Unit 2 期末复习基础检测-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第二册.doc

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1、 T选必(二)U2一、按课文原句填空。1. Every four years,thousands of highly trained and talented athletes gather together in the spirit of friendship,solidarity (团结)and fair play, ready to test their abilities against each other in the hope of being recognized as the best of the best.2. During the early Games,only G

2、reek men were allowed to participate. 3. They competed in such events as boxing,running and the long jump. 4. His dream was that the Olympics would help people of different racial origins and from different cultures live side by side in peace.5. For over a century,people from diverse backgrounds hav

3、e made joint efforts to help realize Coubertins dream. 6. Motivated (激励)by the Olympic motto “Faster, Higher,Stronger”,many well-known athletes,both male and female,have devoted themselves to achieving sporting excellence and pushing the boundaries of human achievement.7. He came to public attention

4、 during the 1960 Rome Olympics, when he won the light heavyweight gold medal for the USA,demonstrating great talent and personality in the process.8. Afterwards(以后),this young man proceeded to become the world heavyweight champion in 1964, and later changed his name to the one we all know-Muhammed A

5、li.9. Another sportsperson that should be applauded (称赞)is Jessica Ennis-Hill. 10. In an interview she revealed that the secret of her consistent (一致的)good performance was the training that she never missed. 11. The 2008 Beijing Olympics called on the whole world to join in the Olympic spirit and bu

6、ild a better future for humanity (人类)with the slogan “One World,One Dream”.12. In addition to hosting the Olympics for the first time,China also ranked first in the medal table.13. Since then the upward trend for Chinese sport has been unstoppable.14. The year 2022 will be another historic moment fo

7、r China,as Beijing won the election to host the Winter Olympics.15. As Coubertin believed, “With the Olympic Games,each generation celebrates its advent,its joy of living, its faith in the future, its ambition (追求的目标)and its will to ascend.”16. The majority of these sports are identical (完全同样的)to th

8、ose at the Olympics but other sports, such as wushu,have been added too.17. The Youth Olympic Games give talented teenagers a chance to connect with fellow (同伴的)athletes from diverse backgrounds.18. The focus is on building bridges between different cultures, so there are competitions featuring mixe

9、d teams,such as mixed swimming relays.19. Six weeks ago, my friends told me that a city half-marathon for amateurs (业余运动员)was being organized to help raise money for charity, and encouraged me to take part.20. Over the next six weeks, I gradually (逐渐地)increased the distance I ran in each training se

10、ssion and also made sure to allow my body enough time to rest and rocover after each run.21. We were told that the competitors would ba raising money for charity, and while I didnt feel that I had a strong constitution (体质)to run that far, I thought the next best thing would be to help those who cou

11、ld.22. Modern society honours winners and successful sportspeople quickly become celebrities.23. Every language has its idioms, which are groups of words with meanings different from the meanings of the individual words.24. As you know,in a football match,players try to kick or head the ball into th

12、e opposing (相反的)teams goal, which is the net between two big goalposts fixed to the ground.25. An insurance salesman who is about to reach his annual sales target, only for the company to make the target higher,could rightly complain (抱怨)about the company moving the goalposts.26. If someone makes a

13、bad mistake which unintentionally (无意地)harms their own interests, they are said to have scored an own goal.27. You might see this expression in the newspapers when the local council makes a decision which backfires (产生事与愿违的后果)terribly.28. The venue(活动场地)where a baseball game is played is called a ba

14、llpark.29. A boxer is not allowed to use his or her fists to hit the opponent below the waist.30. In day-to-day life,if someone makes an unfair and cruel (残酷的)remark,we can describe it as “below the belt”. 二、按课文内容完成句子。1. 作为一名前英国田径运动员,2012年,她在自己的祖国赢得了一块奥运金牌。A former track and field athlete from the U

15、K, she won an Olympic gold medal in her home country in 2012.2. 几乎没有人想要得到第二名,有时正确客观地看待每件事很难。Almost nobody likes to come second, and sometimes it is difficult to keep everything in perspective. 3. 由于体育是日常生活中不可分割的一部分,因此有许多体育习语已经融入日常语言中。Since sport is an inseparable part of day-to-day life,there are lo

16、ts of sports idioms that have found their way into everyday language.4. 如果日常生活中有人移动门柱,意味着这些人不公平地改变了某件事情的规则或要求。If someone “ move the goalposts ” in everyday life, it means they unfairly change the rules or requirements for something.5. 目前我只能给你一个大概的估计数。 I can only give you a ballpark estimate at this

17、time.6. 工人们抱怨老板有意刁难他们。The workers complained that their boss threw them a curveball.7. 他对于她的离婚开了个玩笑,我想这是有点暗箭伤人的。He made a joke about her divorce which I thought was a bit below the belt.8. 现在放弃是不是太早了? Isnt it too soon to throw in the towel?9. 胜利往往让成功者得意洋洋,沉浸在当下的荣耀中,而留给失败者的只有苦涩的滋味和挫败感。More often than not, winning has the victor walking on air, lost in the glory of the moment, while the loser is left with a bitter taste and a feeling of failure.10. 如果你说的是五百万,那就差不多了。If you said five million youd be in the ballpark. 4


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