1、 版本:新人教 单元:Book 1 Unit 4effort重难点词damage, destroy,ruin辨析义精准的汉语释义affect, effect辨析义shock一词多义suffer一词多义搭配义survive一词多义strike一词多义calm辨析义一词多义英语释义辨析damage, destroy, ruindamage和destroy可谓是形影不离的好朋友,想表达遭到破坏到底用哪个词才对呢?我们先来看一篇学生习作。 U 损害;损坏;损失损害;损坏;损失 harm or injury causedwhen sth is broken or spoiled: He was hit
2、by a car and suffered serious brain damage. do / cause damage toThe problem is clear: man has done great damage to his home over the years. C 复数复数 损害赔偿金:损害赔偿金:He was ordered to pay damages of $30,000.damage n 损害损害;损坏:;损坏:( (名词动化)名词动化)Dont damage your health for a good figure. 侧重 “损损”,可修复damage vt 毁坏
3、;摧毁;毁掉毁坏;摧毁;毁掉 to damage sth so badly that it can no longer be used or no longer exists:The building was completely destroyed by fire.destroy vt 消灭;杀死:消灭;杀死:The dog attacked a child and had to be destroyed.侧重 “毁毁”,无法修复destroy = de- (down) + struere (build) 破坏一栋建筑的结构意味着毁掉这栋建筑“被雨水毁了的头发被雨水毁了的头发”,用哪个词呢?
4、,用哪个词呢?The rain ruined my hair. 头发还在,只是“美好的发型”被毁了。在这里,理解理解英语释义英语释义也很重要。 destroy: to damage sth so badly that it can no longer be used or no longer exists ruin: to damage sth so badly that it loses all its value, leasure, etc. 糟蹋糟蹋;( (完全地完全地) ) 毁坏毁坏 to damage sth so badly that it loses all its value,
5、 pleasure, etc.:Dont let a small disagreement ruin your friendship. 使破产使破产 to make sb lose all his / her money:If she loses the court case it will ruin her. n U 毁灭;破产:毁灭;破产:the ruin of civilization financial ruin C 常用复数常用复数 废墟;遗迹;残余:废墟;遗迹;残余:the ruins of Rome ruin vtin ruins 成废墟;严重受损:成废墟;严重受损:In fif
6、teen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. 文化拓展意大利的古罗马废墟 (the ruins of Rome),位于斗兽场之旁,是昔日古罗马帝国的中心,是现存世界最大面积的古罗马废墟。这座于公元72年由4万名战俘用8年时间建起来的巨大建筑,虽然毁坏严重,残破不堪,却是人类建筑史上的杰作。它的形状很像今天的体育场,近50米高的外围墙是用砖石砌成的三层石柱拱廊,周围有80个出入口,里面的阶梯式座位能同时容纳5.5万名观众。小结运用运用精准的汉语释义精准的汉语释义和和英语释义英语释义区分区分damage, destroy和和ruin。 damag
7、e 的名词和动词都侧重“损损”,表示可修复,常和badly、seriously等副词搭配; destroy 侧重“毁毁”,表示不可修复,不复存在,常和completely、entirely等副词搭配; ruin 侧重“毁坏毁坏”,使美好的事物失去用途或优良特性,尽管此 物仍然存在。头发经常烫、染,容易损伤(damage)头发,需要做护理修复。烫坏、烫焦,头发就毁(destroy)了 ,只能剪掉。做个美美的发型出门,遇到大雨,头发还在,但发型被毁(ruin)了。affect 影响影响 to influence sb / sth:( (基本义)基本义)With the governments ai
8、d, those (who were) affected by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements. affect vt 常用于被动语态常用于被动语态 使感动;打动:使感动;打动: She was deeply affected by the story. = be moved by 使使感染感染 ( (疾病疾病) ) to attack sb or a part of the body; to make sb become ill / sick:Diseases affect almost everyone at some tim
9、e during their lives.affect 语义网络图affect对精神的“影响”对身体的“影响”使感动;打动使感动;打动 使感染使感染( (疾病疾病) )影响 (基本义)对人或物的“影响”由具象到抽象词语辨析affect / effect affect(动词)= to have an influence on sb / sth;影响某人影响某人 / 某事某事:uDoes television affect childrens behaviour? 电视对孩子的行为有影响吗? effect(名词)= result, influence;作用;影响作用;影响:u Does telev
10、ision have an effect on childrens behaviour? 电视对孩子的行为有影响吗?下面这些下面这些音译词音译词你都知道吗?你都知道吗?guitar 吉他吉他 Cola 可乐可乐 chocolate 巧克力巧克力party 派对派对 salad 沙拉沙拉 shark 鲨鱼鲨鱼 ballet 芭蕾舞芭蕾舞 marathon 马拉松马拉松 cool 酷的酷的 有些英语词汇,汉语中没有与之对应的词,翻译时会借用中文谐音来翻译,这一类词被称之为“音译词音译词”。音译词的翻译不仅表意精确,同时也准确地还原了英文的发音。shock也被翻译成了“休克”。shockshock
11、n C & U ( (爆炸、地震等引起的爆炸、地震等引起的) )剧烈震动;冲击:剧烈震动;冲击:the shock waveThe shock of the earthquake was felt miles away. C 电击;触电电击;触电 (electric shock):Dont touch that wire or youll get a shock. U & C 常用单数常用单数(精神上的精神上的) ) 震惊;打震惊;打击;令人震惊的事击;令人震惊的事 a strong feeling of surprise:Mom hasnt gotten over the shock of
12、Dads death.It came as a shock to hear that the factory would have to close. U 休克:休克:She was taken to hospital suffering from shock. 小贴士小贴士医学中,医学中,“休克休克”由英语由英语“shock”“shock”音译而音译而来,用以表示人体受伤后的一种危重状态。来,用以表示人体受伤后的一种危重状态。shock vt(名词动化)名词动化)使震惊;使气愤使震惊;使气愤 to make sb feel very surprised and upset: The news
13、 of the school shooting shocked the world.culture shock 文化冲击词汇拓展词汇拓展 shocked adj 震惊的;愤慨的震惊的;愤慨的 feeling very surprised and upset:a shocked look / expression They were deeply shocked at / by her behaviour. shocking adj 令人震惊的;令人憎恶的令人震惊的;令人憎恶的 very surprising, upsetting, and difficult to believe :shock
14、ing news 小贴士:小贴士:shocked和和shocking是动词是动词shock的分词形容词,表示感受,注意二者的区别。的分词形容词,表示感受,注意二者的区别。shock 语义网络语义网络物体对物体的冲击shock基本义物体间的冲击电流对人的冲击精神上的冲击(医学领域) 机体受到有害因素的冲击(爆炸、地震等引起的)剧烈震动;冲击电击;触电休克名词 使 震 惊 ;使气愤动词 (精神上的)震惊;打击;令人震惊的事effort I might say that success is won by three things: first, effort; second, more effor
15、t; third, still more effort. Thomas Hardy可以说成功之道唯三点:努力,努力,再努力!可以说成功之道唯三点:努力,努力,再努力! 托托马斯马斯哈代哈代 托马斯哈代 (Thomas Hardy,1840 1928) ,英国诗人、小说家。哈代早期和中期的创作以小说为主,继承和发扬了维多利亚时代的文学传统。代表作品有小说德伯家的苔丝(Tess of the DUrbervilles)、无名的裘德(Jude the Obscure) 等。晚年以其诗歌开拓了英国20世纪的文学。effort词源词源解读解读effort由前缀ex- “out” + 词根 fortis
16、“strong”构成,和force是同根词,意为 “force, strength, power”,即“力量力量”。 U & C 气力;精力气力;精力 the physical and mental energy thats needed to do sth:She puts her time and effort into her businesses, and into helping others.Visit the museum when youre there. Its well worth the effort.With (an) effort she managed to sto
17、p herself laughing. C 努力;尽力努力;尽力 an attempt to do sth thats difficult:Greg has gone on a diet in an effort to lose some weight.Whats the point of helping him if he doesnt make an effort to help himself?Lets start right now and spare no effort to do a little bit every minute! C 常用于名词后常用于名词后 有组织的活动:有组
18、织的活动:the international relief effort= try hard to词汇拓展词汇拓展 effortless adj 不需费力的不需费力的:【词族】【词族】effort, effortless, effortlessly活着就要经受痛苦;而生存活着就要经受痛苦;而生存是为了在痛苦中寻找意义是为了在痛苦中寻找意义。 尼尼采采弗里德里希威廉尼采 (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche,1844 1900) ,德国哲学家、语言学家、文化评论家、诗人、作曲家、思想家。主要著作有权力意志(Will to Power)、悲剧的诞生(The Birth of T
19、ragedy)、查拉图斯特拉如是说(Thus Spoke Zarathustra)等。尼采被认为是西方现代哲学的开创者,他的著作对于宗教、道德、现代文化、哲学、以及科学等领域提出了广泛的批判和讨论。他的写作风格独特,经常使用格言和悖论的技巧。尼采对于后代哲学的发展影响很大,尤其是在存在主义与后现代主义上。suffer vi & vt 患患( (病病) );( (因疾病因疾病) ) 受苦受苦 to experience physical or mental pain:suffer (from) a heart attackIm suffering from a bad back. vi & vt
20、 遭受遭受( (困难等困难等) ) to experience and be badly affected by sth:suffer (from) defeat / lossYou will suffer one day for your carelessness. As a young man he suffered a lot from poverty. vi 变差;变糟变差;变糟 to become worse:His school work is suffering because of family problems. suffer词源解读词源解读suffer由suf- (由下向上
21、) 和词根-fer (承担) 构成。词源义是“遭受 (to tolerate)”。suffer语义网络语义网络遭受(基本义)“遭受”病痛等“遭受”困难等患患( (病病) );( (因疾病因疾病) ) 受苦受苦遭受遭受 ( (困难等困难等) )事情“遭受”变差 变差;变糟变差;变糟survive我不是药神(英文译名Dying to survive)是由文牧野执导,宁浩、徐峥共同监制的剧情片。该片于2018年7月5日在中国上映。影片讲述了徐峥扮演的程勇从一个交不起房租的小商贩,一跃成为印度仿制药“格列宁”独家代理商的故事。电影展现了一群人为了生存下去而苦苦挣扎。影片有笑有泪,还有思考。在生活小细节
22、的层层推进下,导演将小人物的日常平凡、卑微、无甚波澜的生活带到了更为深远的一步。survivesurvive是由前缀“sur-” +词根“vive(源于词根viv)”构成。其中sur-是“在上;超过”的意思,viv是“活;生命”的意思,所以survive表达“生命超越了(比事故中其他遇难者活得时间长)”,其常见义为“幸存”。与survive同根的词有live, vitamin, vivid等。词源解读词源解读survive (v): mid-15c. “to outlive, continue in existence after the death of another”.survive v
23、 vi & vt 幸存幸存( (于于) ):He survived the earthquake. 注:不能说注:不能说He survived from / after / in the earthquake. vi & vt 挺过;熬过:挺过;熬过:How do you survive on such a low salary? vi 保存下来:保存下来:Some old customs have survived into the present. vt 比比活得长:活得长:She survived her husband by ten years. survive 语义网络语义网络图图在
24、灾难中在灾难中活得长活得长( (具体)具体)寿命寿命活得长活得长(人)(人)在困境中在困境中活得长活得长(抽象)(抽象)物品或者风俗物品或者风俗活得长活得长(具体)(具体)幸存(于)幸存(于)挺过;熬过挺过;熬过保存;留存保存;留存比某人活得长比某人活得长比比活得活得长长(基本义)基本义) survivor n C 幸存者幸存者 survival n U 幸存;继续生存:幸存;继续生存: the survival of the fittest C 幸存物;残存物:幸存物;残存物:The ceremony is a survival from pre-Christian times. 词族词族泰
25、坦尼克号这部电影讲述了泰坦尼克号这艘豪华游轮在航行时由于撞上了冰山而沉没,男主杰克(Jack)为了救女主露丝(Rose)而冻死在冰冷的海水中的故事。在泰坦尼克号缓缓下沉时,杰克带着露丝跑到船尾,爬上栏杆坚持到泰坦尼克号沉没。最后杰克将露丝推上一块漂浮木板。露丝要比杰克活得长。活得长。Rose Rose survivedsurvived Jack. Jack.露丝在这次沉船事故中幸存幸存下来。Rose Rose survivedsurvived the accident. the accident.杰克为了露丝能够存活下来,不断地鼓励她,而自己却冻死在寒冷的海水里。多年后寻宝探险家布洛克从沉船上
26、打捞起一个锈迹斑斑的保险柜。露丝在冰冷的海上挺了过来最终获救。Rose survived the frozen sea and was rescued in the end.他发现里面有一幅素描画留存至今。He found that a drawing had survived into the present.这幅素描由杰克为露丝所画。趁热打铁趁热打铁strike while the iron is hot strike vt 正式用语正式用语 打打;撞击;撞击: :The ship struck a rock.The boy fell, striking his head on the e
27、dge of the table. vi & vt ( (时钟等时钟等) )敲响;报敲响;报 ( (时时) ):The church clock began to strike twelve.strike (struck, struck / stricken) v vt 不用于进行时不用于进行时(使使) )突然想到突然想到 / / 意识到意识到 to come suddenly into sbs mind:The solution struck me immediately.it strikes sb + that 从句从句:It struck me that we might have ma
28、de the wrong decision. vt 给给以某种印象以某种印象 to give sb a particularimpression: :We were struck by her kindness.What struck me most was the enthusiasm of the local people.strike sb as (being) :He strikes me as (being) a very serious person. vi 罢工:罢工:The bus drivers were striking for more money.该释义源于船员放下船帆
29、拒绝出海该释义源于船员放下船帆拒绝出海strike a balance 两者兼顾;达到两者兼顾;达到平衡:平衡: n C & U 罢工:罢工:He found it difficult to strike a balance between his family and his work. strike a deal 达成协议达成协议strike fear / terror into sbs heart 使某人感到害怕使某人感到害怕 / 恐惧恐惧The workers will go on strike if the demands they put forward are turned do
30、wn. 某物某物“击打击打”某物某物指针指针“击打击打”钟表钟表灾难灾难等等事件事件“击打击打”人人灵感灵感 / / 想法等想法等“击打击打”大脑大脑打打;撞击;撞击(时钟等时钟等)敲响)敲响;报(报(时时)(不幸(不幸等)突然等)突然降临降临;突然袭击突然袭击( (使使) )突然突然想到想到 / / 意识到意识到strike语义网络图语义网络图strike击打击打基本义基本义“击打击打”工作工作罢工罢工“击打击打”在人的印象中在人的印象中给给以以某种印象某种印象辨析辨析 beat, hit, strike 三个词都有“打”、“击”的意思,但用法不完全相同。beat 指用手或物等连续地打、敲击
31、,如殴打或体罚,敲鼓、桌子等,还可指心脏跳动、打拍子和雨水的冲击。 She was beating the dust out of the carpet. Her heart was beating with joy. hit 表示瞬间的动作,强调打中或击中这一结果,或强调敲打、打击对象的某一点,只作及物动词用。 He shot his arrow and hit the target. strike 指用力地“打击”,表示短暂的动作,含有急速的或突然的一次性的殴打、打击或敲击,是普通用词;还可表示敲钟、报时。有时与hit通用,指灾难侵袭。 The car ran out of control
32、 and hit / struck a tree. stricken adj 正式用语正式用语 受灾受灾的;患病的;受苦的:的;患病的;受苦的: earthquake-stricken areas拓展拓展 striker n C 罢工者罢工者;( (足球的足球的) ) 前锋;前锋;( (棒球的棒球的) )击球手击球手 striking adj 惊人的;显著的;引人注目惊人的;显著的;引人注目的的 very noticeable; making a strong impressioncalm话说在这个让人越来越不能淡定的时代,“淡定”这个词却满天飞于是我们来说说,英语中这个可以表示“淡定”的词c
33、alm。keep calm, calm down这样的词组都可以用来劝人保持“淡定”。 ( (天气、海洋等天气、海洋等) )静静的;平静的:的;平静的:The weather was fine and the lake was calm. ( (人人) )镇静镇静的;沉着的:的;沉着的:If you are lost in the mountains, stay / keep calm in the face of darkness, loneliness, and the unknown. vt & vi ( (使使) )平静平静;平静下来;平静下来:calm down ( (使使) )平静
34、下来;平静下来;( (使使) ) 镇静下来镇静下来: n C & U 平静;镇静:平静;镇静:After a storm comes a calm. calm adj. to stop feeling upset, angry or excited侧重not nervous, “不紧张”侧重not moving, “不动”Our school is situated in a quiet area. She was quiet and shy.侧重not noisy, “不吵”quietThey told the injured driver to stay still until the emergency personnel arrived. still keep / remain silenta silent, moonless night a silent film / movie silent侧重no sound, “没有声响”、“不语”辨析辨析calm, quiet, still, silent 谢谢观赏