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1、图表描述英文表达Describing and Analysing GRAPHS AND CHARTS 图表描述英文表达Graphs & chartsnPie chartnBar chart (histogram)nTablenLine chart (graph)图表描述英文表达BEC Higher Writing Test: Part One nBEC Higher (the 3rd version) P44:Exam formatApproach图表描述英文表达DESCRIBING GRAPHS AND CHARTS:Pie ChartsnPie charts are relatively

2、straightforward as they only usually have a few sections though this is not always the case. You need to describe the segments and their values. nIf there are very many then just describe the ones that are the most significant. The values are often expressed in percentages but not always so be caref

3、ul what scale you are using. 图表描述英文表达nThis pie chart shows the percentages of different types of energy consumed in the US in 2007. nMost of the energy, 39.24%, came from petroleum. The next largest source of energy is . nIt is interesting to note that renewable energy, which is healthier for the en

4、vironment and sustainable, accounts for the smallest percent of the consumption. 图表描述英文表达Bar ChartsnHopefully you will have described the title of the bar chart in your introduction so you can go straight into the description. nBasically, with a bar chart, you need to describe the bars and their val

5、ues. When describing a bar chart you first have to decide in what order to describe the bars, highest value to lowest value or lowest value to highest value. It may be a mixture of this. nIf there are very many bars, you can sometimes group together for description 1 or 2 or 3 bars which have simila

6、r or the same values. nIf there are very many and you cant group them, then just describe the ones that are the most significant.图表描述英文表达TablesnThese can sometimes be tricky as they provide a lot of information and it is often awkward and difficult to describe every piece of information. You have to

7、 decide and describe the values and sections that are the most significant.图表描述英文表达Line graph nThe function of a line graph is to describe a TREND. You therefore should try and describe the trend in it. nIf there are many lines in the graph(s), then just generally describe the trend. If there is onl

8、y one or two, then use more detail. So, describe the movement of the line(s) of the graph giving numerical detail at the important points of the line.图表描述英文表达nTo describe the movement, there is some language which will always be useful. There is a list of words/phrases you can use. nAs you will see,

9、 there are a number of words which are similar in meaning. This means that you will be able to use a variety of vocabulary which gives a good impression to the examiner who will read and mark your writing. The words below are particularly useful for line graphs but they can also be used where approp

10、riate to describe the other types of graph.图表描述英文表达Vocabulary:Expressing the Movement of a LinenIncrease; rise; climb; boom;go up; grow; double; triple; gain; jump; soar; surge; rocket; leap; accelerate; shoot up; peak; summit, recover, improve, reach; level offnDecrease; descend; fall; go down, sli

11、de; slip; decline; reduce; drop; dip;shrink; dwindle; be halved; tumble; plummet; plunge; collapse; slump; diminish; bottom out nFluctuate, vary, upward/downward trendnRemain stable (at);Remain steady (at);Stay (at);Stay constant (at);Maintain the same level图表描述英文表达Adjectives & AdverbsnDramatic,dram


13、radually;Slow,slowly;Small;heavily, stable, general, smoothly 图表描述英文表达Some useful sentencesn1. The table shows the changes in the number of.over the period from.to.该表格描述了在.年之.年间.数量的变化. n2. The bar chart illustrates that.该柱状图展示了.n3. The graph provides some interesting data regarding.该图为我们提供了有关.有趣数据.n

14、4. The diagram shows (that).该图向我们展示了.n5. The pie graph depicts (that).该圆形图揭示了.n6. This is a cure graph which describes the trend of.这个曲线图描述了.的趋势.图表描述英文表达n7. The figures/statistics show (that).数据(字)表明.n8. The tree diagram reveals how.该树型图向我们揭示了如何.n9. The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclus

15、ion that.这些数据资料令我们得出结论.n10. As is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table.如图所示.n11. According to the chart/figures.根据这些表(数字).n12. As is shown in the table.如表格所示.n13. As can be seen from the diagram,great changes have taken place in.从图中可以看出,.发生了巨大变化.图表描述英文表达n14. From the table/c

16、hart/diagram/figure,we can see clearly that.or it is clear/apparent from the chart that.从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到.n15. This table shows the changing proportion of a & b from.to.该表格描述了.年到.年间a与b的比例关系.n16. The graph, shows the general trend in.该图描述了.总的趋势.n17. As can be seen from the graph,the two curves show th

17、e fluctuation of.如图所示,两条曲线描述了.的波动情况.n18. Over the period from.to.the.remained level.在.至.期间.基本不变.n19. In the year between.and.在.年到.期间.n20. In the 3 years spanning from 1995 through 1998.1995年至1998三年里.n21. From then on/from this time onwards.从那时起.n22. The number of.remained steady/stable from (month/y

18、ear) to (month/year).月(年)至.月(年).的数量基本不变.图表描述英文表达n23. The number sharply went up to.数字急剧上升至.n24. The percentage of.stayed the same between.and.至.期间.的比率维持不变.n25. The figures peaked at.in (month/year). 数目在.月(年)达到顶点,为.n26. The percentage remained steady at.比率维持在.n27. The percentage of.is slightly larger

19、/smaller than that of.的比例比.的比例略高(低).n28. There is not a great deal of difference between.and.与.的区别不大.n29. The graphs show a threefold increase in the number of.该图表表明.的数目增长了三倍.n30. .decreased year by year while.increased steadily.逐年减少,而.逐步上升.图表描述英文表达n31. The situation reached a peak (a high point at)

20、 of %.的情况(局势)到达顶(高)点,为.百分点.n32. The figures/situation bottomed out in.数字(情况)在.达到底部.n33. The figures reached the bottom/a low point/hit a trough.低谷期 n数字(情况)达到底部(低谷).n34. A is .times as much/many as b.a是b的.倍.n35. A increased by.a增长了.n36. A increased to.a增长到.n37. high/low/great/small/ percentage.比低高(低)

21、n38. There is an upward trend in the number of.数字呈上升趋势.图表描述英文表达n39. A considerable increase/decrease occurred from.to.到.发生急剧上升.n40. from.to.the rate of decrease slows down.从.到.,下降速率减慢.n41. from this year on,there was a gradual decline reduction in the.,reaching a figure of.从这年起,.逐渐下降至.n42. be simila

22、r to.与.相似n43. be the same as.与.相同n44. There are a lot of similarities/differences between.and.与.之间有许多相似(不同)之处n45. A has something in common with b a与b有共同之处.n46. The difference between A and B lies in.a与b之间的差别在于.n47. .(year) witnessed/saw a sharp rise in.年.急剧上升图表描述英文表达Lets define the various parts of

23、 a line graph.nTitle: The title of the line graph tells us what the graph is about.nLabels: The horizontal label across the bottom and the vertical label along the side tells us what kinds of facts are listed.nScales: The horizontal scale across the bottom and the vertical scale along the side tell

24、us how much or how many.nPoints: The points or dots on the graph show us the facts.nLines: The lines connecting the points give estimates of the values between the points.图表描述英文表达KEY SKILL 1: Asking and answering questions about graphsnNow that we are familiar with the parts of a line graph, we can

25、answer some questions about each graph.n 1.What is the title of this line graph? n2.What is the range of values on the horizontal scale?n3.What is the range of values on the vertical scale?n4.How many points are in the graph? n5.What was the lowest and what was the highest point? n6. At what point d

26、id the data rise or fall?图表描述英文表达nQUESTION n1.What is the line graph about?n2.What is the busiest time of day at the store? 3.At what time does business start to slow down? n4.How many people are in the store when it opens? n5.About how many people are in the store at 2:30 pm? 6.What was the greates

27、t number of people in the store? n7.What was the least number of people in the store? 图表描述英文表达nQUESTION n1.What is the line graph about?n2.At what age do teens have the greatest number cell phones? n3.At what age do teens have the least number of cell phones? n4.What was the greatest number of cell

28、phones at any age? n5.What was the least number of cell phones at any age? 图表描述英文表达KEY SKILL 2: make notesnStudy the graph(s) and decide what general trends they show and what you can conclude from these. nMake short notes on what you are going to say.图表描述英文表达Make brief notes: P44nSteady rise in the

29、 number of cars and population over the period 1980 to 2020nThe population more or less doubles to nearly 8 billionnThe probable consequences are a lot more congestion and pollution图表描述英文表达n从1830年到1950年,芝加哥的人口显著增加。 n在1950年达到高峰,人口约360万人。 n 1950年至1990年的人口稳步下降。n1990年至2000年有轻微上升至约290万人。 图表描述英文表达nFrom 18

30、30 to 1950 the population of Chicago increased significantly.nThe population peaked in 1950 at approximately 3.6 million people.nBetween 1950 and 1990 the population decreased steadily. nBetween 1990 and 2000 there was a slight increase back to approximately 2.9 million people. 图表描述英文表达nThis graph s

31、hows that after 1997 the average level of Lake Michigan decreased significantly. nThe level started off in 1988 at 176.6 meters and remained roughly constant until it peaked to 177 meters in 1997. nAfter that it decreased sharply until 2001, when it was approximately 176 meters. For the next five ye

32、ars it slightly increased on average. 图表描述英文表达图表描述英文表达nGeneral upward trend from June to December in 1998nPeaked in January, 1999nfall back to the December level gain in FebruarynFluctuate from March to MaynPeaked again at the end of May, but then it collapsed quickly. 图表描述英文表达Share prices of IBM an

33、d America Online over a twelve-month period. (June 1998-1999)JUNJul255075100125150175$200AugSepDec JanJunMar图表描述英文表达nA general upward trend from June until the end of 1998nDrop a little in the last month of 1998nAOL shares continued to rise steadily and reach a peak in AprilnIBM shares fell slightly

34、 until MarchnBy March both shares were worth about $100nAfter the peak, AOL shares collapsed to just over $100 per sharenIBM shares made a steady recovery from April to Jun, finishing at just over $100, almost equal to AOL图表描述英文表达nThe share prices of both IBM and AOL showed a general upward trend fr

35、om June until the end of 1998. However, while AOL shares then continued to rise steadily over the next three months, the price of IBM shares fell slightly. By March 1999 both shares were worth about $100.nAOL shares then shot up, almost doubling in value within four weeks. They reached a high of $18

36、0 in mid-April before collapsing to just over $100 per share at the beginning of May. There was a slight recovery during that month however, despite this, by June 1999 the price of AOL shares was once again about $100.n In contrast, despite minor fluctuations, IBM shares made a steady recovery over

37、the three month period, finishing at just over $100, almost equal to AOL.图表描述英文表达nNote: The two things we talk about are the differences between the years, and the differences among the categories.nPropane丙烷 Kerosene煤油 图表描述英文表达nIn 1950 coal, natural gas, and fuel oil accounted for the highest percen

38、tage of home heating sources. By 1997, use of natural gas had soared to become a source for over 50% of home heating. At the same time, use of coal and fuel oil decreased significantly. Electricity grew significantly between the two years as well. nIt is interesting to note that natural gas, electri

39、city, and propane are the only sources that saw an increase between 1950 and 1997. nThis graph shows that in both years people were heavily dependent on non-renewable sources of energy for their home heating needs.图表描述英文表达图表描述英文表达nSales of adventure games increased steadily from 30%-45%nStrong growt

40、h in action games for the first three yearsnBut dropped sharply in 1998 (action games) nSales of sports games fell from 25% to 15% in 1996 then rise to 20% in 1998nSales of other games remained steady at 10% in the first two years, fell slightly in 1997 and then recovered in 1998图表描述英文表达nThe most su

41、ccessful product was adventure games. Sales increased steadily from 30%-45% in the period from 1995 to 1998. There was strong growth in action games for the first three years of the same period. They peaked at 25% in 1997 but dropped sharply in 1998. nSales of sports games fell from 25% to 15% in 19

42、96 then leveled off in 1997 and rose to 20% in 1998. Sales of other games remained steady at 10% in 1995 and 1996, fell slightly in 1997 and then recovered in 1998图表描述英文表达BEC Higher (3rd version) P45nThe graph compares the amount of palm oil held in world stocks over the years 1985 to 2006 with the

43、demand.nOver the period in question demand for palm oil rose steadily from 7,000 tonnes in 1985 to 33,000 tonnes in 2006. During the same period stocks of palm oil also rose, but fluctuated greatly. At all times, ending stocks exceeded demand, but not by the same margin. From 1985 to 1997 eding stoc

44、ks were between 1,300 and 1,700 tonnes, even though demand doubled during the same period.图表描述英文表达nAfter 1997 the margin increased significantly, reaching a peak in 2000 of almost 3,000 tonnes compared to the demand of 20,000. for the next five years ending stocks fell back relative to demand.nIn th

45、e last three years the industry seems to have reached a consistent level of ending stocks compared to the demand.图表描述英文表达Other Hints nDONT copy any part of the question in your answer. This is not your own work and therefore will be disregarded by the examiner and deducted from the word count. You c

46、an use individual words but be careful of using long chunks .nDont repeat yourself or the same ideas. This gives a bad impression and the examiner realises that it isnt adding to the content of your report. nIf you are weak at English grammar, try to use short sentences. This allows you to control t

47、he grammar and the meaning of your writing much more easily and contributes to a better cohesion and coherence mark. Its much easier to make things clear in a foreign language if you keep your sentences short! 图表描述英文表达Other HintsnThink about the tenses of your verbs. If youre writing about something

48、 that happened in the past, your verbs will need to be in the past tenses. If youre describing the future, you will need to use the future tenses. If its a habitual action, youll need the present simple tense and so on. nFor describing graphs you will probably need past tenses whereas. Think about t

49、he verbs while practising and then it will become easier when you do the exam. 图表描述英文表达nDont be irrelevant. Although you can use your imagination to expand on your answer, if any part of your report is totally unrelated to the question and put in to just put up the word count, then the examiner will not take it into account and deduct it from the word count. nIf you want to improve, theres no secret. Practice. Practice. Practice. You wont get better sitting and doing nothing. Even good English users need practice for the BEC exam.


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