
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:2546874 上传时间:2022-05-03 格式:PPT 页数:17 大小:3.02MB
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1、1Smoke cigarette harmful health 吸烟有害健康吸烟有害健康2 Columbus discovers New Continent and also discovered local Indians smoking at the same time in 1492, invite in the end of 16th century, the tobacco streams into an our country and about change to use tobacco in Ming Dynasty last years of the period 1492

2、1492年哥伦布发现新大陆,同时也发现年哥伦布发现新大陆,同时也发现了当地印第安人吸烟,约在了当地印第安人吸烟,约在1616世纪末,烟世纪末,烟草传入我国,大约是在明朝末年改用烟草草传入我国,大约是在明朝末年改用烟草3Have no smoke for dayMay 31 is a world to have no smoke for day, China has 320,000,000 currently smoke people, the passive smoker is countless。Control a smoke operate currently still very dif

3、ficult in the our country, the teenager and female smokes cigarette a number to all have up-trend. 5月31日是世界无烟日,中国目前有3.2亿烟民,被动吸烟者不计其数。目前控烟工作在我国仍非常困难,青少年和女性吸烟人数均有上升趋势。4Smoke(烟) *Smoke cigarette harm health is already well-known fact. The chemistry matter released for sparking different cigarette has a

4、 dissimilarity, but main number tar and carbon monoxide equalization learn matter. *烟危害健康已是众所周知的事实。不同的烟危害健康已是众所周知的事实。不同的香烟点燃时所释放的化学物质有所不同,但香烟点燃时所释放的化学物质有所不同,但主要数焦油和一氧化碳等化学物质。主要数焦油和一氧化碳等化学物质。5 *Smoking not only endangers smoker , and return Yang and it surround of person.The search expresses that the

5、 cigarette smog that inhales others exhalation can cause infant the acute death, infants respiratory disease and middle ear disease, adults lung cancer and heart attack. The childs parents smoke cigarette and is placed to more critical territory earth to the child * 吸烟不仅危害吸烟者本人,而且还秧及其周围的人。研吸烟不仅危害吸烟者

6、本人,而且还秧及其周围的人。研究表明,吸入他人吐出的香烟烟雾,可导致婴儿急性死亡,究表明,吸入他人吐出的香烟烟雾,可导致婴儿急性死亡,婴幼儿呼吸道疾病及中耳疾病,成人肺癌及心脏病。儿童的婴幼儿呼吸道疾病及中耳疾病,成人肺癌及心脏病。儿童的父母吸烟把儿童置于更危险的境地。父母吸烟把儿童置于更危险的境地。6Dedicate to the smoking of you. One: can with the forever young。Because the person smoking cigarette mostly the youth early die。 Two:Be not afraid o

7、f a thief to steal at the midnight。Because smoke cigarette of while going to bed in the evening the person also keeps coughing。 Three: the not afraid dog bites。Because the person of smoking because the body is always weak, take a stick in hand.献给献给吸烟吸烟的你的你1.可以永远年轻。因为吸烟的人大都英年早逝。可以永远年轻。因为吸烟的人大都英年早逝。2.

8、半夜不怕贼偷。因为吸烟的人晚上睡觉的时候也咳嗽个不停。半夜不怕贼偷。因为吸烟的人晚上睡觉的时候也咳嗽个不停。3.不怕狗咬。因为吸烟的人因身体虚弱,手里总是拿着一根棍子。不怕狗咬。因为吸烟的人因身体虚弱,手里总是拿着一根棍子。7Even so ,why not qiut your smokingwhy ? 8The old smoking man请请再再思思考考一一下下PleasePleasethinkthinktwicetwicetototesttest9we cant ingore the harm which smoking cigrate bring for childern10Look

9、 the childern ,what would you think ?11 Look ,so mature man 1213Thinking the reason ,why are so little children smoking? these are all their parentss contribution.1415press is not the excuse16For ourself and our family, please quit smoking .17感谢聆听不足之处请大家批评指导Please Criticize And Guide The Shortcomings写在最后讲师:XXXXXX XX年XX月XX日


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