Unit 9 Lesson 3 Epidemics Explained (ppt课件) (2)-2023新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、新北师大版高中英语选择性必修三Unit9 Human BiologyLesson3 Epidemics ExplainedCOVID-19COVID-19 is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans.The COVID-19 is the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan,Hubei province,China.Pre-readingSARSSevere acute resp

2、iratory syndrome(SARS)is a viral respiratory illness that was recognized as a global threat in March 2003,after first appearing in Southern China in November 2002.Ebola Virus DiseaseEbola Virus Disease(EVD)is a deadly disease with occasional outbreaks that occur mostly on the African continent.EVD m

3、ost commonly affects people and nonhuman primates.It is caused by an infection with a group of viruses within the genus Ebola virus.1.Describe epidemics using your own words.2.Look at the above pictures and talk about the common points of epidemics.Look and DiscussWhat do you know about epidemics?Ti

4、ck()the statements that you think are correct.1.An epidemic is the rapid spread of an infectious disease.()2.An epidemic can affect a large number of people in a given population.()3.An epidemic can occur within a short period of time,usually two weeks or less.()4.An epidemic may spread to several c

5、ountries or continents.()5.Some common viruses,such as the common cold,are not epidemics.()6.A new epidemic can be a different variation of a virus that people caught in the past.()Fast-readingRead the passage and answer the following questions1.What is an epidemic?2.How can a disease be classified

6、as an epidemic?An epidemic is the name given to an infectious disease that rapidly spreads to a large number of people within a short period of timeusually two weeks or less.Each disease can only officially be classified as an epidemic once a certain number of deaths have occurred from the disease.F

7、ast-readingBird Flu1918 Spanish FluBlack DeathSARSEbola Virus Disease Read and circle all the epidemics mentioned in the passage.Intensive readingNamePeriodPlacesDeath tollBird FluEpidemics in the Roman EmpireThe Black DeathComplete the table about the epidemics mentioned.since 1997500550 CE1330sRom

8、eAsia and Europemore than a hundred liveshalf the populationIntensive readingNamePeriodAreasDeath tollThe Spanish FluSARSComplete the table about the epidemics mentioned.1918the end of World War 20022003China,Canada,Vietnam and Singapore50 million people Intensive readingNamePeriodAreasDeath tollEVD

9、Complete the table about the epidemics mentioned.20132016West Africamore than 11,310 deathIntensive readingpwhen epidemic startedpexamples of epidemicsptreatmentspbaseline number of deaths of epidemicsTick the aspects that mentioned in the passage.Use a diagram to demonstrate in a logical way how th

10、ey are organised.pdefinitionpwhen it endedppossible causes of epidemics ppossible solutionsIntensive readingwhen it endedEpidemicswhen epidemic startedexamples of epidemicswhatdefinitionHow to classifybaseline number of deaths of epidemics Figure out the structure.Part 1(Para.1-2)Part 2(Para.3-8)Par

11、t 3(Para.9)Basic information about epidemics:definition,cause,differenceEpidemics in history(Examples)Measures to fight against epidemics1)Bird Flu(since 1997)2)Epidemics in the Roman Empire(500-550 CE)3)The Black Death(1330s)4)The Spanish Flu(near the end of World War I)5)The SARS(2002-2003)6)EVD(2

12、013-2016)time orderIntensive reading Discuss the questions.1.What are the main features of an epidemic?Give at least two examples to illustrate your points.2.What should different countries do to prevent outbreaks of epidemics in the future?Why?3.What does the title mean to you?What does the writer

13、want to convey in the passage?4.Who do you think the passage is written for?Post-reading1.What are the main features of an epidemic?Give at least two examples to illustrate your points.It is an infectious disease.It spreads rapidly to a large number of people within a short period of time.A certain

14、number of deaths have occurred from the disease.The common cold is not an epidemic because while it affects many people,it does not cause deaths.SARS affected many people and caused many deaths,so it is considered an epidemic.Post-reading2.What should different countries do to prevent outbreaks of e

15、pidemics in the future?Why?Countries should work together to get at the causes and come up with cures through medical research because teamwork among nations across the globe can save lives.This is a good example of building a community with shared future for mankind.Post-reading3.What does the titl

16、e mean to you?What does the writer want to convey in the passage?The title means that the passage will explain questions about epidemics.The author wants to convey the information that we are always on our way to find an explanation to epidemics so as to find cure.It also implies that epidemics occu

17、rred naturally and unavoidably.We can only explain it,and cannot prevent it or stop it completely now.Post-reading4.Who do you think the passage is written for?This is a popular science article.It is more likely to be written for people who is interested in this topic or who has a lot of questions o

18、r misunderstanding of epidemics.Post-readingWhat do you think we can do to get ready for future epidemics?Post-readingAn epidemic is the name given to an infectious disease that rapidly spreads to a large number of people within a short period of timeusually two weeks or less.Epidemics have been hap

19、pening for as long as there have been people living on Earth.They can be caused by several different 短时间大量that引导定语从句引导定语从句只要在地球上Language Points factors,such as a virus being carried into an area,or changes in the way people live,like more people living in an area,which increases the chances of them

20、coming into contact with a bacteria or virus.例如which引导非限制性定语从句引导非限制性定语从句come into contact with 接触到 流行病流行病(epidemic)(epidemic)是指在短时间内是指在短时间内(通常两周或更通常两周或更短短)迅速在大量人群中传播的传染性疾病。自地球上有迅速在大量人群中传播的传染性疾病。自地球上有人类生活以来,流行病就一直存在。它们会由不同因素人类生活以来,流行病就一直存在。它们会由不同因素(factor)(factor)引起,例如病毒引起,例如病毒(virus)(virus)被带入某个地区,或

21、被带入某个地区,或者由于人们生活方式的改变,比如说某一地区居住的人者由于人们生活方式的改变,比如说某一地区居住的人群增多,从而增加了接触病毒或细菌群增多,从而增加了接触病毒或细菌(bacteria)(bacteria)的几率。的几率。Each disease can only officially be classified as an epidemic once a certain number of deaths have occurred from the disease.The number of deaths is different for every disease.So a v

22、ery rare disease will have a low baseline and just a few cases of it in one place will be 一定数量be different for与.不同.的数字/量be classified as被归类为once引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句classified as an epidemic;as opposed to more common diseases,such as the flu,that have a higher baseline.The common cold is a widespread vir

23、us that affects millions of people,but it is not seen as being a serious enough condition to deserve the classification of epidemic.数百万that引导的定语从句be seen as 被看作as opposed to与截然相反 只有致死病例达到一定数量,某种疾病才会被正式只有致死病例达到一定数量,某种疾病才会被正式(officially)(officially)定性定性(classify)(classify)为流行病。每种疾病的死亡数为流行病。每种疾病的死亡数量各不


25、病。With recent press reports drawing parallels between bird flu and killer epidemics of the past,Jim Smith looks at the sometimes depressing history of epidemics for clues about how we can create a more positive future without epidemics.draw parallels between.and.将和相提并论媒体报道how引导的宾语从句 创造一个更积极/美好的未来 最近

26、有新闻报道,吉姆最近有新闻报道,吉姆史密斯将禽流感和过去致命的史密斯将禽流感和过去致命的流行病做对比流行病做对比(parallel)(parallel),在屡屡令人感到沮丧的,在屡屡令人感到沮丧的(depressing)(depressing)流行病史中寻找线索,从而创造一个远离流流行病史中寻找线索,从而创造一个远离流行病的美好未来。行病的美好未来。Since bird flu first appeared in 1997,it has taken more than a hundred lives.Many people fear it could be the next global ep

27、idemic,especially as scientists who have gone into detail studying tissue samples from the bodies of people who died of the 1918 Spanish Flu have proved that bird flu is a modern adaptation of that virus.go into detail 详述,详细叙述超过死于.禽流感自禽流感自19971997年首次出现以来,已经夺去了一百多人的年首次出现以来,已经夺去了一百多人的生命。尤其是当科学家们仔细研究了生

28、命。尤其是当科学家们仔细研究了19181918年西班牙流感死亡年西班牙流感死亡者尸体的组织样本者尸体的组织样本(sample)(sample),证明禽流感是该病毒的现代变,证明禽流感是该病毒的现代变异版本,许多人担心它可能会引起下一场全球流行病。异版本,许多人担心它可能会引起下一场全球流行病。One of the earliest epidemics on record happened between about 500 and 550 CE.Scientists now estimate that up to 50%of the areas population died from the

29、 epidemic,making it one of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire.Then,in the 1330s,this epidemic up to 多达;由决定在.和.之间之一on record记录在案的死于.in+the+年份s 表示年代现在分词短语作结果状语returned,this time in Asia.It spread rapidly to Europe and became known as“The Black Death”because one visible symptom was black s

30、pots on the body.蔓延到被认为是;叫做 人类有记载的最早的流行病,大约发生在公元人类有记载的最早的流行病,大约发生在公元(CE)500(CE)500年至年至550550年之间。现今科学家们估计年之间。现今科学家们估计(estimate)(estimate)发病区域多发病区域多达达50%50%的人口死于这一流行病,成为罗马帝国衰落的一个主的人口死于这一流行病,成为罗马帝国衰落的一个主要原因。接着,要原因。接着,1414世纪世纪3030年代,这一流行病卷土重来,这年代,这一流行病卷土重来,这次发生在亚洲,并迅速传播到欧洲。由于患者身上会出现次发生在亚洲,并迅速传播到欧洲。由于患者身

31、上会出现明显的明显的(visible)(visible)黑斑症状黑斑症状(symptom)(symptom),这种流行病被称为,这种流行病被称为“黑死病黑死病”。Centuries later,the Great Flu Epidemic of 1918,also called the Spanish Flu,struck near the end of World War.Families who had only just got through the war now had to bury their loved ones who had died of the disease.As

32、a result of the war,more people were travelling and moving perhaps than ever before in history and this caused the who引导的定语从句由于;作为的结果than ever before比以往任何时候更get through通过;渡过(难关)be buried in/bury oneself in 埋头于,专心于epidemic to spread worldwide.Having killed up to 50 million people in 18 months,the Spa

33、nish Flu is believed to have been the most severe epidemic in history.More people died of the flu than died in the war.Initially,many people believed that such epidemics no longer posed a threat until very recently when SARS became a cause for concern.adv.最初,起初;开始构成威胁不再 几个世纪后,第一次世界大战快结束时爆发了几个世纪后,第一次

34、世界大战快结束时爆发了19181918年年大流感,又称西班牙流感。刚刚熬过战争的人们现在不得不大流感,又称西班牙流感。刚刚熬过战争的人们现在不得不埋葬埋葬(bury)(bury)他们死于疾病的亲人。战争引发的人口流动前所他们死于疾病的亲人。战争引发的人口流动前所未有,从而导致这一流行病蔓延到全世界。西班牙流感在未有,从而导致这一流行病蔓延到全世界。西班牙流感在1818个月内造成个月内造成5 0005 000万人死亡,成为历史上最严重的流行病。万人死亡,成为历史上最严重的流行病。死于该病的人比死于战争的人还要多。最初,人们以为这种死于该病的人比死于战争的人还要多。最初,人们以为这种大规模流行病不

35、会再对人类构成大规模流行病不会再对人类构成(pose)(pose)威胁,直至非典出现,威胁,直至非典出现,再次让全球陷入担忧。再次让全球陷入担忧。The SARS epidemic began in 2002 with a case of lung disease in Guangdong Province.It spread to Canada,Vietnam and Singapore and lasted until 2003.SARS was examined by scientists,who were confused by this new disease and wanted

36、to learn more about it and its causes.be confused by对.困惑蔓延到一例肺部疾病了解更多关于.Infection rates went up steadily,and in the course of the outbreak,about 8,000 people were infected over nine months.Since the end of the SARS epidemic,scientists have been doing trials on treatments to prevent any future outbre

37、aks.do trials on做试验感染率go up增长;上升在.的过程中the outbreak of epidemic/war 流行病/战争的爆发 非典疫情始于非典疫情始于20022002年广东省的一例肺部年广东省的一例肺部(lung)(lung)疾病,疾病,后蔓延到加拿大、越南和新加坡,并一直持续到后蔓延到加拿大、越南和新加坡,并一直持续到20032003年。年。科学家对这种新型疾病感到困惑,对科学家对这种新型疾病感到困惑,对SARSSARS病毒进行检测,病毒进行检测,以期了解该病与致病原因的更多信息。非典的感染率不断以期了解该病与致病原因的更多信息。非典的感染率不断(steadily

38、)(steadily)上升,在爆发上升,在爆发(outbreak)(outbreak)期九个月内感染了约期九个月内感染了约8 0008 000人。非典疫情结束后,科学家们一直在试验人。非典疫情结束后,科学家们一直在试验(trial)(trial)各种治疗手段,以防止未来疫情再爆发各种治疗手段,以防止未来疫情再爆发。Then,from 2013 to 2016,there was the most widespread outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease(EVD)in West Africa,which resulted in a major loss of

39、life in a number of west African countries.11,310 deaths were officially recorded,but the actual number of deaths is 大批人去世result in导致从.到.which引导非限制性定语从句a number of许多probably much higher.The virus was extremely infectious and the survival rate was as low as 30%in some areas,indicating that very few p

40、eople got over it.get over 克服存活率像.一样;如同 随后,随后,20132013年到年到20162016年间,西非爆发了大规模传染年间,西非爆发了大规模传染病病埃博拉出血热埃博拉出血热(EVD)(EVD),夺去了这一地区多个国家的,夺去了这一地区多个国家的很多人的生命。官方统计的死亡人数为很多人的生命。官方统计的死亡人数为11 31011 310人,而实人,而实际际(actual)(actual)死亡人数可能要更高。该病毒传染性极强,死亡人数可能要更高。该病毒传染性极强,一些地区的存活率低至一些地区的存活率低至30%30%,也就是说很少有人能康复。,也就是说很少有人

41、能康复。Despite,or perhaps because of,the epidemics the world has faced in recent years,governments worldwide have underlined the fact that they want thorough and systematic medical research on epidemics to get at the causes and come up with cures as soon as possible.that 引导同位语从句近年来尽管因为了解;发现提出;想出尽早,尽快Co

42、untries will need to work together to do this because teamwork among nations across the globe can save lives.拯救生命共同努力全球 尽管尽管(或者是因为或者是因为)近年来全球爆发了流行病,世界各近年来全球爆发了流行病,世界各国政府都已经强调国政府都已经强调(underline)(underline),要对流行病进行彻底,要对流行病进行彻底(thorough)(thorough)和系统和系统(systematic)(systematic)的医学研究,以便尽快找的医学研究,以便尽快找出原因并找到治疗方法。这需要各个国家的共同努力,因出原因并找到治疗方法。这需要各个国家的共同努力,因为全球为全球(globe)(globe)各国之间的团队合作才能拯救生命。各国之间的团队合作才能拯救生命。


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