about the stone in the center of the road, but nobody tried to move it. 18. Mark closed his eyes and _ be asleep. 19. Sherry lost her hearing when she was young and now she _ hearing aids and lip-reading.20. Being an explorer means taking risks and _ v

10、arious difficulties on the road to the unknown. (请将第11至20题的答案写在答题卡的相应位置上)第三节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面句子,根据句子内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。21. Steven was late for class, _ made his teacher angry.22. Write theletteron thecomputer, then you can makechanges_ (easy) onscreen.23. Thank

11、s to his teachers help, Toms English _ (improve) greatly in the past few years. 24. He _ (serve) in the army for ten years; then he retired and married25. My doctor said I should have my eyes _ (test) every 2 years.26. Yuan Longping always worked deep into night, _ (prepare) for his experiment the n

12、ext day.27. I hope one day I could live in a country _ the sun always shines.28. I planned to write about Mr. Chaplin, _ films are still very popular among a large audience. 29. After six hours climbing, we succeeded in _ (get) to the top of the mountain.30. Please dont call me between 8:00 and 10:0

13、0 tomorrow. I _ (have) my classes then. (请将第21至30题的答案写在答题卡的相应位置上)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,38分)第一节(共14小题;每小题2分,共28分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AProm (舞会) Time!A school prom is a formal party to celebrate an important date at school such as the end of secondary school or after completing school

14、 exams in Year 12 (aged 1718). Proms are held in July, around the end of exam time. The idea is to celebrate your time and work at school. Some schools pay a professional organisation to arrange it. Others hold it themselves with a school dinner in the school hall. But they all involve big parties a

15、nd big dresses. Get a plan before you go!ClothesYou should dress up for your prom with formal wear. Many teenagers commonly wear school uniforms, but on prom night girls exchange their uniforms for beautiful evening dresses and high heels (高跟鞋). Boys that are usually only seen in jeans and trainers

16、when not at school dress up in a suit with a tie and smart shoes. The right hairstyle and make-up are important too.Vehicles Arriving at your prom in large 4x4 vehicles is very popular. But it is not the standard answer. Two girls with a sense of humour arrived at their school prom both dressed as B

17、arbie. Did they arrive in a car? No, they travelled in a more original style: their mothers made each girl a life-sized Barbie box and they were trucked to the prom party in their boxes!CostThe school prom is big business. The average prom costs parents over 200 per teenager. Of course, not all fami

18、lies would like to spend so much money on their teenagers prom. If your family doesnt have the budget (预算) , you may save your pocket money or work part-time to cover the cost. There are popular jobs, including babysitting, shop work and working as a waiter or waitress.According to the recent newspa

19、per report, nearly 85% of schools in Britain have a prom. However, the modern school prom is not popular with most parents of teenagers. 31. A school prom is held mainly to _.A. enjoy school dinnersB. celebrate graduationC. start an organisationD. pass school exams 32. What do we know about school p

20、roms from the passage?A. Boys prefer to wear jeans at proms.B. Proms are welcomed by all teen families.C. Expensive vehicles are necessary for proms.D. Part-time jobs can be taken to pay for proms. 33. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To analyse the cost of school proms. B. To present the

21、types of school proms.C. To offer information about school proms.D. To show attitudes towards school proms.BPeggy, an old border collie (柯利牧羊犬), was signed over to the RSPCA, a charity with a primary focus on rescuing and rehoming animals, after her owner could no longer communicate with her. The ow

22、ner thought she could no longer work because she was not able to hear.However, after being handed to the RSPCA, Peggy was taken in by Chloe Shorten, an animal health manager from the organisation.Shorten and her husband, Jason, a shepherd (牧羊人), taught Peggy to understand hand signals and body langu

23、age. The couple trained Peggy with the help of a sheepdog trainer and their two other working dogs, Sid and Nora.Shorten said, “We completely fell in love with Peggy almost at first sight, and it soon became clear that she wouldnt be going anywhere. We knew Peggy wanted to be working, so we started

24、the long process of teaching her how to work with a shepherd without relying on voice orders.”The couple began by training Peggy to look at them to receive hand signals. They used repetitive and positive reinforcement and instead of pairing a voice order with an action, theyd use a hand gesture. Peg

25、gy read their hand signals and body language as a way of telling what theyre asking for. Shorten and her husband point in a certain direction to indicate where they want Peggy to go and pat their knees to call her back to them. To ask her to slow down, Shorten does a waving gesture.Peggy is not work

26、ing full-time but enjoys helping out in the fields. “It can be difficult with a deaf dog, because you have to wave at her to get her attention, and sometimes she doesnt realize straight away,” she said. “But shes such a happy little dog. Shes no spring chicken, and she is generally retired, but she

27、loves going out to work with us and running around in the fields.”34. Why was Peggy brought to the RSPCA? A. Because she was old.B. Because she was noisy.C. Because she was deaf.D. Because she was retired. 35. How did the couple train Peggy to communicate?A. By relying on other sheepdogs.B. By worki

28、ng long hours in the fields.C. By using sign and gesture language.D. By matching voice orders with actions.36. According to the passage, which word can best describe Chloe Shorten?A. Caring.B. Curious.C. Grateful.D. Demanding. CYoung students are often considered “digital natives,” with technology i

29、ntegrated into every aspect of their lives. While this can be an advantage in some situations, research has shown that the impact is not entirely positivethe Internet allows them toquickly find information at the cost ofsignificant distractionin class. Without being attentive, students will be incap

30、able of processing information, which means theyre not going to be able to understand, analyse, criticise and come to some decision about the information.When students cant seem to focus, a common idea among teachers is that short is good. Many teachers simply cut lessons into smaller pieces. Some t

31、eachers begin classes with mindfulness exercises when students need to concentrate. However, it turns out that any sort of “tech breaks” could counteract the desires to come back to study.Some teachers also choose to “meet students where they are” on platforms like YouTube. A2018 studyfrom Pearson f

32、ound that students tended to stay away from physical books, preferring video as a source of information second only to teachers. By meeting students where they already engage and create, teachers can better catch attention.However, while some educators are welcoming technology in the classroom, mult

33、iple studies have shown more traditional classrooms can be more successful. A2014 study found taking notes in longhand helped students withhold information better than using a laptop. Researchers also point out switching between short teaching pieces too quickly could take valuable comprehension fro

34、m the students. Students need time to engage with a topic before moving on.Even many tech advocates find value in traditional methods and suggest an integrated learning. They agree teachers authority remains vital and the face-to-face interaction between students and teachers is still the primary co

35、mponent in the classroom. Technology will be favoured only when it improves a lesson in ways that are impossible offline.Success is no longer about knowing the most. Instead, its the ability to think critically and creatively, the very skills that digital media weakens by lowering attention spans. I

36、f you think of people who became successful in the tech world, it wasnt because they could code; it was because they could think. Digital natives will continue to eagerly adopt new media. Teachers have no choice but to upgrade themselves, not only to ensure students can access and take advantage of

37、new technologies, but to educate students to succeed in a world constantly trying to distract them.37. What result has technology brought to students? A. It urges them to process information. B. It prevents them obtaining information. C. It ruins their possible classroom distraction.D. It damages th

38、eir ability to digest information.38. What does the underlined word “counteract” in Paragraph 2 probably mean? A. Maintain.B. Motivate.C. Reduce.D. Replace.39. What can we learn from the passage? A. Direct instruction takes priority in lessons.B. Digital resources will weaken offline learning.C. Sma

39、ll lessons can engage students in learning. D. Laptop noting helps students gain knowledge better.40. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Students need to learn to get rid of social media.B. Teachers should progress to educate the young generation.C. The benefits of technology on education outw

40、eigh its harm.D. Traditional methods are favoured by both teachers and students.DThe Price of a Piece of HistoryA fresh lemon can be bought for less than $1. But in 2008, Cowans Auctions (拍卖) in Cincinnati sold a lemon blackened with age for $2,350. What was so special about this lemon? It was said

41、to be from a tree planted by George Washington. According to a handwritten note attached to the bottle containing the lemon, the fruit was picked by Washingtons “old gardener” some 43 years after the first presidents death.Collecting a piece of history, or an object associated with a famous person,

42、is not fresh. Yet determining potential values of such objects isnt easy. For one thing, their origin, or history of ownership, is both important and sometimes difficult to prove. Photographs of the famous person with the object, as well as letters, diaries referring to the object can help.The uniqu

43、eness of many of historic objects makes it more difficult to put a value on them. To assess the value of a Picasso painting, one can look at recent prices paid for other Picasso paintings of the same period, similar size or style. Finding another recent sale of a lemon planted by George Washington i

44、s a different matter. Katie Horstman, head of Cowan, says she could find no comparables for the lemon as she prepared the auction. However, she finally arrived at an estimated (估计的) value by researching auction records for objects somehow associated with Washington that had appeared on the market. O

45、ften the final selling price of objects touched by history has to do with the moods and passions of the collectors and other potential buyers expected to be present on auction day. But even the experts can make a mistake sometimes. For instance, a 2016 Christies sale in London included a 1935 jacket

46、 worn by Albert Einstein, and a pocket watch the physicist had owned in 1900 when he was 21 and still largely unknown. The jacket sold for 110,500, well above its estimated value of 40,000 to 60,000. The watch, meanwhile, which had an estimated value of 15,000 to 20,000, sold for 266,500. Thomas Ven

47、ning, director of Christie, has his explanation for why the watch sold for so much more than the jacket, and likely for more than the experts would have guessed. There are photographs of Einstein, the father of relativity, wearing the jacket, Mr. Venning says. “But Einsteins jacket didnt change the world. The watch, and the sense of time, is what we know him for, which made it more valuable to collectors.” 41. What do we know about the lemon sold for $2,350?A. It has been kept well by Washingtons gardener.B. It was associated with Washington


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