(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第二册Unit1-Unit4 词组、高频短语 整理 素材 (全册4份打包).rar

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    • Unit2 词组、高频短语 整理 素材 (2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修二.docx--点击预览
    • Unit3 词组、高频短语 整理 素材 (2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修二.docx--点击预览
    • Unit4 词组、高频短语 整理 素材 (2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修二.docx--点击预览


1学科网(北京)股份有限公司Unit1 The mass mediaWelcome to the unit &Reading1be critical of1对持批判态度2be critical to2对很重要3be trapped in sth3被某物困住,陷入4under construction4在建造中5construct sth fromofout of sth5用造某物6dozens of6许多,很多7scream at sb7对某人高喊8scream for help8喊救命9choke to death9窒息而亡10choke on a piece of bread10 被面包噎住11choke back 11强忍住 12choke out 12 哽咽说出 2学科网(北京)股份有限公司13choke up 13 哽咽 14carry out an investigation into14 对展开调查15come about 15 发生16come across16 偶遇;被理解17come back17再度流行;返回,回来18come in18变时髦;在中起作用19come over19 短暂造访;影响某人20come along20 到达,出现;进展21come down21 崩塌;降落;下降22come to sb22 被想出23come up with23 想出24havetake priority over24 优先于25give priority to25 优先考虑3学科网(北京)股份有限公司26contradict each other26 相互矛盾27contradict oneself27 自相矛盾28differ from each other28 相互区别29differ with sb aboutover sth29在某事上看法与某人不同30differ as to30 对看法不同31make a difference toin31 对有影响32drawreach/arrive atcome to the conclusion32 得出结论33in conclusion33 最后34bring the secret to light 34 曝光秘密35castshedthrow light on35 使容易理解36come to light36为人所知,变得众所周知37in the light of37 鉴于,考虑到4学科网(北京)股份有限公司38commit sboneself to sthdoing sth38 承诺做39commit a crime39 犯罪40make a commitment to sb40 向某人承诺41discriminate between A and B41 区别 A 和 B 42discriminate A from B42 将 A 和 B 区别开来43discriminate against sb43 歧视某人44discriminate in favour of sb44 偏袒某人Grammar and usage45lay a foundation for45为奠定基础46without foundation46没有事实根据 47accuse sb of doingnot doing sth47指控某人做不做某事48the accused48被告5学科网(北京)股份有限公司49shoot up49陡增,猛涨,迅速上升50shoot at sbsth50射击51shoot sb/sth down51射倒,击毙52shoot for sth52努力争取53shoot off53迅速离去54shoot to fame54迅速出名55shoot sb an angry glance55生气地瞪某人一眼56mount up56增加,上升57beargive witness to57为作证;证明58spring up58迅速出现,突然兴起59spring into action59突然工作或行动起来60interaction between A and B60A 和 B 之间的相互作用61interaction of A with B61A 和 B 的相互作用62interact with sb62与某人沟通6学科网(北京)股份有限公司63interact with sth63与某物相互作用64the power of persuasion64说服的力量Extended reading &Project65in short65总之,简而言之66in the short run66从短期来看 67for short67简称68short of sth68不足,短缺69fall short of sth69未达到,不符合70persuade sb to do sth70说服某人做某事71persuade sb into doing sth71说服某人做某事72persuade sb out of doing sth72说服某不做某事73persuade sb of sth73使某人信服某事74in peak condition74处于巅峰状态75boost ones confidence75增强信心7学科网(北京)股份有限公司76make a purchase76采购77get sth.across to sb.77被传达,被理解,把讲清楚78get around 78传播,流传79get away with sth 79做(坏事)未受惩罚80get over sth 80解决,克服;从恢复常态81get by81(靠)维持生计;勉强应付82get down to sth 82开始做某事83get through sth83顺利通过(考试等)84at a rate of84以的速度 85absorb sth into sth85将吸收进86be absorbed in86专心致志,全神贯注8学科网(北京)股份有限公司87at a discount87打折88tailor sth tofor sb88为某人量身定做某物 89tailor sth to sth89针对定制某物9学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司Unit2 sports cultureWelcome to the unit &Reading1expressshow solidarity with sb1表示表明支持某人2participate in the discussion2参加讨论3compete inat3参加4compete withagainst sb for sth4和某人为某事竞争5people from diverse cultures5不同文化背景的人6a greatwiderich diversity of opinion6意见纷纭7be motivated by sthsb7受激励8motivate sb to do sth8激励某人做某事9demonstrate sth to sb 9向某人证明某事学科网(北京)股份有限公司10demonstrate in favoursupport of sth10 示威游行要求某事11demonstrate against sth11示威游行反对某事12take part ingo on a demonstration12参加进行示威游行13Proceed to do sth13(做完某事之后)接着(做另一件事)14proceed with sth14 继续进行某事15applaud sb for sth15 为某事称赞某人16be consistent with sth 16 与一致的17be rankedrank number one17 排名第一18rank(sb) asamong sth18属于某等级,把分等级19rank after rank19 一又一排学科网(北京)股份有限公司20rise tobe promoted to the rank of sth20 晋升军衔21setstart the trend 21 开创潮流22on trend22 流行的23have an ambition to do sth23 有做某事的志向24ambition of doing sth24 做某事的志向25achieverealize ones ambition25 实现自己的理想26suffer from a lack of ambition26 缺乏远大志向27be identical towith27 与完全一样28relay the message to sb28 将消息转发给某人Grammar and usage29Push sbsth to the limit 29将某人或某物推向极限30test sbsth to the 30最大限度地测试某学科网(北京)股份有限公司limit人或某物31set strict limits on sth31 对做了严格的限定32aboveover a limit 32 超出限度33limit yourself to sth33 限制自己34be limited to sth 34 局限于某处35have a healthystrongweak constitution35体质健康强壮虚弱36according to the constitution36 依照宪法37pour sb sth37 给某人倒38pour sth for sb38 给某人倒integrated skillswalk on air 欢天喜地39in the air 39在传播中,流行,可感觉到学科网(北京)股份有限公司40on(the)air40 正在播送41(build) castles in the air41(建)空中楼阁,空想 42up in the air42 悬而未决43keep sth in perspective 43 正确客观地看待44from the perspective of sb44 从某人的角度45birthdaywedding celeration45 生日结婚庆典46a dangerousworthy opponent46危险的势均力敌的对手47in praise of47 表彰,表扬48unselfish motives48 无私的动机Extended reading &Project49oppose sbones plan or idea49反对某人某人的计划或观点50oppose doing sth 50反对做某事学科网(北京)股份有限公司51be opposed to sth51强烈反对52as opposed to52(表示对比)而,相对于53move the goalposts53改变条件(或规则)54complain to sb54向某人抱怨55complain aboutatof sth55抱怨某事56make a complaint56提出投诉57have a complaint57有不满意见58in the ballpark58差不多59out of the ballpark 59相差甚远60throw someone a curveball60给某人出难题61handle the crisis61处理这场危机62fly off the handle62大发雷霆63make a remark63发表评论 学科网(北京)股份有限公司64remark onupon sthsb64说起65take sbsth literally65仅仅从字面上理解某人某事物66be thought to have done66被认为做了某事学科网(北京)股份有限公司1学科网(北京)股份有限公司Unit3 fit for lifeWelcome to the unit &Reading1in the shape of 1呈的形状2out of shape 2变形,走样3in good shape 3处于良好的状态4stay in shapekeep fit 4保持健康5contract a serious illness5染上重病6contract sb to sth6与某人签订合同7a contracting market 7萎缩的市场8draw up a contract 8 草拟合同2学科网(北京)股份有限公司9enter intomakesign a contract with sb9与某人签订合同10identify sb with sth 10 把某人视为11identify with sb11与某人产生共鸣12identify sth with sth 12 认为某物等同于13relate A to B13 把 A 和 B 联系起来14relate sth to sb14 向某人讲述某事15be related to sthsb15 与相关16in relation to16 关于;与相比17 apply sth to sth17 把应用到18be applied to18 在上使用 19apply to sbsth for sth19 向申请3学科网(北京)股份有限公司20apply oneself to doing st20努力做某事,专注于做某事21restore ones sighthearing21 恢复某人的视力听力22restoration work22 修复工作23be fundamental to sth23 是的基础24arise fromout of st24 因产生;由引起25restrict sth to sth25 将限定到.26imposeplace a restriction on sth26 对某事实行限制27prohibit sb from doing sth27 禁止某人做某事28prohibition againston sth28 禁止的法令29resistance to 29对的反对;对的4学科网(北京)股份有限公司sbsth反抗30resist doing sth30 反对做某事31wrestle with sth31 努力解决某事 32wrestle to do sth32 努力处理某事33wrestle with sb33 和某人摔跤34put sth in place34准备就绪;把放在正确位置35in place35 在工作,准备就绪36give place to sbsth36 让位于37work to ones advantage37 对某人有利38to advantage38 有效地,出色地;更加39withoutbeyond doubt39 毫无疑问,的确40 raise doubts about sth40 引起对某事物的怀疑5学科网(北京)股份有限公司41be open to doubt41 有待证明的42be doubtful about(doing)sth42 对(做)拿不定主意Grammar and usage43withdraw into oneself43 不与人交往44withdraw from sb44 不与某人交往45equip sbsth with sth45 配备某物 46be equipped with sth46 配有47equip sb for sth47 使某人胜任48equip sb to do sth 48 使某人准备好做某事49hold on to49抓紧,不放开;保住(优势),不送(或不卖)某物50hold back50 阻挡;阻碍;抑制6学科网(北京)股份有限公司51hold sth back 51 隐瞒52hold out52伸出手;递出;维持;坚持53hold up53举起;支撑;承受住;延迟;阻碍integrated skills54give rise to54 引起;导致55on the rise55 在增加;在上涨56rise(up) against sbsth56 反抗57rise to sth57 能够处理58fuel fears58 引起恐惧 59tackle sb about sth59与某人交涉;向某人提起60go to great lengths to do sth60竭尽全力做某事,不遗余力做某事61atlength61 最后;详尽地7学科网(北京)股份有限公司62the length and breadth of 62 到处,各地63adjust to(doing)sth 63 适应(做)某事 Extended reading &Project64evidence offor sth64 的证据65in evidence 65 显而易见66switch over to sth 66 转到67switch between A and B67 在 A 和 B 之间转换68switch sth. fromA to B68 使某物从变到69a policy switch 69 政策的改变70be severe with oneself70 严于律己71be anxious for 71 为某人某事忧虑8学科网(北京)股份有限公司sbabout sth72be anxious to do sth72 渴望做某事73abuse ones power73 滥用权力 74abuse trust74 辜负信任9学科网(北京)股份有限公司1学科网(北京)股份有限公司Unit 4 Living with technologyWelcome to the unit &Reading1(build)castles in the air1(建)空中楼阁,幻想,空想2a capacity for(doing)sth2(做)某事的能力3a capacity to do sth3做某事的能力4coin new terms4创造新的词语5to name but a few 5略举几例6threaten sb with sth6用某物威胁某人7threaten to do sth 7威胁做某事8make threats against sb8对某人进行威胁9pose a threat to sbsth9对构成威胁2学科网(北京)股份有限公司10commit sbyourself (to sthto doing sthto do sth)10 承诺做某事11urge sb to do sth11催促某人做某事12urge (that) sb (should) do sth12 催促某人做某事13it is urged that. (should) do sth13 坚决要求14get/feel/have an urge14 有冲动15fight an urge15 强忍冲动16resist an urge16 抑制冲动17pose a threatchallengedangerrisk17构成威胁挑战危险风险18pose for a photograph18 摆好姿势准备拍照3学科网(北京)股份有限公司19spell the end of sth19 导致某事的结束20spell trouble20 招致麻烦21spell out21 拼写;解释明白,讲清楚22castput a spell on sb22 对某人施魔法23demand to do sth23 强烈要求做某事24demand that sb(should) do sth24 强烈要求某人做某事25meet the demand for sth25 满足对的需求26the demands on sb 26 对某人的要求27by popular demand 27 由于普遍要求28in demand28 需求大29on demand29 一经要求30fall victim to30 受伤,受损,被害4学科网(北京)股份有限公司31facial recognition31 人脸识别32change beyondout of (all) recognition32 变得面目全非33in recognition of33 作为对的肯定34recognize sbsth byfrom sth34 通过辨别出35recognize sth as sth35 把看成36be recognized to be sth36 被认可是37it is recognized that 37 人们意识到38an alternative to sth38 的替代39seek an alternative39 寻找替代品5学科网(北京)股份有限公司40have nolittle alternative (but to do sth)40 (除了做某事)别无选择41an alternative method of doing sth41 做某事的其他方法42break into42强行闯入,撬开;突然开始(笑、唱等);打开(大面值钞票买小额商品);顺利打入Grammar and usage44sbsth is predicted to44据预料45deny sthdoing sth45否认(做)某事46heres no denying(the fact)that46无可否认的是6学科网(北京)股份有限公司47it cant be denied that47无可否认的是48deny responsibility for sth48拒绝为承担责任49deny sb sthdeny sth to sb49拒绝某人某事50in large quantities50大量,大批51without ones knowledge51某人不知情52to the best of ones knowledge52据某人所知(或了解)53gainacquire knowledge53获取知识54common 54众所周知的事7学科网(北京)股份有限公司knowledge55vast knowledge55渊博的知识56the computer monitor56电脑显示屏57are associated with57与.有关58bury oneselfin sth58专心致志于某事;隐居59come to/reach/draw a conclusion59得出结论60in conclusion60总而言之Extended reading &Project62define sth as sth62将定义成63engage sbs attentioninter63吸引住注意力兴趣8学科网(北京)股份有限公司est64engage sb as 64雇用某人做65engage in sth 65从事,参加66engage sb to do sth 66雇用某人做某事67be engaged in sth67忙于某事 68be engaged to sb 68与某人订婚69racial barrier69种族隔阂70boil down to70归结为,基本问题是71make sbs blood boil71使某人怒不可遏72it annoys sb to do sth72做某事使某人恼怒73map sth out73(精心细致地)规划,安排9学科网(北京)股份有限公司74at greathugeconsiderable expense 74花费大笔费用75at sbs expense75由某人付钱,由某人负担费用;以某人为代价76be green with envy76非常羡慕或忌妒77be the envy of sbsth77成为羡慕或忌妒的对象10学科网(北京)股份有限公司
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