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1、中考英语动词辨析专项练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 【单项选择】1.(2020新疆)9 Look, Cindy. The flowers in our classroom come out in one night. Thats fantastic! They are beautiful and colorful. They_ nice.Asmells Bsmell Csounds Dsound 2.(2020新疆)12Pay no attention to those who laugh at you. What most _is how you see yourself.Adrinks Bma

2、tters Ccares Dminds 3.(2020浙江温州)3Jim is going to join the Art Club because he likes_.Acooking Bdrawing Crunning Dreading 4.(2020贵州黔东南州)25Sam _ a computer from me yesterday.Asold Bborrowed Clent Dreturned 5.(2020黑龙江牡丹江)7“Stall Economy”(地摊经济) has won high praise from Premier Li Keqiang because it can

3、_ the people with more chances to work.Aoffer Bprovide Cgive 6.(2020安徽)5 Hi, Jill. Id like to share with you the latest news about the height of Qomolangma.Really? Make sure the news is true before you it.Areceive Bspread Ccancel Dhear 7.(2020湖北武汉)9 What makes you _ were going to sell the house? I h

4、ear that youve got a job abroad.Adoubt Bwonder Cpromise Dsuppose 8.(2020湖南怀化)5Journey to the West is interesting. Both my father and my sister _ the book very much.Alikes Blike Cdislike 9.(2020江苏南京)2Chinas efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 will _ the worlds ability to limit the harm in the near

5、 future.Aimagine Binvent Cinsist Dimprove 10.(2020江苏南京)14Many Chinese characters symbolise their meanings, unlike English words which are spelt out according to how they sound. The underlined word “symbolise” in the sentence is a(n) _.Anoun Bverb Cadjective Dadverb 11.(2020辽宁丹东)5Hows it going, Tina?

6、Great. My company has _ me a good job.Aoffered Bprovided Cintroduced Ddiscovered12.(2020辽宁营口)9Last Thursday when I got to the railway station, I _ I left my ID card at home.Arealized Bbelieved Cthought Dconsidered 13.(2020山西)3In summer vacation, I want to help parents _ clothes in the square to make

7、 some money.Good idea. Its also a good chance to know about the society.Alend Bgive Csell14.(2020四川达州)10 Clara, you have _ Journey to the West for two weeks. Sorry, I wanted to give it back but was made _ Dazhou on business last week.Aborrowed; to leave Bkept; to leave Ckept; leave Dborrowed; leave

8、15.(2020江西)4Im pretty good at tennis. Actually, Im probably _ in the club.Aworse Bgood Cbetter Dthe best 16.(2020江西)6The performer _ because there was too much noise coming from the crowd.Acontinued Brelaxed Cstopped Dwon 17.(2020云南)6Wang Lei is looking forward to _ the best high school in September

9、.Arefusing Bplaying Creading Dentering 18.(2020湖北孝感)6Dear friends, do you still remember why you came here three years ago?To _ our dreams!Acopy Bsave Cimagine Dachieve 19.(2020湖北宜昌)3Would you _ opening the window? Get more fresh air. Of course not. Ill do it right away.Aconsider Bpractice Csuggest

10、Dmind 20.(2020湖北宜昌)13Some Chinese government officers have turned into livestreamers(网络主播).Yes. Theyre trying their best to help local farmers to _ product sales.Acompare Bimprove Cafford Dprovide 21.(2020甘肃天水)39He _ most of his time _ English.Aspends. studying Bcosts, studied Ctakes, to study Dpays

11、, studies22.(2020江苏镇江)7All my family members think people should_ doctors and nurses for their contributions.Apromise Bpraise Cpresent Dprepare23.(2020福建)9On video, Doctor Zhong Nanshan _ teenagers to study hard in the first lesson of this term.Aallowed Btrained Cencouraged 24.(2020甘肃武威)12You can us

12、e _ to be more polite.Aplease Bhello Cwow Dyeah 25.(2020广东深圳)1Tom, lets go to play basketball.Id love to. But I have to complete my homework first.Acheck Bfinish Ccorrect 26.(2020广东深圳)4 Bi Sheng, an ancient Chinese, invented movable type printing in the 1040s. It was developed in China but served th

13、e world.Acreated Bdiscovered Csearched 27.(2020广西贵港)2Look! There is a girl under the tree. She is Susans daughter. She is only six years old, but she can _stories in English.Asay Bspeak Ctell Dtalk 28.(2020内蒙古包头)12Livestreaming (直播)_ a new chance for traditional culture artists.Apractices Bprovides

14、Cpromises Dprotects 29.(2020云南昆明)11As common people, the medical workers choose to stand out and _others without thinking twice. They are the most beautiful angels.Aprotect Bprotecting Cadmire Dadmiring30.(2020湖北襄阳)7 Can your little brother _ from 1 to 100? Yes. He began to learn to say the simple n

15、umbers at the age of one.Acount Bhear Cguess Dspread 31.(2020江苏泰州)5Song of Autumn by Liu Yuxi describes autumn in a different way.I agree. Most poets (诗人) describe this season to _ a feeling of sadness, but in Lius eyes autumn is full of life and hope.Aexcuse Bexpress Cexpect Dexplain32.(2020江苏扬州)11

16、Im tired out. I have stayed up late the whole week. Youd better_ your time better and have things organized.Amake Bhave Ctake Dmanage 33.(2020江苏徐州)12If steel is heavier than water, why are ships able to _ on the sea?Afloat Bfly Cfall Dflow 34.(2020江苏南通)6The children are jumping excitedly because the

17、y have _ the design perfectly in groups.Acompleted Bcontrolled Ccontacted Dcaused 35.(2020江苏无锡)13Weve discussed this many times. No jeans to the party!Very well then, if you _. But wheres my suit?Asuggest Bimagine Cagree Dinsist 36.(2020山东日照)2Its good for us to _ a good habit of reading.Adevelop Bch

18、oose Caccept Dpick 37.(2020山东东营)10 My pet dog is lost, Mary. Im sorry to hear that. Why not put an ad(广告)in the newspaper? Dont be silly. He cant _.Ahear Bread Cspeak Dwrite 38.(2020山东东营)155G, as a new global network (全球网络) after 3G and 4G, will certainly _ our life in many ways.Acopy Bbreak Cchange

19、 Dcontrol 39.(2020山东东营)18We should_to buy products that come from wild animals. A large number of them are in danger.Astop Bdecide Crefuse Dcontinue 40.(2020辽宁铁岭葫芦岛)5Parents always _ us not to swim in the river in summer.Apromise Btrain Cwarn Dshow 41.(2020江苏常州)3To the west of our school_ some books

20、tores and a park.Alies Blie Chas Dhave42.(2020辽宁大连)5 Yao Ming is _as one of the most popular basketball players in the world.Aregarded Bmade Ckept Dwatched 43.(2020辽宁大连)10Last Thursday when I got to the airport, I _ I had left my ticket at home.Aforgot Brealized Cbelieved Dseemed 44.(2020辽宁大连)13Will

21、ie will learn swimming, no matter how much it _.Acosts Btakes Cspends Dpays 45.(2020山东莱芜)7The little boy _ his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus.Alent Btook Coffered Dbrought 46.(2020天津)9I was busy this morning and didnt have time to _ my email.Awaste Bpunish Cbelieve Dcheck 47.(2020西藏)19I ofte

22、n _ magazines and my grandparents always _ TV.Awatch: read Bread; watch Clook; watch Dsee; look 48.(2020山东济南)10Its important for students to _ the school rules.Abreak Bplay Cfollow Drefuse 【填空】1.(2020新疆)48We need to c_ up with a plan to tell people about the city park cleanup. 2.(2020新疆)55Our school

23、 is going to_ (修建) a new library next month. 3.(2020浙江杭州)52Whether she wins or whether she l_, this is her last game. 4.(2020浙江杭州)55Many road accidents can be a_ if we all follow traffic rules.5.(2020浙江宁波)47If you work hard, your exam score will_ (加倍) , the teacher said to Jim.6.(2020浙江宁波)50Our scho

24、ol _ (邀请) several heroes to the graduation ceremony last year. 7.(2020浙江宁波)54Bill was _ (踢) a ball in the yard when I saw him. 8.(2020贵州铜仁)81. Big sale! (买) more and save more. 9.(2020贵州铜仁)85. As we all know, the sun_ (升起) in the east.10.(2020贵州铜仁)86. To live a low-carbon ( 低碳) life, we should _ off

25、 the lights when we leave the room. 11.(2020四川南充)65. Our Chinese Dream is sure to be a as long as we all work hard.12.(2020四川甘孜州)47This elephant_(重量是) many times more than this panda. 13.(2020四川甘孜州)48Ive finally realized why my grandpa loves_ (喝)tea. 14.(2020四川自贡)47I p_ reading books at home to hang

26、ing out with friends every weekend.15.(2020四川自贡)48Tom has many hobbies, i_ hiking and running. 16.(2020四川自贡)50Theres no need for you to worry about f_ your driving test because you have prepared well enough. 17.(2020四川自贡)51Judy was late for class and e_ the reason to the teacher. 18.(2020四川自贡)54Most

27、 of us cant a_ to buy the car, for it costs a lot of money.19.(2020湖南常德)10(1分)Whats he doing?He (use) the computer 20.(2020湖南常德)11(1分)The teacher asked Ben (answer) a question in class 21.(2020湖南常德)13(1分)He (sit) down and began to read a newspaper 22.(2020湖南常德)19(1分)The telephone (invent) by Alexand

28、er Graham Bell in 1876 23.(2020湖南永州)40Touched by doctors and nurses in Wuhan, Li Ming wants _ (be) a doctor when he grows up. 24.(2020湖南永州)44My family _ (go) to Yongzhou botanical garden(植物园) last weekend. 25.(2020黑龙江牡丹江)72We all _ (仰慕) those heroes who work hard to fight against the virus (病毒). 26.

29、(2020安徽)57Never c_(横穿) the street when the red light is on. 27.(2020黑龙江绥化)46We must be careful to avoid _(make) mistakes in the exam.28.(2020黑龙江绥化)48This novel is very interesting. My brother _(read)it three times. 29.(2020黑龙江绥化)50When he heard the good news, he couldnt help _ (jump). 30.(2020黑龙江绥化)

30、51Eric, your car is so dirty. You should go and get it _(wash).31.(2020湖北鄂州)48The storybook can _ (not take) out of the reading room. 32.(2020湖北鄂州)49I was watching TV while my parents _ (chat) on the Wechat. 33.(2020湖北鄂州)50To keep healthy, we should pay attention to _ (wear) masks and washing hands.

31、 34.(2020江苏南京)43Why dont you _ (邀请) Jerry to play sports in the playground tomorrow morning? 35.(2020江苏南京)46Its popular _ (hire) a boat and row on the Xuanwu Lake. 36.(2020江苏苏州)38The future is something we _(创造), but not something we enter.37.(2020江苏苏州)40Thank you for _(警告) us not to swim here. 38.(

32、2020江苏苏州)42Shake the bottle well so that the milk _ (混合) with the tea.39.(2020江苏苏州)44In ancient times, food was _ (存储) up for winter. 40.(2020四川乐山)51The bird can _(飞)in the sky because it has two wings.41.(2020四川乐山)54Belly, you should _(trust or be confident)in yourself. It is the first step to succ

33、ess.42.(2020四川遂宁)56Could I_(借) your dictionary? 43.(2020四川遂宁)58Computers were_(发明) not long ago, but they are very useful for us. 44.(2020四川宜宾)37We should show kindness to doctors who are trying to p_ our lives.45.(2020四川眉山)45In China, you are not s_ to start eating first if there are old people at

34、the table. 46.(2020海南)60Many doctors volunteered to_(支持)Wuhan as soon as they got the news. 47.(2020云南)52Its time to say goodbye. I hope I can _ you in the near future. (收到来信) 48.(2020云南)54Its polite to _ the person when he or she is talking to you. (注意) 49.(2020吉林)3Climbers is an exciting movie. Im

35、 going to_ it. 50.(2020湖北荆门)50The summer vacation is coming. Have you _(选择)a date for your travelling? 51.(2020湖北荆门)52Jack finally _(fall)asleep when the wind was dying down at midnight. 52.(2020湖北荆门)54We cant _(承担得起)to wait any longer to take action in order to improve our environment. 53.(2020湖北荆门

36、)55Although his parents didnt want him to work abroad, Li Yang _(stick)to his own decision.54.(2020湖北随州)65The paper, usually red, is f_ before it is cut with scissors.55.(2020甘肃天水)22The test i_ three parts: listening, speaking and writing. 56.(2020甘肃天水)23He f_ the exam because he was so careless wit

37、h his spelling.57.(2020甘肃天水)25Words could not _ (表达) her feelings at that moment. 58.(2020江苏镇江)43Please_(将圈起来)the new words and look them up in the dictionary. 59.(2020江苏镇江)45At yesterdays meeting, I_(控制) the speed of speaking and made myself heard clearly. 60.(2020江苏盐城)65Scientists say that music m

38、akes our brain “feel happy and it _the importance of music in cultures all over the world.(解释) 61.(2020江苏盐城)66When making a fruit salad, youd better _ fresh fruit.(choose)62.(2020上海)59If you_red and yellow,what colour will you get?(mixture) 63.(2020甘肃武威)59A new big park_(build)in our city next year.

39、 64.(2020甘肃武威)61Borrowers are expected_(return)books on time. 65.(2020甘肃武威)63Do you mind me_(open)the window? 66.(2020甘肃武威)65I believe you will_(success)in passing the English exam.67.(2020广东广州)55Before you t_ away anything, always think whether it can be reused or not.68.(2020广西北部湾)47I havent seen

40、my grandpa for a long time. I _(想念)him so much.69.(2020广西北部湾)52Tom often _ (wash) his sports shoes by himself. 70.(2020广西贵港)46The sayings_(提醒)us to try our best and never give up.71.(2020广西贵港)50Elephants have good memories. They never_(忘记)the places with food and water. 72.(2020内蒙古包头)47Hes a quiet a

41、rtist and doesnt like to talk much, but his work _. (shout) 73.(2020内蒙古包头)51As I was trying to find my way out, I suddenly _ some noise. (hear)74.(2020内蒙古包头)53What are you going to do with the clothes?Some clothes will be given to the poor and the others will be sent to factories for _. (recycle) 75

42、.(2020内蒙古包头)55In order to live in a better place, the natural environment must be _ by all the people. (protect) 76.(2020湖北黄石)67There arent enough books for each student. Some of them have to s_ with one another. 77.(2020湖北黄石)69It is very noisy outside and we_(想知道)what has happened.78.(2020江苏连云港)51M

43、any Chinese people had to _(取消) their trips in February because of COVID-19. 79.(2020江苏泰州)63A stranger_ (主动提出) to give her a ride on the street, but she refused politely.80.(2020江苏泰州)66Rubbish _ (separate) into groups in many other cities now, following the practice in Shanghai.81.(2020江苏泰州)67Could yo


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