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1、 Six SigmaBlack Belt Training Introduction to Six sigma Introductory To Six Sigma Breakthrough Improvement Strategy . 6 Sigma 突破性改善战略入门。nHistory of six sigma 六西格马的发展历史Linked stock performance to the deployment of Six sigma - GE 通用电气将六西格马与公司的效益联系在一起where does industry normally stand? 各行业的西格马值处于什么位置?n

2、How Six Sigma being carried out and its application ! 六西格马的展开及其运用! Six Sigma deployed through projects . 通过做项目推行六西马 Key elements of a well-defined Six Sigma project 一个定义完善的六西格马项目是关键因素. nHow Six Sigma helped us to achieve our objective? 六西格马 怎样帮助我们实现既定目标?Why Six Sigma ? 为什么是六西格马?Vision , philosophy a

3、nd Strategy 目标,理念和战略Breakthrough thinking of Six Sigma is to reduce variation . 六西格马的突破性思维是减少变异nSix Sigma s definition 六西格马的定义Is 99% good enough? 99%的合格率足够好吗?Six Sigmas Performance Target 六西格马水平的绩效目标3 sigma vs 6 sigmas process - Throughput yield 3西格马 vs 6西格马过程 - 直通率 Sigmas definition - Practical mea

4、ning vs Math definition 西格马的定义- 实际意义和数学意The focus of Six Sigma 六西格马的焦点 nSome Six Sigma TerminologySix sigma process - DMAIC approach 六西格马过程 - DMAIC 进阶改善策略和方法 DMAIC improvement strategy is to find the vital few leverage KPIVs. DMAIC 改善战略是为了找出少量的输入变量 Data driven analysis 完全建立在数据之上的分析 The role of measu

5、rements 测量发挥着重要的作用DMAIC phrases and statistical Tools kit DMAIC和统计工具 define Measure 定义测量阶段 Analysis 分析阶段 Improve 改善阶段 Control 控制阶段 Six Sigma System and Deployment 六西格马系统和推广I. Deployment 推广nSix sigma deployment process 六西格马导入过程nSome important deployment observations 导入过程中的重要发现II .Roles and Responsibi

6、lities 六西格马的角色扮演nCross functional role 跨功能角色nSix sigma role 六西格马角色nCritical mass 关键群体(人数)III Six sigma DMAIC training 六西格马DMAIC 培训nPTAR learning process PTAR学习过程nDMAIC training for BB and GB DMAIC 黑带和绿带培训nTrainings commitment 培训的承诺 “如果我们的思维能力还是停留在之前的层次上,那么我们今天所面对的问题就无法得到解决。”Albert Einstein 阿尔伯特 爱因斯坦

7、 The history of Six Sigma“摩托罗拉必须导入六西格马,因为我们在市场竞争中不断被外国公司击败,这些公司能够以更低的成本生产出质量更好的产品!”Bob Galvin 摩托罗拉的经验n1978,一日本企业收购了摩托罗拉的电视机制造业务n1981年,摩托罗拉培训中心成立,定下了要在五年内达成十倍品质改善的目标,很可惜,各部门仍然保持各自衡量品质的公制.n1987年,公司决心全面推广六西格马,定下了四年品质改善百倍的目标,统一了衡量公司品质的公制,如DPPM, DPMO和Sigma , 当时现状为4Sigma.n1988年,摩托罗拉公司赢得了美国全面优质管理奖(Malcolm

8、Baldrige )后,6 Sigma概念开始普及n1992年,摩托罗拉,柯达,ABB, IBM 和德州仪器开始了黑带培训和角色扮演n19931995年,摩托罗拉聘请了四万新雇员,免去了面年40小时的品质培训,当时公司收入增长幅度为27%, 品质水平为5.2Sigma, 拥有60%的市场George Fisher 去了柯达n1998年,摩托罗拉在移动电话的市场占有率只剩下34%,而年增长幅度只有5%. Japan vs USA in world market shares 日本和美国的世界市场占有率20%40%60%80%80%80%100% 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 8

9、6 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 SemiconductorsEquipmentsComputers Six Sigma Expansion Six Sigma is all about making money ! 六西格马是利润至上,获得高利润才是硬道理!六西格马是利润至上,获得高利润才是硬道理! So, what is a six sigma company?六西格马公司是怎样的?六西格马公司是怎样的?Customers, PeopleAnd Processes FocusedDMAIC improvement methodology Design For Six Sigma

10、Business Processes Management Six Sigma Practitioners - GE六西格马的开拓者通用电气六西格马的开拓者通用电气Six Sigma is the most important initiative GE has evertaken its part of the genetic code of out futureleadership”“六西格马是通用电气所有大型推广项目中最具重要意义的.它将成为公司现在和将来的管理模式,同样运用于公司未来的发展中”Jack Welch , Ex-CEO for GE Six Sigma Practition

11、ers - GE六西格马的开拓者通用电气六西格马的开拓者通用电气General Electrics Stock Performance. 通用电气的股票表现 Where does industry normally stand?目前工业的正常水准在何处?7西格马程度西格马程度1,000,000100,00010,0001,000100101PPMRestaurant BillsDoctor Prescription WritingPayroll ProcessingOrder Write-upJournal VouchersWire TransfersAirline Baggage Handl

12、ingPurchased Material Lot Reject Rate国内航线航空国内航线航空死亡率死亡率 (0.43 PPM)(with 1.5 shift) 世界一流世界一流一般公司一般公司 345621IRS - Tax Advice (phone-in)(140,000 PPM) So , where are you ?那么,贵公司处于哪个那么,贵公司处于哪个水平呢?水平呢? What is Six Sigma? 美国著名的管理学家,霍德盖茨先生曾出:. 当战略和文化发生冲突时, 文化恒胜; 2. 当企业文化与变革的精神不相容时,变革的努力将遭到失败. What is Six Si

13、gma ?是么是六西马?是么是六西马? Complete picture of Six Sigma DMAIC Approach?Define Opportunities(project chart) MeasureSymptom/effect(Where are we)AnalysisProblem/Cause)(Screen and findThe root cause)ImprovePerformance(Solutions) Control KPIVs(Sustain the gain)Six sigma projects targeted at critical aspects of

14、 the business with opportunity for improvement assigned to full-time Black BeltsQFD Project planning/managementTools COQProcess mappingSeven QC toolsCause and Effe.AnalysisBrainstormingFMEACapability analysisMSACentral limitMulti-vari.analyHypothesis Normality TestTest for Equal Variances ANOVANon-p

15、arametricCorrelation TestRegression SPCPre-control MethodAlternative Control chartsError proofingVisual controlOrganization Learning Full factorial Center pointFactional -Factorial DesignBlockingTagaguchi Desi.Multiple LinearResponse surfaceEVOP Top management support , six sigma Infrastructure , Fi

16、nancial engagement, Customer-focused Data driven analysis, Common 6 sigmametrics, Commitment from BB, One same language, Complete culture/behavioral change , MOC 六西格马六西格马DMAIC 战略的概括图战略的概括图?定义机会 (项目章程) 测量症状结果(目前状况)分析问题原因(根本原因)改善绩效水平(解决方案) 控制 KPIVs(保持成果)六西格马项目以关键营运过程的改善机会为目标,由全职黑带实施QFD 项目策划和管理工具COQ过程图

17、QC 七大工具因果关系分析头脑风暴FMEA过程能力分析测量系统分析MSA中央极限定理多变量分析假设性试验 正态检验均方差分析 ANOVA非参数检验相关性分析回归分析 统计过程控制预先控制图其他控制图防错图象控制组织学习系统思考全因子DOE 中央点部分因子分析障碍田口设计线形分析反应表面分析EVOP 高层支持, 西格马结构;财务参与; 客户焦点数据驱动分析; 6sigma量度, 黑带承诺; 奖励和承认; 文化/行为改变共同语言; 变革管理(MOC) Application of Six Sigma . 六西格马的运用.Is to reduce “defects” and . 六西格马的运用就是减

18、少缺陷,Six Sigma Defect is anything blocking or inhibiting a process orservice .六西格马缺陷缺陷就是任何阻碍或抑制过程或服务圆满完成的事物I forgot it (我忘记了)Ill correct it (我会改正)It takes too long (耗时太长)I didnt like it (我不愿意.)We are off schedule (我们延误了进度)It was a waste of time(这是在浪费时间)I dont have the answer for that (我没有答案)We are so

19、rry, we are usually better than that (抱歉,我们通常不是这么差) Six sigma as a business strategy 六西格马做为一个营运战略六西格马做为一个营运战略 The goal of the Six Sigma business strategy is to make fewer mistakes in every aspect of our business六西格马营运战略的目标就是使营运过 程的每一个环节所犯的失误减至最小.from manufacturing to delivery 从制造到出货from paying suppl

20、iers to invoicing customers从供应商付款到与客户结帐from hiring to performance appraisals 从员工招聘至其工作绩效评定from taking a phone call to setting a travel itinerary 从电话预约到出差日程安排Basically ALL ! 所有的环节!As a business strategy , Six Sigma can help a company secure a competitive edge.做为一个营运战略,六西格马可以使一个企业保持竞争优势! How does Six

21、Sigma make the difference ?六西格马如何制造这些差别?六西格马如何制造这些差别?nwhy Six Sigma ? 为什么是六西格马,而不是其他工具?nVision 远景nPhilosophy 理念nVehicle for 的工具customer focus 关注客户breakthrough improvement 突破性改善continuous improvement 持续改善people involvement 全民参与nAggressive goal 进取的目标nMetrics (standard measurement ) 公制(测量标准)nMethod 方法

22、Ask yourselfare this the key objectives of your company这些是贵公司的主要目标吗?这些是贵公司的主要目标吗? What are we doing to achieve those objectives?如何实现这些目标?如何实现这些目标?Six Sigma (DMAIC and DFSS)Lean Manufacturing 精益制造精益制造Supply Chain Management 供应链管理供应链管理Customer Relationship Management 发展客户战略伙伴关系发展客户战略伙伴关系Balance Scorec

23、ard 平衡积分卡平衡积分卡 Many others 其他其他 Why are we pursuing Six Sigma ?为什么追求六西格马?为什么追求六西格马?We recognize the need for an improved quality management system and . 我们迫切需要一个最好的品质管理系统.There are various but .Six Sigma is the best ! (updated ,complete, comprehensive , structured , systematic , quantifiable and sci

24、entific approach ) 我们有很多选择,但六西格马可算是最先进,完整,完善,组织化,系统化,量化的科学方法 6 Sigma Vision 六西格马远景六西格马远景 Measure Everything That Results In Customer Satisfaction 对所有影响客户满意度的因素进行测量对所有影响客户满意度的因素进行测量 The customer supplier interaction 客户与供应商的相互关系客户与供应商的相互关系CustomerQualityDeliveryPriceDefectsCycle timeCostSupplier Askin

25、g the customer : Kano Model 客户需求:客户需求:Kano 模式模式nIt helps employees set prioritiesnIt helps you avoid the trap of thinking that “no complaints means customer satisfaction !”Delight Delight NeutralDissatisfiedMust beMust beMore is betterDelightersAbsent Fulfilled -Dr. Noritaki Kano Example of Kano Mod

26、el :buying a carWhat happens if the “must bes” are absent but you have the “delighters” and the “more” is better?Delight Delight NeutralDissatisfiedMust beMore is betterDelightersAbsent Fulfilled Gas MileageLuggage space4 wheels Working engineLeather seatsAlloy wheels Metallic paint A loyal customer

27、 忠实的客户忠实的客户Is one who rates a 5 inAll three areas.Customer willRepurchase fromYour organization Customer perceives Value relative to the competitionCustomer willRecommended The product Six Sigma Philosophy 六西格马理念六西格马理念 whats the strategy : 战略含义战略含义nknow whats important to the customer 了解客户重视的地方(CTxs

28、)nReduce defects 减少缺陷nCenter around the target 以目标为中心nReduce variation 减少变异 variation is evil ! 变异是魔鬼变异是魔鬼Traditional view : “Goalpost”LSLLSLUSLUSL任何落在规格尺寸之外的产品,意味着质量的损失任何偏差均对社会造成损失 Quality Concept 品质概念品质概念nQuality means conformance to requirements. 品质意味着符合要求。nQuality improvement means minimum varia

29、bility from the target. 品质改善意味着把目标的变异减至最低。So attaining certification like ISO/QS vs six sigma can be understood as maintaining quality conformance vs achieving breakthrough improvement. Goal : Process centering and variation reduction 目标:过程置中和减少变异 The Sigma Strategy 西格马战略西格马战略nCharacterize (define,

30、measure phase) 特征描述(定义,测量阶段)nOptimize (analysis , improvement phase) 优化(分析,改善阶段)nSustain and breakthrough (control phase, whats next? DFSSM, Lean or.)保持和突破(控制阶段,下一步,6西格马设计,精益生产或.) Breakthrough Strategy 突破性战略突破性战略SEAGATE CONFIDENTIALFilenameAuthorDateRevision#Slide#Deploy Overview.ppt2003年12月1日星期一113

31、六六西西格格马马 六六西西格格马马能能产产生生突突破破性性的的进进展展!12345The problem with continuous improvements as the only goal,Organization sees improvement BUT loses the game.Time in YearsStandard Approaches Current Tools Kaizen Lean Manufacturing Re-engineering Typical TQMImprovementBreakthrough Strategy- Trained & Dedicated

32、 Individuals- Analytical Expertise- 70% Improvement per ProjectSix Sigma Why Implement Six Sigma now ?为什么现在是实施六西格马的最佳时机?为什么现在是实施六西格马的最佳时机?n“Nothing new” “无新东西”Most of the tools have been around for decades 大部分工具已出现了几十年Neglected due to difficulty and discipline 由于难度大和条文多而被忽视But 但是nWorld-wide competit

33、ion and globalization 世界范围内的竞争和全球化Make neglect dangerous to us and lost of opportunities 使忽略变得危险并失去了很多机会nComputing resources 电脑资源Makes application possible 是应用变成可能 hat is Sigma ? 什么是西格马(什么是西格马()例如:假设生产过程中其中一个工序是将金属却割成每个长度为10mm的产品当我们完成100个产品后,测量每个产品的长度,并将测量结果用直方图的形式表达,我们将会得到下列结果:平均值平均值1011= =xxN=9.8=

34、9.8 hat is Sigma ? 什么是西格马(什么是西格马()标准差值标准差值1011= =( x)x)N-1=0.327=0.3272 Before calculating Sigma quality level , you need to understand Probability for the whole area under the cure = 1i e . Yield + Defect lower than LSL + Defective higher than USL= 1.Defective rateYieldDefective rateZ LSLTargetMean

35、Z USL nReturns a Z (normalized ) from a distribution characterized by mean and standard deviation . Standardize (x, mean, standard_ dev ) = Z Example : STANDIZE (42,40,15 ) = 1.333333nReturns the standard normal cumulative distribution function. NORMASDIST (z) = Probability Example : NORMSDIS (1.333

36、333) = 0.908789nReturns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution NORMSINV (probability ) = Z Example : NORMSINV (0.908789 ) = 1.3333 数量长度将标准差降至最低,最好是0相对来讲,将平均值()调整至接近目标值较为容易,我们最大的挑战是降低标准差() 10.0LSLUSL不合格产品不合格产品10.0LSLUSL不合格产品不合格产品10.09.8 10.0LSLUSL不合格产品不合格产品10.0LSLUSL不合格产品不合格产品10.0

37、 Six Sigma Concept 六西格马概念TargetCustomer Spec.Before3 After6 Customer Spec.Target123No defect6.6% Defects123456 Average deviation from Mean1TUSL 1 2 3 4 5 6 As a general rule, it makes a littleDifference if N or n-1 is used Whenever n/= 30. 一般而言,若N或n-1在n /= 30 的情况下,这只有很少的分别. 必须知道:平均值(x bar)标准差 (s)USL

38、 及LSL Sigma is a statistical unit of measure that reflects process capability . The sigma scale off measure is perfectly correlated to such characteristics as defects-per-unit , parts-per-million defective , and the probability of failure /error. 西格马是一个用于度量影响过程能力的统计学单位。Sigma的量度制与单位次品,PPM次品及失败的机会率有相互

39、关系2308,537366,80746,210523363.4 PPM过程能力过程能力百万分之缺陷率百万分之缺陷率 3 Sigma 6 Sigma5 Sigma4 Sigma 93.32 %99.379 %99.9767 %99.99966 %历史记录历史记录目前水准目前水准中间水准中间水准长期目标长期目标西格马西格马 标准标准长期目标长期目标六西格马六西格马 性能目标性能目标 步骤步骤步骤步骤 步骤步骤步骤步骤 Six Sigma - Practical Meaning 实践意义实践意义 99% Good (3.8 Sigma ) 99.99966% Good (6 Sigma)20,000

40、 lost of article of mail per hour Seven article lost per hour 每小时遗失的邮件数量20,000起 每小时遗失的邮件数量7起Unsafe drinking water for almost 15 minutes one unsafe minute every seven mothsEach day 每天15分钟不安全饮用水 每7个月1分钟不安全饮用水5,000 incorrect surgical operation per week 1.7 incorrect operation per week 每周5,000例不正确的外科手术

41、每周1.7例不正确的外科手术Two short or long landings at most major One short or long landing every fiveAirports each day 每天两起不正确的飞机降落 每5年中一起不正确的飞机降落200,000 wrong drug prescriptions each year 68 wrong prescription per year每年200,000起错误的处方 每年68起错误的处方 Understanding Six Sigma As a Whole 将西格马看作一个整体将西格马看作一个整体Airline s

42、afety : 6 sigma Baggage handling : 3.5 sigmaJet engine : 10,000 DPPM To get results, should we focus our behavior on the Y or X ? 为获得结果, 我们应关注Y或者X?nYnDependent附属附属nOutput输出输出nEffect结果结果nSymptom现象现象nMonitor监测监测nX1 . . . XNnIndependent独立独立nInput-Process输入输入-过程过程nCause原因原因nProblem问题问题nControl控制控制 If we

43、 are so good at X, why do we constantly test and inspect Y? 如果我们很好地控制了X,为什么我们要持续测试和检查Y. Focus on X rather than Y, as done historically关注X而不是Y, 象以往一般KPIVKPOV What To Do With the Vital Few?如何利用关键输入变量如何利用关键输入变量?ProcessKPIVKPIVKPIVKPOVCTQVital Few“Correct”(In-Spec.)Defect-Free!KPIV Control Control Contr

44、ol - InputsStatistically proven relationships determined between Leverage key Process Inputs and Key process Outputs Variable从统计上验证输入与输出的关系从统计上验证输入与输出的关系Manage the INPUTS and good OUTPUT will follow!管理好输入自然就会获得良好的输出管理好输入自然就会获得良好的输出! Question ? 问题问题 Six Sigma 关键术语和概念关键术语和概念long-/short term performanc

45、e (shift ,drift) 1. 基本关系:基本关系:= f (x) nYnDependent附属nOutput输出nEffect结果nSymptom现象nMonitor监测nX1 . . . XNnIndependent独立nInput-Process输入-过程nCause原因nProblem问题nControl控制Manage the INPUTS and good OUTPUT will follow!管理好输入自然就会获得良好的输出管理好输入自然就会获得良好的输出! 2. CTx 对重要对重要Internal ViewCustomer Viewn缺陷n利润n周期时间n质量n成本n

46、交货期 3.关键过程输入和输出关键过程输入和输出KPIV s & KPOVsInputs Outputs n材料材料n控制控制n设备设备n要求要求n衡量的结果衡量的结果显示了过程显示了过程是否成功是否成功过程:一组输入的组合,可获得一期望的输出结果 4.长期和短期绩效长期和短期绩效Drift :这种变化是由短期过程中心开始逐渐偏移,这种变化可能是由温度的改变,模具的磨损,污染的堆积,反应物的衰减等因素引起的Shift : 这种变化在某个时间点上突然由一侧变化到另一侧,工业企业中,这种变化通常是由原材料批号变化,设备的切换,或输入参数有意识地变化等引起的 5.潜在最佳值潜在最佳值潜在最佳值Ent

47、itlement:过程运行时间周期内,过程处于最佳性态时的能力,换言之,在现有条件下过程所具有的最佳运性能力 Hidden FactoryNOTOKOK隐蔽工厂隐蔽工厂 S 1 S 2 S3 S4 S 6 S 5 S 7 S8 CTQCTQCTQ10095缺陷:不合格品2个缺陷:返工1个缺陷:清洁5个缺陷5个这些都被隐蔽工厂这些都被隐蔽工厂消化掉了消化掉了在过程结束出检查发现在过程结束出检查发现5个产品不合格,因此传统合格率个产品不合格,因此传统合格率为为95/100=95% DMAIC Roadmap DMAIC 流程流程Define定义定义Measure测量测量Analysis分析分析 D

48、MAIC Roadmap DMAIC 流程流程 Process Improvement Process Redesign 过程改善 过程再设计 Develop ideas to remove root Design new processes 设计新的过程 cause 开发消除根本原因的方法 challenge assumptions 挑战假设 Test solutions 检验解决方案 bottlenecks , disconnection Standardize solutions ,measure 瓶颈,中断 使解决方案标准化 workflow principles 工作流程原 Impl

49、ement new process , structure, system 实行新的过程,结构,系统 Establish standard measurements Establish measures and reviews to to maintaining performance maintaining performance 建立标准方法以维持绩效 制定措施并评审以维持绩效 Correct problems as needed Correct problems as needed 必要时纠正问题 必要是纠正问题Improve改善Control控制 Focus_Vital Few xiY

50、YYYYx1, x2, . xnx1, x2, . xnVital Few xiVital Few xiVital Few xiVital Few xi 阶段_MeasureAnalyzeI mproveControlSelect process or product characteristics (s); e.g., Customer YDefine Performance Standards For YValidate Measurement System for YEstablish Process Capability of Creating YDefine Improvement


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