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1、Unit 3 My day2022-4-1721、在情境中学习词汇和动词短语、在情境中学习词汇和动词短语gotoschool,usually,inthemorning,havelunch,gohome,domyhomework,havedinner,watchTV,gotobed2、能在情境中整体感知故事内容、能在情境中整体感知故事内容3、能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下尝试表演。、能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下尝试表演。4、能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型、能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型Iat描述人物的描述人物的日常活动。日常活动。教学目标教学目标2022-4-173Myday我的一

2、天我的一天4Game time5Review62022-4-177Iusuallygetupat6:15inthemorning.我通常在早上我通常在早上6:15分起床分起床usually:通常;常常通常;常常2022-4-178Whendoyougetup?Whendoyougotoschoolhavelunchgohomehavedinnergotobed去上学去上学吃午饭吃午饭回家回家吃完饭吃完饭睡觉睡觉9Igetupatsixfifteen.Igotoschoolatsevenofive.Ihavelunchatelevenfifteen.Igohomeatfive.Ihavedinn

3、eratsixtwentyIgotobedatten.Sothisismyday.chant2022-4-1710WatchthecartoonandtrytofindoutMikesactivitiesinthemorning.Storytime看动画,试着找出迈克一天的活动看动画,试着找出迈克一天的活动都有哪些。都有哪些。getupgotoschoolhavelunchdomyhomeworkgohomeplayfootballhavedinnerwatchTVgotobed2022-4-1715eadeadetsets第一遍第一遍: :跟读故事,注意模仿语音语调。跟读故事,注意模仿语音语

4、调。第二遍第二遍: :同桌互读故事,圈出不会读的单词或句同桌互读故事,圈出不会读的单词或句子,注意互相帮助,实在不会举手问老师。子,注意互相帮助,实在不会举手问老师。第三遍第三遍: :齐读,注意语音语调。齐读,注意语音语调。2022-4-1716ActasMike,chooseonepartandtalkaboutyouractivity.(三人一小组,三人一小组,扮演扮演Mike,选择早、中、晚其中一个,选择早、中、晚其中一个时间说说自己的活动时间说说自己的活动)Letsact2022-4-1717Homework:1.Listenandreadthestory,trytoreciteit.

5、2.Describeyourdaytoyourfamily,thenwriteitdown.听读故事,并尝试背诵。听读故事,并尝试背诵。给家人描述你的一天,然后写下来给家人描述你的一天,然后写下来。 Myday基础知识基础知识重点单词1.usually 通常,常常 2.lunch 午饭3.home 家 4.homework 家庭作业5.dinner 晚饭 6.watch 观看 7.evening 晚上 8.night 深夜重点短语1.in the morning 在上午2.in the afternoon 在下午3.in the evening 在晚上 4.at night 在夜里5.go h

6、ome 回家 5.go home 回家 6.go to school 上学7.play football 踢足球 8.have lunch 吃午饭9.have dinner 吃晚饭 10.watch TV 看电视PPT模板:/moban/ PPT素材:/sucai/PPT背景:/beijing/ PPT图表:/tubiao/ PPT下载:/xiazai/ PPT教程: /powerpoint/ 资料下载:/ziliao/ 范文下载:/fanwen/ 试卷下载:/shiti/ 教案下载:/jiaoan/ PPT论坛: PPT课件:/kejian/ 语文课件:/kejian/yuwen/ 数学课件

7、:/kejian/shuxue/ 英语课件:/kejian/yingyu/ 美术课件:/kejian/meishu/ 科学课件:/kejian/kexue/ 物理课件:/kejian/wuli/ 化学课件:/kejian/huaxue/ 生物课件:/kejian/shengwu/ 地理课件:/kejian/dili/ 历史课件:/kejian/lishi/ to bed 睡觉 12.what time 什么时候/几点 homework 做家庭作业 14.at seven 在七点15.my day 我的一天 there 在那边17.have four lessons 有四节课重点句型1.I us

8、ually go to school at seven forty. 我通常七点四十去上学。2.I have lunch at twelve. 我十二点吃午饭。3.I have two lessons in the afternoon. 下午我有两节课。4.I go to bed at nine every day. 我每天九点睡觉。5.When do you have breakfast every day? 你每天什么时候吃早饭? At six thirty. 六点半。6.What time is it now? 现在几点? Its seven oclock. 七点。7.What can

9、you see over there? 你看看那边是什么? I can see a cake. 我能看见一个蛋糕。8. What a big cake! 多么大的一个蛋糕啊!9. I like cakes! This cake is nice! 我喜欢蛋糕!这个蛋糕真不错! Unit 3 My day第一课时Introduceget upwhat dayWhen do you get up every day?Wordsusuallyjuuli 作副词,意为“通常,经常”。 常用短语:usually two 一对 ; 少数 usually used 通常采用 小练习:连词成句。 to at I

10、 go usually school eight . _I usually go to school at eight.Wordshomeworkhumw:k作名词,意为“家庭作业”。 常用短语:do ones homework 做家庭作业 hand in homework 上交作业eg:I have to do my homework right now.我必须马上去做我的家庭作业。小练习:翻译。Lets do our homework now. Good idea. _ 让我们现在做家庭作业吧。好主意ExpressionsIusuallygotoschoolatsevenforty.我我通

11、常在通常在7点点40分去学校。分去学校。 usually的意思是“通常,经常”。 在句中习惯上位于be动词、助动词之后,行为动词之前。小练习:连词成句。 I at usually have school lunch _I usually have lunch at school.DialogueWhen do you get up?你什么时候起床?When do you go to school?你什么时候去学校?When do you have lunch?你什么时候吃午饭?When do you你什么时候I get up at seven.我7点起床。I usually go to sch

12、ool at seven forty.我通常在7点40分去学校。I have four lessons in the morning.我上午有四节课。I have lunch at twelve.我在12点吃午餐。Expandalways,usually,often,sometimes的区别的区别(1)always: 频度最高的词,表示动作、状态的继续,中间没有间断。 (2)usually: 表示通常如此,很少例外,频度仅次于always。(3)often: 不如usually那么频繁,表示动作重复,中间有间断。(4)sometimes: 表示动作偶尔发生,中间常有间断,频率比often低。(

13、5)seldom:频度较低。(6)never: 频度为零。Summary usually homework I usually go to school at seven forty.Exercise用英文写出钟面上显示的时间。_ _ _ _ _ _ nine(oclock)six twentyseven o fiveeight(oclock)twelve(oclock) eleven fifteenExercise将正确答案填在题中对应的横线上。1.今天是星期二。 It is _ today.2.上午我有四节课。 I have four _ in the _.3.你什么时候起床? _ do

14、you _ _?4.我在六点十分做家庭作业。 I _ _ _ at _ _.5.我通常在七点钟看电视。 I _ _ _ at _.TuesdaylessonsmorningWhen getupdomyhomeworksixtenusually watch TVsevenHomeworkWriteapassageusingfrequentadverbs.Unit 3 Myday第二课时IntroduceusuallyhomeworkI usually go to school at seven forty.Wordsbreakfastbrekfst作名词,意为“早餐,早饭”,也作动词,意为“吃早

15、餐”。 常用短语:have breakfast 吃早餐 make breakfast 做早餐 eg: I have breakfast every morning. 我每天早上都要吃早饭。小练习:Would you like breakfast now? _ 你想要现在吃早餐吗?Wordsdinnerdin 作名词,意为“晚餐,晚宴;宴会;正餐”。 常用短语:after dinner 餐后 family dinner 家宴 eg: We usually have dinner at 6 oclock pm. 我们晚上通常6点钟吃晚饭。小练习:Have your dinner before yo

16、u watch TV. _ 吃完饭再看电视。ExpressionWhendoyougetup?你何时起床?你何时起床?“when”作为疑问副词,引导特殊疑问句,意为“什么时候,何时”。小练习:选词填空。 _ do you go to school? I go to school from Monday to Friday. A. When B. What timeADialogueWhen do you get up Pe-ter, hei-lo-li, e-very day?你每天何时起床,彼得?When do you go to school, hei-lo-li, e-very day?

17、你每天何时去上学?I get up at six thir-ty, hei-lo-li, e-very day.我每天在6点30分起来。I go to school at se-venthir-ty, hei-lo-li, e-very day.我每天在7点30分去上学。Expand各国小学生的上课时间各国小学生的上课时间日本:小学生早晨到校时间一般是8:30左右,下午3:40左右放学。俄罗斯:小学生早上8:30上课,下午2点放学回家。美国:公立学校的小学生上课时间不完全一致,从8:15到9:30都有,早上早回家,下午2:30或3:30放学。Expand各国小学生的上课时间各国小学生的上课时间

18、加拿大:上午9:00上课,下午3:30放学。德国:早上8:00开始上课,中午12:00放学。英国:早上8:00上课,下午4:00放学。北欧国家:学生8:00上课。Summary breakfast dinner When do you get up? Exercise英汉互译。1. 起床 _2. 吃早饭 _3. 打篮球 _4. 睡觉 _5. 每天早上 _6. at night _7. at four twenty _8. my day _9. do your homework _10. have dinner _ get up have breakfastplay basketballgo t

19、o bed every morning在夜里 在四点二十我的一天做你的家庭作业吃晚饭Exercise单词辨音,相同的写“T”,不同的写“F”。( ) 1. A. she desk ( ) 2. A. green please( ) 3. A. me pie ( ) 4. A. sweet three( ) 5. A. tree these ( ) 6. A. open weF F F TTTExercise找出下列句子的答语,将其序号写在题前括号里。( ) 1. When do you go to bed?( ) 2. What time is it now?( ) 3. What day i

20、s it today?( ) 4. What do you have?( ) 5. How many footballs do you have? A. Its nine.B. At nine.C . I h a v e t w o basketballs.D. Twelve.E. Its Tuesday.BAECDHomeworkShareyourpassageusingfrequentadverbs.Unit4MydayTaskWrite about your day at school and your likes and dislikes.dislikelikelove1. Danie

21、l _ (like) basketball. He never plays it.2. Arent you happy with the plan? Tell me what your _ (like) are.dislikesdislikesget ready for 为为准备好准备好dislikelikeloveThey are all _ the test (考试考试).getting ready fordislikelikelovereason 原因,理由原因,理由 the reason for We have different reasons for our likes and d

22、islikes.PPT模板:/moban/ PPT素材:/sucai/PPT背景:/beijing/ PPT图表:/tubiao/ PPT下载:/xiazai/ PPT教程: /powerpoint/ 资料下载:/ziliao/ 范文下载:/fanwen/ 试卷下载:/shiti/ 教案下载:/jiaoan/ PPT论坛: PPT课件:/kejian/ 语文课件:/kejian/yuwen/ 数学课件:/kejian/shuxue/ 英语课件:/kejian/yingyu/ 美术课件:/kejian/meishu/ 科学课件:/kejian/kexue/ 物理课件:/kejian/wuli/

23、化学课件:/kejian/huaxue/ 生物课件:/kejian/shengwu/ 地理课件:/kejian/dili/ 历史课件:/kejian/lishi/ dislikelikeloveA: What subject do you like?B: I like/love A: Why do you like it?B: Because I think A: What subject do you dislike?B: I dont like A: Why dont you like it?B: Because What about you?A: I like because And I

24、 dislike becausedislikelikelove I like/love because It is interesting/useful/important . I am interested in I think it is important for us to learn well. I like our teacher. He/She is always dislikelikeloveI dont like becauseit is too difficult for me.I am not good at There is always too much homewo

25、rk.dislikelikelove I like because I always/usually/often I dont like because I never/seldom dislikelikelovelearn a lot about the worldThese days, Im reading books about animals because I want _ different animals _.to learn more about in the world dislikelikelove run fast jump high have a sweet voice

26、 learn a lot about the world help me grow tall/strong I always enjoy myself when I lessons niceinterestingreading the world morning exercisesgood for us get ready drawingfunbasketballtallplay it well too much homeworkloveslikesdislikeslessons niceinterestingreading the world morning exercisesgood fo

27、r us get ready drawingfunbasketballtallplay it well too much homeworkloveslikesdislikeslessons niceinterestingreading the world morning exercisesgood for us get ready drawingfunbasketballtallplay it well too much homework1.Reviseyourarticletomakeitbetterandreadittoyourparents.2.FinishtheexercisesofP

28、eriod7inUnit4intheworkbook.Unit4MydayIntegrated skillsHow many times do they have a parents meeting every year?Twice. How often do they have a parents meeting?How many times do they have a parents meeting every term?Once. Twice a year. / Once a term. Wish her good luck! n.运气运气Sandy两次赢了比赛,真是太幸运了!两次赢了

29、比赛,真是太幸运了!Sandy won the match .What it is!What girl she is!How she is!twicegood lucka luckyluckyPPT模板:/moban/ PPT素材:/sucai/PPT背景:/beijing/ PPT图表:/tubiao/ PPT下载:/xiazai/ PPT教程: /powerpoint/ 资料下载:/ziliao/ 范文下载:/fanwen/ 试卷下载:/shiti/ 教案下载:/jiaoan/ PPT论坛: PPT课件:/kejian/ 语文课件:/kejian/yuwen/ 数学课件:/kejian/s

30、huxue/ 英语课件:/kejian/yingyu/ 美术课件:/kejian/meishu/ 科学课件:/kejian/kexue/ 物理课件:/kejian/wuli/ 化学课件:/kejian/huaxue/ 生物课件:/kejian/shengwu/ 地理课件:/kejian/dili/ 历史课件:/kejian/lishi/ a Two classes in Sunshine Middle School.b Students in Class 1, Grade 7.c Sunshine Middle School & Moonlight Middle School.a Tuesda

31、y, 27 November.b Saturday, 17 November.c Wednesday, 7 November.a At Moonlight Middle School.b At Sunshine Sports Centre.C At Sunshine Middle School.a At 6:00 in the evening.b At 7:00 in the evening.C At 8:00 in the evening.Sunshine Middle School & Moonlight Middle SchoolSaturday, 17 NovemberSunshine

32、 Sports Centre7:00 p.m.Dear classmates,There is a volleyball match between (1) _ and (2) _ on (3) _. The match starts at (4) _, this (5) _ evening, at (6) _. We can go there (7) _. I hope everyone can come and watch the game. Thanks.Wish our team good luck!Simon17 November Sunshine Middle School Moo

33、nlight Middle School7:00Saturday Sunshine Sports Centreby busWelcome to _ Dear classmates,I like to at weekends. I enjoy it very much and do it . I plan (计划) to at , this . We can go there . Lets meet .I hope . Thanks! our trip ! (your name)100%80%60%40%20%0%Daniel plays basketball. He doesnt like i

34、t.Millie often chats with her classmates in the afternoon.They usually do morning exercises at 8:00 a.m. Eddie always needs a good rest. He doesnt know how to have fun.Millies mother goes to her school. She only takes part in the parents meeting September and March.Millie sometimes plays volleyball.

35、 She practises it on Wednesday afternoon.never seldom in museum /ju/ /i:/ n. 博物馆博物馆 picnic /i/ /i/ n. 野餐野餐 visit a museum go on a picnic NameNameActivityActivityFrequencyFrequency ( (频率频率) )MillieMillieTommyTommyvisit the museums go on picnicstwice a month oncea week1.Practisetalkingaboutyourweekend

36、activitieswithyourclassmates.2.Remembertheusefulphrasesandsentencestructures.3.Finishtheexercisesofthisperiodintheworkbook.Unit4MydayReading (II)1.Whatdoesshedoatschoolinthemorning?2.Whattimedotheybegintohavelessons?3.Whatsherfavouritesubject?4.Doesshehaveanyfriendsatschool?5.Whatdotheydoafterclass?

37、6.Dotheyhavemanylessonsintheafternoon?7.Whatdotheyoftendointheafternoon?8.HowdoesMillielikeherschool?*MilliegoestoschoolfromMondaytoFriday.Theschoolstartsateightinthemorning.TheschoolstartsateightonMondaymorning.从从到到 在早晨在早晨在中午在中午在晚上在晚上在早晨在早晨/中午中午/晚上晚上 用介词用介词 _ 在在某天的某天的早早/中中/晚晚 用介词用介词 _from to in the

38、 morninginin the afternoon in the eveningonPPT模板:/moban/ PPT素材:/sucai/PPT背景:/beijing/ PPT图表:/tubiao/ PPT下载:/xiazai/ PPT教程: /powerpoint/ 资料下载:/ziliao/ 范文下载:/fanwen/ 试卷下载:/shiti/ 教案下载:/jiaoan/ PPT论坛: PPT课件:/kejian/ 语文课件:/kejian/yuwen/ 数学课件:/kejian/shuxue/ 英语课件:/kejian/yingyu/ 美术课件:/kejian/meishu/ 科学课件

39、:/kejian/kexue/ 物理课件:/kejian/wuli/ 化学课件:/kejian/huaxue/ 生物课件:/kejian/shengwu/ 地理课件:/kejian/dili/ 历史课件:/kejian/lishi/ ThisisthelibraryinSunshineMiddleSchool.Itopensattwooclock_Monday_Friday.Itclosesateightthirty_. MondayThursday: 2 p.M. 5 p.M.MondayThursday: 2 p.M. 5 p.M.Friday: 2 p.M. 8:30 p.M.Frida

40、y: 2 p.M. 8:30 p.M.in the morningfrom to on Friday evening *Millieispractisingvolleyball.Millieispractisingplayingvolleyball.练习某事练习某事practise sth练习练习 做某事做某事practise doing sthLook!Thesestudents_intheclassroom.Theyoften_inthemorningatschool.are practising Englishpractise reading English*Millieusuallyd

41、oesmorningexercisesfirst.exercisecn.un.操、练习题操、练习题运动、锻炼运动、锻炼Thestudentsalways_firstbeforeMathslessons.TheyhavesomeMaths_todoinclass.Afterclass,theyliketodosome_intheplayground.do eye exercises exercises exercise chatwithsb.eachother和和聊天聊天相互相互*Millieischattingwithherfriends.Theyrechattingwitheachother

42、.(chatting)Milliehasalotoffriendsatschool.Whentheymeetattheschoolgate,theysay_.Iftheymeetsomethingdifficult,theyalways_.Sometimesthey_.hello to each other help each otherwriteto each other haveagoodtimehavefunenjoyoneself*Theyhaveagoodtimeatschool.Theyhavefunatschool.Eddieisbusyeatingandsleepingalld

43、ay!HobodoesntthinkEddie_.Theyenjoythemselvesatschool.过得愉快、过得愉快、玩得开心玩得开心has fun / enjoys himself / has a good time*Bestwishes.Allthebest.Takecare.Todayis10thSeptember.ItsTeachersDay.Manystudentsaregivingtheir_theirteacher.Look!Howhappytheteacheris!祝好祝好(书信结束语)书信结束语)best wishes to 1.我爸爸总是在晚上七点到七点半收看联播。

44、我爸爸总是在晚上七点到七点半收看联播。Myfatheralwayswatchesthenews_.2.周一上午我们不做广播操。周一上午我们不做广播操。Wedont_.3.你在和米莉以互发电子邮件的方式聊天吗?你在和米莉以互发电子邮件的方式聊天吗?Areyou_Millieby_?4.放学后,基蒂通常先去舞蹈俱乐部练跳舞。放学后,基蒂通常先去舞蹈俱乐部练跳舞。_,Kittyusually_theDancingClub_.5.瞧瞧! !我的同学们正在操场上开心地玩耍。我的同学们正在操场上开心地玩耍。Look!Myclassmates_.from seven to seven thirty in t

45、he eveningdo morning exercises on Monday morningchatting withwriting emails to each otherAfter schoolpractisesdancing infirstare having a good time / having fun / enjoying themselves in the playgroundC My day1. Our school starts at _.2. Our lessons begin at _.3. My favourite subject is _.4. After cl

46、ass, I _.5. I _ _after school.1.Practisetalkingaboutyourownorsomeoneelsesschoollifewithyourclassmates.2.Remembertheusefulphrasesandsentencestructures.3.FinishtheexercisesofUnit4intheworkbook.Unit4MydayReading (I)Do you like your new school?What do you often do at school?havelessonsdomorningexercises

47、PPT模板:/moban/ PPT素材:/sucai/PPT背景:/beijing/ PPT图表:/tubiao/ PPT下载:/xiazai/ PPT教程: /powerpoint/ 资料下载:/ziliao/ 范文下载:/fanwen/ 试卷下载:/shiti/ 教案下载:/jiaoan/ PPT论坛: PPT课件:/kejian/ 语文课件:/kejian/yuwen/ 数学课件:/kejian/shuxue/ 英语课件:/kejian/yingyu/ 美术课件:/kejian/meishu/ 科学课件:/kejian/kexue/ 物理课件:/kejian/wuli/ 化学课件:/ke

48、jian/huaxue/ 生物课件:/kejian/shengwu/ 地理课件:/kejian/dili/ 历史课件:/kejian/lishi/ go to the Reading Clubplayintheplaygroundreadbooksdoafter-schoolactivitiespractise playing volleyballchat with each otherhave a good time1. Which is Millies favourite subject?2. What does Millie like doing?1. Which is Millies

49、favourite subject?2. What does Millie like doing?Millies Millies favouritefavourite subject is subject is English.English.Millie likes reading and Millie likes reading and playing volleyball.playing volleyball.TimeEvents8:00 a.m.8:15 a.m.play in the playgroundon Tuesday and Thursdayplay volleyballaf

50、terclassonWednesdayafternoondomorningexercisesstartlessonsgototheReadingClubMilliedoesmorningexercisesat8:00a.m.Milliestartslessonsat8:15a.m.uPara.1uPara.2uPara.3uPara.4IntroductionSchoolandschoollessonsFriendsAfter-schoolactivitiesParagraph 2WhendoesMilliesschoolstart?Ateightinthemorning.Theyalways


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