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1、英语口语教学主题ppt课件hot pot When do Chinese people usually have hot pots? What ingredients does a hot pot usually contain? what is the procedure of eating hot pot?Questions What is your favorite food? Why do you like it? What is your favorite flavor? What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/supper? How

2、 often do you dine out? What kind of restaurant is your favorite? why do you like it? Can you recommend some restaurants in your hometown with specialty foods? Do you like cooking? why or why not? What dishes are you or your parents good at cooking?Biscuit cookiessteakCandy sweetlanguage bank Flavor

3、s tasty, bland, sweet, bitter, salty, hot/spicy, fresh, bender, tough, lean, oily, rich, light, greasy, delicious, healthy, nutritious, crisp, juicy vegetables cabbage 卷心菜 eggplant茄子 lettuce莴笋 cauliflower菜花 broccoli西兰花 spinach菠菜 celery芹菜 Chinese cabbage大白菜 cucumber黄瓜 green pepper青椒 carrot胡萝卜 Fruits

4、pear peach date枣 pineapple菠萝 strawberry草莓 cherry 樱桃litchi荔枝 mango芒果 Chinese gooseberry猕猴桃 sea foods shrimp小虾 prawn大虾 crab螃蟹 oyster牡蛎 clam 蛤squid鱿鱼 seasonings soy sauce酱油 vinegar醋 mustard 芥末garlic蒜 Chinese onion葱 葱shallot 姜ginger ways of cooking steam 蒸braise炖 stir fry 炒boil 煮roast 烤Group work What s

5、pecialties are there in the local foods of your hometown? work in groups and introduce the features and flavors of your local foods. the above passages are for your reference.Discuss the following questions with your partners. Do you go on a diet in order to keep a good figure? What is your experien

6、ce of going on a diet? Do you have any ideas or advice on dieting? What do you think are healthy or green foods and what are junk foods? What do you think are the most nutritious foods? May I invite you out for dinner? Why dont you come round for dinner? Lets have a drink sometime. We are going to t

7、he caf. Arent you coming with us? May I take your order? What would you like to drink? Id like to try What would you recommend? Im crazy about spicy food. My favorite food is Im a wine enthusiast. Im a big fan of I cant stand fast food. I hate Its made from It tastes Theres a with it. Its my treat.

8、/its on me./Lets go Dutch. Pay the bill in cash. Pay the bill with credit card. Leave a tip on the table. Manners in every country are different. What is polite in China may not be polite in the United States. These basic rules will help you enjoy western food with your American friends. Always put

9、the napkin on your lap first. Before you leave the table fold your napkin and put it beside your plate. As the meal is served, use the silverware farthest from the plate first. When eating something in a bowl, do not leave the spoon in the bowl. Put it on the plate beneath the bowl. Soup, as well as

10、 all American food is eaten quietly. Do not pick the bowl up to hold it closer to your mouth. When you have finished your meal, place your knife and fork side by side on the plate. This signals that you have finished eating. Wait until everyone has been served to begin eating. If invited to begin be

11、fore others are served, wait until three or four people have been served before starting to eat. While eating, remember not to talk with your mouth full of food. During the meal, the host or hostess will offer you a second helping of food. Sometimes they will ask you to help yourself. When they offe

12、r you food, give a direct answer. If you refuse the first time, they might not ask you again Sit up straight at the table. Bring the food upto your mouth. Do not lean down to your plate. Cut large pieces of meat, potatoes and vegetables into bite size pieces. Eat the pieces one at a time. When eatin

13、g spaghetti, wind the noodles up on your fork. You may use your spoon to assist in winding the noodle on your fork. The spaghetti on your fork should be eaten in one bite. It is very impolite to eat half your noodles and allow the other half to fall back on your plate. Some foods may be eaten with y

14、our fingers Do not lean on your arm or elbow while eatingYou may rest your hand and wrist on the edge of the table. In America, people do not use toothpicks at the table. Some of the rules mentioned here may be somewhat relaxed in informal settings. The best way to learn good manners is to watch oth

15、ers. Observe the way your western friends eat. This is the best way to avoid making mistakes when you are unsure of what to do.discussion Discuss Chinese table manners Compare western and Chinese table manners Find the differences Make your commentsInvitations in China 中国习俗中国习俗 You may wonder what f

16、oreigners think of our customs and traditions at parties and banquets. Find out what Chinese parties look like in the eye of a westerner. It is fair to say that the number one pastime in China is eating. 在中国,把吃饭看作第一消遣方式一点也不为过。 Banquets are usually held in restaurants in private rooms that have been

17、reserved for the purpose. You will be met at the door and led to the banquet room. Traditionally, the head of your delegation should enter the room first. Do not be surprised if your hosts greet you with a loud round of applause. The proper response is to applaud back.宴请通常设在提前预定好的饭店包间内。饭店门口集合,之后被领进包

18、间。传统上说来,应该让来客中的头领先进包间。不要为东道主响亮的欢迎掌声惊到,适宜的做法就是以掌声回应。 Seating arrangements are stricter than in the West. Guests should never assume that they may sit where they please and should wait for hosts to guide them to their places. Traditionally, the Chinese regard the right side as the superior and the lef

19、t side as the inferior. Therefore on formal occasions, the host invariably arranges for the main guests to sit on his right side.在中国,就餐座位的排布比西方要严格得多。客人们绝对想不到东道主希望他们坐在哪里,所以不妨等待主人的安排后再落座。传统上说来,中国人将右手边的座位留给地位较高的人,地位较低的人坐在左侧。因此在正式场合,主人总是安排贵宾坐在他的右手边。 It is the hosts responsibility to serve the guests, an

20、d at very formal banquets people do not begin to eat until the host has served a portion to the principal guest. Or, the host may simply raise his chopsticks and announce that eating has begun. After this point, one may serve oneself any food in any amount. Remember to go slow on eating. Dont fill y

21、ourself up when five courses are left to go. To stop eating in the middle of a banquet is rude, and your host may incorrectly think that something has been done to offend you. Drinking takes an important place in Chinese banquets. It is likely that the host will stand and hold his glass out with han

22、ds while saying a few words. When he says the words gan bei, which means bottoms up, all present should drain their glasses. After this initial toast, drinking and toasting are open to all. No words are needed to make a toast, and it is not necessary to drain your glass, although to do so is more re

23、spectful. When filling anothers glass, it is polite to fill it as full as you can. This symbolizes full respect and friendship. When the last dish is finished, the banquet has officially ended. There is little ceremony involved with its conclusion. The host may ask if you have eaten your fill. Then

24、the principal host will rise, signaling that the banquet has ended. Generally, the principal host will bid good evening to everyone at the door and stay behind to settle the bill with the restaurateur. Other hosts usually accompany guests to their vehicles and remain outside waving until the cars ha

25、ve left the premises. The main difference between Chinese and western eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton of food. Chines

26、e are very proud of their culture of cuisine and will do their best to show their hospitality. And sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate. This is a sign of politeness. The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is.

27、If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there. Dont stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl. Instead, lay them on your dish. The reason for this is that when somebody dies, the shrine to them contains a bowl of sand or rice with two sticks o

28、f incense stuck upright in it. So if you stick your chopsticks in the rice bowl, it looks like this shrine and is equivalent to wishing death upon a person at the table! Make sure the spout of the teapot is not facing anyone. It is impolite to set the teapot down where the spout is facing towards somebody. The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sitting, usually just outward from the table.


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