Unit 4 Natural Disasters vocabulary(4) ppt课件-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第一册.pptx

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1、Unit 4 Unit 4 Natural Natural DisastersDisasters Vocabulary(4)Vocabulary(4)Photo taken on Sept 6, 2021 shows a sample of the combined testing kit for both the novel coronavirus and the influenza virus in Shanghai.照片拍摄于2021年9月6日,展示了新型冠状病毒和流感病毒在上海的联合检测试剂盒样本。kit kt: n. 成套工成套工具具;成成套设备套设备 tool: 工具工具first

2、 aid kit: 急救急救箱箱on hand: 现有现有(尤指帮助尤指帮助) ,在手头,在场,到场,在手头,在场,到场1). The emergency services were on hand with medical advice.2).Several former teachers were on hand to tell stories about the old day.in hand 侧重强调手中掌控的的物或事,随时可用,随时可做(in ones possession ready to be used or done),也可表示手头正在进行的事。所以 in hand 除了表示“

3、在手头”、“在手边”的意思外,还可表示“控制中”或“在进行中” 1)After I paid the bill, I had only 10 dollars in hand.2)Keep your attention on the matter in hand. “控制中”,相当于under control 的意思。 Dont worry about it. The situation has been well in hand. 不用担心,局势已经控制住了 “在进行中”。相当于 under way 的意思。We should finish the work we have in hand b

4、efore we begin something new. 我们在开始新工作之前,必须完成我们手头正在进行的工作。 at hand 有二个基本用法: “在手边”、“在附近”;“即将到来”。常用 close、near、 ready 前置修饰之 “在手边”、“在附近”,侧重强调就在手边、近处,随时可用之,含有:have something easy to reach,which can be used if needed 的意思。在句中可作状语、补语或后置定语 Whenever I want to write something, I always have a dictionary (close

5、)at hand. 每当我想写点什么,我总在手边放一本字典。 2)Although the end of the term was (close) at hand, Jenny had not completed all of the projects he had hoped to finish.学期结束就在眼前,可是珍妮还没有完成他希望完成的课题。on hand 有三种基本用法: “在手头”、“在手边”; “即将来临”、“在眼前”;“在场”、“到场”。 I always like to keep a certain amount of money on hand. 我总爱在手头保留一定数量

6、的钱。 “即将来临”、“在眼前”, 含义与at hand有些贴近,但用法不同, at hand 常同连系动词 be 的一般式连用,而 on hand 则需用于将来时态。 1)Soon school will end and summer vacation will be on hand. 学校不久就要放假了,暑假快要来临了。 “在场”、“到场”。 1)Worldwide English broadcasters were on hand to describe the event as it happened. 国际英语广播员到现场直播了这一事件的始末。“即将来临”、“在眼前”,在句中一般用作

7、连系动词 be 的表语。 1)The athletes are busy training, for the school sports meeting is (near) at hand. 运动员们正忙于训练,因为学校运动会即将到来。 The truck _ into a trolley bus and then rushed into the river, which was a bus crash. 撞车事故crashed crash v. 碰撞碰撞;撞击撞击; 坠毁坠毁 n. 撞车撞车;碰撞碰撞; 坠毁坠毁 e.g.The plane crashed, its bombs explod

8、ing as it hit the ground.The lightning flashed and thunder crashed.His business crashed last year.John crashed his car last night.There was a serious car crash this morning.crash into.: 碰撞碰撞.车辆车辆 + hit/strike sb/sth: 车辆碰撞车辆碰撞.plane crash 飞机失事Olympic fever sweeps Zhangjiakou studentssweep v. ( swept-

9、swept) 打扫打扫;清扫清扫sweep across横扫sweep aside 对置之不理;不予理会sweep away 扫除,刮走,冲走;清除sweep off 扫去,吹掉;把从推掉sweep up 打扫,清扫即学即练用上述短语的适当形式填空(1)After all the guests had left,the waitress began to _客人都走后,服务生开始打扫。(2)The wind _ the leaves _风吹走了树叶。(3)All their advice _他们所有的忠告被当作了耳旁风。 swept up swept away was swept asideB

10、ritains Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak(英国财政大臣理希 苏纳克)waves as he arrives to attend the annual Conservative Party Conference, in Manchester, Britain, Oct 6, 2021.wave n. 海浪海浪; 波波浪浪 v. 挥手挥手; 招手招手e.g.1. Leshka waved him away with a show of anger.2. I waved goodbye and went down the stone harbou

11、r steps.3 I cant pass this up. She waved the invitation.4. Jessica caught sight of Lois and waved to her.5. Elaine turned and waved her hand lazily and left.6. When he looked towards me, I smiled and waved.7. He waved at the waiter, who rushed to the table.wave sb googbye/wave goodbye to sb向某人挥手道别wa

12、ve to/at sb to do sth 示意某人做某事give sb a wave 向某人挥手a wave of 一阵sound waves 声波ride a/the wave of受益于-,乘-之势练习1).Crowds lined the route,_(wave) flags and cheering.2).Mum waved to Mary_(sit) on the sofa.3). All around me I saw tall trees _(wave) in the wind.4). _ wave of immigrants is washing over Western

13、Europe.wavingto sitwavingAKunming, Yunnan province, has been decorated with flower clusters, landscaping and lighting to welcome the opening of COP15(the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity )生物多样性公约缔约国会议.I am struck by the scene.Strike v. 侵袭侵袭;突击突击;击打击打 (struck,struck

14、/stricken) n.罢工罢工;罢课罢课; 袭击袭击e.g. 1)He offered to strike the boy with his cane. 2)The dockers are coming out on strike for higher wages. 3)They have removed all tactical nuclear missiles(战术核导弹)that could strike Europe.4).The ship struck a rock.5).The church clock began to strike twelve.6).He struck a

15、 match and began to smoke.7).The solution struck me immediately.8).We were struck by her kindness.It strikes sb that-某人想起了-be struck by 被-打动strike a deal 达成协议strike a balance两者兼顾,达到平衡on strike 罢工stricken adj受灾的,患病的,受苦的stricker n. 罢工者,前锋,击球手短语翻译1.给我的印象是他是个好小伙。2.钟刚刚敲过。3.他们罢工好几天了 It struck me that he w

16、as a nice young man.The clock has just struck.They have been on strike for several days.用beat, strike, hit, knock的适当形式填空。(1)The rain was heavy and _ the window hard(2)A terrible thought has just _ me(3)They had to _ the door down to get in(4)He _ the ball too hard and it went out of the count(场地)。be

17、atstruck/hitknockhitScientists from the University of Queensland (UQ) successfully developed a method that can deliver vaccines using a pain-free patch without needles.昆士兰大学的科学家们成功地开发出一种方法,可以使用无痛“贴片”而不用针头注射疫苗。deliver v.递送递送;传达传达;发表发表Would you deliver my message to your elder brother?你可以帮我传口信给你哥哥吗?Th

18、e president is due to deliver a lecture/speech on economic policies. 根据安排这位总统要作一个关于经济政策的演讲。She was delivered of a healthy baby girl in the hospital last night. 昨夜她在医院里产下一个健康女婴。Her baby was delivered by her own doctor.(接生)deliver v.(1)投递,传送,送交(2)发表(演说等),说教,讲,宣布(3)助产;接生(4)生(小孩)(只用于被动语态)delivery n投递,交付

19、special/express delivery快递归纳拓展deliver sth.(to sb.)投递/传送某物(给某人)deliver sb./sth.over to sb.把移交给某人deliver a speech/a lecture发表演说be delivered of a babygive birth to a baby生孩子(1)Well have the goods _(送到你家)(2)He (发表重要的演讲) this morning.(3)We must _从苦难中把他们解救出来delivered to your house delivered an important s

20、peech deliver them from suffering 意义相近词carry运送transport运输send发送(信号);送寄transfer转移remove移开convey运送;表达 load装载pack捆扎 summary n. 总总结结;概括概括;概概要要 summarize vt.总结;概括 vi.作总结;概括起来 in summary/short: 总总之之1)Here is a summary of the plot.下面是情节概要。2)In summary, he is very wise.People look at their mobile phones on

21、a metro train in Shanghai, Oct 28, 2021. Chinas law on personal information protection came into effect on Monday.effect n. 影响影响;结果结果;效果效果effective adj.能产生预期效果的;有效的注意注意以下各句的以下各句的effect搭配搭配1).The film had quite an effect on her. 2)The plan has been carried /put/ brought into effect. 3)All our efforts

22、 were of no effect. 4).The new law will take effect next May. 5).In effect he has no choice. 注意,用作动词的注意,用作动词的effect并不表示并不表示“影响影响”,动词,动词affectThis affected his attitude. 这影响了他的态度这影响了他的态度。have an effect/influence on 对有影响in effect 实际上;事实上side effect 副作用take effect 开始起作用;见效without effect 没有效果come into e

23、ffect 开始实施;生效bring/carry.into effect 使生效即学即用(1)The disease is beginning _ (侵袭到她的视力).(2)Does television _ (对有影响) childrens behaviour?to affect her to affect her eyesighthave an effect on (3)The drug did not _ his health. In fact, it seemed to have no _ at all.A. effect; effect B. effect; affectC. aff

24、ect; effect D. affect; affectVisitors observe long-nosed monkeys at Chimelong Safari Park in Guangzhou, Guangdong province. An adult proboscis(长鼻)monkeys nose can grow to 10 centimeters in length. length le: n.长长;长度长度 long: adj. 长的长的 lengthen: v. 变长变长 strong - strength - strengthen deepdepth-deepen

25、wide-width-widen The room is 15 feet in length and 10 feet in breadth.这房间这房间长长15英尺,宽英尺,宽10英尺英尺。The length of your talk must be at least 10 minutes.你的演你的演讲时间至少要保持在讲时间至少要保持在10分钟分钟。At length the bus arrived, forty minutes late.公共汽车终於来了,晚了四十分钟。(=at last,eventually,finally,in the end,lastly)Thanks for listening


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