Unit 1 Part3 Extended reading ,Project,Assessment&Furthe rstudy同步练习-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第二册.docx

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1、Unit 1 Part 3Extended reading, Project, Assessment &Further study基础过关练.单词拼写1.China previously announced it would strive to (达到高峰)in the carbon dioxide emissions by 2030.2.You take that (渠道) of information out of communication, and you lose another way that the sense is being conveyed.3.In 1946, he w

2、as hired as a (裁缝) by his subsequent mentor, Christian Dior, who had just opened his couture house in Paris.4.What we are concerned about first is the cars safety performance, when we (购买) a car.5.During the show, users can shake their phones to win a prize (赞助) by the company.6.The previous success

3、 of Change 5 has accumulated experience in this regard, which (使增长) our confidence.7.The shop will give a d of 10% as long as you pay in cash.选词填空get across; brighten up; refer to; in addition to; appeal to 1. the names on the list, there are six other applicants.2.Before you read a book, you should

4、 the catalogue first.3.The members of the voluntary group went to the street to the whole city to help the poor boy.4.A personal letter will usually a persons day.5.John has a unique way to his opinion by using as few words as possible.单句语法填空1.The boy, who is said to have a great talent for language

5、 learning and (persuade), is only ten years old.2.An (advertise) uses words and pictures to persuade people to buy a product.3.Dora seemed to be unconscious of the (amuse) she had caused.4.His work suffered because of his total (absorb) in sport.5.The English speech contest is one of my most(memory)

6、 experiences.完成句子1.如果你去海边度假,我也去。If you go to the seaside for your holiday, .2.我们为人民做得越多,我们就越幸福。The more we do for the people, .3.那就是为什么我决定给这个教育基金会一大笔钱。 I decided to give this education foundation a large sum of money.4.护士不仅要求提高工资,而且还想要减少工作时间。Not only a rise, but they want to reduce working hours as

7、well.课文语法填空Advertisements, which often use words and pictures to persuade people 1(buy) a product or service, can be found 2 we go.A 3(success) advertisement will not only make people aware of a product or service, but also create a desire to buy, behind 4 advertisers have developed ways of persuadi

8、ng people into purchasing their products or services. One of the most common techniques is to create memorable 5(slogan), some of which appeal to our emotions. Another technique employed by advertisers is to link their company or product to 6brand ambassador. In addition, some advertisements are not

9、 so obvious, in which product 7(place) is typically used.We take in these marketing messages 8(appear) in films with huge box-office success and TV shows with high ratings without thinking about them too much. Now, 9 the more digital and more personalized advertising, we are very likely to receive s

10、pecial discounts and promotions targeted 10(specifical)at us.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.能力提升练.阅读理解For the latter part of the 1900s, most alcohol advertising on TV was banned.During this time, the number of minors(未成年人) drinking alcohol declined.Several years ago the ban was lifted and alcohol ads

11、returned to television.Since then the number of minors drinking alcohol has grown.A study conducted by the University of California, Berkeley, shows that alcohol ads boost the abuse of alcohol, positive attitudes to it, and consumption of it in minors. Congressman Wolfe from Virginia also finds that

12、 alcohol advertising increases drunk driving and alcohol abuse in underage individuals. A survey completed in California and South Dakota schools finds that teens that are frequently exposed to alcohol advertising often begin consuming it in the next year or so.Adolescence is a time of brain develop

13、ment when anything that provides a thrill, like alcohol, is an attraction. And minors drink alcohol mainly to be like their friends. From a very early age, children want to fit in. Other than socializing, some doing that just try to cope with problems or stress. However, drinking alcohol will bring

14、about many problems. Getting rid of these ads would lessen the underage individuals urges to consume or abuse alcohol.The companies who produce the ads say they target audiences well into adulthood by using older actors.They call it “Responsible Advertising”.The truth is that these companies well kn

15、ow that their ads are played in front of minors. They even try to appeal to teens by using music, animals, and humor which according to several studies are all the things that underage individuals respond to in an advertisement. Do these companies really believe that simply stating “consume responsi

16、bly” and showing no visible consumption of alcohol really cover their actual intentions?After all these studies and surveys are taken into account, one conclusion is clear: the companies that make the ads know very well that they are supporting underage drinking and alcohol abuse. People can stand u

17、p against these companies by asking Congress to take action and ban these ads again. If enough people voice their concerns, they can do just that.1.The author mentioned the findings in the second paragraph .A.to show alcohol ads negative effects on minorsB.to tell us the danger of minors drunk drivi

18、ngC.to tell us the harm of minors drinking alcoholD.to show the Congressmans attitude towards minors consuming alcohol2.According to the third paragraph, we know .A.the reason why alcohol ads attract minorsB.the reason why minors tend to drink alcoholC.the way that alcohol affects minors lifeD.the w

19、ay that minors handle problems of alcohol3.What can we infer from the passage?A.Minors tend to do what they are forbidden to do.B.Minors know little about “consume responsibly”.C.The ad companies target consumers actually include minors.D.The ad companies employ older actors mainly to attract minors

20、.4.What is the passage mainly about?A.The phenomenon about the alcohol consumption.B.The reasons for minors alcohol consumption.C.Alcohol advertising and its effects on minors.D.The reasons for banning minors from alcohol consumption.七选五3 Things Can HappenWhen You Quit Social MediaSocial media bring

21、s you much fun.But if youre spending too much time on social media, it can be hard to imagine life without it.1 Here are some things to expect when you do that.Youll get more work done, and youll do it faster. 2 When you click back and forth between Facebook and an important project, your work time

22、may be lengthened by as much as 40 percent.Thats a high price to pay for a few likes and comments.3 As social media has become easy to access, we often feel forced to pay attention to what is happening on our news-feeds anywhere and at any time.The desire to be constantly aware of whats going on onl

23、ine leads to a boost in cortisol, the stress hormone (压力荷尔蒙). 4 Staying away from social media makes you less affected by cortisol, leaving you calmer and more focused.Youll sit less.Sitting all day can be as dangerous for your health as smoking.And after a long day at work, we are increasingly usin

24、g our free time to check social media in a seated position.People will say, “Wow, I didnt realize I was sitting for an extra 90 minutes each day because of Facebook.”5A.Youll get more sleep.B.Youll feel less stressed.C.Without social media, youll have more creative ideas.D.This can bring unfavorable

25、 effects on the brain like losing memory.E.Staying away from social media frees up your time for healthier activities.F.However, there are many reasons for considering taking a break from social media.G.Putting aside social media, youll find your productivity levels increase a lot.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.读后续写

26、阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Sam and I had been paired up through a mentoring(辅导)program when he was a first grader.As a former teacher, I missed making an impact on young people, so as soon as I heard of this program for at-risk school kids, I signed up.At first, it didnt seem as if the two

27、 of us were a good match. Sam hardly looked at me; he barely spoke or smiled.I tried everything to engage his attention. Nothing worked.Week after week, Id drive for 30 minutes to the school, only to sit with a little boy who didnt seem to care whether I was there or not. I was so frustrated (受挫的).O

28、ne day, I noticed Sam wearing an Iron Man shirt. The next week, I brought a board game (棋盘游戏)featuring Iron Man characters.When I opened the box, he was attracted. He joined me and played the game with me. As I was leaving that day, he looked up at me and said, “See you next week.”He and I built our

29、 relationship from there.I would spend my Friday lunch period with him, talking, playing games and just being a friend. Little by little, he opened up to me about his home life. His dad wasnt around.His mother supported the family by working nights at a local factory, so Sams older sibling took care

30、 of him most of the time.Right then and there, I wished to make sure the two of us always kept in toucheven after the program ended. Now it would be our last Friday lunch together.How could I make sure we had a great meal and he would still remember me?So I looked for some inspiration for a perfect

31、gift for him, the gift Sam would enjoy holding on to.On Wednesday, I was watching TV and a fast-food restaurant commercial came on, advertising the toy that came in the kids mealsa small Iron Man toy.注意: 续写词数应为150左右。Paragraph 1:Suddenly it hit me: Here was the idea Id been looking for!Paragraph 2:At

32、 the school, I sat down with Sam and handed him the bag.参考答案基础过关练.1.peak2.channel3.tailor4.purchase5.sponsored6.boosts7.discount易错分析此题容易误填boost。原因在于学生容易将思路限制在定语从句中,而忽略了主谓一致问题,或没有弄清which的指代关系。.1.In addition to2.refer to3.appeal to4.brighten up5.get across.1.persuasion考查名词。句意:据说这个在语言学习和说服方面很有天赋的男孩只有10


34、故填memorable。.1.so will I2.the happier we are3.That is why4.do nurses demand.1.to buy考查非谓语动词。persuade后接动词不定式作宾语补足语。故填to buy。2.wherever考查连词。根据语境可知,无论我们到哪里,都能发现广告。wherever意为“在任何地方”。故填wherever。3.successful考查形容词。名词advertisement应用形容词修饰。故填successful。4.which考查定语从句。关系词指代先行词desire在非限制性定语从句中作介词behind的宾语,且指物,所以

35、用关系代词which。故填which。5.slogans考查名词复数。根据本句中的some of which可知,此处应用复数名词。故填slogans。6.a考查冠词。这里指把公司或产品与形象代言人联系起来。表示泛指,故填a。7.placement考查名词。在定语从句中主语为名词短语product placement,意为“产品安插”。故填placement。8.appearing考查非谓语动词。动词appear与被修饰词these marketing messages之间构成主动关系,所以用现在分词作定语。故填appearing。9.with考查介词。根据语境可知,由于广告业更加数字化和更加

36、个性化,我们很可能收到针对我们的特别折扣和促销。with由于。故填with。10.specifically考查副词,此处应用副词修饰动词短语targeted at。故填specifically。能力提升练.本文是一篇说明文。在美国,禁酒令被取消,酒精广告又回到了电视上,喝酒的未成年人数量增加,对未成年人造成极大的危害。作者呼吁人们向国会提议采取行动去重新禁止酒精广告。1.A推理判断题。根据第二段可知,加州大学伯克利分校进行的一项研究表明,酒精广告增加了酒精的滥用、对酒精的积极态度以及未成年人对酒精的消费;来自弗吉尼亚州的国会议员沃尔夫也发现,酒精广告增加了未成年人的醉驾和酗酒;一项在加州和南达

37、科他州学校完成的调查发现,经常接触酒精广告的青少年通常在接下来一年左右就开始消费酒精。这些研究结果和调查结果很明显都显示出了酒精广告对未成年人的负面影响。故选A。2.B细节理解题。根据第三段前四句可知,处于青春期的人喜欢使人兴奋的东西。喝酒主要是为了像朋友一样。孩子们从小就想融入社会。除了社交,有些人这样做只是为了应对问题或压力。这些都是未成年人喝酒的原因,故选B。A项“酒精广告吸引未成年人的原因”、C项“酒精影响未成年人生活的方式”和D项“未成年人处理酒精问题的方式”在本段均未提及。3.C推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“one conclusion is clear: the companie

38、s that make the ads know very well that they are supporting underage drinking and alcohol abuse”可知,有一个结论是明确的:制作广告的公司非常清楚,他们支持未成年人饮酒和酗酒。由此推断出,广告公司的目标消费者实际上包括未成年人,故选C。其余三项原文未提及。4.C主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“Several years ago the ban was lifted and alcohol ads returned to television.Since then the number of minors

39、drinking alcohol has grown.”可知,几年前禁令解除,酒精广告重新出现在电视上。从那以后,喝酒的未成年人数量增加了。结合全文可知,在美国,禁酒令被取消,酒精广告又回到了电视上,未成年人中饮酒的人数增加,对未成年人造成极大的危害。作者呼吁人们向国会提议采取行动去重新禁止这些酒精广告。所以,这篇文章主要是关于酒类广告及其对未成年人的影响的,故选C。A项“关于酒精消费的现象”、B项“未成年人饮酒的原因”和D项“禁止未成年人饮酒的原因”都是文章中介绍的细节,不能概括全文。.这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了离开社交媒体的一些好处。1.F根据上一句But if youre spend

40、ing too much time on social media, it can be hard to imagine life without it.可知如果你花太多时间在社交媒体上,你会很难想象没有它的生活。下文介绍没有社交媒体是怎么样的。因此F项“然而,有很多理由让我们考虑暂时离开社交媒体”符合语境,故选F。2.G根据上一句中的youll do it faster和下一句中的your work time may be lengthened by as much as 40 percent可推断出,设空处是和工作效率相关的,所以G项“抛开社交媒体,你会发现自己的工作效率大大提高”符合语境

41、,承上启下。故选G。3.B根据本段最后一句Staying away from social media makes you less affected by cortisol, leaving you calmer and more focused.可知,远离社交媒体会让你少受皮质醇即压力荷尔蒙的影响,让你更平静,更专注。由此推测出,本段主要讲述远离社交媒体会让你的压力更小。所以B项“你会觉得压力更小”符合语境,引起下文。故选B。4.D根据上文As social media has become easy to access, we often feel forced.leads to a b

42、oost in cortisol, the stress hormone(压力荷尔蒙).可知,随着社交媒体变得越来越容易接触,我们经常感到被迫随时随地关注我们的新闻推送上正在发生的事情。想要随时了解网上发生的事情的欲望会导致皮质醇(一种压力荷尔蒙)的增加。由此推断出,下文应该是介绍压力增加造成的后果,所以D项“这会给大脑带来不利影响,比如记忆力下降”符合语境,衔接上文。故选D。5.E根据上文Sitting all day can be as dangerous for your health.I was sitting for an extra 90 minutes each day beca

43、use of Facebook.可知,整天坐着对你的健康的危害不亚于吸烟。在漫长的一天工作之后,我们越来越多地利用空闲时间来查看社交媒体以坐着的姿势。人们会说:“哇,我没有意识到我每天因为Facebook多坐了90分钟。”由此推断出,下文应该是介绍远离社交媒体可以更健康,所以E项“远离社交媒体可以让你腾出时间做更健康的活动”符合语境,衔接上文。故选E。.One possible version:Paragraph 1:Suddenly it hit me: Here was the idea Id been looking for! I decided to purchase the food

44、 as a treat for our final lunch and give him a gift that he could remember.So that Friday, I left my house early and stopped by the near fast-food place to buy the meal with the Iron Man toy.But that restaurant had no Iron Man toys.My heart sank as I heard this.After trying my luck at several other

45、restaurants, finally, I got what I wanted.Paragraph 2:At the school, I sat down with Sam and handed him the bag. Sam opened the bag, and pulled out the food and then the toy an Iron Man toy. His eyes became watery.“You know, no one knows that my favorite is Iron Man except you,” he said. “You got me this so I will always remember you.” He hugged me and added, “Im going to keep this forever!” Its been more than a year since that day, and Sam still texts me every week.


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