Unit 4 单句语法填空-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第一册.docx

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1、第一组1.To avoid(避免) knee pain,you can run on soft surfaces,do exercise_(strengthen) your leg muscles.2.When I go_a diet,I eat only cucumbers,and that reduces my weight quickly.3.When his teacher came in,he pretended _(read) a book.4.Michaels new house is like a huge palace,_(compare) with his old one.

2、5.Some laws from the eighteenth century are still _ effect.6.When we visited our old family home,memory came _(flood) back.7.His only chance of _(survive) was a heart transplant(移植).8.It came as _ shock to hear that the factory would have to close.9.Foreign governments supplied the rebels(叛军) _ arms

3、.10.Trees have been planted to shelter this area _ strong sand storms.11.Living in the competitive society,we must stay _(positively).12.They just go out to work out now _ then,which I think will have no effect on their health.13.One dead child was found in the _(ruin) almost two hours after the exp

4、losion(爆炸).14.To dry their wet clothes,they made a fire in _ open air.15.These strict measures will surely have a great effect _ our daily life.第二组1.The earthquake _ hit the city in 1906 was the biggest in American history.2.We dont know the number of people _ lost their homes in the disaster.3.Have

5、 you read the book _ was written by Anne Frank?4.My father bought a new bike for me _ price added up to more than 1,000yuan.5.She said she would do anything _ could help her mother recover from the disease.6.Hany is the boy _ mother is our maths teacher.7.The writer and his work _ you told me are re

6、ally famous.8.All _ we need is enough rest after long hours work.9.Anyone _ has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.10.The boy and the dog _ are in the picture are very lovely.11.Global warming is having a great effect _ hundreds of plant and animal species around the world.12.Not onl

7、y is a pleasant meal time enjoyable,but it _(aid) digestion(消化).13.The child ran into the road and _(strike) by a passing car.14.It is shocking that leaflets(传单) have _(deliver) to every household in such a short time.15.Alan looked at him and said _(calm),“I dont believe you.”第三组1.Think of the movi

8、es,books,teachers,and friends that have an effect _ you most deeply.2.I must warn you that my patience is almost coming to _ end.3.The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _(see)whether he was going in the right direction.4.The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities _

9、(be)rising steadily since 1990.5.The building _ wall is white is our library.6.She described in her composition the people and places _ impressed her most.7.It was with great sadness that we learned of his _(die).8.Id like to know _ we can do to prevent natural disasters.9.Studies show that people a

10、re more likely to suffer _ back problems if they sit before computer screens for long hours.10.The earthquake killed over 80,000 people and left many _(injure).11.The man was so buried _ thought that he didnt see the pole on the road.12.With more forests _(destroy),huge quantities of good earth are

11、being washed away each year.13.Some strange customs have survived _ earlier times.14.Though the determined girl went through so much _(suffer),she didnt give in.15.When we were in danger,they came _ our rescue.第四组1.Since the old man has stopped breathing,there is little _ I can do for him.2.I get al

12、ong well with the boy _ does well in maths.3.Do you know the lady _ our English teacher is talking to now?4.Were collecting money for those _ homes were destroyed by the earthquake.5.Please pass me the book _ cover is light green.6.I visited the school yesterday _ was built fifty years ago.7.The gir

13、l _ is speaking to the whole class is our monitor.8.Yesterday was one of the coldest days _ I have ever known.9.There are a total of 1,000 workers in this company,two thirds of _ are women.10.I miss the teachers and the kindergarten _ my parents think highly of.11.He makes it a rule _(get) up at six

14、 every day.12.The police made the young boy _(stand) against the wall.13.The man spoke loudly to make himself _(hear).14.She says these activities at bedtime can get kids all excited and make _ hard for them to calm down and sleep.15.I find it difficult _(do) the job well.16 A lot of money has been

15、collected to help those _(suffer) from the floods.第五组1.We dont know the number of people _ lost their homes in the disaster.2.Those _ want to go to the English party must be at the school gate by 730 pm.3.The first museum _ he visited in China was the History Museum.4.The film _ you are looking forw

16、ard to seeing will be on tomorrow.5.I know the person _ house was destroyed in the earthquake.6.It is the tallest building _ Daming has seen ever since he came here.7.My father bought a new bike for me _ price added up to more than 1,000 yuan.8.She said she would do anything _ could help her mother

17、recover from the disease.9.Anyone _ has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.10.The boy and the dog _ are in the picture are very lovely.11.A dictionary is an important aid _ learning a new language.12.With the governments aid,those _(affect) by the earthquake have moved into the new s

18、ettlements.13.The emergency services were _ hand with medical advice.14.Last month,part of Southeast Asia _(strike) by floods.15.The snake usually reaches a _(long) of 100 cm.16 Every effort _(make), but the doctor still wasnt able to save the boys life.第六组1._(bury) himself in the newspaper,he didnt

19、 notice what was happening.2.Years of fighting have left the city in _(ruin);it would take a lot of money to rebuild it.3.The virus caused terrible _(suffer) to local animals.4.The boy walked in as if he _(buy) the whole school.5.He _(trap) in the traffic jam and felt helpless.6.If youre addicted to

20、 computer games,youll ruin _(you).7.Though the soldiers have been working for fifteen hours,they carry on looking for _(survive) in the ruins.8.The accident caused 3 _(die) and 20 injuries,which happened previous to his arrival there.9 The number of students who are wearing glasses in our class _(be

21、) 39.10.The media supplies lots of information _ us every day.11.There was simply no cash _ hand to meet the cost of food.12.Can you inform me when _(begin) our final examination?13.Do not have a drink or take drugs to calm _(you) down.14.The more powerful the car is,the more difficult it is _(handl

22、e).15.He succeeded _ the aid of a completely new method he discovered.16 We must find a place _ (shelter)from the downpour.第七组1.We were rescued _ the sinking ship by a passing boat.2.Years of fighting has left the city in _(ruin);it would take a lot of money to rebuild it.3.The big fire caused great

23、 damage _ the building built last year.4.What he told us was a _ story,which made us all _.(shock)5.So heavy was the rain that we had to take shelter _ it in the supermarket.6.He was trying to save the girl _(trap) in the burning house.7.Cheer up!The world is not coming _ an end!8.I was so weak that

24、 even standing up was _effort.9_the aid of a local artist,the pupils created the wall painting.10 We have aided him _(finish) the work ahead of time.11.He was resting under an apple tree _ an apple fell down and hit him on the head.12.I think _ important to finish this job on time.13.The great write

25、r died,_(leave) his works unfinished.14.The boy walked slowly as _ he had hurt his leg.15_(bury) himself in the newspaper,he didnt notice what was happening.16 They found shelter _ the storm in a garage.第八组1.Every day the milkman delivers milk _ our house.2.The village was swept _ when the dam burst

26、.3.I am sure that it will have _ effect on our natural environment.4.He was made _(tell) them everything.5.It strikes me _ the phone number I told them is wrong.6 It was reported that many workers were _ strike in that country.7 The guests are struck _ the cleanliness of this city.8 The government w

27、ill take some _(effect) measures to deal with it.9 I got a _ call from a woman in London.10 Tom rescued a boy _ the river on his way home.11.Believe it or not,what you said just now _ his pride.12.The _(injure) were sent to the nearest hospital right away after the accident.13.Whats your attitude to

28、 the fact that he did an _(injure) to his friends?14.The ending of this play is very _(shock).15 I was shocked _(hear) the news that he had been fired.16 The girl was sitting there,_(bury) her face in her hands.答案第一组1 to strengthen2.on3.to be readingpared5.in6.flooding7.survival8.a9.with10.from11.po

29、sitive12.and13.ruins14.the15.on/upon第二组1.that/which2.who/that3.which/that4.whose5.that6.whose7.that8.that9.who10.that11 on/upon12 aids13 was struck14 been delivered15 calmly第三组1 on 2 an 3 to see 4 has been 1990. 5 whose6 that7 death8 what9 from10 injured 11. in 12. destroyed13. from14. suffering15.

30、to第四组1 that 2.that/who3.that/whom/who 4.whose 5.whose6.that/which7.who/that 8.that 9.whom 10.that 11. to get12. stand13. heard 14. it 15. to do16 suffering第五组1 who/that2.who3.that4.that/which5.whose6.that7.whose8.that9.who10.that 11 in12 affected13 on 14 was struck15 length 16 had been made第六组1 Bury

31、ing 2 ruins3 suffering4 had bought5 was trapped6 yourself7 survivors 8 Deaths 9 is 10 to 11 on 12 to begin13 yourself 14 to handle 15 with16 to shelter第七组1 from 2. ruins 3. to 4. Shocking;shocked 5. from6. trapped7.to 8. an 9 With 10 to finish 11.when 12.it 13.leaving 14 if/though 15 Burying 16 from第八组1 to 2 away 3 an 4 to tell 5 that 6 on7 by 8 effective 9 rescue10 from 11 injured 12 injured13 injury 14 shocking 15 to hear 16 burying


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