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1、两拼两拼( (声母声母+ +单韵母单韵母) )aoeiuvaoebbabobibuppapopipummamomemimuffafofuddadediduttatetitunnaneninunvllalolelilulvggagegukkakekuhhahehujjijuqqiquxxixuzhzhazhezhizhuchchachechichushshasheshishurrareriruzzazezizu第一课 Lesson One汉语拼音 和 日常用语Chinese Pnyn & Daily Expressions目录Chinese Pinyin introductionSimple V

2、owelsInital ConsonantsTonesOther VowelsChinese Pinyin IntroductionSyllable = Initial Consonant + Vowel +Tone m = m + a + Initial Consonant:21Vowel:38Tone:41n ho 你 好pinyin n yunmushengdiao汉语拼音 Chinese Pnyn Function:Just like the phonetic alphabets in English, Pnyn helps us to read Chinese words. Form

3、ation: Initials 声母声母 shng m Finals 韵母韵母 yn m Tones 声调声调 shng dioe.g. 你你 (you) n-i- n 好好 (good,fine) h-ao- ho声调声调 shng dio The Chinese putonghua has four basic tones. They are shown by the tone-marks:(the 1st tone),(the 2nd tone),(the 3rd tone),(the 4th tone). Different tones may express different me

4、anings.声调声调 shng diob b b b 声调声调 shng diom m m m 声调声调 shng dio 1. The tone-mark should be placed over the vowels,eg: n, g,b 2. When a tone-mark is placed above the vowel i, the dot over it must be left out,eg: b,wn jin ji 3. A compound final carries two or more vowels, the tone-mark is placed over t

5、he vowel which pronounced with the mouth opening wider and louder,usually a,o,e,eg: li, pio, du声调声调 shng dio 轻声(the Neutral Tone) Every Chinese character in Chinese Putonghua has its specific tone.But sometimes,in a word or a sentence some syllables lose their original tones and become weak and shor

6、t, therefore it is called the neutral tone.The neutral tone syllables are shown by the absence of the tone-mark, for example: Bba 爸爸(father,dad) mma 妈妈(mother, mum)声母 shng mConsonants, 21 When used as initials, the following consonants are pronounced roughly the same as they are in English. b p m f

7、d t n l g k h j s声母 shng mConsonants, 21 When used as initials, the following consonants are pronounced quite differently from what they are in English. q x z c zh ch sh r声母 shng mb b lu 菠萝菠萝 (pineapple) b ba 爸爸爸爸 (dad) b 不不 (no)(similar with b in Brother but no buff of breath) 声母 shng mP p o b 跑步跑步

8、 (running,run) (similar to p in port pie But should be more articulated with more aspiration)声母 shng mm m m 妈妈 (mum) mii 买买 (buy)(same as m in man mug)声母 shng mf ch fn 吃饭吃饭 (eating) fng 风风 (wind)(same with f in from far ) 声母 shng md d 大大 (big, huge) ddi 弟弟弟弟 (younger brother)(similar with d in dog d

9、ust but no puff of breath )声母 shng mt ti yng 太阳(太阳(sun) t bi 特别(特别( very much) (similar to t in term tide top But should be more articulated with more aspiration)声母 shng mn nn rn 男人男人 (male,man) n 拿拿 (take,pick,hold)(similar as n in no nation)声母 shng ml lng 龙 (dragon) kui l 快乐(happy)(same as l in le

10、tter learn )声母 shng mg g ge 哥哥 (older brother) go 高 (tall, high)(Similar with g in grill good but no puff of breath) 声母 shng mk K k y 渴 (thirsty) 可 以 (can) shng k 上 课 ( have class) ko sh 考试(exam) (similar to k in key But should be more articulated with more aspiration)声母 shng mh h shu (drink water)

11、h 河 (river) hi hn 海 (sea) 很 (too much)(h sounds like “h” in the English word“her” heart , but it must be added more friction of the breath than it is in English.)声母 shng mj j 鸡 (chicken) ji 家( home)(j in Jeep )声母 shng mq q 七 (seven) qin 钱(money) q zi (wife)( ch in cheese )声母 shng mx x 西(the west) x

12、hun 喜欢(like) xu x 学 习 (study) (sh in sheep )声母 shng mz z 字(characters) zu 坐(sit) (similar with ds in friends z in zero )声母 shng mc ci 菜 (vegetable, dishes) ci 猜(guess)(similar with the ts in bits students )声母 shng ms s 四 (four) s nin 思念 (miss someone) (similar to s in student) 声母 shng mzh zh 这(this)

13、 zhn 站站 (stand)zh do (know) ( similar with dge in judge )声母 shng mch ch 吃(eat) chng 长(long)(similar to ch in church,but must have srong puff of breath)声母 shng msh lo sh 老师(teacher) sh 十 (ten) (similar to sh in shirt)声母 shng mr rn 人 (human,people) r 热 (hot)(similar to r in run)声母 shng mTest: listen a

14、nd choose the Initials you hear. b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r z c sa o e i u dn yn m 单 韵 母:a a in Father y 阿 姨 b b 爸 爸 m m 妈 妈 oAwW我f 佛 eUh kui l le k 饿 快 乐 了 可 iE see been m fn 4 你 米 饭 uoo in Loop bookb xn b zh do 不 行 不 知 道 (First, try to pronounce i, and then your tongue stays here, grad

15、ually purse your lips. Try it yourself)y xi y l s 鱼 下 雨 绿 色 韵母韵母 yn m39, vowels,or vowel+n/ngSingle finalsa o e i u f yn m复 韵 母(componund finals) ai ei ao ou ia ie ua uo eaiai (as in high)w i n k i 我 爱 你 可 爱 zi bi 在 白 zi jin 再 见ei(like a long a or the ei in eight)li hi 累 黑 ao-ao (as in how or out) h

16、o mo sho lo o zo shn ho 好 猫 少 老 高 早 上 好 ou (like the ow in low or boat) du u ku shu zu 都 狗 口 手 走 iaia ( like ya in yard) ji 家 ie-ie (like ye in yes)bi ji r xi xi 别 节 日 谢 谢 ua-ua (u followed by a) ku hu zhu shu 夸 花 抓 刷 uo-uo (as in war)c su du sho u ji 厕 所 多 少 国 家 e xu x xu shen xu xio d xu yu hu 学 习

17、 学 生 学 校 大 学 约 会 sn chng yn m三 重 韵 母( finals consisting of 3 single finals) uai uei(ui) iao iou(iu) uai-uai (like wi in wild)shui hui shui 帅 坏 衰 Uei (ui)-ui (similar to way)du b du u hu b hu shu shu 对 不 对 贵 会 不 会 水 谁 iao-iao (like yow in yowl)jio jio bio nio lio tin xio 叫 脚 表 鸟 聊 天 小 iou(iu)-iu (lik

18、e yo in yoga)di ni li 丢 牛 六 b yn m鼻 韵 母(nasal finals) qin b yn m 前 鼻 韵 母(front nasal finals)an en in ian uen(un)uanan an-an (like the sounds of John or angry)mn ch fn hn y hn nn 慢 吃 饭 汉 语 很 难 en-en (like “en in open)rn zhn u rn ti u rn 人 中 国 人 泰 国 人 zn me yn zhn zhn de m 怎 么 样 真 真的吗in-in (as in bin)

19、nn jn tin xn 您 今 天 新 ian-ian (similar to yen)qin du sho qin min tio fn din 钱 多 少 钱 面 条 饭 店 uan-uan (u followed by an)lun dun un mn 乱 短 关 门 uen(un)As whenyn kn mn chn tin 云 昆 明 春 天 an n-uan un( followed by an n, only with initials j,q,x)yun qun xun z 远 劝 选 择 hu b yn yn m后 鼻 音 韵 母(back nasal finals)an

20、g eng ing ongiang ueng ionguangang(like the sound of under or rang )pn mn zhn shn k rn zn 胖 忙 张 上 课 让 脏 eng-eng (like the ung in lung)fn nn xu shen 风 能 学 生 ing-ing (like sing)mn zi tn 名 字 听 n jio shn me mn zi ? 你 叫 什 么 名 字 ? ongong (like the ung in lung with a slight oo sound) yn dn n zu zhn u 用 东 工

21、 作 中 国 iang(-i followed by ang) uang-uang (like wang in twang) uengu after with engiong (i merged with ong)t sh yun yn yn m特殊 元 音 韵 母( special finals)er 儿er can not be combined with any other yunmu( finals) ,it can only be the finals by itself. It is commonly used in northern dialect. There are many

22、 words in the northern dialect pronunciation of vowels occur due to the volume of tongue action sound change, and this phenomenon is called er hua.erer in herd-i (in zi ci si)-i(in zhi chi shi)Simple Vowelsa jar o log e bird er 2i east u moon aoeiu3、Initial Consonantsb(+o) brother b b b p(+o) pie p

23、p p m(+o) mug m m m f(+o) far f f f d(+e) dust d d d t(+e) tide t t tn(+e) nation n n n l(+e) learn l l l g(+e) grill g g g k(+e) key k k kh(+e) heart h h h j(+i) j j q(+i) q q x(+i) x x z(+-i) zero z z z c(+-i) students c c c s(+-i) students s s s zh(+-i) zh zh zh ch(+-i) ch ch ch sh(+-i) sh sh sh

24、r(+-i) r r r m b l m b l m b l m b l Mark tones rules Mark tones rules (1)aoeiub bo bi xi p pu d ni xi (2)iu,uili ni ; du tu (3) j,q,x j j q q x x n l 5、Other Vowelsai i mi ci ei bi hi fi ao o lo bo ou u du tu ia y xi ji ie y li bi 韵母韵母 yn mi 1. When i stands by itself as a syllable, it should be wr

25、itten as yi. 2. i should be written as y when it is placed at the beginning of a final standing by itself as a syllable, or y is added before i,eg: ia-ya ie-ye iou-you iang-yang韵母韵母 yn mu1. When u stands by itself as a syllable, it should be written as wu.2. When u combines with other finals to form

26、 syllables, it should be written as W,eg:ua-wa uo-wo uei-wei uan-wan iThe Separation LettersThe Separation LettersSeparation LettersVowelsApplication rules Finally formyi,in,ing+yyi,yin,yingia,ie,iaoi yya,ye,yao,e,an+y, uyu,yue,yuanwu+wwuua,uo,uaiu wwa,wo,waiua w hu gu uo w hu gu e yu n l iao yo xio

27、 qio iou yu li ni (iu)uai wi hui shui uei wi shu zhu (ui) an n bn ln en n rn shn in yn xn jnn yn ian yn lin xinuan wn lun zunan yun uen wn xn zhn (un) ang ng mng zhng eng dng lng cng ing yng mng tng ong zhng hng tng iang yng ling ninguang wng hung zhungiong yng jing xing ueng wng m b p d n l fn hn h

28、o ch. w fi chng shui. xi xi du b q gn w d. zi shu y bin .zu lin x .w men y q xu hn y .ji yu !日常用语 Daily Expressions1.zo shang ho! xi w ho wn shang ho 日常用语(一)Daily Expressions2.du bu q mi gun x日常用语 Daily Expressions3.n ho日常用语(一)Daily Expressions4.xi xie zi jin日常用语 Daily Expressions5.w n t w men n men t men日常用语 Daily Expressions lo sh xu shengshng kxi ktng (listen) shu (speak)d (read)xi (write) y xi dng (wait)gn w d (read after me)


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