Unit 2 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修二.doc

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Unit 2 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修二.doc_第1页
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Unit 2 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修二.doc_第2页
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Unit 2 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修二.doc_第3页
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Unit 2 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修二.doc_第5页
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1、2021-2022学年高二第一学期选择性必修二单元二套题(词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作)一.词汇识记solidarity n. 团结,齐心协力,团结一致,休戚相关solidarity with sb 与某人团结一致social solidarity 社会连带, 连带责任,连带关系There was a degree ofsolidarityand sisterhood among the women.Supporters want to march tomorrow to show solidarity with their leaders.ThesolidarityamongChi

2、nasvarious nationalitiesis as firm as arock.The great friendship and militant solidarity between the peoples of our two countries are unbreakable.Demonstrationswereheldas agestureofsolidaritywiththehunger strikers.Solidaritymeansstrength;solidaritymeansvictory.BCE(before common era/before the Christ

3、ian Era ) 公元前Naturally, they supported the Maccabees during the uprising of 165BCE.participate vi. 参加,参与 (participant n.参加者,参与者 n. participation 参加 )The US was ready to train its troops toparticipate.In a modern democracy, people want to be invited toparticipatemore.Everyone in the class is expected

4、 to participate in the discussion.In the ancient Greek Olympics, only men were allowed to participate in it.I dont want to participate in the English party.You are expected to be an activeparticipant.The term industrial democracy is often used as a synonym for pete vi. 参加比赛,竞争,比赛,角逐,对抗(competition n

5、. 竞争,比赛,角逐 competitor n. 竞争者,比赛者,角逐者 )(competitive adj. 有竞争力的,好竞争的,有雄心的,竞争的,竞争性的,敌对的)Scientists now have tocompetefor funding, and do not share information among themselves.The government and its opponentscompeteto exploit the troubles to their advantage.Companies must be able to compete in the mark

6、etplace.We can compete with the best teams.Hes hoping to compete in the London marathon.The fast-food business is intenselycompetitive.The firm has better products than its competitors.The team played magnificently throughout thecompetition.racial adj. 种族的,人种的,民族的,种族间的racialdisharmony 种族不和racial dis

7、crimination 种族歧视The three mainracialgroups in Malaysia are the Malays, the Indians, and the Chinese.We should not have racial discrimination.This hatred was generated by racial prejudice.The racial discrimination issue is a political hot potato.diverse adj. 各种各样的,五花八门的,不同的,相异的 (diversity n. 多样性,多元化,

8、差异性,不同)adiverserange of gifts 各种礼品a diversity of . 各种各样的.It is geographically morediversethan any other continent.They are the people from diverse cultures.Her interests are very diverse.We need morediversityin the education system.joint n. 关节,结合处,接头,接缝 adj. 共同的,联合的,合资的joint responsibility 共同责任They

9、arejointowners of the bar.The doctor put his bone into the joint again.motivate vt. 激发,激励,驱使,成为.的动机,给与动机 (motivation n. 动力,积极性,成功的决心,动机,激励)to lack motivation 缺乏成功的决心You have first got tomotivatethe children.A good teacher is one who can motivate his students.The crime appears to have been motivated

10、by hatred.He is just sitting there doing nothing. He needs to be motivated.His primemotivationis money.His poor performance may be attributed to lack ofmotivationrather than to reading difficulties.motto n. 格言,座右铭,箴言She lettered amottofor the wall of the classroom.The schoolmottowas To strive, to se

11、ek, to find.Ourmottois Plan for the worst and hope for the best.boundary n. 分界线,边界,范围,界限music without boundaries 无国界音乐The post served as aboundarymarker.We crossed the state boundary at midnight.They marked the boundaries of the football fields.The lane is the boundary of our land from theirs.demons

12、trate vt. & vi. 显示,演示,表现,表露,说明,示范,证明,游行示威(demonstration n.示范,表达,实证,示威游行 demonstrator n.示威者,演示者,示范者)to demonstrate that 证明.to demonstrate how to do sth 示范如何做某事Thousands have braved icy rain todemonstratetheir support.We have a constitutional right todemonstrate.How can you demonstrate to us that your

13、 story is true?Realized benefits demonstrate good practice.You have to demonstrate how to operate the computer.Your jump posture is not right. Let me demonstrate it for you.The workers marched through the streets with flags and banners to demonstrate against the rising cost of living.The demonstrato

14、r should indicate the degree of this reliability.The police estimated the number of demonstrators at about 2000.They made a huge demonstration against the government.The professor will give a demonstration in class.afterwards/afterward adv. 以后,后来 (和shortly连用时则要用afterwards)He idled aroundafterwards,

15、window-shopping until about 5pm.Shortlyafterwards, police arrested four suspects.She died in an accident shortly afterwards.Soon afterwards he made his first public statement about the affair.Three days afterward they met at the airport.proceed vi. 接着做,继而做,(尤指停止后)继续行进,前进,进行,从事,起诉to proceed to do sth

16、 继续做某事;接着做某事to proceed with sth 继续进行某事to proceed against sb 起诉某人After searching it, police allowed the lorry toproceed.I am not sure how toproceed.Passengers shouldproceedto gate four.After everyone was seated the chairman proceeded to announce his plan.He also gave me sound advice on how to proceed

17、 with my inquiries.The trial has been delayed until November because the defence is not ready toproceed.flame n. 火焰,火舌,烈焰,情人 vi. 燃烧,发出火光,(人)激动 vt. 用火烧,用火照亮Sue was seen dating an oldflame.Seconds after all were safe, the hillside erupted inflame.Its been dry for so long that the forest could burst in

18、to flame at any moment.The evening sky flamed with red and orange.Her face flamed with excitement.applaud vt. & vi. 赞同,认可,称赞,赞扬,鼓掌to applaud sb for sth 因某事而赞同某人When Murray wins a point his devoted followers scream andapplaudexcitedly.The analystsapplaudthe cuts in marginal businesses, but insist the

19、 company must make deeper sacrifices.Thinking people on both sides willapplaudthis book.Weapplaudher determination.Every person stood toapplaudhis unforgettable act of courage.His efforts to improve the situation are to beapplauded.He started toapplaudand the others joined in.track and field 田径,田径运动

20、,田径运动的The stadium could be used for track-and-field events and football matches.Now, the semifinals of the track and field events are underway.You have won so many medals in track and field.Maybe the sport that I like very much in the summer Olympics is track and field.consistent adj. 前后一致的,始终如一的,连续

21、的,稳定的,平稳的on a consistent basis 定期地 consistent with . 与.一致;与.相符The presentation of love in Troilus and Criseyde is notconsistent.He is aconsistentplayer for Leicester.She has aconsistent approach to her work.Your conduct is not consistent with what you say.Our aim is to ensure a consistent growth.cal

22、l on sb to do sth 正式邀请某人做某事,请求某人做某事The UN has called on both sides to cease fire.The teacher calls on the students to pay attention to after-school activities.humanity n. (总称)人,人类,人性,人道,人情,仁慈,仁爱,同情a man of deephumanity 一个极富同情心的人crimes againsthumanity 反人类罪They face charges of committing crimes agains

23、thumanity.The Red Cross is an organization of humanity.He possesses a deep sense ofhumanity.For him, the place is fairly boiling withhumanity.The judge was praised for his courage andhumanity.Such an act is a disgrace tohumanity.Advances in science help allhumanity.rank n. 地位,级别,等级,排,列,军衔,顺序,次序 vi.

24、& vt. 属于某等级,排列,使排成列,把.分级,给.评定等级,位居,位列 adj. 繁茂的,丛生的,恶臭的,难闻的to be ranked . 排名为.to rank with. 与.并列,位列.之中Irankhim sixth.Mr Short does not evenrankin the worlds top ten.He is above me in rank.They are people of all ranks and classes.Rank the states in the order of size.A general ranks a captain.Dont rank

25、 me among such people.His language wasrank.trend n. 趋势,趋向,动向,走向,时髦,时尚to reverse a trend 逆转潮流,扭转趋势If the currenttrendcontinues, black farmers in the United States may be extinct by the end of this decade.The trend of prices is still upward.The youth like to follow the latest trends in fashion.The eve

26、nt changed the trend of public opinion.The mountains have a western trend.hurdle n. 栏架,障碍,难关,押犯人赴刑场的囚笼 vt. 越过,跳过 vi. 跨过栏架,越过障碍 (hurdles 跨栏赛)The weather will be the biggesthurdleso I have to be ready.Two-thirds of candidates fail at this firsthurdleand are packed off home.His horse fell as it jumped

27、the last hurdle.Software may turn out to be a bigger hurdle.Hehurdled a fence and went into her yard.If you have a job already, congratulations, youve made it over the firsthurdle.election n. 选举,推选,当选,竞选,选举权They were asked to help co-ordinate Labourselectioncampaign.The real winners of theelection,

28、he said, were the Hungarian people.I may vote for her at the next election.Its impossible to tell who will win the next election.advent n. 到来,出现,来临,光临,问世The advent of the computer changed peoples life greatly.With the advent of the rockets, the Space Age began.The advent of the Euro will redefine Eu

29、rope.With the advent of spring, everything comes to life again.With the advent of the new chairman, the company began to prosper.faith n. 信心,信任,宗教信仰to break faith with sb/sth 背弃某人/某事物to keep faith with sb/sth 恪守对某人的信任/忠于对某事物的信仰to have faith in sb 信任某人Ourfaithis not shakable.She had deep religiousfai

30、th.Love asks faith and faith asks firmness.I still have faith in John despite his shortcomings.ambition n. 追求的目标,夙愿,野心,雄心,壮举,梦想,理想,志向,抱负a poverty ofambition 缺乏远大理想In a number of casesambitionhas outreached realism.He is full ofambition.What is your mainambition?You should persist in your ambition.Th

31、e glory of his country is his ambition.His wild ambition was thoroughly exposed.ascend vi. & vt. 攀登,登上,登高,上升,升高to ascend to. 升迁到.,升职为.,提升到.,改进到.,升华为.to ascend the throne 登基,登上王位The stairs in the hotel ascend in a graceful curve.It is easier to descend than to ascend.A small party is planning to asce

32、nd Mount Everest.Setting foot on the island, he began to ascend the trail.identical adj. 同一的,完全相同的,一模一样的identical to . 与.完全相同的,与.一模一样的Cicero and Tully areidentical.Nearly all the houses wereidentical.This is the identical hotel we stayed at last year.Your appearance is identical to hers.Theyre weari

33、ng identical clothes.fellow n. 家伙,伴侣,同伴,同行,男人,同类 adj. 同伴的,同事的,同情况的,同类的Jack is a clever fellow indeed.I cant tolerate that rude fellow.That foolish fellow is looking for trouble.He recalled his fellow traveller with pleasure.He is popular with his fellow workers.relay n. 接力赛 vt. 传达,转发(信息、消息),转述转播(表演、

34、节目)in relays 轮班地,轮流地to relay the news to sb 把消息转达给某人4x100mrelay 4x100米接力赛She performed well in therelay.Images of the war were relayed around the world.I will relay your opinion to the headmaster.Six teams competed in yesterdays relay race.In ancient times the messages wererelayed from one place to

35、another.chest n. 胸部,胸膛,大箱子 adj. 胸部的a chest full of sth 装满某物的箱子get . off your chest 把.倾吐出来 He bared hischestfor a womens magazine.The bullet hit him in the chest.Chest pains may be symptomatic of heart disease.He dragged the heavy chest across the floor.He put some food into the ice chest.cheek n. 脸颊

36、,面颊 ,脸蛋,厚脸皮,厚颜无耻 to have the cheek to do sth 居然有脸做某事,厚着脸皮去做某事Schneider patted the girl on thecheek.She knelt and brushed her lips softly across Michaelscheek.A bullet grazed his cheek.Rosie gave her an affectionate kiss on each cheek.marathon n. 马拉松赛跑(42.195公里),持久活动,艰巨任务 adj. 马拉松式的,漫长的,艰难的,耗时费力的He i

37、s running in his firstmarathon.He ran themarathonin under four hours.People makemarathonjourneys to buy houses here.He can hardly run a mile, much less the marathon.My job interview was a real marathon.half-marathon n. 半程马拉松(全程为21.243公里的长跑比赛),半马拉松比赛 The game included three events: full marathon, hal

38、f marathon and 5 kilometer mini marathon.amateur n. 业余爱好者,业余运动员,外行,生手 adj. 业余的,外行的,不熟练的to have an amateur interest in . 对.有业余兴趣Hes such anamateur!When a play finishes its run, many of the costumes are hired out toamateurdrama groups and schools.A fellow journalist once told me that if you are not wr

39、iting every day, then you are an amateur.ankle n. 踝,踝关节,脚脖子She had a band-aid(创可贴) on herankle.Tom will be absent for two more weeks with anankleinjury.gradually adv. 渐渐地,逐步地,逐渐地Onlygraduallyare technologies being developed to mechanize the task.We talked about music, and food, and holiday destinati

40、ons, andgraduallyestablished a kinship.Controls in the city have gradually tightened.Gradually the surrounding farmland turned residential.His interest in this subject gradually decreases.session n. 一段时间,开庭,会议,一场,学年,会面to be in session 在开庭,在开会a recording session 一次录音会面an emergencysession 紧急会议Rupert M

41、oon is out of todayssessionwith a twisted knee.Is Parliament in session during the summer?Be seated! This court is now in session.The Congress ended its first session on January 4.She attended the summer session of college.limit n. 限额, 限度,限制,限量,数列的极限,界限 vt. 限制,限定,限量,减少Marshas tolerance reached itsli

42、mit.Whats the speedlimitin this area?Auctions are good hunting grounds, but set yourself a pricelimit.Motorists should observe the speedlimit.In some cases there is a minimum agelimit.That fence is the limit of the schoolyard.Ill help as much as I can, but there is a limit to what I can do.We must l

43、imit our spending.I shall limit myself to three aspects of the subject.We must limit the amount of money we spend.chairman n. 委员长,主席,主持人,董事长In the absence of the chairman of the council, the vice chairman does duty for him.Minority of board members opposed the chairman.When the chairman retired, McG

44、overn was named as his successor.constitution n. 宪法,章程,组织制度,体质,身体素质,建立,设立,事物的构造The clubsconstitutionprevented women from becoming full members.Ive always had theconstitutionof an ox.Both Edgar and his brother William Poe showed signs of a similarconstitution.Hunger and disease had weakened his const

45、itution.The constitution of a primitive society is not necessarily simple.The countrys constitution embodies the ideals of freedom and equality.pour vi & vt. 倒,灌,注,倾泻,涌流,喷发,雨倾盆而下,倾泻,斟to pour oneself a drink 给自己倒杯饮料to pour down sbs face 从某人脸上奔流而下it never rains but it pours. 不下则已,一下倾盆;祸不单行to pour cold

46、 water on . 对.泼冷水Shall Ipouryou a cup of tea?Blood was pouring from the wound.She watched the rain pouring down the windows.The fans poured out of the stadium cheering wildly.They have poured money into the tourist industry.She often pours her troubles to friends.The crowd poured out of the concert hall.walk on air 欢天喜地,得意洋洋,飘飘然He walked on air for getting a high mark.After being paid a compliment he felt as if he were walking on air.Knowing that I would be promoted to be director of marketing, I felt like wa


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