Unit 1Vocabularyppt课件-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第一册.pptx

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1、Words in B1U1HenryHenry1. curi1. curiousous a. a. 好奇的好奇的 _ _ n. n. 好奇心好奇心 2. impre2. impressssionion n. n. 印象印象_ _ v.v. 留下印象留下印象_ _ a.a.印印象深刻的象深刻的3. tradition 3. tradition n. n. 传统传统 _ _ a.a. 传统的传统的4. facilit4. facilitiesies pl.pl. _ _ slsl. . 设施设施 _ _ v.v. 使便利使便利5. embarrass 5. embarrass v. v. 使尴尬使

2、尴尬 _ _ n.n. _ _ a.a. 6. eager 6. eager a. a. 热切的热切的 _ _ n.n.热切热切7. explore 7. explore v. v. 考察,探险考察,探险 _ _ n.n. 8. engine 8. engine n. n. 发动机,引擎发动机,引擎 _ _ n.n. 工程师工程师9. collect9. collectionion n.n. 收藏品收藏品 _ _ v.v. 收藏收藏10. organise 10. organise v. v. 组织组织 _ _ n.n. _ _a.a. 有序的有序的11. breath11. breathe

3、e v. v. 呼吸呼吸 _ _ n.n. 12. panic n. 12. panic n. 惊恐惊恐 _ _ v.v. 使恐慌使恐慌_ P. P. _PP.PP.13. challenge n./v. 13. challenge n./v. 挑战挑战 _a.a. 具有挑战性具有挑战性的的curioscuriosityityimpressimpressimpressimpressiveivetraditiontraditionalalfacilitfacility yfacilitfacilitateateembarrassembarrassmentmentembarrassembarras

4、singing/-/-ededeagereagernessnessexplorexplorationationengineengineerercollectcollectorganisorganisationationorganisorganisededbreathbreathpanicpanicchallengchallengingingpanicpanickedkedpanicpanickedked14. press 14. press v.v. _ _ n.n. 压力压力15. descri15. describebe v.v. _ _ n.n. 描述描述16. confiden16.

5、confident t a.a. 有自信的有自信的 _n.n. 自信自信17. drama 17. drama n. n. 戏剧戏剧 _a.a. 戏剧性的戏剧性的18. 18. arguargue v. e v. 争论争论 _ _ n.n. 争论争论19. 19. sharpsharp a. a. 锋利的,敏锐的锋利的,敏锐的 _ _ v.v. 使变锋利,增使变锋利,增强强20. 20. intelligentintelligent a. a. 有智慧的有智慧的 _ _ n.n. 智慧智慧21. investigat21. investigate e v. v. 查明,调查查明,调查 _n.n

6、. 调查调查22. vari22. variousous a. a. 各种各样的各种各样的 _n.n. 种类种类_v.v. 变化变化23. apply 23. apply v. v. 申请申请 _n.n. 申请申请 _n.n. 申请人申请人24. graduat24. graduate e v. v. 毕业毕业 / / n. n. 毕业生毕业生 _n. n. 毕毕业业presspressureuredescridescriptionptionconfidenconfidencecedramadramaticticarguargumentmentsharpsharpenenintelligeni

7、ntelligenceceinvestigatinvestigationionvarivarietyetyvarvary yappliapplicationcationappliapplicantcantgraduatgraduationion25. fright25. frighteneneded/-/-inging a. a. 害怕的害怕的 _ _ n.n. 害怕害怕 _ v. v. 使害怕使害怕26. select 26. select v. v. 挑选挑选 _n.n. 挑选挑选27. refer 27. refer v. v. _ _ P.P. _ _ PP.PP._ _ n.n. 提

8、到,提到,查阅,参照查阅,参照28. memor28. memoriseise v.v. 记住记住 _n.n. 记忆记忆29. improve 29. improve v.v. 改善改善 _ _ n.n. 改进改进30. perfor30. perform manceance n.n. 表现表现 _ v. v. 表演,执行表演,执行frightfrightfrightfrightenenselectselectionionreferreferenceencereferreferredredreferreferredredmemormemory yimproveimprovementmentpe

9、rformperform -ious-iousword formation (prefix/root word/ suffix) impress/ panic/facilities/refer to/ applyimpress/ panic/facilities/refer to/ applyImportant words American Education SystemAmerican Education SystemTheme-based wordsPart 1: Suffix wordPart 1: Suffix word-ious-iousSUFFIX WORDSSUFFIX WOR

10、DS-ious-iousMEANING:MEANING:having the feature of.having the feature of.EXAMPLESEXAMPLES:glory glory n.n. 光荣光荣 glorgloriousious a.a. 光荣的光荣的harmony harmony n.n. 和谐和谐 harmonharmoniousious a.a. 和谐的和谐的variety variety n.n. 种类种类 varvariousious a.a. 各种各样的各种各样的curiosity curiosity n.n. 好奇好奇 curcuriousious a.

11、a. 好奇的好奇的ambition ambition n.n. 志向志向 ambitambitiousious a.a. 有雄心大志的有雄心大志的infection infection n. n. 传染传染 infectinfectiousious a.a. 具有传染性的具有传染性的curious a. curious a. 好奇的好奇的 Being Being curiouscurious can can boost your memory.boost your memory.-Fox News-Fox Newsharmonious a. harmonious a. 和谐的和谐的New No

12、tre Dame bellsNew Notre Dame bellsmake make harmoniousharmonious history. history.- Fox News- Fox Newsglorious a.glorious a.光荣的光荣的VE-Day, 70 years later:VE-Day, 70 years later:A victory just as A victory just as gloriousglorioustoday-Fox Newstoday-Fox Newsambitious a.ambitious a.有野心的有野心的Elon Musk un

13、veils Elon Musk unveils ambitiousambitiousMars colonization planMars colonization plan-Fox News-Fox Newsinfectious a.infectious a.具有传染性的具有传染性的Coronavirus up toCoronavirus up to100 times more100 times moreinfectiousinfectious through througheyes, airways thaneyes, airways than SARS: report- SARS: rep

14、ort-Fox NewsFox Newsvarious a.various a.各种各样的各种各样的Protestors march to Protestors march to variousvarious StarbucksStarbuckscafes in Philadelphia cafes in Philadelphia following following controversial arrests-controversial arrests-Fox NewsFox NewsPart2: Important WordsPart2: Important Wordsimpress;

15、panic; facilities;refer to; apply;impress v. meaning 2meaning 2:使某人了解某事的重要性:使某人了解某事的重要性 meaning 1:meaning 1:给某人留下深刻的印象给某人留下深刻的印象sentence:sentence:Father Father impressesimpresses on me the value on me the value of hard work. of hard work. WhatWhat impressed impressed us most about the book us most a

16、bout the book was its vivid language. was its vivid language. 10 Ways to Impress a Woman10 Ways to Impress a Woman10 Ways to Impress a 10 Ways to Impress a MotherMotherto gain the admiration or interest of to gain the admiration or interest of impress sb. impress sb. 讨某人的欢心to affect deeplyto affect

17、deeply be be favorably impressedfavorably impressed be impressed be impressed with/by.with/by. be suitably be suitably impressedimpressed被。留下深刻印象对。相对满意恰如其分地感到印象深刻to make the importance of something clear to someoneto make the importance of something clear to someone impress sth. on sb. impress sth.

18、on sb. 使某人了解某事的重要性be be impressimpresseded on on . 在在打上烙印打上烙印, ,给给以深刻印象以深刻印象His words His words are are strongly strongly impressed onimpressed on my memory. my memory.impress . with .impress . with . 在在打上打上烙印烙印, ,给给以以深刻深刻印象印象, ,使使铭记铭记The girl The girl impressedimpressed me me withwith her sense of

19、humour. her sense of humour.be impressed with/by.be impressed with/by. 常用于被动结构常用于被动结构I I waswas very very impressed byimpressed by his performance. his performance.impress sth. on sb.impress sth. on sb. 让某人明白。的重要性,强让某人明白。的重要性,强调调He He impressed on meimpressed on me the importance of hard work. the i

20、mportance of hard work.impress sth upon ones mindimpress sth upon ones mind 把某事印在某人的脑海把某事印在某人的脑海中中His words His words areare deeply deeply impressed on my mindimpressed on my mind. .Use impress in writing 1. 这本书没有给我留下任何印象。2. 这个故事让孩子们明白了讲真话这种美德的重要性。3. 我们被他们精彩的表演留下深刻的印象。4. 他说的话深深地印在我的脑海里。5. 这个女孩用她的善良和

21、慷慨给我们留下深刻印象。 1. The book did not impress me at all. 2. The story impressed on the children the virtue of always telling the truth. 3. We were very impressed by their amazing performance.4. His words are strongly impressed on my mind.5. The girl impressed us with her kindness and generosity.panic n./

22、 v.meaning 3meaning 3:使惊恐:使惊恐vt.vt.meaning 2meaning 2:害怕:害怕 vi. vi. meaning 1: meaning 1: 惊恐惊恐n. n. sentence:sentence:sentence:If chowing down on a bag of chips sends your thirst into overdrive, dont panic.Sharks were spotted swimming near panicked tourists.Coronavirus and toilet paper: What drives

23、people to panic-buy?panicpanic n. n. 惊慌惊慌in panicin panicvi. vi. 害怕害怕Stop panicking!Stop panicking!Dont panic.Dont panic.panic sb. into doing sth.panic sb. into doing sth.vt. vt. 使惊慌使惊慌惊慌地惊慌地别害怕!别害怕!别害怕!别害怕!吓得某人做某事吓得某人做某事idiomsidiomsin panicin panic 惊慌地惊慌地The crowd fled The crowd fled in panicin pan

24、ic. . push/hit the panic buttonpush/hit the panic button 大为惊恐,惊慌大为惊恐,惊慌Is it time for Democrats to Is it time for Democrats to push the panic push the panic button?button?panic buyingpanic buying 恐慌性购买恐慌性购买Houston Mayor on coronavirus Houston Mayor on coronavirus panic-buying panic-buying of water b

25、ottles, toilet paper: World is of water bottles, toilet paper: World is not coming to an endnot coming to an endIn case of fire, dont In case of fire, dont panicpanic. .The children The children panickedpanicked when they realized when they realized they they were lost.were lost.The crowd was seized

26、 with The crowd was seized with panicpanic. . The fire caused a The fire caused a panicpanic in the cinema. in the cinema.facilities or equipment?1. Irans nuclear facilities are mysteriously under attack.2. Pompeo accuses Iran of unprecedented attack after drones hit Saudi oil facilities.3. NFL team

27、s can reopen training facilities with government OK.1. Russia sending plane filled with medical equipment to US amid coronavirus pandemic.2. COVID-19 personal protective equipment causes serious skin injuries, study reveals.3. US reportedly supplying Ukraine military with obsolete equipment.faciliti

28、es: Pl. rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purposeequipment: U. all the special tools, machines, clothes etc that you need for a particular activity Practice Quiz and Examples1. A campers essential _ is a good sleeping bag.2. Heating _ are badly needed here.3. Fire-figh

29、ting _ has been checked.4. Its _ include X-ray, operating rooms and delivery rooms.facilitiesequipmentfacilitiesequipmentTips for remembering:1、equipment:不可数名词,“一件设备”应说a piece of equipment。2、facilities:名词facility的复数形式,是可数名词,常用复数形式。refer to meaning 2meaning 2:查阅查阅,参考,参考meaning 1:meaning 1: 指的是指的是sent

30、ence:sentence:A person refers to a dictionary to find the meaning of words.When I said some people are stupid I wasnt referring to you. refer to meaning 4meaning 4:把。称作:把。称作(常和(常和as as 连用)连用)meaning 3:meaning 3: 提到,提到,谈谈到到sentence:sentence:Teachers are Told to Refer to Boys and Girls as Penguins.The

31、 speaker referred to his past experience. refer torefer to 查阅,参考查阅,参考指的是指的是提到,谈到提到,谈到把。称作把。称作1. We agreed never again to _ _ the matter.2. To refer to a dictionary means to check a dictionaryfor meanings. 3. 不要叫你的妹妹是笨牛。Dont _ _your sister as a silly cow! 4. What does the pronoun in the third sentenc

32、e _ _? refer torefer to refer tovocabulary strategies: To learn a word by using context clues. 应用,申请应用,申请为。提出申请申请成为。向。提出申请apply for a visaapply for a visaapply to the universityapply to the university apply to be a postgraduateapply to be a postgraduateVocabulary Word MapVocabulary Word Mapapplyappl

33、yapplicationapplication(n.)(n.)申请申请/ /applicant (n.)applicant (n.)申请人申请人appliance (n.)appliance (n.)家用电器家用电器applied (adj.)applied (adj.)应用的应用的applicable (adj.)applicable (adj.)适用的适用的Google builds faster Google builds faster unemployment unemployment applicationapplication for New York to handle for

34、New York to handle flood of jobless claimsflood of jobless claims. .Were Lessons of 9/11 Were Lessons of 9/11 AppliedApplied to Katrina to Katrina Disaster?Disaster?J Judge: EU-udge: EU-Morocco pacts Morocco pacts not not applicableapplicable to Western to Western SaharaSaharaObamas Energy Obamas En

35、ergy Regulations on Regulations on Household Household AppliancesAppliances Sparks Cost DebateSparks Cost DebatePart 3: Theme-based wordsPart 3: Theme-based wordsAmerican Education Systemmy first day at school from G1-G6Dad interviews daughter on Dad interviews daughter on every first day of school

36、every first day of school for 13 years; adorable for 13 years; adorable video goes viralvideo goes viral. (from . (from kindergarten to 12th grade)kindergarten to 12th grade)American Education SystemAmerican Education SystemSynonyms 1. awkward 2. stress 3. remember 4. tense 5. imagine 6. previous 7.

37、 fear 8. shocked 1. embarrassing 2. pressure 3. memorise 4. nervous 5. picture (vt.) 6. former 7. panic 8. surprisedAntononyms 1. nervous 2. self-doubting 3. impatient 4. succeed 5. disagree 6. look forward to. 7. fearless 8. stupid 1. calm 2. confident 3. patient 4. fail 5. agree 6. look back on/up

38、on. 7. frightened 8. intelligentblank filling TranslationTranslation 当我们当我们面对压力面对压力的时候,我们总是的时候,我们总是太紧张太紧张以至于什么都记不起来以至于什么都记不起来。当我们。当我们惊慌地惊慌地忙着答卷忙着答卷时,我们时,我们吃惊地发现吃惊地发现考试考试结束的时间马上快要到结束的时间马上快要到了了。换句话来说,我们失败了。换句话来说,我们失败了。 那么,我们该如何那么,我们该如何克服克服考试时的紧张情绪考试时的紧张情绪呢?这有一些好的建议。首先,我们要学会呢?这有一些好的建议。首先,我们要学会保持保持冷静冷静。

39、其次,我们要。其次,我们要对自己充满自信对自己充满自信。最后,我。最后,我们要们要有耐心有耐心。机会总是垂青那些有准备的人。机会总是垂青那些有准备的人。 When we are put When we are put under pressureunder pressure, we are , we are always always too nervous to remember too nervous to remember anything.anything. When When we are busy answering the testing paper we are busy an

40、swering the testing paper in in panicpanic, we are surprised to find the test is , we are surprised to find the test is coming to an endcoming to an end. . That is to say, we fail.That is to say, we fail. So how can we So how can we overcomeovercome the nervous the nervous emotions in the exam? Here

41、 are some good tips. emotions in the exam? Here are some good tips. First of all, we need to learn to First of all, we need to learn to keep calmkeep calm. . Besides, we should Besides, we should be confident aboutbe confident about ourselves. Last but not least, we need to be ourselves. Last but not least, we need to be patient. Opportunitiespatient. Opportunities favor favor the well-the well-prepared.prepared.


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