Unit3 Sports and fitness Period 2 Reading and thinkingppt课件-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第一册.pptx

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1、 3 Sports and FitnessPeriod 2 Reading and thinking Reading and thinkingLiving Legends of Sports:Who are they?世界超级女排赛冠军(球员),奥运会冠军(球员),奥运会冠军(教练),女排世界杯冠军(球员),女排世界杯冠军(教练)前美国男子职业篮球运动员,绰号“飞人”,公认的史上最伟大的篮球运动员,被称为“篮球之神”。共获6届NBA总冠军(两次三连冠),2次夺得奥运会金牌。瑞士男子职业网球运动员,被认为是史上最伟大的运动员之一。他拥有ATP史上最长连续单打世界第一周数的纪录(237周)。截至2

2、018年2月底,在大满贯男子单打斩获20次冠军、14次亚军。 Reading and thinkingWhat does “legend”mean and what requires to be a legend? Try ro make predictions of the text.legend:a legend refers to a person who is very famous and admired by a lot of people. 传奇人物 People become legends when they do something extraordinary or whe

3、n they create a life story that inspires others when they hear about it.All people hate problems and tough times but when you think of them as opportunities to get your best out then not only you will become proud of yourself but you will also become a legend. (写作素材)What makes you stand out?What get

4、s you remembered by millions of people?What do you do to inspire others? Reading and thinkingLIVING LEGENDS Reading and thinkingLang Ping As a player, Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country. As a coach, she led the China womens volleyball team to medals at world championships and the Olym

5、pics. As a person, Lang Ping is loved by fans at home and abroad.作为一名运动员,郎平给她的国家带来了荣誉和荣耀。作为一名教练,她带领中国女排在世界锦标赛和奥运会上获得奖牌。作为一个人,郎平受到国内外球迷的喜爱。 What are Lang Pings achievements? Reading and thinkingWhen the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, her determination was tested. The team that Lan

6、g Ping had built was falling apart. One of the best players had been injured, and the team captain had to leave because of heart problems. 当中国队准备2015年世界杯时,她的决心受到了考验。郎平建立的团队正在分崩离析。一名最好的队员受伤了,队长因为心脏问题不得不离开。What difficulties was she facing? Reading and thinkingLosing two important players was a big cha

7、llenge, but Lang Ping did not lose heart. She had faced difficulties before, and she knew that her young players could win if they worked together as a team. Two weeks later, they were world champions! Then in 2016, Lang Ping led her volleyball team to Olympic gold in Brazil.失去两名重要球员是一个巨大的挑战,但郎平并没有灰

8、心。她以前遇到过困难,她知道她的年轻队员如果齐心协力就能赢。两周后,他们是世界冠军!然后在2016年,郎平带领她的排球队在巴西获得奥运会金牌。How did she react to the difficulties? Reading and thinkingMichael Jordan When Michael Jordans feet left the ground, time seemed to stand still. The player who became known as Air Jordanchanged basketball with his graceful moves

9、and jumps. Jordans skills were impressive, but the mental strength that he showed made him unique. In the final seconds of a game, Jordan always seemed to find a way to win. 当迈克尔乔丹的脚离开地面时,时间似乎静止了。这位后来被称为“飞人乔丹”的球员以其优美的动作和跳跃改变了篮球。乔丹的技术令人印象深刻,但他表现出的精神力量使他独一无二。在比赛的最后几秒钟,乔丹似乎总能找到获胜的方法。Jordans outsding sk

10、ills and mental strength Reading and thinkingJordan says that the secret to his success is learning from his failures.I can accept failure; everyone fails at something. ButI cant accept not trying.Losing games taught him to practise harder and never give up. In life, Jordan has learnt to share his s

11、uccess with others. The Boys and Girls Club which he started in Chicago has been helping young people since 1996.Send your suggestions for Living Legends of Sportsto LLS sports. net.乔丹说他成功的秘诀是从失败中学习。“我可以接受失败;每个人都有失败的时候。但我不能接受不去尝试。”输掉比赛教会他更加努力练习,永不放弃。在生活中,乔丹学会了与他人分享他的成功。他在芝加哥创办的男孩女孩俱乐部自1996年以来一直在帮助年轻

12、人。Jordans secret to success Reading and thinkingBrainstormWhat qualities do the two living legends have in common? outstanding skillsgreat achievementsdetermined learn from failuresface difficulties bravelynever give upsharingnever lose hearthelp others Reading and thinkingRead the text and decide w

13、hat is stated in the text(S), what can be inferred (l), and what you know to be true from experience(E._Lang Ping won several championships before she became a coach._Lang Ping believed that her young players could win._Many people in China and the US love Coach Lang._Michael Jordan is loved by bask

14、etball fans around the world._Before people saw Michael Jordan play, they did not know that basketbal could be played that way._Michael Jordan believes that it is important to help others.S 文中陈述文中陈述I 推理推理E 经验常识经验常识SSIIII Reading and thinkingTips for reading and comprehensionStatement 在阅读理解中,我们一定要注意题

15、干中的选项是否是文章明确提及的,提及的位置及细节是否与选项相符,此类题容易出现在考察细节的题型中;Inference 在阅读理解中,有一种比较容易翻车的题型是判断推理题,如:What can be inferred according to the third paragraph? What is the authors attitude towards.?这是需要仔细研判题干中的每个选项,去除明显不符的两个(此类题型通常会设两个明显的干扰项和一个比较难区分的选项),再仔细对比剩余的两个选项,根据文中或远或近的提示,选出正确选项;Experience/Common sense 在阅读理解中,还

16、会设有一种题型,根据常识来判断,如:This passage is probably selected from_. 这就与我们平日的知识积累有关。精读课文的好处在于精读课文的好处在于1. 精确理解单词在句子或文章中的正确含义,避免在一词多义的情况下造成理解的偏差;2. 体会和揣摩文章的结构和细节,想象一下如果以该文章做阅读理解或语法填空的语料,那么考点在哪里?读写绝不是一蹴而就,需要慢慢积累,每一篇课文都是我们积累的好语料。读写绝不是一蹴而就,需要慢慢积累,每一篇课文都是我们积累的好语料。 Reading and thinking Read the text again and answer

17、 the questions.1. How was Lang Pings determination tested in the 2015 World Cup?2. What examples does the writer use to describe Lang Ping?3. What does the first sentence in the paragraph introducing Michael Jordan mean?4. Why does the writer mention the final seconds of a game?Before the game she l

18、sot two important players, but Lang Ping did not lose heart. They finally became world champions. As a player, Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country. As a coach, she led the China womens volleyball team to medals at world championships and the Olympics. As a person, Lang Ping is loved by

19、 fans at home and abroad. The audience were holding their breath to watch Hordans amazing moves and jumpes. Jordan made playing basketball an art. To show that Jordan has unique mental strength and spirit of never giving up. Reading and thinkingUse the words and phrases below to talk about Lang Ping

20、, Michael Jordan, and the athlete that you admire.Language describing famous athletesword and expression in textOther similar expressionIdentitycaptainathletecoachmarathon runnerskierDifficultyfailuregive upinjuredserious problemAchievementimpressivegracefulbring glory and honouroutstandingset an examplemake great contributions toHomeworkWrite a composition to introduce an athlete that you admire. (80词左右)Thanks!


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