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1、Guidance:What are the differences between British English and American English?Do the differences matter?Now,please read the following passage.A student is learning to speak British English.He wonders1:Can I communicate2 with Americans?Can they understand me?Module 1 British and American EnglishLear

2、ners of English often ask:What are the differences between British and American English?How important are these differences?Certainly!There are some differences between British and American English.There are a few differences in grammar.For example,speakers of British English say “in hospital” and “

3、Have you got a pen?”,while Americans say “in the hospital” and “Do you have a pen?”. Pronunciation is sometimes different.Americans usually sound theirs in words like “bird” and “hurt”.Speakers of British English do not sound theirs in these words.There are differences between British and American E

4、nglish in spelling and vocabulary.For example,“colour” and “honour3” are British;“color” and “honor” are American.These differences in grammar,pronunciation,spelling and vocabulary are not important,however.For the most part,British and American English are the same language.美文翻译 一个学生在学习说英式英语。他想知道:我

5、是否能与美国人交流呢?他们能听懂我说的话吗?英语学习者经常会问类似下面这样的问题:英式英语和美式英语有什么不同?这些不同是不是很重要呢?它们之间当然存在着一些不同。语法方面有点儿不同。比方说:讲英式英语的人说“in hospital” 和“Have you got a pen?”,而美国人会说“in the hospital” 和 “Do you have a pen?”。发音有时也会不同。像bird和hurt这样的单词,美音中通常包含“theirs”中的卷舌音,而英音中不包含卷舌音。拼写和词汇方面也存在一些差别。比如:“colour” 和 “honour” 是英式英语,而“color” 和

6、“honor” 是美式英语。 然而,它们在语法、发音及拼写和词汇方面的这些不同不是那么重要。在很大程度上,英式英语和美式英语是相同的一种语言。词海拾贝 1.wonder wndvt.对感到好奇;惊奇;感到诧异;想弄明白municate kmjunIkeIt vi.传达;相通;交流3.honour n n.荣誉;尊敬难句剖析 For example,speakers of British English say “in hospital” and “Have you got a pen?”,while Americans say “in the hospital” and “Do you hav

7、e a pen?”.while是连词,表示对比,意为“却;但是;然而”。句意:比方说,讲英式英语的人说:“in hospital” 和 “Have you got a pen?”,而美国人说:“in the hospital” 和 “Do you have a pen?”。理解诱思 1.American English and British English are different in .A.spellingB.pronunciationC.grammarD.all of the above2.According to this passage,British people and Am

8、ericans have difficulty in understanding each other.A.littleB.muchC.some D.great3.What do you think of the differences between British English and American English? 答案:1.D2.A 3.Different students have different answers.Section Introduction,Reading & VocabularyPre-reading.写作词汇预习Introduction,Reading &

9、 Vocabulary部分的词汇,完成下列句子1. (显然)that British English and American English (有很多共同之处)though sometimes they (不同)in some ways.2.(口音)may be a little (难懂的),but they dont (影响)to the English-speaking users.3.The old man is full of energy,and it makes him (四处走动并不费力).4. (比较)the two students,youll find they (相似)

10、each other.5.Too much work and too little rest often (导致)illness.答案:1.It is obvious;have much in common;differ2.Accents;confusing;make a difference3.have no difficulty in getting around4.Comparing;are similar to5.lead to.阅读词汇阅读下列句子,说出黑体词的含义1.The linguist went to study tribal(部落的)language in the fiel

11、d.含义: 2.The quickest way to go round the city is by underground.含义: 3.He took a flashlight lest it should get dark before he returned.含义: 4.In writing the report you may omit all unnecessary details.含义: 5.He is getting on slowly but steadily with his work.含义: 6.Where is the light switch?含义: 7.One of

12、 his forefathers was an early settler in America.含义: 8.We sent up another man-made satellite this month.含义: 答案:1.语言学家2.地铁3.手电筒4.省略5.不断地;持续地6.开关7.移民;定居者8.卫星While-reading.阅读课文,选择正确答案1.The first and most obvious difference between British English and American English is in the .A.spellingB.vocabularyC.

13、grammar D.pronunciation2.Which statement is true according to Paragraph 4?A.British English spelling seems a little simpler than American English spelling.B.George Bernard Shaw focused on the differences between the two varieties.C.A Londoner has less difficulty understanding a Scotsman than underst

14、anding a New Yorker.D.Only a few factors have influenced American pronunciation for about 400 years.3.What makes the two varieties move closer together?A.That the two nations are becoming more and more friendly.B.American words and structures passing into British English.C.Steady and continuous comm

15、unications between the two nations.D.That scientists have made communications easier and easier.4.Whats the writers attitude towards the differences between American and British English?A.It is surprising that the same language has such great differences.B.People can without doubt understand each ot

16、her in the same nation.C.Differences within a language are quite normal in the same nation.D.Some experts begin to worry about the differences little by little.5.The passage is mainly about .A.the widely used global languageEnglishB.how British and American English get closerC.a few differences betw

17、een the two varietiesD.the language difficulties between two nations答案:15 BBCCCPost-reading.课文语篇填空British and American English differ in many ways.The difference in vocabulary is the most obvious.Sometimes,the same word has a 1.(slight) different meaning,which can be 2.(confuse).There are a few diff

18、erences in grammar,too.The British use prepositions where Americans sometimes omit them.The other two areas in 3. the two varieties differ are spelling and pronunciation.American spelling 4.(seem) simpler,and many factors 5. (influence) American pronunciation since the first settlers arrived there.A

19、lthough there are so many differences,some experts believe that the two varieties are moving closer together.Communications across the Atlantic have developed 6. (steady) for over a century.The experts think this non-stop communication has made it easier for British people and Americans 7.(understan

20、d) each other.But it has also led 8. lots of American words and structures 9.(pass) into British English,so that some people now believe that British English will disappear.There are going to be many “Englishes” with the international dimension.But the most important thing is that users of English w

21、ill all be able to understand each other,10. they are.答案:1.slightly2.confusing3.which4.seems5.have influenced6.steadily7.to understand8.to9.passing10.wherever1234561.e have really everything in common with America nowadays,except of course,language.(P1)当然,除了语言外,如今我们确实在所有方面都和美国一样。考点:have.in common 有相

22、同的特点It seems that number sense is something we have in common with many animals in this world.看来,数感是我们与这个世界的许多动物的共同点。123456考点延伸1)阅读下列句子,体会与common相关的短语的搭配与意义In common with most American people,he enjoys football.与大多数美国人一样,他喜欢足球。搭配:in common with意义:与一样【高考典句】(2015陕西高考)Common sense suggests it was a goo

23、d thing for parents to get involved because children with good academic success do have involved parents.常识表明:父母参与孩子的管理是件好事,因为学业上成功的孩子一定是有父母的参与的。搭配:common sense意义:常识 1234562)辨析:common/ordinary/usual/normal/regularcommon普通的;常见的;共同的ordinary平凡的;普通的;一般的;平庸的;平淡无奇的usual通常的,习惯的(强调惯常性)normal正常的;符合某种标准的regul

24、ar有规律的,规则的;频繁的;经常做(或发生)的123456We have common topics to talk about.我们有共同的话题可谈。This is a piece of ordinary music.这是一首普通的乐曲。He came home later than usual.他回家比平时晚了些。The normal temperature of the human body is about 37 degrees centigrade.人体正常的温度大约是37摄氏度。There is a regular bus service to the airport.有班车定时

25、发往机场。123456have.in common 有相同的特点in common with 与一样common sense 常识123456即学即用1234567)It is to start a speech by thanking everybody for coming.答案: 1)have nothing in common with2)In common with3)regular4)normal5)ordinary6)common7)usual1234561234562.t doesnt make much of a difference whether a teacher sp

26、eaks British or American English.(P1)老师说英式英语还是美式英语并无太大的影响。句式剖析:it为形式主语,whether引导的从句是真正的主语。【高考典句】(2015浙江高考)How would you like it if you were watching your favourite TV programme and someone came into the room and just shut it off without asking you?如果你正在看你最喜爱的电视节目,而此时有人进来,连问都不问你,就把电视关掉了,你的感受会如何?12345

27、6考点:make a difference有影响,起作用;使不同One false step will make a great difference.差之毫厘,谬以千里。考点延伸1)阅读下列句子,体会make a difference的意义 As teachers,you must believe that you can make a difference to the lives of your students.作为教师,你们必须坚信你们能够影响学生们的一生。意义:有影响,起作用We struggle to make a difference,to change the world a

28、nd to dream of hope.我们努力想要有所不同,改变世界,梦想希望。意义:使不同1234562)阅读下列句子,体会由difference组成的其他短语的意义The flowers make all the difference to the room.这些花使房间完全改观了。意义:使完全不同,使完全改观Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me.I will go to school as usual.下不下雨对我来说都一样。我要像往常一样去上学。意义:没有影响123456make some difference to 对有

29、些关系/影响make much difference to对有很大的关系/影响make all the difference to对关系重大;使大不相同make no difference to对没有关系/影响123456即学即用1234561234563.metimes the same word has a slightly different meaning,which can be confusing.(P2)有时候同一个单词的含义有微小的差别,这可能会让人感到困惑。句式剖析:本句是主从复合句,which引导非限制性定语从句,which在从句中做主语。【高考典句】(2015福建高考)C

30、hina Today attracts a worldwide readership,which shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China.今日中国吸引了全世界的读者,这表明了世界上越来越多的人想要了解中国。123456考点:confusing adj.令人困惑的But I also want to tell you that what I am about to say will be confusing.但是我还是要告诉你们,我接下来要说的话会令人困惑。考点延伸1)阅读下列句子,

31、体会黑体词的词性和含义Please dont confuse Australia with/and Austria.请别把澳大利亚和奥地利混淆了。词性:动词含义:使混乱,使困惑The instructions on the box are very confusing.盒子上的使用说明含糊不清。词性:形容词含义:令人困惑的123456With its focus divided,the lion becomes confused and is unsure about what to do next.因为注意力被分散了,狮子变得迷惑不解,不能确定下一步做什么。词性:形容词含义:困惑的,混乱的T

32、he old woman looked at him in confusion.老妇人用迷茫的目光打量着他。词性:名词含义:混淆,混乱,困惑2)辨析:confusing/confusedconfusing为动词-ing形式的形容词,多用来说明中心词或主语本身的特征。confused为过去分词式的形容词,多用来描述中心词或主语的感受。123456They confused me by asking so many confusing questions.I was totally confused,standing there in confusion and not knowing what

33、to do next.他们问了那么多令人困惑的问题让我很困惑。我彻底糊涂了,我困惑地站在那里,不知道下一步该做什么。1234563)阅读下列句子,体会黑体短语的搭配与意义Be careful not to confuse quantity with quality.注意不要把数量与质量混淆了。搭配:confuse A with/and B意义:把A和B混淆了 I was confused by the loud noise in the room.我被室内吵闹的噪音弄昏了。搭配:be confused by意义:对感到困惑 When the earthquake occurred,everyt

34、hing was in confusion.发生地震时,一切都乱作一团。搭配:in confusion意义:在混乱中 123456confuse A with/and B 把A和B混淆了get/be confused by 对感到困惑in confusion 在混乱中123456即学即用1234561234564.repositions,too,can be different: compare on the team,on the weekend (American) with in the team,at the weekend (British).(P2)介词的用法也有所不同:比较一下o

35、n the team,on the weekend(美式用法)和in the team,at the weekend(英式用法)。123456考点:compare vt.比较;对照If you compare her work with his,youll find hers is much better.要是把她的工作和他的比较一下,你就会发现她的要好得多。考点延伸阅读下列句子,体会compare构成的短语的搭配与意义The teacher had us compare our answers with hers.老师要我们和她对一下答案。搭配:compare.with.意义:把和相比Sha

36、kespeare compared the world to a stage.莎士比亚把世界比作舞台。搭配:compare.to.意义:把比作123456The landscape here is beyond compare.这儿的风景无与伦比。搭配:beyond compare意义:无与伦比 We should get together and compare notes.我们应该聚在一起,交换一下意见。搭配:compare notes (with sb.)意义:(和某人)交换意见 123456compare.with.把和相比compare.to.把比作beyond compare 无与

37、伦比123456即学即用1234561234565.he other two areas in which the two varieties differ are spelling and pronunciation.(P2)两种(英语)的另外两个区别在于拼写和发音。句式剖析:本句是复合句,主句是The other two areas are spelling and pronunciation,从句是介词in+which引导的定语从句。【高考典句】(2015浙江高考)Creating an atmosphere in which employees feel part of a team

38、is a big challenge.创造一个让员工感受到是团队的一分子的氛围是一件相当有挑战性的事情。123456考点:variety n.品种,种类;变化,多样化I dont like to always eat the same food.I like variety.我不喜欢老吃同样的东西。我喜欢变变花样。考点延伸1)阅读下列句子,体会黑体词的词性和含义Cherries vary in colour from almost black to yellow.樱桃的颜色由近乎黑到黄各不相同。词性:不及物动词含义:改变,使多样化;变化,不同I did that for various rea

39、sons.由于种种原因我才那样做的。词性:形容词含义:不同的,各种各样的;多方面的1234562)阅读下列句子,体会variety和vary构成的短语的搭配与意义Make sure you choose a variety of books so that you can learn some new vocabularies each time.你们务必选择各种各样的书,以便每一次都可以学到一些新的词汇。搭配:a variety of/varieties of意义:各种各样的,形形色色的 Everyones temperature varies with the time of the da

40、y.每个人的体温都会随着一天时间的不同而变化。搭配:vary with意义:随而变化 Office hours vary from company to company.各公司的办公时间有所不同。搭配:vary from.to.意义:在到之间变化 123456a variety of/varieties of 各种各样的vary with 随而变化vary from.to.在到之间变化123456即学即用1234561234566.ut it has also led to lots of American words and structures passing into British E

41、nglish,so that some people now believe that British English will disappear.(P3)但是这也导致大量的美式英语的单词和结构传入英式英语,以至于现在有些人认为英式英语将要消失。句式剖析:本句是复合句,so that引导结果状语从句。She had not planned her time well,so that she did not finish her homework on time.她没把时间计划好,所以没按时完成家庭作业。123456考点延伸1)阅读下列句子,体会lead构成的短语的搭配和意义【高考典句】(20

42、15四川高考)His study shows that when robins are exposed to light at night in the lab,it leads to some genes being active at the wrong time of day.他的研究表明:当把知更鸟夜间放在开着灯的实验室里,会导致知更鸟的一些基因在不适宜的时间里活跃起来。搭配:lead to意义:引起,导致 We trust these will interest you and lead you to give us order.我们相信你会对这些感兴趣,并向我们订购。搭配:lead

43、 sb.to do sth.意义:引导某人做某事 123456Though having no money,he led a happy life.虽然没有钱,他却过得很快乐。搭配:lead a happy life意义:过着愉快的生活 Harry was in the lead from the beginning of the race.比赛一开始哈里就跑在前面。搭配:in the lead意义:带头,领先,处于领先地位 China played attacking football,and they took the lead in the first half.中国队踢进攻球,上半场领

44、先。搭配:take the lead意义:夺得领先地位 2)lead to中的to为介词,后跟名词或动词-ing形式做宾语。The discovery of new evidence leads to the thief being caught.新证据的发现导致了小偷被抓。123456lead to引起;导致lead sb.to do sth.引导某人做某事lead a happy life过着快乐的生活in the lead 带头;领先take the lead夺得领先地位123456即学即用2)Look,theres a very long,winding path (通向) the h

45、ouse.3)The news shocked the public, (导致,引起) great concern about students safety at school.4)With the boy (带路),we had no difficulty in finding his house.答案: 1)take the lead2)leading to3)leading to4)leading the way123456Section Grammar.A.阅读课文,找出与下列汉语意义匹配的英语句子1.英式英语和美式英语在很多方面都有所不同。 2.很多专家相信这两种语言变体正在越来越

46、接近。 3.自从20世纪80年代以来,随着卫星电视和因特网的使用,一点击开关就能听到英式英语和美式英语已经成为可能。 4.这种国际性的广泛使用表明,在未来将有很多种英语,而不仅仅是两种。 B.核对答案,并对这几个句子进行逐一剖析1.British and American English are different in many ways.2.Some experts believe that the two varieties are moving closer together.3.Since the 1980s,with satellite TV and the Internet,it

47、 has been possible to listen to British and American English at the flick of a switch.4.This international dimension suggests that in the future,there are going to be many “Englishes”,not just two main varieties.剖析:以上四个句子分别用了不同的时态,其中,第一句用了,表示;第二句用了,表示 正在发生的动作;第三句用了,表示过去发生的动作对造成的影响;第四句用了,表示在目前看来。 答案:

48、一般现在时;目前存在的状态;现在进行时;目前或现阶段;现在完成时;现在;一般将来时;将要发生的动作或存在的状态.翻译下列句子,判断黑体部分所表示的时态1.He takes a walk after supper every day.翻译: 时态: 2.They are discussing how to sell the goods elsewhere.翻译: 时态: 3.Look at the dark clouds;I guess it is going to rain this afternoon.翻译: 时态: 4.I have been to Hong Kong many times

49、.翻译: 时态: 答案:1.他每天晚饭后都散步。一般现在时2.他们正在讨论如何在别的地方销售这些商品。现在进行时3.看这些乌云,我猜想今天下午将要下雨。一般将来时4.我去过香港很多次。现在完成时.单句语法填空1.He often (go) to school on foot to live a low-carbon life.2.The scientist told the students the object on the moon (be) lighter than that on the earth.3.Why you always (ask) such silly questions

50、?4.Great changes (take) place since you left.5.I am going to (stay) up late to finish my paper.答案:1.goes2.is3.are;asking4.have taken5.stay.根据汉语提示完成句子1.Nobody but a few little boys (正在花园里玩) now.2.The teacher told us that (光比声音传播得快).3.I (已做教师) for twenty years.答案:1.is playing in the garden2.light trav


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