1、 The Year of +. Chinese Zodiac Yearzdkthe Year of _the Year of _ the Year of _ the Year of _ the Year of _ the Year of _RatOxTigerRabbitDragonSnakemouse ratcowbull oxbuffalobfl 野生或驯养牛类野生或驯养牛类 水牛水牛the Year of _the Year of _ the Year of _ the Year of _ the Year of _ the Year of _ HorseSheepMonkeyRoost
2、erDogPigSheepGoat ramrm chicken hen rooster 公羊公羊Best wishes for the Year of Tiger!Wishing you good luck in the Year of Tiger!Wishing you a happy and prosperous Year of Tiger!“虎年大吉虎年大吉”?Hot words for the Spring Festival除夕除夕办年货办年货春运春运烧香烧香红包红包舞狮舞狮相声相声皮影戏皮影戏生肖生肖剪纸剪纸中国结中国结春晚春晚虎年虎年灶王爷灶王爷财神财神庙会庙会年夜饭年夜饭爆竹爆竹
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