
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:2511426 上传时间:2022-04-28 格式:PPTX 页数:31 大小:12.87MB
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1、你在听说复习时做过哪些类型的题?做题时的障碍点是什么?听听大家怎么说?思维力度获取细节信息思考推断:所处地点、人物身份、发生时间等总结大意想法目的获取多个事实性 细节信息推理判断主旨要义目的意图 在本节课结束时,同学们能够: 1.通过听力训练,梳理语段中句子、段落之间的关系,理解主旨要义和说话者的意图,提升分析归纳的能力; 2.通过听力训练,捕捉关键信息,进行加工整合,提升推理判断的能力。训练1-获取主旨大意1.What are they mainly talking about? A. How to save the earth. B. How to save money. C. How t

2、o save water.听前审题并预测:读全选项找准不同预测内容(选自2016年丰台区初三听力模拟题)A A. How to save the earth. B. How to save money. C. How to save water.BCAA 理解选项的原文出处 积累材料中好词好句. A型:关注开头总句整合中间信息区分整体细节2. What is the speaker mainly talking about? A. The history of the school. B. The courses in the school. C. The activities on a da

3、y.(选自2017年朝阳区初三听力模拟题)训练2-获取主旨大意Chistory courses activities B型: 关注开头总句 整合中间信息 关注结尾验证3. What is the speaker mainly talking about? A. Spring Festival. B. Christmas Day. C. Thanksgiving Day.(选自中考英语听说考试训练精编)C训练3-获取主旨大意Spring Festival Christmas Day Thanksgiving Day C型:整合前面信息避免断章取义关注结尾验证4. Whats the speake

4、r mainly doing? A. Telling about the tour plan. B. Giving advice on what to do. C. Describing some famous places.(选自2016年东城区初三听力模拟题)A训练4-获取主旨大意the tour plan what to do some famous placesD型: 整合信息归纳突破听力主旨突破听力主旨大意小结大意小结 辨析选项,做出预测;关注开头,留意结尾;整合信息,归纳总结。 B C DA5. Why does the speaker make the speech? A. To

5、 tell people how to do paper cutting. B. To introduce traditional Chinese art forms. C. To show the beauty in Chinese Paper Cut Art.训练5-目的意图(选自2019年海淀区初三听力模拟题)综合梳理信息,归纳概括大意,深入揣摩意图。5. Why does the speaker make the speech? A. To tell people how to do paper cutting.6.What does the speaker want to tell

6、us in the speech?A. How to eat vegetables healthily.B. How to prepare vegetables dishes.C. How to help kids love vegetables.训练6-目的意图(选自北京中考英语听说考试全真模拟训练)6.What does the speaker want to tell us in the speech?C. How to help kids love vegetables.理解主旨(介绍方法) 说话者目的(帮助孩子爱蔬菜) 突破突破听力听力目的意图目的意图小结小结 分析分析结构,结构,综

7、合梳理信息,理理清清脉络,脉络,归纳概括大意,明确主题,明确主题,深入揣摩意图。7. When will the festival finish? A. On Sunday. B. On Saturday. C. On Friday.8. What will the woman do? A. Take the bus to the festival. B. Go to the festival in the morning. C. Stay at the festival until midnight. (选自2018年东城区初三听力模拟题)训练7-推理判断AAB+CA捕捉事情发生时间的信息,

8、 关注并加工说话者的表达。On Sunday. Take the bus to the festival. 9. Why doesnt the girl want to visit the history museum? A. Because shes been there many times. B. Because she isnt good at history. C. Because she thinks its boring.训练8-推理判断(选自2019年海淀区初三听力模拟题)10. Where are the speakers going? A. To the art museu

9、m. B. To the silk museum. C. To the science museum.训练8-推理判断人物、原因 、事件合理推断9. Why doesnt the girl want to visit the history museum?10. Where are the speakers going? C. Because she thinks its boring.C B. To the silk museum. B场所、地点Where are the speakers?Where does the conversation probably take place?说话者

10、关系Whats the relationship between the speakers?时间、价钱How soon will the speakers arrive in Beijing?How much does the woman need to pay?职业身份What does the speaker probably do?Whats the mans job?行为状态What will probably do next?场所、地点关键信息词及短语:Restaurant: menu, bill, order, hamburger, etc Railway Station: sin

11、gle trip, platform, train, etc Hospital: temperature, headache, fever, etc Hotel: single room, room number, etc. Shop: on sale, size, color, price, etcSchool: exam, course, playground, etcClassroom: Good morning, class, etc. Library: borrow books, bookshelf, etc.Post Office: mail, stamp, etc teacher

12、 and student shop assistant and customer doctor and patient husband and wife schoolmates / classmates brothers / sisters brother and sister 说话者关系 常见的人物关系时间、价钱职业身份行为状态关键信息词及短语:请同学们在日常复习中,进行分析判断,及时梳理小结。探索排除干扰项的方法策略。无法直接获取答案整合处理深度思考加工细节信息 听中 听后 输入细节信息 听力推理判断题思维路径 听前:分析预测内容听中:记录加工信息听后:合理推断选择突破听力推理判断小结突破听力推理判断小结 常见推理内容人物类:身份、关系、性格、品质、计划打算等;事情类:所处场景、发生时间、发生事由等。 策略:看清问题定类型, 考虑思路要先行。听前:观察选项画关键, 听前预测不能偏。听中:洗耳恭听文中探, 关注语气和语调, 关键词句上下文, 边听边记是技巧, 逐一排除混淆项。 推理判断主旨要义目的意图总结:


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